I really can't control myself

Chapter 1992 Brothers

Linton looked in the direction where Diaros was looking, and indeed saw a figure in the foggy snow ahead. Apparently the other side had also discovered them and had stopped. The two sides were facing each other across a layer of snow curtain.

"Who is it?" Linton shouted directly to the front. Although he couldn't see clearly at the moment, he could probably tell that the other person was a normal person. There are many crazy and irrational people in this world. Those people can no longer be called human beings. Linton has seen many of them before, but when the people in front of him saw them, they stopped and looked at the people in the distance who had begun to move. He was in an attacking stance, which was certainly not the reaction of a person who had lost his mind.

"Brother?" At this time, Diaros suddenly shouted to the figure in the distance.

"Diaros?" A man's voice also came from the other side, which naturally further indicated that the other person was a normal person.

Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard the name Diaros. He remembered that Diaros had indeed said before that he had a brother. He also came to the junction, so the person in front of him was his eldest nephew whom he had never met. ?

Hearing the other party's voice, Diaros probably determined the other party's identity and ran directly forward, followed by Linton and the others. Getting a little closer, Linton could clearly see the person standing there.

This is a man wearing the same armor as Diaros. The gorgeous armor seems to be the consistent style of the Khosrow family, and the difference is almost invisible. If there is an obvious difference, there is still one. The opponent is wearing a helmet at this time, and this helmet is completely different from Diaros's helmet.

Although Diaros rarely wears a helmet, he still wears it as a protection during real battles. Of course Linton has seen it before. It is a helmet with a human face printed on it. It is said that the helmet is more like a full-face iron mask. . The helmet of his brother Yuno in front of him was a bit gaudy. Two metal decorations that looked like beetle horns protruded from the top of the helmet and were bent and hung on the back of his head. It even looked like braids to the sky.

Just looking at this look, Linton almost laughed out loud. Why does the Khosrow family have such strange tastes? At first glance, this look seems like something happened. But after all, he was his eldest nephew, so Linton still managed to hold it back.

"Brother!" Diaros here is obviously a little excited. After all, he is suffering from a disease now, and it is still such a serious disease. Seeing his loved ones who love him, Diaros even wants to cry in the arms of his brother Yuno. One game.

However, as soon as he took two steps forward and wanted to rush forward to hug Yuno, Diaros suddenly remembered something and braked suddenly to stop.

"Huh?" This is why my brother Yuno is a little strange. To be honest, when Yuno saw Diaros running towards him, he guessed that the other party was going to hug him. He had the impression that this useless brother had been like this since he was a child. He would run into his arms and cry when he suffered any setbacks.

Normally, Yuno would have been prepared to dodge the other party's embrace and scold him coldly. People from the Khosrow family could not be so weak, but he didn't expect Diaros to stop himself this time. ...Did you listen to what you said before?

Yuno himself didn't believe it. His brother had such a weak character. No matter how many times he told him, nothing changed at all. Maybe it was because he protected him too much. In order to let him grow up, Yuno made up his mind to separate from him. Did it really work?

Thinking of this, Yuno took the initiative to take a step forward. He wanted to praise Diaros, but Diaros reacted quite strongly and took a step back.

Yuno frowned. Was he angry with himself? Is he really still a child? Just as he was about to curse, Diaros said anxiously: "Don't come close, I have an infectious disease."

"Infectious disease?" Yuno was stunned for a moment.

"It's... epilepsy." Diaros whispered.

"Seizure?" It was obvious from Yuno's tone that he knew about the seizure. He was obviously nervous, "What's going on?"

"I don't know the specific situation, or when I was infected." At this time, Linton came up from behind and said.

"Who are you?" Yuno said in a cold voice to Linton and the others. This voice was completely different from the anxious tone before, it was just as cold as a cold voice that could repel someone thousands of miles away.

Of course, Linton probably guessed the other person's character. Diaros often mentioned his brother when chatting before. Although most of what he said was complaining, Linton knew very well that Diaros actually admired him very much. And dependent on his brother.

According to Diaros, the biggest problem with his brother Yuno is his seriousness and coldness. Of course Diaros thinks this is the case with him. From Linton's perspective, Yuno is probably relatively gentle towards Diaros. Look at his current attitude towards outsiders, which is truly cold.

"This...this is..." Diaros heard the vigilance and even hostility in his brother's words, and wanted to help introduce him, but he was stuck on Linton's identity. How can I say this? This is my uncle? Isn't that also his brother Yuno's uncle?

Diaros didn't dare to say that. He was afraid of being hung up and beaten by his brother. It was not like he had never been beaten before. But if you don't introduce it like this, Diaros is afraid of being hung up and beaten by Linton. This seems even more terrifying when he thinks about it, and he doesn't know what to do for a moment.

Of course, Linton definitely did not have such scruples as Diaros, and he said directly: "Ah, eldest nephew, this is the first time we meet. My name is Linton, and I am your uncle. My nephew has been talking about it for a long time, and today is finally the day. I met you."

"..." You can imagine Yuno's reaction when he heard this. He stared at Linton silently for a long time, and then looked at Diaros next to him, "What's going on?"

"I...I'm not very sure. This...I heard that he seems to be our uncle." At this point, Diaros could only say this bravely, "I don't know if my father is real." I have a younger brother..."

"No!" Before Diaros finished speaking, Yuno here gave the answer directly.

"Are you sure?" Linton continued to use his usual routine.

"OK." Yuno said directly without any hesitation or wavering. After saying that, he suddenly took a step forward, looking like he was going to Ladiaros.

"I'm talking about eldest nephew, although I know you are probably very excited now, but you should calm down." However, before Yuno stretched out his hand, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and directly pressed the hand he wanted to raise. Go back, "I just said it was an infectious disease, but we still don't know how it is transmitted. This nephew is already sick and it is quite troublesome. The treatment plan is not sure yet. Don't let you get infected too."

"You..." Yuno stepped back very nervously. Yes, he was mainly frightened by Linton's speed. Although he didn't move much now, he had always been alert. However, Linton came to him in an instant and had entered his alert zone. , he didn't see Linton's movements clearly at all. If the other party had just made a move, he would definitely be in danger.

Although Yuno only retreated a bit, Linton could probably tell Yuno's level. This reaction ability is indeed much stronger than that of his younger brother, and his retreating skills are indeed quite fast. Seeing that Diaros boasted that his brother is very strong before, it should not be too exaggerated.

"It's really a story about a genius brother who falls in love with a stupid brother. The plot is familiar." Linton nodded. Sure enough, the plot between Itachi and Sasuke is gone.

At this time, Yuno on the opposite side waved his hand and took out a whip from nowhere, already holding it in his hand. Sure enough, the Khosrow family all uses the family's petal whip, which is the same type of whip used by Diaros.

"You...just said...the treatment plan?" Yuno spoke again. Linton thought that the other party wanted to continue questioning his identity. He was already thinking about how to make it up. Although I don’t know the plot, I have talked a lot with Diaros before, so I should be able to make it up. But I didn't expect that Yuno didn't seem to care about this issue. He was more concerned about the treatment plan that Linton just mentioned.

"As far as I know, epilepsy cannot be cured." Yuno really asked in a questioning tone. It seemed that he was still more concerned about his brother's illness. At this time, he was probably wondering whether Linton had deceived his brother by saying there was a treatment plan, because he could also see that there was a certain trust relationship between Diaros and Linton, but the problem was that Linton deceived his brother. Yuno didn't know what the purpose was.

Even if a normal person wants to get close to his brother for money or death, he should consider the fact that he is an epileptic patient. This is an infectious disease. Would the average person take such a risk to act with his brother? This is a life risk, and there is no cure for it. What is this Linton trying to do?

"That's what the information I got here said." Linton nodded. "I don't know if the god who killed them can cure it, but now at least we have a way to suppress the disease."

"Suppress... epilepsy?" Yuno seemed to be unaware of this information and asked curiously.

"Just north of here, there seems to be a teleportation array leading to the Holy Tree." Linton pointed to the north and said, "And there is a guy named Marlenia over there who has something called a pure golden needle. It is said that If you can suppress epilepsy, we are going to grab that thing now."

"Are you going to challenge Marlenia?" Yuno was stunned again, he was indeed a little surprised. If what Linton said was true, he would challenge the Valkyrie because of his brother's illness? Why do we have to do this?

"So, together?" Linton asked directly.

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