I really can't control myself

Chapter 1832 Collapse

With the current battle situation, it can be said that the troops on both sides of the battle are somewhat doubtful about life. Not to mention the elves, the human army is also confused. Are we... so fierce? The soldiers on the battlefield didn't know what went wrong. Anyway, they didn't feel much pressure at all. Why did they just push the opponent's troops and retreat? What happened?

The first wave of heavy infantry units that advanced were already engaged in close combat with the Elf troops. As the first wave of units that advanced, they naturally knew what was going on. In most cases, they will be attacked by the enemy. Heavy casualties can be said to be a daily situation, especially now that close combat is involved. It should have been an extremely bloody and tragic situation, but... why is it not so bad this time? Same thing, I didn't feel that kind of pressure at all.

After hacking and killing for a while, everyone had a guess... maybe the elves were too good at it. Looking around, yes, the formation of the first wave of troops has not been broken up yet, and many people have fallen, but it will be no problem if they can still maintain the line of troops. Let’s look at the elven troops on the opposite side. Why are your military lines so chaotic? Don’t you have the advantage in local areas now? This is because we are attacking your formation.

I don’t understand. Anyway, there was no signal to retreat from behind. If I resisted, I tried to push forward, and then I really pushed. This can really push forward. The heavy infantry team leader commanding from the front was also confused. Isn't it possible that their first round of charge could really make a difference? He knew that there were several waves of top-line troops behind them.

After hacking for a while, the army line was pushed forward for about ten meters, which was an unexpected success. However, the squad leader looked at the losses ahead and saw that some of the squad's losses were quite serious. Just when he was considering whether to retreat, the second wave of infantry troops came up from behind.

"Kill!" The second wave of infantry regiments pressed forward instantly and began to top the line. The team leader here also saw the position of the captain of the second team and shouted over there: "Are we going to retreat?"

"Back off, the front of the elves is almost washed away. Are you ready to give me all the credit?" The second captain's shout came from over there.

The captain of the first team looked forward and saw that indeed, as soon as the second wave of troops came up, the elven troops could no longer hold on and felt as if they were about to be scattered. These two waves of soldiers almost destroyed the front of the elves. What the hell? Why is the opposite side so dishonest?

"Is there any trap on the other side?" The team leader also began to doubt and shouted to the second team leader again.

"The marshal said, you don't need IQ to fight the elves, you just have to do it forcefully." The second captain replied. Of course, Scram's original words were not this, that's how he understood it.

"Isn't it a battle that requires no brains?" The team leader said that he has not fought a battle that did not require a brain in many years. Although he was a little doubtful, the marshal said to fight how to fight. He waved his hand to indicate that the whole team was pressing forward, and there was no need to think about anything. The question is whether to retreat or not. Reinforcements have also arrived. Let's see who collapses first in the end.

The humans in the rear are already studying the outflanking thing, and the battle went surprisingly smoothly. I originally thought that there would be several battles with the elves here, but now I feel inexplicably that they can decide the outcome in one battle. The opportunity must not be let go. The human race currently has too many troops, and it is not possible to press the entire army. The remaining troops were originally preparing to fill in the line. Now it seems that they don’t even need to be so careful and can send troops to bypass it. Surrounded from the side or around the back.

"If our troops are sent out, will the enemy take this opportunity to attack our formation?" the general here reminded.

"So I said, don't expect them to have any tactics, they... should be just simple dishes." Scram said.

"But we should also be a little bit..."

"Report, the enemy's front has been defeated, and our troops are advancing." A soldier next to him came over and reported.

"...Okay, the other party is a loser." The general who wanted to advise him also raised his forehead and said. His combat style has always been relatively cautious, but now he finds that caution does not work at all on the elves. You You never know how talented these people are, and they are so talented that it disrupts their original plan. The most advantageous situation that the human race could think of before was not as big as the advantage they really encountered now.

"Let's do this. All the remaining cavalry units will be outflanked." Scram said, "There is no need for the cavalry's assault force here. The infantry units will just press forward and collapse on their own."

"Is this the legendary elf army that can defeat five of us at once?" Another general next to him also raised his forehead, "Now that I think about it, I really don't know what attitude the general opposite said that... "

"Master Juggernaut brought the opponent to be a monkey exhibition from the beginning. This result should have been expected by Master." Scram said, "I will just implement Master's plan."

"Don't you need prisoners? Women of the elves..."

When a general was about to say something, Scram stared at him and stared back at what he was about to say. Indeed, he only dared to say that he absolutely did not dare to do anything like disobeying Linton's orders.

Scram didn't blame much, but looked up at the sky and said, "Pay attention to the time. Since we have gained the advantage, end the war as soon as possible. The entire army will obey my command and start mobilizing."

When Scram mentioned the time, he was mainly worried about delaying it until after the sun went down. In the current situation, the defeat of the elves is only a matter of time, but this time is indeed a big problem. Once the sun really sets, it will basically be pitch black at night in a place like this, where you can't see your fingers. It would be too difficult to pursue and suppress the enemy's troops.

Scram was worried about the enemy escaping in large numbers, so he stepped up the encirclement and suppression at this time. Although Linton said that the enemy was defeated in the first wave, it would be impossible to do anything after the opponent's confidence was shattered. Scram naturally believed in Linton's judgment. In addition, he now understood the true level of the elves. They were really weak, but after all, there were 80,000 enemies. If most of them were to escape, it would be quite troublesome. , it’s best to stay here all.

In fact, what he is most worried about is that the elves will withdraw immediately when they see something is wrong. The troops he has just arranged to outflank are not yet in place. If the enemy retreats as a whole now, their pursuit effect will not be good.

However, Scram's worry was actually completely unnecessary. He really overestimated the abilities of the elves again. They did not realize the actual situation on the battlefield at all, or that the generals of the elves were now I was stunned and already in some confusion.

At present, the elves' front line has a disadvantage that is visible to the naked eye. Not only are the left and right wings suppressed, but the front is almost destroyed. But the elven generals haven't understood what happened yet. In their opinion, their army shouldn't be invincible. How could it be suppressed by the enemy's army? What appeared in front of them was a scene that they couldn't understand. They couldn't understand it. Understood, how do they know how to respond.

A group of elven generals stared at the troops pushed back by the enemy, and other than asking the people behind to push forward, they did not make any effective adjustments. Obviously, they didn't understand the reason for this disadvantageous situation, so they didn't know how to reverse the disadvantage.

"What's going on?" General Xiweier was also confused. How is this possible? Why are the human army so powerful? She was beaten like this without realizing anything. They were noble elves, how could they be suppressed by weak human troops.

"That..." Just when she was so confused that she even forgot about the command, a man's voice suddenly sounded next to her. Xiver subconsciously wanted to draw her sword again, but turned around and saw Linton. The hand touching the sword hilt still stopped, because drawing the sword was of no use. Facing a sword master, drawing the sword would mean death.

"What are you doing here? This is a battlefield, and saints cannot interfere in wars!" Siver said immediately.

"I just saw on the mountain that the human race has sent troops to take a detour. They are probably preparing to outflank you. I came here to inform you." Linton said.

"..." Xiweier was stunned for a moment. What's going on? Are you here to report to us? But she quickly realized that the trap must be a trap. This is to make us focus on other places. The human race probably wants to send troops to attack from the front.

"You're still doubting, right? It's okay. I just think it's a bit too much to bully you if I don't slap the entire human race's battle plan in your face." Linton spread his hands and said, "I don't know why you insist on doubting I, think about it for yourself, are you lying to any of the things I told you about the human army before? Now you should also know that those are all true news."

"Uh..." These words made Xi Weier really startled, because Linton was right. All the information about the human troops that Linton gave before now seemed to be true, but she didn't know any of it. Just don't believe it.

"So I interfered in the war, but I helped the elves more. You think so, but you don't believe it." Linton said, "It should be said that the losses of the elves' troops under my command were greater than those under your command." Be smaller. No wonder the human race wants to award you a medal."

"I...you guy! Are you here specifically to laugh at me?" Xiweier roared angrily.

"Yes, it's really fun." Linton nodded, "Just a reminder, the news just now is my last goodwill. If you ignore it because of your own likes and dislikes, it will lead to the tragedy. You are obliged to read it. .”

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