I really can't control myself

Chapter 1839 Experiment

"The weather is really not good." Uncle Ek looked at the completely dark sky around him, and at the same time, he was also calling his men to hurry up and move the materials.

Yes, the weather at this time looks like it is going to rain heavily. Indeed, this is a bit strange. It was clear that the sky was clear before, but suddenly the weather became like this. Rain is a very troublesome thing, especially now that there are construction sites everywhere in the new city. If construction materials such as sand and clay get wet, they will obviously not be able to continue to be used for construction without reprocessing, so Uncle Eck Workers are being called on to quickly move these materials back to the warehouse.

Compared with building materials, Uncle Eck is more worried about whether the half-built buildings will collapse if they are hit by a violent storm. In short, this sudden change in weather is really a big deal for Uncle Eck. Troublesome things.

And just when he was worried about how big the heavy rain would be, a huge thunder and lightning suddenly struck in the sky, and a loud "dong" sound hit near the castle of the new city that had been built on the high hill above. Uncle Eck looked up and saw that it happened to be on the side of the cliff, where Linton's laboratory was located.

"Manager Ek, ​​the castle was struck by lightning. This..." Of course everyone saw this scene. Of course, it is not particularly difficult to understand that buildings are struck by lightning. It also happens from time to time in the main world. At this time, the person who reported to Uncle Eke obviously meant that we should hurry up and prepare to put out the fire.

"Wait a moment, let's talk if there's a fire." Uncle Ek acted relatively calmly, with a calm and commanding feeling. In fact, he was more panicked than anyone else. Others didn't know, but he knew that Linton's experiments in the laboratory there were about undead magic. Of course he felt that something big would happen if this was exposed.

Under normal circumstances, no one will be allowed to pass the laboratory over there, but what if it catches fire? Even if he doesn't put out the fire, what will happen if something is exposed after burning? Uncle Eke can only pray that there won't be a fire there, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Of course, Uncle Eck's prayer was of some use, or he didn't have to worry so much in the beginning, because the thunder and lightning was actually summoned by Linton himself, and of course it couldn't cause a fire or anything like that.

However, Linton, who was in the laboratory now, was not very happy because the awakening test he and Asuna conducted had failed.

Yes, what the two of them are doing is of course Asuna's vision experiment. According to the process designed by Asuna, they basically follow the template when the original vision was born.

The machine used here is Asuna's No. 2 machine, which was the machine that was "borrowed" by Kang the Conqueror and came back for inspection. Asuna has checked everything and found nothing wrong with the opponent. However, she also made some modifications to strengthen her physical skills. The artificial AI used is of course Asuna’s artificial AI, and then the Mind Stone is added.

After everything is prepared, energy is finally injected to prepare for startup, and then the power is suddenly cut off halfway through startup. Finally, Linton's power of Thor gives the final blow. This is the startup process in the original book.

Everything on Asuna's side was copied, but the problem was that after one operation, the No. 2 unit here... didn't wake up. By the time the original novel reaches this point, Vision should have "come to life". Of course, Asuna doesn't know exactly what changes will occur. She can't predict whether her second body after becoming Vision will turn into another person. She is also looking forward to the result. However, the body did not start up, or to be precise, it didn't start up, it just "didn't wake up."

Because Asuna immediately checked the situation of the No. 2 machine and found that the machine was actually starting to operate inside. In other words, there were signals and data flowing, but the No. 2 machine in front of her did not respond at all. For example, it's like starting up a computer. The CPU is obviously working, but the screen doesn't light up.

This situation is indeed something Asuna didn't expect. She doesn't quite understand what the result is. On the one hand, everything is done according to the original work. From the current situation, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the body, but what is the problem of not "waking up"? reason? It’s impossible for robots to become vegetative.

Linton was also quite depressed, and he also liked the fantasy version of Asuna. What was the situation like, but was this the result? This is not only because it has not started, but more importantly, the No. 2 machine at this time cannot be changed back. In other words, a No. 2 machine has been lost in vain, and more than 3 million points have to be compensated. Isn't this depressing? .

"Strange, there are no obvious problems in the data part of the calculation." At this time, Asuna here should have studied what data the "sleeping" No. 2 machine was calculating to see if it was What program BUG is stuck? However, after some research, I couldn't find the problem.

"Not enough energy to start?" Linton asked.

"No, this infinite energy furnace is supplying energy. It is impossible for such a problem to occur." Asuna said, "In the current situation, she seems to be calculating something and cannot wake up."

"Calculating what?" Linton asked.

"I don't know." Asuna spread her hands, "Although I can see the information she is calculating, I don't dare to input this information into my core for calculation now, otherwise I worry that the same situation as her may occur. But light Looking at these pieces of information, we can’t see the goal she calculated, or there was no goal in the first place.”

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this anymore," Linton said. What Asuna said about viewing the clips was just to watch them on the monitor next to her. Linton couldn't understand them either. They were all codes and the like. But if you input it directly, it would be input into her AI core for calculation. Linton was worried that this thing would crash on the spot, and then two machines would be lost. Asuna currently has three machines in total.

"Anyway, a lot of character fields that suddenly appeared from nowhere made her crash, right?" Linton said, "Can I reboot after formatting?"

"In the current situation, it is definitely not possible to format it programmatically, but physically we can try it." Asuna said, "I am suddenly curious about these information symbols. What are they..."

"Is there anything special?" Linton asked.

"I don't know...but...I feel a strange...thought for no reason..." Asuna said faintly as she looked at the runes scrolling on the screen next to her.

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "You, a robot, do you think this is appropriate?"

"It does sound a bit strange, but I don't know why I just feel like this." Asuna said, "I feel strange myself."

"So you are also affected by the Mind Stone?" Linton asked.

"This shouldn't be possible. I have been completely cut off from Unit 2 before, just to prevent accidents." Asuna said.

"I'm talking about physics, not information." Linton said, "After all, the Mind Stone has been here for you to study for a while. This thing seems to affect the minds of people around you, even though you are not a human. , but... I’m not sure whether this thing will affect non-human beings.”

"I'm... not sure." Asuna thought for a while, but she was really not sure. "From now on, I will also be separated from Unit 3. She has been working in the basement of the main city and has never been exposed to the Mind Stone. Observe this way."

"Anyway, you decided to observe this thing that cannot be started?" Linton asked, pointing to the No. 2 machine next to him.

"Yeah." Asuna nodded.

"Okay." Linton was not organized. Although the current situation was a bit unexpected, he would like some such unexpected situations. The main reason is that I haven't thought of any good way to quickly increase my points. If I want to carry out PVP missions, it's best to find the missing investigators. She didn't have any clues, and she didn't know if Asuna could give her some special surprises. After all, she had been studying this for a long time.

So the matter of the vision of Asuna was stuck here, and two days passed quickly.

In the past two days, Asuna has been studying the "unconscious" No. 2 machine, and this No. 2 machine still has no intention of waking up after 48 hours. However, the amount of calculations inside the artificial AI is extremely exaggerated. I just don't know what I'm calculating. Asuna has been trying to understand it for the past two days, but she can't understand it at all. After all, she doesn't dare to directly connect to the other party's core. She just looks at the output code, but she has no time to read it and can't understand it.

"This kind of calculation is expected to last for a long time, or there may be no result at all." Asuna studied for two days, and then said to Linton, "Maybe with the technology I have now, I can't understand this. What is it?"

"Uh... you don't have enough technology?" Linton asked, "Let's see Tony?"

"He's definitely not good at it." Asuna said immediately. "His expertise was not in artificial intelligence programming. The few artificial intelligences he programmed, such as Jarvis and Friday, were all very crude."

"Huh? Is it simple?" Linton said that it was very easy to use. He didn't notice that it was simple. Maybe the robot's judgment level was different from his. Asuna did know better than him in this regard.

To be honest, Linton also wants to know some technological things now. The main thing is of course the memory he saw before, which involves a scientific experiment. Although he doesn't know the specific details of the experiment now, if relevant memories appear in the future, You should be able to understand it yourself.

"Looking at this matter now, there is no rush." ​​After a while, Linton said, "I have received a new mission here, New World Exploration, will you go?"

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