"So I said, don't land at the Singapore Airport. There will be a tsunami there soon." Linton looked at the robot stewardess here speechlessly, "It's just that there is no door, it doesn't hinder Fly."

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Linton, but it is against aviation laws to fly with the emergency escape hatch popped up. You must immediately find a nearby airport to land for inspection." The stewardess here explained patiently again and again.

"Can you fly a plane?" Linton looked at Asuna next to him and asked.

"I don't know how to fly in this world," Asuna said.

"What about you?" Linton looked at Kisk next to him.

"It does have related skills." Kiske really couldn't lie and nodded directly.

"Very good." Linton said as he also picked up the flight attendant robot in front of him and swung it directly towards the emergency escape hatch opened next to him. "Speaking of which, I haven't flown a plane before. It's very cold here with so much wind. Let’s go to the cab.”

"Mr. Linton, Director Sherron wants to speak to you." Kiske did not stop Linton who was walking towards the cab. He was currently talking to his boss.

"No, let him wait for death. I will take the time to blow up Dusseldorf completely." Linton said.

"Mr. Linton, we did not plan this attack." Kiske said immediately.

"How do you know?" Linton said, "Don't tell me that's what the above said, and you just believe it. You are a police officer, right? You don't believe it without checking the scene?"

"So please give us time to investigate," Kiske said.

"No need. I don't care who the murderer is. I just want to blow up a country to vent my anger." Linton said.

"Venting your anger?" Kisk was stunned for a moment.

"It's okay if you don't understand. It's difficult for robots to understand because human actions are not necessarily based on logic." Linton said as he pulled the cabin door of the cab and with a little force, there was a "bang" , the cab door here was opened directly.

In fact, the door of the aircraft cab is not too strong. Although the data on paper can withstand rifle bullets and does not deform at all under the impact of a 50KG sledgehammer, in fact it is impossible to bring such an exaggerated thing on the aircraft. , you were arrested by the airport police when you took the AK on a plane. And it really didn't take much effort for Linton to open such a door.

"Mr. Linton, I cannot accept this approach of destroying a country just like this," Kiske said.

"Then what?" Linton asked.

"Huh?" Kisk was stunned for a moment.

"I said, you can't accept it. Then, there must be some follow-up, such as stopping me or something. You can't just say that you can't accept it and be done with it." Linton spread his hands and said.

"I...of course will stop it," Kisk said.

"Oh, then work hard, come on." Linton nodded, and then pointed towards the robot captain next to him. The robot captain here suddenly began to compress crazily, and after a while, he was crushed into a piece by Linton. Linton handed the metal ball to Kisk, who had not yet recovered, and then sat directly in the driver's seat, "How do you operate it?"

"First of all, we need to cancel the autopilot mode." Asuna next to her came up to take a look and said.

"Then if... I hand over my manufacturing technology and ZREONIUM alloy technology to you..." Kisk said suddenly.

"Huh? Can you still be so good?" Linton looked at Kiske in surprise. This really surprised Linton. He didn't expect that the other party would realize what he wanted so quickly. Of course, what Linton wants is points, which in this world is robotics technology. Destroying Dusseldorf or something like that will not do any good to Linton. His purpose is to force the other party to hand over technology.

Originally, Linton planned to scare the other party first and then ask the other party to hand it over. To his surprise, he actually proposed it himself. Of course, Linton was able to quickly figure out what was going on. The previous conversation between Linton and Asuna was completely done in front of Kisk, with no intention of hiding it at all. The other party arranged for Kiske to be by his side just for observation. It is estimated that many people are looking at what Kiske recorded and analyzing his purpose. I guess the other party asked this as a test, but for Linton , saves a lot of trouble.

"That's fine." Linton said directly, "Then if you ask them to give me the information, I won't blow up Dusseldorf, but flatten the Ying Kingdom instead."

"..." Kisk was stunned for a moment, "Why Yingguo?"

"You let them think," Linton said.

"Then if Yingguo is willing to provide you with the technical information of North 2..." Kisk asked.

"Then I'll blow up Switzerland instead." Linton said with a smile.

"...Okay, I understand." Kisk seemed to really understand.

"Let them get ready before the plane lands. I've had enough fun here and have to get down to business," Linton said.

A few hours later, Linton and others appeared in a taxi heading towards central Tokyo.

"So it's like what I said. According to my landing skills, even if one wing is missing, I can still land firmly on the ground." Linton said.

"Generally speaking, commercial airliners cannot take off and land vertically." Asuna said next to her, "You just use Magneto's ability to place the plane on the runway."

"Don't worry so much about the details. In short, although I can't fly, I can fly a plane. Rounding it off, it roughly equals that I can fly, right?" Linton said.

"So how much do you care about this?" Asuna said.

"This data has not been analyzed yet?" Linton asked.

"It still takes some time. If you turn off the complaint function, it can slightly reduce the amount of calculations taken up, which will make the analysis a little faster." Asuna said.

"With this function turned off, what's the difference between you and the guy driving in front of you?" Linton said.

"Sir? Do you mean me?" asked the taxi driver robot in front.

"Isn't there too much difference between the center of the city and the suburbs?" Now that the driver had started talking, Linton also started chatting with him.

Yes, Linton and the others are driving on a very exaggerated overpass several hundred meters above the ground. The surrounding buildings are also a bit exaggeratedly tall. Any building next to it seems to have hundreds of floors. kind. In these buildings, there are densely packed roads on the upper and lower floors, and there are even trams suspended in mid-air. The last time Linton saw such a scene was in the mountain city.

When we came all the way from the airport, the surrounding scenery was still normal, but when we entered the city center, everything around us started to become cyberpunk. The surrounding area really looked like a future world.

"Sir, this is your first time in Tokyo. Indeed, many people say so." The driver robot here also responded in a friendly manner, "Sir, is this your first time in Tokyo?"

"Will the first stop on the tour be the police headquarters?" Linton said.

"Indeed." The driver said, "That's an office? Sir, are you a police officer?"

"What is my current status?" Linton asked Kiske, the co-pilot.

"Special Advisor to the Europol Directorate General," Kiske said.

"Yes, consultant." Linton nodded.

"..." I don't know why the driver always feels a little strange. Why should I ask others about my identity first? But he didn't ask too many questions, because he had already arrived at the entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The taxi entered the police station directly through a raised entrance, and the three of them got off at the drop-off point. Walking along the automatic corridor, you come to the main entrance, which is similar to the reception desk. Linton followed Kiske all the way, but when he was entering the door, Kiske in front stopped.

"That's where you want to go." Kisk pointed to the side and said.

Linton looked at it and saw a door frame similar to a metal detector in front of him. It was probably used for security checks, but there were two entrances. One of them said "HUMAN", and the one in front of them said "NON-HUMAN". Of course, Linton quickly understood the difference between the two entrances.

With nothing to say, Linton quickly walked to the entrance next to him. To be honest, Linton didn't know what the security check was about. He also had a space ring on his body, which was made of metal, but there was no alarm going off, and Asuna next to him seemed to have no problem passing through the gate. You said to check the metal products, but there was no response. If you scan the face, the two of them have no identity in this world, and they don’t know how they got through.

But just when Linton was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed that behind Kisk and Asuna, a child who looked to be seven or eight years old also entered the police station. What caught his attention was that this child Take the path of robots.

Kiske seemed to have noticed it, and turned to look at the child who had just come in. The other child also stopped and looked at Kiske.

"Hello, are you Astro Boy?" Kiske asked directly.

"It's me." The kid here nodded.

"Oh?" Linton walked over directly. Unexpectedly, he met the person he was looking for here. Is this the protagonist of the story, Astro Boy? After looking up and down, Astro Boy here looked... very normal, like an ordinary human child. Linton couldn't even tell that he was a robot.

Linton... was a little confused, because according to his only memory of this show, although Astro Boy was indeed a child, he should be a pervert with a conspicuous pointed hairstyle, no clothes, and only wearing a pair of shorts. He looks like a robot, but the Astro Boy in front of him is so normal that it’s confusing.

"Hello, I am Europol police officer Kiske. Nice to meet you." Kiske said, "Are you here because of the case that just happened?"

The case Kiske was talking about was the one they had just received when they got off the plane, and it was also the reason why they came directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters. Obviously, this case is another serial murder case like before.

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