I really can't control myself

Chapter 1696 Heavy pinch

"It's over, the moon really blew up this time..." Linton couldn't help but said while looking at the bare sky. I don’t know if the abilities acquired by Dragon Ball are at odds with the moon. After all, it’s normal for Dragon Ball to fuck the moon, but the problem is that the moon in other worlds will not regenerate.

Linton had almost blown up the moon several times before, but this time, he actually did it for real, and he did it so simply that he blew it up directly.

Not to mention that I haven't exited the automatic combat state yet, even if I exited, my current ability of the Time Stone should not be able to affect an area as large as the moon, which means it cannot be restored.

"Ah... then this world is probably going to end." Linton held up his forehead. Although the earth was not directly hammered to pieces, according to the current situation, the earth is probably going to end as well.

Obviously, the disappearance of the moon is not as simple as not having to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in the future, but the impact is huge. Two of them are fatal. The first is that the moon and the earth were in a system similar to a "double star". The gravitational forces on both sides affect each other. Once one of them disappears, the other will naturally be affected. If it's mild, the rotation and tilt angles will change. If it's serious, there will be problems with the orbit, which will be even more troublesome.

Another big problem that will be faced immediately is the problem of tides. Everyone knows that the moon has an impact on tides, but most people probably don't know what will happen to the ocean if the moon disappears. In fact, due to the moon's gravity, part of the seawater on the earth is actually "pulled" in the air by the moon. You can imagine a slightly elliptical spherical surface. At this time, the gravity "pulling" the seawater suddenly disappears, and the "pulled" seawater falls directly, which will naturally trigger a huge tsunami, and it is the kind that is global.

The reason why this problem is bigger is because in the world of EVA, due to the second impact detonating the glaciers in Antarctica, more parts of the world are covered by sea water, which means that more sea water is "pulled". And more importantly, they are located in Niben. As everyone knows, this place is originally an island. It is no joke that the entire country will disappear when the tsunami comes.

"It's really difficult to save the world on a whim." Linton spread his hands and said, "Can we still save it? But we need to exit the automatic battle first. By the way, Unit 6 is probably gone. Bar."

Linton glanced at the information bar and was surprised to find that the latest record was not a reminder of the end of the battle, but the discovery of valuables. Linton was stunned for a moment, and then noticed the gun of Cassius in his hand. Yes, the valuables here indicate the spear you just grabbed.

Although it is still in the automatic combat stage, Linton can naturally upload the things he holds in his hand. Clicking to upload, Linton got 2.4 million points, which was more than Linton expected.

"It turns out that you don't have to be an apostle, can this kind of thing also work? So the previous Nebuchadnezzar's Key should still be a valuable item." Linton said, "Speaking of which, Lilith hasn't touched points yet, and The gun of Longinus on her chest should still be there. No, no, no, no, she has started to only think about points and saving the world as promised... But can you blame me? That Kaoru Nagisa of Unit 6 is so damned good. You have to stand in front of the moon, and you have to attack me while standing there, how can..."

There was a "ding" sound, and Linton was still thinking about it. There was a flash of light in front of him, and another huge explosion occurred around Linton. Of course, it was an attack from Unit 1. However, although the power of the explosion was terrifying, Linton did not feel any impact at all, as if the explosions around him were fake.

"If I could activate the Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu, I guess the previous attack of Unit 1 would not be able to break through the defense." Linton said, the current situation is indeed a familiar situation of being unable to break through the defense, but what Linton is worried about now It's not from Unit 1 at all.

At this time, the smoke and dust from the explosion had not dissipated, and Linton saw himself slowly raising his hand. Naturally, the gun in his hand was Cassius's gun. The combat girl was preparing to take advantage of the situation and shoot the gun towards Chu. Throw the machine over?

Sure enough, the next second, Linton made a sudden throwing movement, and Cassius's gun turned into a red light and flew towards the location of Unit 1. Unit No. 1 raised its hands, and the AT positions gathered in front of it like a group. However, the problem was that it didn't seem to be of any use.

With a "swish", the AT position that had already been balled up was pierced by Cassius's gun in an instant, with almost no obstruction. The next moment, the spear directly hit the head of Unit 1. It seemed that Linton had a rotational force when he threw it. At the moment of contact, the head of Unit 1 was torn apart by the strong rotational force, and a cloud of blood exploded.

And the Cassius gun here naturally continued to move forward after penetrating Unit 1, turned into a red light and directly crossed the horizon, flew out of the sky, surpassed the speed of the second universe, broke away from the earth's gravity, and flew out of the atmosphere. Disappeared into the vast starry sky.

"Fortunately, it was successfully uploaded just now. No, is this combat girl really not under the control of the system? Can valuables be thrown away directly? That thing has no aura, and you really can't find it if you throw it out. Linton said as he looked at the gun of Cassius flying away.

Now I don’t know whether Battle Girl really didn’t care about the valuables, or whether she threw them away after seeing herself uploading them. I seemed to have discussed the valuables with Battle Girl before, and the other party seemed to be cooperative. Why do I suddenly feel that this guy is more serious now? Trouble.

Of course, Linton felt this way mainly because his ability was really strong now, which made Battle Ji's level even more extraordinary. He couldn't have done such a big thing before.

Back to the battle, although the heads on Unit 1 were exploded, the battle was not over. In fact, just when Linton was still thinking about the gun of Cassius flying out, the No. 1 unit here mutated. A large amount of white substance suddenly poured out of his neck, directly bringing out the core that was originally in his chest. This did not grow a new head, but the core moved to the position of the head, and the whole thing became more Like a monster.

But Battle Ji obviously didn't care what the other party had become. She raised her hand directly in the direction of Unit 1, looking at her movements, it was obvious that she was about to release some Qigong skills. This is what Linton is worried about. The earth can no longer hold on. In his current form, no matter what kind of attack, even the aftermath, the earth may not be able to stop it.

"No, wait, I want to provide battle information." Linton quickly picked up what the battle girl wanted to hear.

"Please host to provide battle information." Sure enough, the voice prompt from the battle girl came here. You really have to follow it to get a reaction.

"You have also seen that the opponent will regenerate." Linton said quickly, "The opponent's body is obviously not the thing in front of you. It is useless to break it up. You can see the thing like a portal above the head, right? In here.”

Linton was obviously talking nonsense, but at least Battle Ji couldn't read his memory. He knew this. Otherwise, would there be any need to ask him for battle information?

"Please provide more information from the host." Battle Ji continued.

"Does this need more information? Haven't we encountered a lot of things that can't be killed? Use sealing techniques." Linton said immediately when he saw that Fighting Girl had been fooled.

"Understood." Battle Girl replied, then waved her hand and directly used her ability to manifest a bottle.

"No, no, no, don't use the Demonic Sealing Wave. How much do you like the ability of Dragon Ball?" Linton said. Although the ability of Dragon Ball is outstanding, it is not what he wants now. It is true that Demon Sealing Wave is also a BUG ability. Even though it appeared early, this ability can even be used in the future stage of the space war. It is not like the Sun Fist and Afterimage Fist that appeared in the early stage and cannot keep up with it in the later stage. The combat effectiveness has changed.

It is probably possible to seal the No. 1 machine with the magic sealing wave, but that is not what Linton wants. He said directly: "In this case, it is better to open the six-lane ground-blasting star."

Linton was not sure whether Battle Ji would listen to him, but surprisingly, Battle Ji was really obedient this time. At present, I still don’t understand when Battle Girl will be obedient. Sometimes she is very cooperative.

As soon as he put his hands together, Linton directly entered the six-path mode. His current appearance turned into a super-sailor with the ultimate freedom of mind, and he was wearing a god-controlling robe and carrying a Taoist jade. Linton couldn't help but want to complain. This is some strange BUFF stacking, even the appearance can be stacked like this.

Of course, only Battle Ji can stack up like this, and Linton himself is not that skilled. I have tried the ordinary six-lane super game mode before, but it lasted for about ten seconds. There are many parts of this kind of seller show.

In short, the moment he put his hands together, the preparations for the six-level sealing technique were completed. He spread his hands again, and Linton's left and right palms had already appeared the symbols of the Yin-Yang Six-Path Escape Technique.

Just when the No. 1 machine on the opposite side had just grown its new strange "head", Linton here also moved. A magic circle appeared directly behind him. Linton looked directly at it and suddenly disappeared into the air.

When it appeared the next second, Linton had already arrived beside Unit 1. The AT position still appeared in front of him, but this time it was not as concentrated as before. Maybe Linton's speed was so fast that Unit 1 had no time to react and gather the AT position for defense.

"Come on, brother, if you cooperate, come to the bowl quickly." Linton shouted directly to Unit 1, "I accidentally blew up the moon. It may be too late to pinch one temporarily. Don't be shameless. ah."

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