Cavalry is another item in which humans have a comparative advantage. Of course, the advantage here mainly refers to the advantage of heavy cavalry. Speaking of light cavalry, the orcs' light cavalry is actually stronger.

Thanks to advanced armor forging technology, the human heavy cavalry is considered a well-known and powerful force in the mainland. Of course, heavy cavalry is good at charging the front, while light cavalry is good at detours. Currently, the front is being pushed forward by the heavy infantry, and the heavy cavalry has no way to go up, so the light cavalry can only be sent to attack the flanks.

As for why they didn't send heavy cavalry to charge from the center, it was mainly because they didn't expect that the first wave of attacks would be effective. According to Scram's original plan, the first few waves were to deliver food, so he thought of consuming them first. Since the heavy cavalry was an ace unit, they could not be used as food delivery.

With so many enemies at present, it is impossible for the heavy cavalry to break through the enemy's formation. Once they are unable to break through and are surrounded and annihilated, it will be a real loss. However, I just didn't expect that this tentative consumption effect would be so good, and it was easier than Scram thought.

In short, the side attack must also start now, otherwise if the enemy's two wing troops move toward the center, the middle troops will be surrounded, so pressure must be put on both sides.

Scram's arrangement was very timely, because he is indeed very good at commanding large-scale battle formations. After all, he is a commander who has been involved in so many years of fighting. Not to mention his ability to adapt, but his ability to push the line of troops. That's really awesome. Knowing what to do at what time may sound basic, but you still have the initiative. Unlike the general on the opposite side, Xi Weier, she actually doesn’t know when to do what. Until now, she has always responded to what the human race does. To put it nicely, she is trying to deal with every move, and to put it poorly, she is passive. The human race has always taken the initiative in making adjustments.

Just like now, the human cavalry on both sides began to take action, and the elves naturally responded accordingly. The troops on both sides prepared to meet the enemy, and at the same time the elven cavalry also began to take action.

Yes, the elves also have cavalry troops. Linton knew this before. When I was walking around in the elven military camp before, I had seen elves riding a strange-looking monster. If I had to describe it, it was a large, blue-skinned, four-legged lizard, not a Komodo dragon. That kind of reptile lizard, but the kind with long legs that can run.

Unlike horses, this lizard runs on its two hind legs when it runs, and lands on all fours when it is not running. Because its limbs are claws, it is estimated to have some offensive capabilities, and its overall strength should be much stronger than that of a horse. Probably an evolved version of a Velociraptor or something like that.

Such mounts gave the elven cavalry a bit of an advantage, but Linton didn't think it would make much of a splash. The main reason was...the number was too small.

Linton guessed that the number of these unknown monsters was not very large. In short, the number of the elven cavalry was not very large. Now that I have seen them attack, the number is only...about 2,000? Linton didn't know why the number was so small. After all, the elves had an army of 80,000, right? There were only 2,000 cavalry in it? What effect does this have?

What made Linton even more suffocated was the way the elves responded. The human side was surrounded by light cavalry on both sides at the same time, but the elves actually dispatched cavalry from both sides to deal with it at the same time. The reason why the humans do this is because the humans have a lot of cavalry. There are tens of thousands of cavalry on each of the left and right routes. But the elves only have so few cavalry, so why don’t you split them up?

The correct response should be to concentrate the cavalry on one side, let the infantry hold it on the other side first, and concentrate all the cavalry here to defeat one side first, and then support the other side. After all, you already have few cavalry, so you can only use this local advantage strategy. But now that you have few cavalry, you have to divide your troops, one on each side, 1,000 against 10,000. Is this possible?

Linton didn't know whether it was because Xiweier on the opposite side was too addicted to copying homework, or because she was too confident in the elves. Do you think it's okay for the cavalry to hit ten?

Sure enough, the development of things was no different from what Linton expected. The cavalry on both sides did not clash for long. The cavalry on the Elf side also has another advantage, and that is their shooting ability. Because the Elf tribe has average marksmen per capita, shooting on mounts is the basic ability of their riders. Not only can they shoot, but they can also shoot very accurately.

There are no magical skills of this level in the human race. There are also people who can ride and shoot, but each team only has a few people who are good at equestrian skills. Most people don't have this ability, but they do have it. The way to deal with it is to use a crossbow.

Because of the high forging technology, the human race already has the technology of one-handed crossbows, which can be fired with one hand without using two hands. Such inventions have greatly lowered the technical threshold for shooting immediately. Although loading requires both hands, the loading of the crossbow is The technical content is much simpler than aiming and shooting.

Of course, accuracy is another problem, but just like the previous infantry team, with the same number, the human cavalry team is indeed no match for the elves. But the problem is that now it is ten to one, which is not accurate enough. With the number, ten If someone shoots you, you won't be able to hit it with perfect accuracy.

Therefore, the cavalry confrontation between the two sides ended very suddenly. They first fired at each other. Both sides suffered casualties. The number of casualties was almost the same. However, the human race had 10,000 people, and a few dozen fell down was insignificant. The elves had only 1,000, and a few fell down. Ten, it hurts the muscles and bones.

Then there was a head-on confrontation. Unexpectedly, the cavalry teams on both sides collided. The elven cavalry team here was directly knocked apart. From a distance, it looked like the human cavalry team directly defeated the elven cavalry team. After eating, the huge numerical gap can't be made up even if the elven cavalry has an advantage in some items. After a round of confrontation, the entire elven cavalry team became in shambles.

However, after breaking up the elven cavalry, the human cavalry did not continue to harvest the rest of them. They continued to move forward. After all, their main task was to attack the flanks, not to wipe out the opponent's cavalry. The choice of the human cavalry team is to directly collide with the elves' flanking troops.

The light cavalry can attack the flanks mainly with harassment. After all, the human race's light cavalry has long-range weapons, so it is of course possible to shoot from a distance. But for the elves, this method is not possible. Their infantry teams have better shooting capabilities than you. At this time, keeping a distance and shooting is seeking death. Therefore, the cavalry team here did not say anything and ran over first. This is a bit light cavalry. It was meant to be used as a heavy cavalry, but it was not intended to cause much damage. It was mainly to break up the formation, because it was not intended to break through from the flanks. It was only intended to harass the flanks from the beginning.

But the human race didn't expect that the impact was so effective that the light cavalry broke through the opponent's formation. The cavalry team on the human side didn't understand why the elves' infantry team was so weak in resisting impact. After all, they had no experience fighting against the elves before.

They didn't know that the elves themselves had little experience in fighting against cavalry. As mentioned before, the elves had not fought in more than thirty years, and they had almost no experience in fighting against cavalry on such a large plain. Most of the terrain in their country is forest, which is not suitable for cavalry combat. Therefore, the elves did not plan to develop any cavalry at the beginning. It was useless, and their soldiers did not know what to do when facing the cavalry. Dealing with it is something I have never encountered before.

Weapons against cavalry were also not prepared. The human race's cavalry has been fighting against other countries with cavalry all year round, and they all have their own ways of dealing with each other. It can be said that they are drawn in and out. Now that they are so surprised, it can be said that they have never seen anything like that.

Although I don’t know what happened, the human race also has experience in what to do next. Although there was no such plan at the beginning, if they broke through, it would naturally be divided and encircled. This situation was actually encountered in a previous battle. It was used by light cavalry when harvesting the opponent's remaining soldiers. The opponent's morale collapsed, the battle formation was shattered, and the enemy only focused on running away, so they harvested in this way. This is the first time I have seen a scene where a frontal blow directly shattered it.

In short, after the human race really opened up, they gradually discovered that these elven soldiers were really... addicted to human food. The generals above had previously said that this was a tough battle and that the elves were very powerful, which made them all very nervous. But really a fight, that’s it?

The generals who were observing the battle from behind also looked confused. Is that it? They agreed to harass the flanks, but why did both sides seem to be penetrated directly? They all began to doubt themselves. Are the elves trying to show their weakness to the enemy, luring the enemy deeper, luring their cavalry deeper, and then surrounding and strangulating them? This kind of situation has been encountered in previous wars. After all, during the period of involution, everyone really used all kinds of tactics.

"You are thinking too much. The general of the Elf clan is not that capable." Fortunately, Scram's mind is still very clear. In the current situation, as long as he does not think too much, he must also lower his thinking level to cooperate with the other party. Don't do anything superfluous.

"Just act as normal, look toward the surface, and don't think too much," Scram said.

"Marshal, we seem to have the advantage on the frontal battlefield." The general next to him reported again. Scram looked at it, and it was true that the troops in the middle of the two sides had begun to fight closely. He could not see clearly what was happening on the side of the elves, but their own troops did not collapse in formation and actually withstood it.

"Can you withstand the first wave?" The general next to him was a little unconvinced. How could he withstand this?

"Never mind it, the second wave of support is coming." Scram waved his hand.

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