In the valley of the Northern Dragon Clan, giant dragons are entrenched here, preparing for war.

Originally, it was impossible for the clan to gather so many giant dragons. However, the current situation is quite exceptional. It is obvious that the northern clan has made plans to be held accountable and has returned most of its combat power to the clan in advance. Now it can be said that all the power has been gathered.

Obviously all this has been planned for a long time. Even if a dragon clan conference is to be held, it is impossible to gather so many people. Obviously the so-called suffering is just an excuse. Even if the southern clan comes with more dragons this time, they will also There will also be other troubles. Yes, they are already targeting the southern clan.

In a corner of the valley, the four female dragons of the Southern clan were forced into a cave. These four dragons were all slightly injured to varying degrees. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to sustain them. At least they won't be able to regain their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Linton's dragon Vecna ​​is the eldest sister among the four dragons. The main reason is that the other four dragons are not as big as her. The dragon clan respects strength, and the other three female dragons naturally listen to Vecna. .

Although Vecna ​​is the most seriously injured of the four dragons now, she is also the calmest of the four. The other three female dragons were all panicking at this time. They had never experienced such a big scene, and they couldn't help but panic when something happened. Vecna's experience is relatively high, and she is quite confident at this time.

"Sister Vecna, what should we do now? Will the clan come to rescue us?" Sandolantna next to her asked Vecna ​​with some fear. They were really panicking about the current situation. After all, the number of dragons outside far exceeded their southern clan.

In fact, the situation of the Southern clan has not been easy in recent years, and its strength is already at the bottom among the three major clans. The northern clan is basically firmly ranked first, so they have this idea.

"Don't panic, other clans won't watch them mess around." Miranda on the other side is the youngest, but her brain works pretty fast. She quickly thought about the interference of other clans. Seeing the northern clan grow bigger, the western clan would definitely not agree. After seeing the true strength of the northern clan, Miranda thought that the southern clan should not be anxious. It was best not to lead the team directly. It was right to contact other clans quickly.

"Don't worry, it's okay, phew..." Vecna ​​said very confidently, "I don't need to worry about the clan for now. The main thing is whether Gathedlan can notify..."

"Huh?" Vecna's words made the other three dragons a little confused. They didn't care about the clan's meaning. Did Gathedlan inform? Why does it seem from the context that the person Vecna ​​said she wanted to notify was not from the clan?

They were just about to ask clearly when suddenly a long roar came from the air. This angry dragon roar was naturally very familiar to Vecna. It was Gathedran's dragon roar.

"It's Gatherdran." Of course, Sandolantna next to her also recognized it. She and Gatherdran were relatively familiar. Well... to be more careful, the two of them had communicated several times at the conference. . But the question is...why is Gathedran's roar coming from here?

When the incident happened, they fought hard to cover the two male dragons who went out to report the news. They also knew that it was them that the other party wanted to detain. Even the original goal was to deal with the Southern clan. It could even be said that they released the two male dragons intentionally. of. So why did Gathedran come back?

The meaning of this roar is provocation and challenge. Is Gathedran back with the clan members? But it's impossible. If all the dragons of the clan are coming, the roar should not only be the roar of the Gathedran dragon. At this time, provocative voices should be coming one after another. That is the announcement before the war.

It can only be said that the current situation has confused them a little. It can't be that Gathedran suddenly had a sudden brainstorm and came back to challenge the dragons of such a clan. Although he is not smart, he is not stupid enough.

But although the three little ones didn't understand, Vecna ​​understood it instantly. As for the timid guy Gathedran, would he dare to come back alone? Someone obviously gave it the courage to come back. No need to guess, Vecna ​​knew who the person was who gave him the courage.

"It's okay, it's okay." Vecna ​​was relieved instantly. Before, she was only worried about whether Gatherdran could deliver the message in time, but now, "You three, listen to me carefully."

"Okay, sister, you give me your order." Sandolantna here said immediately, "Do you want to cooperate and rush out in a while? I can still fight."

"No." Vecna ​​said immediately, "Listen carefully, something very scary will happen here soon. I will teach you a way to survive. If you see something scary coming, just lie on the ground and shout, 'Boss, don't kill me. , I’m Vecna’s sister’, that’s all.”

"Huh?" The three little ones all looked at Vecna ​​in confusion. What is this? Isn't this a direct plea for mercy? And why did you tell me your name? Who are you begging for mercy from? What are the horrible things you are talking about?

It's not that Vecna ​​is trying to show off. Now if you tell them that the scary thing is a human being, can they believe it? Anyway, they will naturally understand after seeing the actual situation.

"Don't ask any more questions, and don't go to great lengths. Just wait here." Vecna ​​sent her away without saying much.

Vecna's guess was correct. At this time, Gathedran had carried Linton to the sky above the northern clan valley. According to Linton's instructions, Gathedran also declared war directly without hiding.

At this time, the dragons of the northern clan were also a little confused. They also saw Gathedran flying over, but the question is... why are you the only dragon? Where are the other dragons of the southern clan?

They were all ready to face the large army, but when this happened suddenly, they didn't know how to react.

But after being stunned for a while, several dragons took off and came directly in front of Gathedran. Although they didn't know what was going on with the other party, this is not a place where you can run wild. How dare you provoke him head-on?

However, as soon as these dragons flew in front of Gathedran, Gathedran directly lowered his height, obviously preparing to land. These dragons also followed Gathedran down. Regardless of whether you choose air combat or ground combat, is Gathedran still afraid of you?

Several dragons quickly stood firm in front of Gathedran, and just as they were about to speak, a figure suddenly jumped off Gathedran's back. Now these dragons can be seen very clearly, but why does the one who jumped down look like a human?

After looking carefully, I saw that it was indeed a human being. Then this is a bit confusing, why does a human suddenly appear in Dragon War? It felt like a hamster suddenly appeared on the battlefield of World War II. It was such a weird scene.

"Gatherdran? You actually have the guts to come back alone?" The leading dragon ignored Linton who jumped down and said directly to Gatherdran, "Have you notified your family? Your clan leader... Hey! You... What happened to the human bugs?”

The other party suddenly stopped talking in the middle of what he said, because just when he asked Gathedran what was going on, Linton, who got off the ground, walked directly in the direction of these dragons. Yes, originally these dragons didn't care about Linton's intentions at all. Although you, a human, don't know what's going on, they don't bother to care about you, but Linton really couldn't bear it when he walked directly towards them.

There are six adult dragons here. Under such circumstances, you, a human, dare to walk towards them head-on. Without saying a word, you can feel how provocative this behavior is. You simply treat them as if they are nothing. This is the reason why the other party suddenly couldn't continue talking in the middle of what he said.

But even though the other party roared, Linton had no intention of stopping at all. He still walked directly towards the other party without saying a word. At this time, he was almost in front of the leading dragon.

"Looking for death, you insect!" The leading dragon was irritated by this sense of disregard. He shook his head, opened his big mouth and bit Linton in one bite. This was obviously trying to suffocate Linton. .

Then the next second, there was a "bang" sound like a bloody firework exploding. Linton made a simple uppercut, and the huge head of the leading dragon suddenly exploded like a watermelon. A large amount of dragon blood and unknown pieces of meat were splashed everywhere, directly dyeing the entire ground red.

Then, the body of the headless dragon crashed to the ground. All the dragons present looked at the scene in front of them with astonishment, which they could not believe at all, including Gathedran.

Although he already knew that Linton was a monster, Gathedran didn't expect this blow. He had received a punch from Linton, but now that he thinks about his relationship, Linton had given him a break?

"The second one." Linton counted expressionlessly, then looked at the other giant dragon next to him.

"What...what?" Although the dragons who reacted still couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes, they felt a sense of terror for a moment. There was definitely something wrong with this human being.

"Kill him quickly!" One of the giant dragons roared, and it immediately slapped Linton with its paw.

Another dragon nearby also reacted when he heard this. Two dragons rushed towards Linton, one on the left and the other on the right.

However, the only response they received was two muffled "bang bangs".

"The third...the fourth..." Linton's voice came again. Several dragons at the scene did not see clearly how he took action. They only saw the heads of these dragons suddenly explode. .

At this moment, even they felt what fear was.

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