I really can't control myself

Chapter 2044 Interception

"Get rich, get rich, one is steamed, the other is braised..." Linton hummed a happy tune on the dragon's back. It was obvious that this route was also on the way to the northern clan.

There was nothing to say. After hearing the whole thing, Linton’s reaction was, is there such a good thing?

Yes, every time the dragon is mentioned, Linton's first reaction is to add food. It is really something he couldn't forget after eating dragon meat last time. Although he also has two at home, they are still pets after all, so Linton can be considered restrained. Living.

Wild dragons are really hard to find. There are only a small number of them, and there are also very few sighting reports. Most of them are false reports. After all, not many people survive after seeing a dragon.

Linton actually had some thoughts when he heard that the Dragon Clan was holding a conference, but considering that it was his own pet after all, he still felt it was a bit inappropriate.

So it’s hard for you to imagine how happy Linton was when a dragon actually came looking for trouble and found him. It wasn’t that satisfying to just sit back and wait. He was really just sitting at home doing nothing and bringing the prey to his door.

As for whether the northern clan suddenly launched an attack and whether it was reasonable or not, Linton didn't bother to think about it. After all, he was not here to reason, he was just here to have a meal. Who cares if your northern dragon clan is preparing to unify the dragon clan? Or whatever, what does it have to do with him.

"Sure enough, I'm still in a panic." Linton pressed on the dragon's back, "When will my cushion come back?"

Yes, there were only Linton and Gathedran on this trip. The cushion went to find his wife and she hasn't come back yet. God knows where she went to find her. In Linton's opinion, Fenrir wolves are also an endangered species, and he doesn't know where the population exists. Anyway, he has never seen another one except the cushion. Speaking of which, is wolf meat delicious?

Linton said that he had never tried it. It would be nice if the cushions also encountered problems and were bullied. Linton felt that these high-level monsters seemed to taste quite good, as did the octopus he ate last time, which was crunchy and crunchy.

"I just found a new chef. He said he can cook but I haven't tried it yet." Linton was naturally talking about Lani. Although she said she knew how to cook, she had not been allowed to try it before. Now it is time to try it. Test the color.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gathedran suddenly lowered his speed and prepared to brake in the air. Linton felt the speed slow down and looked left and right, but he didn't see anything that looked like a gathering of dragons.

"Are we here?" Linton asked, thinking that this was quite fast.

"No, a dragon is coming." Gathedran said.

Linton looked forward, and sure enough he saw a black shadow flying towards them in mid-air. Although it was still a little far away, he could still tell that it was a dragon.

It was obvious that this dragon was here to find them. It was the dragon of the Northern Clan. Linton guessed that this was the dragon sent by the northern clan to hunt down Gathedran, so he met him so quickly. The other party should have followed Gathedran all the way smelling the scent. After all, Gathedran He had been injured before, bleeding all the way, so it was not surprising to find it following the smell of dragon blood.

Obviously Gathedran discovered the other party, and the other party also saw Gathedran. It flew a little closer, and the other party also took the initiative to reduce its speed. In fact, there was nothing much to say. Its original mission was to hunt down Gathedran. It could just catch up and start fighting. But the problem was that something was wrong with the current situation.

Gathedran is not running anymore, but flying back in the direction of their northern clan. This is very strange. As he got closer, the other party was even more surprised to find that Gathedran's injuries seemed to have healed a lot.

The clan only sent him a dragon to chase him, apparently because he knew that Gathedran had been seriously injured, and he alone was obviously enough. However, looking at Gathedran's condition and the smell of his opponent's blood, it seems that his injury has healed. What's going on? The dragon opposite was a little confused for a moment.

"Shigrari..." Gathedran obviously knew the other party, and could hear the anger in his tone when he called the other party's name.

"Gathedran, you actually dare to go back?" The giant dragon named Xiglari looked at Gathedran up and down and said, "Speaking of which, the direction you ran before was not the direction of the southern clan. You want to get rid of it?" Are you going to shoot me? Or are you looking for reinforcements? Now that you dare to come back, is there any help? "

Shiglari said and was indeed looking around. In his opinion, there must be a reason why Gathedran did not run towards the southern clan. Now that he dares to come back and face it, he must have really found help. But where is this helper? Higrari looked around and saw no other dragons, nor could he smell the scent of other dragons, which was strange.

Shiglari doesn't believe that Gathedran dares to come back and face it alone. Let's not say whether the other party has really cured all the injuries. Even if it is true, its size and strength are still stronger than Gathedran. Of course, Gathedran also knew that, but he didn't think Gathedran was very courageous.

"Boss, it's the one that bit me." Gathedran is indeed not very courageous, and he does not dare to fight Higlari head-on, but there is no need for a head-on battle now. Isn't this the presence of his boss? Without saying a word, Gathedran directly activated the complaint skill.

"Boss?" Higrari was a little confused. Boss? Where did the boss come from? Although he didn't know if Gathedran really worshiped other dragons as his eldest brother, the problem was that they were the only ones around, so how could they be the boss.

Shigrari thought about it and felt that Gathedran was trying to frame him, so he shouted a few times to divert his attention and then ran away. He is not that naive to be fooled by such a low-level trick. Just as he was about to expose the other party, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh? Did you hit my pet?" Linton's voice came directly from Gathedran's back.

Only then did Higrari notice that Gathedran was really not a dragon. There was actually a... human on his back? This left Higrari stunned for a long time and he didn't know how to react.

It did not notice Linton. It was not that Linton was hiding, but that it did not expect that the person Gathedlan relied on would be a human being. This is a war between giant dragons. Can humans intervene? It feels like you were fighting with your classmate, and the other person suddenly came over with a hamster and said, "Boss, he was the one who beat me." Do you think it's absurd? This is how Higlari feels now.

Of course, Higlari also knows that there are strong humans, but even those humans who claim to be saints are not a big deal in front of their dragons. Especially for a giant dragon like him that is in its adulthood, it is impossible for a human holy level to be its opponent. He can fight three or four of them alone, and even if he fails to fight, he can escape unscathed, posing no threat at all.

So... what is Gathedran doing? He calls this human the boss? Was it because he was beaten to the point of insanity, or was he being chased to the point of despair, treating a dead horse as a live doctor, or was he simply pretending to be crazy?

"Hahaha... Gathedran, you actually found a human to stand up for you. Do you want to laugh me to death?" Higrari said with a wild laugh.

Gathedran was not angry. Not only that, he was also very happy. I'm afraid if you don't seek death, you'll be dead now.

Yes, it knew that the other party would seek death. After all, he did the same thing when he first met Linton, and then he was punched directly to the point where he doubted Long Sheng. It can still clearly recall Linton's punch. It was really a series of killings and burials. It is said that when it couldn't survive, it directly became Linton's dinner. At that time, Yalan begged it for love. .

"Hahahaha...haha...well..." Higrari laughed for a while, but felt something was wrong. Gazedran across from him looked at him with a playful expression, as if he was not furious after his scar was revealed.

This makes Higlari really confused. Does Gathedran think it is honorable to recognize a human as the boss?

"Gathedran, you wouldn't really accept an insect as your boss, would you? I originally thought that although you were weak, you at least still had a bit of dragon pride. Now it seems that you..." Higrari originally wanted to continue. , but before it could finish speaking, it suddenly stopped. The reason was that Linton, who was originally standing on Gathedran's back, was now standing in front of it. To be precise, it was on the bridge of its nose.

How did the other party come? In fact, Higrari didn't see clearly at all, but at this time, it was instantly surrounded by anger. It was an insult to a human being to stand on its head. Higrari was so angry that he didn't even think about it. He directly raised his dragon claw and slapped him on the bridge of his nose.

With a "snap" sound, Higrari could say that it had slapped itself in the face, and it was so cruel that it even staggered in the air, but it immediately raised its wings and stabilized its figure.

"Damn it, this man..." Xiglari just stabilized his body and was about to curse a few more words. He didn't know whether he was scolding Linton or scolding himself for being stupid, but he couldn't finish the words because just as he opened his eyes again When I opened my eyes, I saw Linton again. This time it was not on the bridge of his nose, but right in front of his right eye.

Higlari subconsciously raised his claws again, but quickly stopped the car. Qi returned to Qi, but he was being slapped. Before, it hurt like hell if he slapped his nose. If he did it again, he might not be able to blind his eyes this time.

The sudden situation made Higrari's mind a little confused. It really didn't expect to encounter the current situation. But he was stunned. Linton would not wait for it to react.

After all, it was meant to be eaten, so of course Linton kept as much meat as possible. At this time, he raised a finger and aimed directly at the opponent's eyes, and of course also aimed at the part of the head behind the eyes.

"The first one." Golden light suddenly penetrated Higrari's head, entering from the eyes and exiting from the back of the head. The next moment, the entire dragon lost its reaction and fell towards the ground.

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