I really can't control myself

Chapter 2074 Interlude

"Well... Since the fusion of the two worlds cannot be stopped, you are telling us now to prepare..." Dr. Omu here was a little calmer. Seeing that Linton seemed to have not finished what he said, he continued to ask.

"It's like this. Although the two worlds have not merged, they have begun to show signs of merging." Linton said, "As a person who can now travel between the two worlds, I want to be a middleman. In the two worlds, completely Before the integration, it is to create a communication channel for the two worlds, so that both sides can get familiar with each other. Otherwise, I think if they are suddenly brought together, they will not understand each other, and there will be some friction and conflict, which will not be good for everyone."

"That's it." Dr. Omu nodded, immediately thinking that what Linton said was very necessary. Yes, if the two worlds really merge, it is very likely that conflicts will arise if they are not familiar with each other. This is of course a very bad thing.

Linton was not wrong. In fact, most people in the Pokémon world also yearn for peace. When they hear about the integration of the world, their first reaction is not to start any conflict, not to plunder each other. , to compete for resources and so on.

"Really, will such a situation happen?" Xiao Mao next to him still couldn't believe it. "Oh, by the way, are the strange creatures that have appeared recently caused by the fusion of this world?"

"Strange creatures?" Linton asked.

"They are some creatures I have never seen before. At first I thought they were new species of Pokémon, but I soon discovered that they seemed to be different from Pokémon." Xiaomao said and took out a few pictures and handed them to Linton. In fact, he came to his grandfather, Dr. Omu, to report this matter. These creatures were all discovered by him in the Sinnoh region.

"Golden monkey...?" Linton recognized the creature in the picture at a glance. If he saw it correctly, it should be the golden monkey, one of the national treasures. It seems that not only Pokémon have appeared over there, but also some of the creatures there have appeared here. It’s not very strange to think about it. “Indeed, these are creatures from China, and they are also proof of the fusion of the two worlds. . In fact, Pokémon from here also appeared in China."

"So that's it." Dr. Ohki didn't seem to have received relevant news. This was the first time he heard about it today. There were probably more earthly creatures arriving in the Sinnoh region, and fewer in Kanto.

After looking at the picture in my hand, it was indeed strange. It didn't look like a known Pokémon.

"There is no need to investigate. I tell you clearly that the fusion of worlds is real. After the fusion, you will see more of these creatures and get used to them." Linton said, "Now is not the time to conduct biological observations. Let’s focus on the integration first.”

"Then...since Mr. Linton came from China, is there any news from China over there?" Dr. Omu asked.

"Yes." Linton directly handed over the prepared introduction booklet, "This is the introduction booklet prepared over there. It gives a general introduction to the world over there."

"I see." Of course Dr. Omu took it and started reading it immediately. He probably already understood what the other party meant. The other party's thoughts should be similar to those here. They are both worried about unexpected conflicts and the like, and they also want peaceful cooperation. The other party has already begun to release friendly messages.

"There is some information here. I don't know if you can read it. Anyway, this is the computer over there. This thing can read information. You should learn to use it yourself." Linton put the notebook and USB flash drive together I handed all the things to Dr. Omu, but I was too lazy to teach him how to use them, so let him study them on his own.

Linton hadn't read the specific information, so he didn't know. But my country's affairs are absolutely reassuring. Linton himself said that he is just a middleman, responsible for passing on a message, and what he expresses is not his own meaning. He only needs to successfully integrate the two parties.

As for whether you speak different languages, Linton doesn't know. He has his own translator. But the Pokémon over there can obviously understand Wei Lan's instructions, which means that at least there is no barrier to Pokémon communication. As for the introductory booklet just now, Dr. Ohki didn't seem to say anything that he couldn't understand. It was probably because the system had helped adjust it during the fusion, otherwise many problems would have been difficult to explain.

To put it simply, the species on earth can survive to this day after hundreds of millions of years of survival and elimination. If there is no interference from other factors, the Pokémon that go there will be infected by the virus and die immediately, because they are not like the creatures on earth that have been tested by the virus, and those who survive are not killed by the virus. Since all the Pokémon in the past are fine, it means that some adjustments have obviously been made, and it should be the adjustment made by the world fusion program.

The integration of worlds is also the first time for Linton, and he is slowly exploring it.

"Contestant Linton, there is a girl outside who wants to see you." At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a person wearing staff uniform came in and said. Linton looked behind him and found that the person who came to him was Asuna.

"Oh, he's my friend." Linton said immediately, letting Asuna walk in.

Yes, Linton asked Asuna to do something before, so he didn't go with Linton. As for what to do, of course it is data collection, which is almost the same work as in the previous world of the old ring, which is particularly suitable for Asuna.

"Is it done?" Linton asked in surprise, mainly because it was too fast. Moreover, it was previously agreed that Linton would negotiate with the Pokémon Alliance, and then he would go find Asuna. But he didn’t expect that he had just started working on his side. Asuna had already returned. According to Asuna Sina's work attitude is that she will only come back after finishing the work.

"Well, it's easier to collect information here." Asuna also nodded. It is indeed much easier than the old headband.

The information in Old Touhuan World is all written information, and the information recorded is even more unclear. It seems that the recorders are all riddlers, and the things written are not meant for people to read. There is even a lot of information that is contradictory to each other, often coming from this god or that god, which is very evil.

But the world of Pokemon can be considered a modern society, and there is also a computer network, so this is like a fish in water for Asuna. All she has to do is learn the programming logic here, and then she can collect it quickly. Got a lot of information.

As for how she found Linton and joined him, that was too simple. The actual situation is that the Quartz Conference itself is broadcast live on TV. Asuna doesn't even have to look too hard. Now if you ask anyone on the road, they can tell you where Linton is, because this guy has made such a big deal. The news is now known to the whole world.

Asuna's current information on Pokémon and the Pokémon world is definitely much more than Linton's. Linton, who had only half-watched the anime, didn't remember it clearly. It was because of this that Asuna asked Asuna to find out, so that he wouldn't be able to tell when he was pretending to be cool in the future, which would be quite embarrassing.

"This is..." Xiao Mao next to him also looked at Asuna a little strangely. This was the first time he saw Asuna, because the last time Linton came to this world, he came alone.

"This is Asuna, she is my secretary." Linton thought for a while and said.

"Secretary?" Xiao Mao looked at Linton strangely, "Have you opened a company? Do you have a secretary?"

"A company? It's probably about to open." Linton said simply. He probably had some ideas for the future integration plan.

He dealt with Xiaomao casually, then turned to Asuna and asked: "That matter about the Poké Ball..."

"Zhizhi..." Before she could finish her words, a strange sound suddenly appeared from Asuna's body. Linton soon saw a gray and yellow "small ball" peeking out from Asuna's clothes, crawling onto her shoulder, and then began to observe Linton.

"Uh..." Linton looked carefully and found that this was a Pokémon. It looked like a mouse, a round mouse, or... more like a hedgehog?

"Is it Torgodmar?" Linton also forgot the name of this Pokémon, but before he could take out the illustrated book, Xiao Mao next to him quickly helped tell the name of this Pokémon, "This It’s quite rare, it’s probably a Pokémon from the Alola region.”

"Where did it come from?" Linton asked Asuna a little strangely.

"Tangled up." Asuna replied simply.

"Not yet? Is it wild?" Linton asked.

"I don't know, it's very troublesome," Asuna said.

"Hmm..." Apparently Togo Demar here also understood what Asuna said. After hearing the troublesome comment, Togo Demar lowered his head directly, and his whole face said that the baby was unhappy. .

"Why don't you try to tame them? They should be electric mice from all over the world, with electric properties?" Linton asked.

"It's electric-type and steel-type Pokémon." Asuna answered herself. She is now considered a Pokémon encyclopedia.

"Electric and steel types, they really have the same attributes as you. No wonder they are pestering you." Linton said with a smile. After all, Asuna is a robot. "Why don't you accept it."

"Zhizhizhi..." Torgodmar here seemed to really like Asuna, and he seemed to nod in agreement after hearing Linton's words. Judging from the way it cooperates, I don't know what story Asuna had with it before.

"...I know." Asuna seemed to think for a while, then nodded.

"Let's talk about the elf ball." Linton continued to ask.

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