I really can't control myself

Chapter 2066 Formal Battle

"My Lord, it means that these humans have occupied their water sources." Zekrom conveyed Kentero's meaning on his behalf.

It was obvious that these Kenteros were not looking for trouble. Linton took a look and found that it was true. The temporary camp that Wei Lan and the others established was indeed built next to a water source. After all, the camp needed water. At the same time, in order to protect the base and prevent attacks by mutant creatures, the camp naturally built walls as a defense.

But in this way, the wall blocks the Pokémon that use this side as a water source. It wasn't just the Kenteros who were affected, all nearby Pokémon were affected, and the Kenteros got more and more angry, so they came to take back their water source.

What Chief Kentero meant was to tell Linton that he could accept the challenge, but the water source problem must be solved. Otherwise, if I win the battle and go back, his tribe will still have no water to drink. If I lose the fight, I can stay, but what about my men’s drinking water problem?

"We will demolish the west wall soon." Before Linton could say anything, Wei Lan immediately expressed his position. She now has a deeper understanding of mutant creatures. They have high intelligence and can understand human speech, so they naturally have ways to communicate.

Wei Lan's understanding is very clear now. At first, he was afraid because of his lack of understanding, but now Linton's appearance has brought them a new way of getting along with these mutant creatures. Wei Lan now believes that this is the right path, so she also decided to demolish the west wall somewhat overstepping her authority.

The west wall happens to be the wall surrounding the water source. After being dismantled, nearby Pokémon will of course be able to drink water. This not only solves the current conflict, but if the surrounding Pokémon come here to drink water, it seems to promote communication between the two parties.

Kentero naturally understood what Wei Lan said. He looked Wei Lan up and down, as if he was thinking about whether to trust this human being. Wei Lan here probably understood what Kentero meant, and looked directly at Kentero, conveying the attitude of "believe me" in his eyes. Before, she thought it was unlikely that the other party would understand, but now she felt that the other party should understand.

Kentero did understand and chose to believe Wei Lan. First he nodded, then raised his head and let out a long cry.

Hearing the leader's voice, the twenty Kenteros who were attacking the city wall from behind also stopped and surrounded them. It seems that at the water source, humans and these Pokémon have temporarily reached a reconciliation. The rest is a private matter between Chief Kentero and Wei Lan.

At this time, the leader of Kentero here also took a few steps forward. The other Kenteros behind did not follow, but just gathered around, looking like they had surrounded a fighting field. Wei Lan also took a few steps forward and stood behind his Cocodora.

Liao Jun next to him had a somewhat tangled expression. After all, their mission was to protect the researchers at the institute. But given the current situation, he understood the meaning and did not stop it in the end.

Only Wei Lan and her Pokémon were left in the middle of the field, as well as the Kentero leader on the opposite side. This time it was indeed a one-on-one battle.

Although the difference in size is still quite obvious, Cocodola is currently in much better condition than Kentero. To be honest, when Kentero stepped forward just now, it was obvious that its steps were a bit unsteady. The damage caused by the previous impact of the tank was quite large, and it had not received any treatment.

However, Chief Kentero didn't seem to care too much about this, and it was the one who launched the attack first. Wei Lan had just stood firm when leader Kentero tapped the ground with his front hooves a few times, then suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Cocodola in front.

"Cocodora! Be careful! Get out of the way!" Wei Lan didn't have very strong command skills, otherwise he wouldn't have yelled nonsense like "be careful". But "get out of the way" is a good instruction. After receiving the order, Kokodora naturally tried to dodge, and then...

With a "bang", Cocodola was pushed out. The actual situation is that Cocodora's movement speed is not that fast. On the other hand, Kentero on the opposite side is big, but his sprint speed is astonishing, and he can't match the speed. Although Cocodora tried to dodge, Kentero used a slight disguise and slammed into it.

This knocked Cocodola back at least five meters, but Cocodola immediately adjusted in the air, turned over and landed. I have to say that this Kokodora's combat ability is quite strong, and it is not afraid of the momentum of leader Kentero at all.

"So that's it. Is the effect of normal-type attacks against steel-types halved? No, it's only half against rock-types, that's a quarter of the damage." As a gamer, Linton immediately used in-game thinking A wave of analysis. Cocodora's attributes are steel plus rock, and ordinary attacks can hardly do any damage.

"Kokodola, go up and bite it!" Wei Lan obviously saw that Cocodora didn't have the advantage in terms of speed. Naturally, he couldn't avoid the opponent's attacks and he couldn't be passively beaten all the time, so he hurried up to fight closely. She is most aware of the hardness of Cocodora's body. This should be Cocodora's advantage. In this case, close combat is the best choice.

She still doesn't know what kind of attack the opposite Kentero can do besides melee combat. After all, these mutated creatures can spray water and fire. If the opponent relies on speed to distance themselves and attacks from a distance, she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know if her Cocodora has the ability to attack from a distance. Anyway, the current strategy is to stay close to the body.

However, what he didn't expect was that after hearing Wei Lan's words, Cocodora here showed a confused expression. He turned to look at Wei Lan as if he didn't understand the meaning.

Of course, there is a price to pay for such a sudden turn of the head during the battle. Here, Kentero came up and shook his head again, and with a "bang", he pushed Kokodo forward a few meters again.

"What's going on?" Wei Lan was also a little confused. Why didn't Cocodora carry out her orders? She was not 100% sure that the mutated creature would listen to her. Although the previous orders were all carried out, this time What happened again?

"I see, so Kokodora can't learn skills like biting into pieces?" Linton roughly understood the situation. Originally, the name of Wei Lan's command move was wrong, but the Pokémon still has some automatic error correction capabilities. If Kokodora can bite and crush, I guess it can be released, but it should not be able to use such skills. , this order naturally confused her.

Linton understands so well, of course he has done this kind of thing himself. Kokodora's current reaction is similar to when he ordered Nidoking to use a substitute that he didn't know how to do.

"Won't you bite it into pieces?" Wei Lan, who didn't know what was going on, heard Linton's murmur and probably understood the meaning. At this time, he couldn't think too much. Looking at Kentero who was still pursuing, Wei Lan quickly shouted, "Cocodora! Catch it with your claws!"

"Gah!" This time Kokodola reacted, and the small claws in front of him suddenly flashed with metallic light, and struck the leader of Kentero on the head, using the steel-type skill Metal Claw. As I said before, Pokémon still has some error correction capabilities. Although Wei Lan didn't report the name of the metal claw in this attack, Cocodora also used it.

"Bang", the effect of this blow was actually quite good. After Kokodola and Kentero collided, both sides fell out. Cocodora was hit, and Kentero was also injured. But as mentioned before, Cocodora's general-type attacks don't actually have much effect. Although it looked like he was hit badly, The damage is actually not high.

"I understand." In actual combat, Wei Lan seemed to understand some of the rules, and the next moment she waved her hand directly: "Cocodora, use Rockfall!"

"Huh?" Linton looked at Wei Lan a little strangely, but he immediately understood why Wei Lan knew about the rock collapse skill. The reason was of course because he had used it before. When I asked Nidoking to deal with the Needle Swarm before, he used Rockslide. It seems that Wei Lan probably understands the meaning of the skill and is trying to imitate it.

But...can Kocodora use Rockslide? Linton actually didn't know either. Although he has played every generation of the game, how could Linton be familiar with every one of the more than 900 elves? Of course, Linton is familiar with the popular one, but for Mega Shame like Boscordora, Linton is not familiar with its skills at all. The only thing he remembers is that Boscordora's heavy collision damage is very high. Because it's really heavy.

However, it turns out that Cocodola can really do it. After hearing Wei Lan's order, Cocodola stood up straight, and a large amount of rocks suddenly erupted and hit Kentero on the opposite side.

Obviously this surprised Kentero, but it seemed to have quite a lot of combat experience. Suddenly a light flashed on its head, probably using some skill, and it accelerated sharply, and actually rushed towards the front of the rock in front.

There were several "bang bang bang" sounds, which were the sounds of rocks hitting Kentero. This rock avalanche could be said to have hit a solid body. But the leader of Kentero did not fall down. An afterimage appeared on his body, and the next second it directly hit the body of Cocodola, who had just released the rockfall and was still unable to move.

This blow was obviously much harder than the previous one, and Linton didn't see what kind of skill it was. But Cocodora flew all the way away. But Cocodora hadn't even hit the ground yet, and Kentero, who had knocked it away, fell to his knees first.

Sure enough, he still couldn't hold on any longer. Kentero's blow seemed to be a last-ditch effort, but he persisted for a while and didn't fall down. But when he saw Cocodola, who had been pushed away by him, stand up again, Kentaro relaxed and fell directly to the ground. He must have given up on his own initiative.

"Why are you standing there? Throw the ball." Linton said looking at Wei Lan who had not yet reacted.

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