In a base on a small island in the Indian Ocean in the United States of Thrace, although it was already late at night, the soldiers in the base did not rest.

Just now, they had received a mission from above to intercept and destroy a plane. Naturally, they didn't know who was on the plane. As soldiers, they only needed to obey the orders from above. Of course, they also knew that the plane they wanted to intercept was actually a civilian passenger plane. This task did not sound difficult at all. In fact, it went very smoothly at the beginning. The missile accurately hit the target. But from the moment of hit, things started to change. Suddenly it started to get weird.

This weird situation started when the missile that was supposed to explode started sending signals back again. This was already confusing to them. How could the blown-up missile send signals again? Then something even weirder happened, that is, the positioning signal was still approaching them.

"Is there a system failure?" Everyone thought that the host that received the positioning signal had a failure. After all, it was impossible to receive the signal in the first place. Why did the signal still go back? Until, the base radar alarm also sounded.

Yes, the flying object was approaching in the direction of their base. Everyone in the base took a look and compared it. The approaching object shown by the radar was the same as the positioning signal of their missile. In other words, it was really their missile flying. came back.

This is really outrageous and no one can figure out what's going on. They can understand you saying that the missile yaws. Although today's missiles are very advanced, they can basically hit the target accurately after locking on the target. However, the actual operation is not so ideal. Electromagnetic interference and even solar wind interference will occur. Yaw is normal, so they only used two missiles at a time to be safe.

But the problem is that the current missile flies back the same way it came. Is it still called yaw if it yaws 180 degrees? What's more, they had already received the feedback signal that the missile had exploded before. What happened now shocked them all.

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Of course, you still need to deal with it. In short, regardless of how the missile flew back, deal with it first according to the missile attack response mode. In the face of a missile attack, the first thing is to try to intercept, that is, to intercept the missile with a missile. This is actually not easy to do. The flying speed of the missile can be much faster than that of an airplane. If you want to intercept the missile, the calculation accuracy must be very high. However, They do have such technology.

Soon six interceptor missiles were fired from the launch port of the base. The power of these interceptor missiles was very small. After all, they were only used for interception. After calculation, they should be able to stop this missile.

I have to say that the missile interception technology of the United States of Thrace is still very strong, and the algorithm is very accurate. It is a pity that they did not understand that this missile was not an ordinary missile, and there was a person sitting on it.

Linton, who was above at this time, had naturally noticed the flying interceptor missiles. He raised his hand in front of him and activated Magneto's ability. All six missiles in front stopped in mid-air, and then suddenly he Make way. Linton rode a missile through the middle, and then all six missiles collided with each other and exploded in the air.

"Interception failed." Of course, the radar over there also received the message immediately.

"How is it possible?" The commander of the base was stunned. To be safe, he used six interceptor missiles at once, but all interceptions failed? This is simply an impossible situation.

"What should I do, sir?" The soldier was also a little panicked. The missile was very powerful. If it hit the base, it would be very dangerous no matter where it hit.

"Immediately use ground anti-aircraft fire to intercept." The commander was still calm and immediately ordered. The normal function of ground anti-aircraft guns is to hit aircraft, but if the firepower is concentrated, it is certainly possible to intercept missiles. Especially if the route of the missile is known, it can basically be swept away by sweeping the range.

Soon the six automatic cannons in the base were raised and aimed at the location where the missiles were flying. At this time, the missile did arrive near the base, and soon a dense crossfire network began to fly towards the missile's location.

With such a density of firepower coverage, the missile would indeed be unable to fly through it under normal circumstances. But isn't it true that Linton is also on top?

At this time, Linton had also seen the location of the base. Indeed, the illuminated foundation below was still very obvious. Linton looked at the muzzle of the flaming anti-aircraft gun at the base. When he raised his hand, all the bullets sprayed out instantly. They were all fixed in mid-air.

"Click, click, click." Continuous gunfire sounded below, but the missiles in the air were still approaching the base. Because it was dark, the people in the base could not actually see that all the bullets were stuck in the air after flying out. They just thought it was incredible why the missile was not stopped.

Soon the first round of ammunition preparation for these six anti-aircraft guns was completed, and the missiles were still flying towards the base. At this time, everyone in the base could already see the tail flame of the missile in the sky with their naked eyes. Of course, what they saw was only a small bright spot. They didn't even notice that the missile was flying upside down.

"What... situation? The commander of the base is really confused. Why are the situations encountered tonight so unbelievable? When did their country's missile technology become so awesome? Can they still dodge bullets by themselves?

Now it is impossible to intercept at this distance. Even though the tail flame of the missile can be seen just now, the flying speed of this missile exceeds Mach 5, and this distance disappears in an instant. When the commander saw this situation, he immediately said: "Be prepared for the impact."

As soon as he finished speaking, the missile had already fallen. Everyone in the command post subconsciously closed their eyes and lowered their bodies. Although they all knew that if the command post was really hit, it would be useless to do so, but this was all instinctive. reaction.

However, the expected explosion did not come. Everyone opened their eyes in confusion and looked at each other in confusion. what's going on? Dud?

"Check the location where the missile fell immediately and give me the picture." The commander said immediately.

The staff in front immediately operated, and then, a picture that made everyone unbelievable appeared on the screen in front.

The missile did not explode or even hit the ground. At this time, the picture everyone saw was a man standing next to the missile launch port in the base, standing there with a missile in one hand. And when they were looking at Linton, Linton also discovered the location of the camera and waved his hand in the direction of the camera.

There was silence in the command room of the base. A group of people stood still and stared at the screen in astonishment. No one even knew how to speak. Although I have experienced too many weird situations tonight, what I see now is definitely the weirdest scene.

"Hello everyone, did someone lose a missile?" Linton waved his hand in the direction of the camera and said, of course, the voice was also clearly transmitted to the command room, "What a coincidence, I am doing it right here. The plane suddenly picked up a missile. I was afraid that you would be anxious, so I took the initiative to deliver it to your door."

"..." Of course everyone in the command room heard it, but no one knew how to react.

"Hey, hey, is anyone there?" Linton couldn't see the situation in the command room, but he looked around and found a national flag sign on the cover of the missile launch silo next to him, "Is it really the Magnesium Country? Well, still It’s a little different, but it’s pretty much the same, it’s the magnesium country in this world.”

This flag is indeed very similar to the flag of the United States, but it is not exactly the same. Linton thought there were probably a few missing stars or a few extra stripes. He didn't know exactly how many stars and stripes the flag of Magnesium had. Anyway, just think of it as Magnesium.

To be honest, it’s not surprising at all to know that it was people from the United States who did it. Linton had guessed before that it was not people from the European Union who did it, and the first suspect was the United States. They really like to cause trouble. Guy.

"Will no one come out and pay attention to me?" Linton looked at the camera next to him and said, "Oh, it is a traditional virtue of China to pick up gold and not be ignorant, not from the Magnesium country. It seems that my requirements are too high. Forget it and just do it. "

"Sir, what should we do now?" Looking at the picture on the monitor, the staff here were confused.

The base commander said how do I know what to do, but he was the fastest to calm down. After thinking for a while, he said: "Immediately report to the superiors. We were attacked by robots. The other party..."

"Reporting to the chief...the other a human being." The staff member next to him said suddenly.

"What?" The base commander here was completely confused, "You..."

However, before he could recover, Linton's eyes suddenly flashed purple in the picture, and a white divine robe suddenly appeared on his body. Throw away the missile in your hand and clasp your hands at the same time.

"Super. Shinra Tenzheng!"

There was a loud "boom", and a huge shock wave instantly swept across the entire base, and then the entire island. Everything on the entire island was instantly crushed and blown away by this huge repulsive force. The surrounding seawater was also shaken away by this huge force and spread in all directions.

After a while, the surrounding seawater began to backfill, and the force of this backfill quickly formed multiple huge whirlpools in the middle. The sea level surged crazily, but something seemed to be missing.

Yes, the entire island has disappeared at this time. The backfilled seawater has engulfed the flattened island. As for the base, only a few fragments are left that are sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Of course, Linton had returned to the plane at this time. Although he could not detect the aura of the robot, the Flying Thunder God could still be used. Of course, Kisk has reported the previous missile attack and is now anxious.

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