I really can't control myself

Chapter 2067 Communication

Some things are quite troublesome to explain, so it would be quicker to just demonstrate them to them.

After Kentero, who besieged the temporary camp, withdrew, the people in the camp naturally paid attention to what was happening outside. Of course, they all saw with their own eyes how Wei Lan subdued the leader of Kentero.

Wei Lan used the last elf ball to subdue the leader of Kentero. The process went smoothly and there were no surprises. The leader of Kentero did follow Wei Lan as agreed, and then he came forward and asked all the Kentero here to return to the forest.

This group of Kenteros don’t have to worry about them. They will soon choose a new leader and continue their own lives. After seeing these Kenteros leaving, the gate of the camp slowly opened, and the people on both sides finally met.

Linton took a look and found that this temporary camp was actually quite large. It was said to be temporary, but it was not a camp with a few tents, but a camp with buildings. There are several buildings that are obviously made of reinforced concrete, but there are also temporary iron-clad prison cells.

There were several tanks parked in the parking lot of the camp here, and of course there were trucks and the like. Linton even saw an apron, but there was no helicopter on it now. I guess a lot of supplies here should have been delivered by helicopter.

Obviously, the people in the camp probably haven't understood what the current situation is. Most of the people dressed as soldiers looked at the leader of Kentero who was following Wei Lan nervously, although they probably also saw that Kentero didn't seem to have any plans. Attacking them, I even guessed that it might have been subdued by Wei Lan, but I still didn't dare to be 100% sure and relax.

Of course, Wei Lan was already hugging an old man at this time. You didn't need to guess to know that this old man with a white beard was Wei Lan's grandfather, Director Wei of the research institute. Linton also asked Liao Jun next to him and learned that Director Wei's name was Wei Xianmin.

It's a very familiar name. Linton really likes this sense of familiarity. Just as Linton was sighing, Wei Lan had already pulled his grandfather over.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Wei Xianmin, director of the Institute of Changdong Academy of Biological Sciences." Wei Xianmin said here.

Noticing the confusion in the other person's eyes, Linton also knew that Wei Xianmin's mind was probably filled with questions regarding the current situation. Linton also said directly: "I'm too lazy to explain it a second time. Let's talk first. Arrange a place for me first and I'll sleep first."

"Huh? Oh, are you tired, Mr. Lin? Captain Liao, make arrangements for Mr. Lin immediately." Of course, Wei Xianmin immediately understood and agreed to Linton's plan. Yes, he has just met his granddaughter now. He really has no idea what happened. He simply learned a little bit about it from Wei Lan. Now he is really confused. Linton is giving them this. Let’s talk about it later when we have a better understanding.

Liao Jun quickly took Linton to a class room. This temporary camp obviously couldn't have any luxury rooms. This class room looked like an ordinary four-person room, but there was no owner in it. The room was also very simple, but Linton didn't care and went straight to sleep.

It was already the next morning when Linton saw Wei Xianmin for the second time, and he was accompanied by a tall man named Lu Ping. The other party's self-introduction was really simple. He just said his name and didn't even mention his department, but Linton could probably guess it.

This was originally an investigation team organized by the ZHENG government, so what happened here must have been reported to the police. This middle-aged man named Lu Ping is obviously the person in charge of the ZHENG government or the liaison person of the person in charge.

"I still have a lot of things to do here. If you have any questions, just ask them directly. I don't want to engage in long guessing conversations." Linton also ate the morning meal the other party brought him. While saying. I have to say that this porridge and these fried dough sticks are really the right taste, and they really put Linton in a good mood.

"Um... Excuse me, Mr. Lin... isn't he from this world...?" It was Lu Ping who asked the question first, and it was such a sharp question.

Obviously, Linton's previous behavior in front of Wei Lan was too obvious, and even Wei Lan was aware of it. But Linton didn't hide it too much, and now it's not a question of concealment, but a question of belief or not. It doesn't mean that others will believe you if you say that you are not from this world, but when Lu Ping asked this question, he actually had a preset answer in his heart.

"Yes." Linton did not hide anything at all and nodded directly, "I know what you want to ask. To put it simply, these creatures called Pokémon are indeed creatures from another world."

"Is that true?" Wei Xianmin and Lu Ping looked at each other and nodded. In fact, this was their original guess, but now it has been confirmed by Linton. How else would these mutated creatures appear? Where did it come from?

"In other words, the world with Pokémon and our world now have some connection points similar to space tunnels, right?" Lu Ping continued to ask.

"No, it's worse." Linton said, "The two worlds are merging, and the current situation is just a precursor to the fusion."

"Fusion? Two worlds?" the two people exclaimed.

"Yes, I don't know exactly when the fusion will happen, but it should be unstoppable." Linton said, of course he must complete the task. The fusion is naturally unstoppable. Who can stop him?

"Integration, in what way?" Lu Ping asked quickly.

"I don't know." Linton said. He really didn't know. After all, it was his first time doing a mission. "Use your imagination for the specific method. I am not a scientist and cannot express the exact situation."

"Then... Mr. Lin is from that world... Did he come here to negotiate on behalf of that world and the world here?" Lu Ping asked.

"No, I can't represent that world." Linton said, "You can think of me as a middleman who can travel between the two worlds."

"Can you travel between two worlds?" The two of them also grasped the key point. "In other words, can Mr. Lin still go to that world?"

"Yes, in fact, I may go there soon." Linton said, "If you need any specialties, I can also help you bring some back."

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