I really can't control myself

Chapter 2073 Shocking News

"Let's be serious, I didn't hit the opponent with the ball at all, right?" Linton said patiently, "Let me ask, under normal circumstances, when the Pokémon ball is thrown, when the Pokémon appears on the stage, The display is accompanied by a burst of white light, and then when it comes out, it also has to show its appearance and shout a few times, right? This is the special effect for the appearance, right? In case, there is any Pokémon that is particularly timid, just watch When the Pokémon appeared on the opposite side and yelled, I was frightened on the spot, so how do you judge this?"

Before the referee on the other side could speak, Linton continued to speak: "In my opinion, it's not my fault that the special effects on the appearance of my Pokémon caused the sudden death of the opponent, right? Although the special effects on the appearance of my Pokémon are a little more gorgeous. Some, but this hasn’t officially started yet, I don’t think it’s a foul at all, right?”

"Your entrance special effects directly destroyed half of the sports field, okay?" Xiao Mao shouted directly from the opposite side, "And this was either a sudden death at all, or he was hit by your entrance special effects, okay?"

"So you also said that it was smashed by the entrance special effects, and it was not hit with a poke ball. It does not violate the rules, okay?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Otherwise, you can write it in the rules in the future, and the entrance special effects cannot hit people to death. .”

"I was stunned by you. This is not about the special effects at all, okay?" Xiao Mao yelled.

"Calm down, calm down, don't overturn everything suddenly as you say it. From a common sense point of view, the elf ball thrown will not turn into a meteorite, right, so this is definitely the debut special effect, right?" Linton said.

"Why do I hear the word 'common sense' from your mouth? People with common sense would never practice throwing the ball like this, okay?" Xiao Mao continued to yell.

"You have to know, I'm from China. How do you know that this kind of thing is not common knowledge in China? Any ball we throw can penetrate the sun, moon and stars, okay?" Linton said.

"Although I have never been to China, I am sure you are talking nonsense. Anyone can throw a meteor like a ball like you. Do you Chinese have a Pokémon duel on the moon? "It's a pity that Xiaomao still has some logic and directly exposed Linton's nonsense.

"Well, Xiaomao, calm down, it's not just once or twice anyway." Dr. Omu here said while holding his forehead.

Yes, Linton and the others naturally did not stay on the battlefield at this time. When something like this happened, the Quartz Conference was forced to suspend.

The Quartz Conference has been held for so many times, and it is rare that it is suspended in the middle of the event. Even if the flame was stolen last time and could not be ignited, someone quickly helped to recover the flame and prevented the conference from being postponed. The situation this time can only be said to be too serious. Not only was the sports field severely damaged and the game could not be played, but the most important thing was that the audience was really frightened. No one wanted to continue to watch the following game as if nothing had happened.

Currently, the Pokémon League competition team headed by Chairman Damalanqi is having a meeting to discuss what to do next. Linton and the others were invited to the backstage to wait for the results of the discussion there.

Fortunately, the current problem is not too serious, at least it has not caused any casualties. The referee in front of Linton was the most seriously injured. It was only a slight bruise on his body. You can see that it is okay to sit next to him now. There were a few other spectators who fell down and got injured because they were running too fast, but it was not serious. After all, people in this world are in good health.

There were no problems with the elf. The most seriously injured Wind Speed ​​Dog was still being treated, but Joey said there was no big problem and he needed to rest for a few days. On the other hand, they are here again, because there is no record of this Pokémon, and Joey and the others don't know how to treat it, so they can only do what they want now.

"Yes, yes, it's not just once or twice anyway." Linton also nodded and persuaded.

"It's not your turn to say this at all!" Xiaomao yelled again, "Can't you just conduct Pokémon battles normally? Even the Quartz Convention has been forced to stop, President Damalanchi It’s probably going to be a headache.”

"Just stop it. Anyway, I do have something to talk to the Elf Alliance people about. I guess they won't have time to hold any conferences after hearing this," Linton said.

"Huh?" These words made Dr. Omu and Xiao Mao stunned. Xiao Mao here also immediately asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, that's right. I told you before, isn't my hometown China and yours in the same space?" Linton asked.

"What? Not in the same space? What does this mean?" Xiao Mao said in surprise.

"Is China in another different space?" Dr. Omu also said with some surprise. He really thought that China was just relatively far away, but he didn't expect that it was actually in another space?

"It's not that difficult to understand, isn't it? There are many connected alien spaces here? I remember that ghost dragon...what's it called...Giratina, doesn't it live in an alien space?" Linton said.

"Giratina lives in a different space? This is the first time I've heard of this." Dr. Oak said.

"Don't you know what it is?" Linton raised his forehead, "In short, it's similar to that situation. Anyway, different dimensions are a normal thing."

"So... how is this normal?" Xiao Mao said, holding his forehead, "Then what? What do you mean when you talk about this?"

"Oh, that's it. I heard a piece of news. Recently, the world here seems to be merging with the world where my hometown, China, is."

"What?" Both of them exclaimed, "Fusion?"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? It scared me." Linton patted his chest and said.

"You just scared me, okay? What is the fusion situation?" Xiao Mao asked immediately.

"It's just a very ordinary world fusion." Linton spread his hands and said.

"So I just said, this is not ordinary at all, okay? What will happen?" Xiao Mao said immediately.

"I don't know, it should be that the two worlds simply merged." Linton said.

"Hey, isn't this the information you provided? You're not talking nonsense, are you?" Xiao Mao asked.

"Of course not, it will be integrated, but I really don't know exactly how." Linton said.

"Then... how to prevent this from happening?" Xiao Mao asked.

"Why stop it?" Linton asked strangely, "If there is no way to stop it, it is already something that is definitely going to happen."

"What?" Xiao Mao asked again in surprise, "Can't stop it?"

"Of course." Linton nodded affirmatively. Anyone who dared to stop him would be causing trouble for him. Linton was still on a mission.

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