"No, no reaction at all." Asuna was naturally referring to Mikaela's state. Although Marlenia's location is already known, there is a more convenient way to get the golden needle that is said to be able to suppress epilepsy. Of course, it is Michaela in front of her.

Originally, Michaela was the one who made this golden needle, so now that Michaela is here, wouldn't it be over if we asked him to make another one?

But the problem now is that Michaela here has been sleeping after Asuna's inspection, so of course Linton asked Asuna to wake her up. However, judging from the current situation, Michaela's deep sleep is not an ordinary deep sleep. She cannot be woken up at all. It feels like she has fallen asleep to the point of losing consciousness.

"Is this done by Mengge?" Linton asked the newly joined Fan Lei next to him.

"I don't know, I have never met Lady Michaela." Fan Lei here replied, "But I have seen such a sleeping situation."

"Have you seen it?" Linton asked.

"Creatures that cannot wake up after falling into a deep sleep sometimes appear, but they rarely appear in humans." Fan Lei here is probably talking about a situation he encountered when he was a field doctor, "I once encountered a Someone who seems to have done some research on this situation said that he can see something called sleep mist wrapped around these sleeping creatures. According to him, collecting this mist can also be made into a drink called dream brew. It can transport people into a beautiful dream world.”

"Dream world?" Linton asked.

"I only heard him talk about this, and I didn't dare to try it. Because as far as I know, there has never been an example of a person suffering from sleep disorder waking up." Fan Lei said, "Those animals that were found to have fallen asleep, Even if you throw them directly into the pot and cook them, there will be no reaction. In fact, it looks almost like death."

"If the awakening device is there, we can try to wake him up." Asuna said suddenly next to her. The awakening device she was talking about naturally refers to the device that awakened her own Unit 2 before, because it seems that Mikayla's situation now seems to be similar to that of Unit 2 at that time.

Of course, that thing is still in the underground laboratory. Since there is no 100% detection rate in this world, it is not easy to get that set of things. The Linton people have to go back, so naturally there is no need.

"Forget it, Marlenia was going to find her anyway." Linton was not so entangled. Marlenia also had the big rune Linton wanted with her, and she was originally going to find her. Besides, it would take a lot of effort to wake up Mikaela. If the other party asked for more materials to make it again, Wouldn't it be more troublesome to just grab what's already available?

After all, Diaros has now been infected with the disease. Although there are currently no symptoms of the disease, Linton did not wait much and set off directly for the target.

Under the leadership of Fan Lei, several people also quickly arrived at the teleportation array. During this period, Fan Lei took the initiative to express whether he wanted to bring in an army. After all, they wanted to attack the Holy Tree.

The troops that Fan Lei was talking about were naturally the troops under Meng Ge. Fan Lei was very confident that he could persuade those who were Meng Ge's men to join Linton's command. It seemed that he wanted Linton to take over Meng Ge's forces with full authority. Meaning, of course Linton must be completely uninterested in this.

"Do you think it's necessary? Do you need such a big fanfare just to deal with a Loli?" Linton spread his hands and said.

As he spoke, Linton had directly touched the portal. The scene in front of him changed. The scene that soon appeared in front of him was a foggy white.

Yes, all that caught the eye was white snow. Not only was the ground almost completely covered with white snow, but it was also snowing in the sky at this time. It could be said that the current situation was like a vast expanse of sky and earth. As for the scenery other than the snow, it was almost completely unclear, and the surrounding field of vision was very poor.

"Although I almost guessed this situation when I heard about the snowfield before..." Linton frowned. He didn't really like the scene in front of him. He liked the lush feeling more than the desolate snow scene.

"It doesn't feel like a good time." Fan Lei, who followed him out, looked at the sky and said, "It looks like the snow will be heavier soon, and there may even be a blizzard."

"Where's the tree?" Linton looked around. The destination was said to be a sacred tree. Although Linton had never seen it before, judging from the name, it should be a pretty big tree. However, although the surrounding view is not very good, it has not blocked the sky and the sun. If there were such a big tree, I should have seen it long ago.

"Go north and you will find the portal to the Holy Tree." Fan Lei said immediately.

"Still going through a portal?" Linton asked.

"That's the only way to enter the Holy Tree. After the Fragment War, the Holy Tree has almost closed all passages to the outside world." Fan Lei said, "Only the passage in Ceremony Town to the north of here should still be open. We have done it before It is through that passage that one enters the sacred tree.”

"Ritual Town?" Linton looked at the location pointed by Fan Lei. It was probably to the north, but he didn't see anything that looked like a town in his field of vision. "How far is it?"

"This...should not be far, but the weather..." Fan Lei said.

"How long does it usually take for this disease to occur?" Linton asked again.

"There's nothing to worry about." It was Asuna who answered this time. "According to the data, this epilepsy doesn't seem to be as serious as imagined. It should take a long time from infection to complete onset."

While they were walking, Asuna told Linton the information she had compiled on epilepsy. This time she went back mainly to ask about things related to epilepsy, and she did get a lot of information.

First of all, the origin of this epilepsy seems to have been blocked by the Golden Dynasty, but some research has been done, and the source should be related to traveling merchants. This traveler and merchant does not refer to a profession, but a clan of people. They seem to be born to be merchants, so they are called the merchant clan.

It is said that their family once established an organization called the Grand Caravan, and they have been traveling around this bordering continent doing business. But one day, this once prosperous merchant race was all kidnapped by the people of the Golden Dynasty, and then they suffered from epilepsy. It began to spread in the border area. According to the current information, most people think it is related to the people in these caravans.

The first person to be infected with epilepsy was named Chapolili. This man was said to be a despicable villain and the most disgusted guy in the border area. After being executed, his eyes suddenly erupted with yellow flames. Later, everyone called this Epilepsy. But even though he was the first to be found infected, he couldn't tell whether the source was the source. Most people still believed that epilepsy was an infectious disease brought by traveling merchants, and the Golden Dynasty should have been warned by the goddess and discovered it first. Only after this happened would all these traveling businessmen be arrested.

As for Asuna, she is quite confident in saying that the disease takes a long time to develop, mainly because there are many cases where this is indeed the case. One of the more famous cases in the Round Table Hall is a faded person named Vic.

This man was once known as the Faded One closest to the King of Elden. He had a very good reputation, so there was a lot of information about him.

Of course, talking about him at this time, it is natural that he is also infected with epilepsy. Regarding his information, Sir Bai Zhi said that the other party was infected with epilepsy, which happened after entering the underground of the royal city. According to Sir Bai Zhi, the source of epilepsy may be hidden underground in the royal city.

"Underground in the Royal City?" Linton frowned, "Is the information this guy gave accurate?"

"Judging from the current situation, the accuracy of the information provided by Sir Momochi is still very high." Asuna said, "Most of the information he provided has been confirmed."

"Is this guy actually a good person?" Linton was a little surprised. "I thought this guy was going to show off his health bar, but turned out to be an NPC like Ludos?"

"Based on the previous intelligence, we can temporarily judge that the god these traveling merchants believe in should be the god behind the three fingers." Asuna also made her own inference, "But because she is a pagan, she was gold The arrests of people from the dynasty were probably due to bad luck, and they were all dealt with immediately. But the god behind them might have been angry, so he released the curse called epileptic fire. The source of this curse is probably really in the royal city."

"Isn't the god behind the three fingers the guy called the Supreme Will?" Linton asked.

"Probably not. I don't see any overlap between the two teachings." Asuna said.

"But it's too much of a coincidence that one is called Two Fingers and the other is called Three Fingers." Linton said, "I think it should be a heresy, not a heresy. Looking at the way the Golden Dynasty dealt with it, it was obviously more brutal. After all, the heresy is more brutal than the heresy. Paganism is even more hateful."

"The one who ordered them to be dealt with is probably Marika. Maybe she is the only one who knows what happened. After all, she was the one who blocked the news." Asuna said.

As they spoke, everyone continued to move forward in the heavy snow. I have to say that Fan Lei's judgment was quite accurate. The snow was indeed falling heavier and heavier, and the surrounding visibility became even lower. People with Linton's physique and robots like Asuna would naturally have no problem, but Diaros and Fan Lei were obviously unable to withstand this blizzard.

"My nephew, don't you have the ability to spit fire from your eyes? Try it quickly, I think it will keep you warmer." Linton also started to tease Diaros with some boredom.

"..." Diaros here suddenly stopped and looked ahead in a daze.

"Uh...just kidding, don't go crazy," Linton said.

"No...there's someone in front." Diaros said, pointing ahead.

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