I really can't control myself

Chapter 1840 New World

The investigation will naturally continue, and Linton has indeed received a new task. Exploring the new world requires 40% progress. It feels a little more difficult than the previous tasks, but this can be regarded as a more suitable task he found.

I always feel that PVP tasks have become more frequent after entering this job agency. As expected, PVP is still encouraged to earn contribution points. But as long as no other investigators are found, Linton does not dare to take on this task.

By the way, in the past two days, Linton also sorted out other gains after his promotion. In addition to the regular rewards of increased points, Linton found that the upper limit of his team members had indeed increased. The upper limit has been increased by 2, which means that I can now recruit two new people, and with myself as the captain, I can form an eight-person team.

To be honest, when there are no PVP missions now, this upper limit is a bit too much, and there is no need for so many people. Maybe in PVP battles, the quota advantage of having two more people is huge, but now I can't find any PVP opponents.

With this extra upper limit, the first thing Linton thought of was Aizen. He had thought about this before, but Linton still wasn't sure whether to add him, mainly because this guy was too bad. manage. However, he had taken the initiative to put some restrictions on him before, but Linton couldn't think of anything suitable for the time being.

"We need something like a devil's contract." Linton said. Speaking of this, it seems that even if he is a devil, doesn't he have the authority of a dark devil to sign a contract with Aizen to restrict him? To be honest, Linton felt a little headache thinking about this. A new mission had just arrived at this time, so he had better explore the new world first.

When talking about the investigation assistant, the first thing Linton thought of was Asuna, because Asuna is indeed easy to use and is really convenient as a tool. But now that Unit 2 was "damaged" and she was still studying what happened, Linton didn't know if she had time to accompany him, so he still asked.

"Okay." Asuna immediately agreed. Speaking of which, she was indeed particularly concerned about the investigation, probably because of the way of gathering intelligence. Anyway, she was willing to follow Linton every time he called her.

"The condition of this machine is currently mainly based on observation. Just let the T800 be responsible for recording." Asuna said, "This is your first inspection after your promotion. I must observe the situation to see if there may be any differences."

"I see." Linton understood immediately. Indeed, there were some subtle changes after each promotion. Perhaps it was due to the expansion of his own authority? For example, there are more and more types of tasks, as well as PVP-related things. Linton did support Asuna to help with observation and analysis.

Preparations for the exploration were still the same. Asuna continued to prepare a lot of instruments and the like, while Linton reported to Yalan. Yalan didn't seem to be that concerned about Linton's "work". Instead, she inexplicably mentioned that she wanted to find a "sister" for herself.

Of course, the obvious meaning of this "sister" was to ask Linton to take a concubine. Linton understood it, but he didn't quite understand Yalan's logic. Although Linton didn't see any jealousy in Yalan, she had never cared about this matter. She had never asked Linton if there were other women outside. This was Do you feel like you are hiding your beauty in a golden house outside? Of course, Linton did not actually do it. I don’t know what Yalan misunderstood.

Of course, Linton asked carefully. At first, he thought Yalan had heard some rumors and took them seriously. However, the actual situation made Linton a little bit dumbfounded. It took him a long time to figure out the logic.

The cause of the matter was actually caused by Garsain and Jorah. It was good news at first, because Jorah here was pregnant.

Linton originally listened to this matter. After all, although Jorah is Yalan's sister, she has been dead for many years and her actual physical age is not very old. However, in this world, it is still considered a normal age to get pregnant. Linton was probably the only one who had any ideas, and everyone else sounded normal.

But the problem is that there will be some trouble later, because the minister in charge of the royal family proposed to Yalan that Princess Jorah's children should also join the royal family tree. Things that were fine at first suddenly became a little complicated.

The original situation was that Linton Yalan and Garser Njora had discussed it. It was very clear that Linton and Yalan's children would inherit the royal family, and their children would inherit the Meloway family. But suddenly, if the children of Garsain and Jorah are considered to be of royal blood, who will inherit the Meroway family?

Neither Yalan, Garsain, nor Jorah agreed with this matter, because it was originally agreed upon. However, many ministers support the royal minister's statement, and now this statement is quite popular in the court. You have to say it's true, but it's reasonable. After all, the royal family's bloodline is too withered now, but Linton can also guess that these ministers have small thoughts.

They can accept that the royal bloodline is strong, but the Meloway family is powerful, which is probably not acceptable to most ministers. Therefore, advancing this matter is actually weakening the power of the Meloway family.

The main reason why this matter is currently entangled is that the two heads of the Meloway family, Linton and Gasain, happened to be married to royal daughters. Although it was just a change in status, it actually had a great impact. This matter has been hotly discussed in the court recently, so Yalan went round and round to propose this idea to Linton.

Because her child is of royal blood, yes, but if Linton takes a concubine, can the child born from it be considered of royal blood? There is no way it can be calculated. Then there is no controversy about this child's bloodline. He must have inherited the Meloway family. Now no one will have anything to say.

The debate here is not over yet, and Yalan is already thinking of a way out. She probably felt that the child and her surname were indebted to the royal family. Yalan was working very hard to promote this matter, so she took the initiative to tell Linton.

"TN needs to have a partner for this matter." Linton raised his forehead and said, having never thought about this at all.

"I mentioned it to General Esdeath, and she was very happy to say..."

"Is this the guy? I knew there must be a guy dancing for joy behind the scenes." Linton said, "Forget it, just don't worry about it for now. I'll come back after I finish the work. I'm really used to it by these people." Something went wrong, and you suddenly feel like I'm easier to talk to, right?"

Linton took note of the matter. Even though he didn't think it was a big deal, he could just deal with it after he came back from the investigation. Anyway, after saying hello to Yalan, Linton returned to the underground laboratory again. With Asuna, who was ready, he clicked to start exploring.

With a flash of white light, the two entered a new world. As soon as I landed, all I saw was green.

Yes, the location where it appeared looked like a forest, surrounded by various tall trees. Linton looked around and could only conclude that this was not a tropical forest, because the surrounding trees did not look like tropical trees. According to common sense, they should be evergreen plants.

There was a "bang", and suddenly the sound of a launching object sounded next to Linton. This time Linton was used to it. Turning around, I saw that it was Asuna next to her who was launching something into the sky. It should be a detector or something, scanning the nearby terrain. This was her habit every time she started, and Linton was almost the same. got used to.

"It's rare to appear in the woods." Linton said, "The last time I appeared in the woods was when Hokage happened. Not long after, I met a ninja from the Uchiha family. According to System Ji's urine, she won't give it to her for no reason. If you throw it into a place where birds don't poop, it will always be the scene of an incident, and there should be something going on in this forest."

"I'm conducting detection..." Before Asuna could finish her words, there was a sudden loud "boom", and a huge blast of air suddenly swept across the location where the two of them were, and the trees and other nearby trees were blown away by huge explosions. The shock wave uprooted or directly broke the body, and Asuna, who was unprepared, was blown away first.

There was nothing serious on Linton's side. He turned his head and looked directly in the direction of the explosion shock wave. The scene he saw made him stunned for a moment.

A huge tornado-like thing hung from the sky to the ground in the distance. At this time, the surrounding trees were blown away, and Linton could clearly see the surrounding scene.

The location they were in was not a small forest, but a huge sea of ​​trees. At this time, a huge tornado was raging in the sea of ​​trees. This is obviously not an ordinary tornado, because strange energy substances like fireballs are constantly flying around in this tornado. It is obvious that many woods are on fire around it, which has caused forest fires in several areas.

The location where Linton and the others were just now was blown away by the energy blown out by the tornado, and now the surroundings of Linton and the others are also starting to catch fire.

Although the situation was sudden, Linton didn't react much. After all... he was used to it. I had been hit by a meteorite and hit by a train when I first arrived. Anyway, there were explosions and the like, nothing special.

What Linton paid attention to was obviously this strange tornado. Something was obviously wrong, but it was a bit far away, so he had better get closer to check the situation first.

"It doesn't look like a naturally occurring tornado." Asuna's voice came from the side. Although she was blown away by the explosion, as a robot, she was naturally fine.

"Even a blind person can see this." Linton nodded.

"The detector that was just launched was destroyed," Asuna said. "It is impossible to analyze the situation."

"Just go over and take a look... Huh? This thing has dispersed?" As Linton was talking, the tornado in the sky suddenly began to shrink rapidly. Within a few seconds, it turned into several air turbulences and suddenly disappeared.

This was obviously wrong, but Linton's breath perception didn't sense any breath from the tornado. The current situation was really confusing.

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