I really can't control myself

Chapter 1695 Breakthrough

Asuna did exactly what she said. Although several of her clones can share data, which means they are the same person, they cannot transmit data across planes, so the clones currently here cannot directly send data to Asuna on the main plane. He must survive until Linton returns to take him back. Considering that the earth may explode at any time, although he is a robot, she will not be able to survive if the earth explodes. So what she can do now is the anti-universe that she has just successfully researched. If she sends herself into the anti-universe world, Linton will go back later. I should be able to take her back when the time comes.

Of course, she has just started her current research on the anti-universe, but she does not need to actually open the channel to the anti-universe world. She only needs to transmit the data in and use quantum to save the data. In short, after making the plan, she immediately took out the device from the space ring and started operating it, and had no time to pay attention to the situation here.

At this time, Misato Katsuragi and others had no time to ask Asuna what she was doing here, because while they were talking, they suddenly discovered a supernatural phenomenon.

"Where's that guy's body?" Misato Katsuragi said in surprise. Yes, obviously the body he was talking about was the body of Ikari Gendo. Wasn't the other person shot in the head by Ritsuko Akagi before? Obviously, he should be lying on the ground now. That's right, but now the other party's body disappeared without knowing when. This is really strange.

There were so many other things that attracted their attention just now. They didn't even notice when and how Ikari Gendo's body disappeared. They didn't seem to notice anyone other than Asuna who came here. Ah, so what's going on?

"Could it be that...that guy is still..." Misato Katsuragi said.

"Impossible, I didn't miss." Ritsuko Akagi said immediately.

"So someone took his body without us noticing? Let's not talk about how. Why did we do this?" Misato Katsuragi asked.

"I... don't know." Akagi Ritsuko gritted her teeth. The current situation meant that they had no time to care about this matter. They also had no way to investigate how Ikari Gendo's body disappeared.

Of course, Ikari Yuantang must have left on his own. The only person who knew about this was Linton. On the one hand, he remembered the plot, and on the other hand, he did not hear any valuables when the other party fell. Tip, that means the other party is really not dead.

The plot that Linton was thinking of was probably the function of Nebuchadnezzar's Key. Linton still can't remember where this thing came from, but in terms of function, it can even be said to be a bit like Bengyu, but the things made are different. One of the functions of Nebuchadnezzar's Key is to create apostles. For example, in the movies after the theatrical version, things like mark44 that appeared in the movie seemed to be created by this thing.

So this thing is indeed related to the apostle, but Linton can't take care of it right now if he wants to. After all... the automatic combat state has not been lifted yet, but the aura of Ikari Yuantang has been remembered by him. Currently, his Search range, he can't escape from the solar system.

The perspective returned to Linton, and now two great gods, one red and one silver, were confronting each other in the sky. Unexpectedly, they had not yet started to take action. Linton felt a little strange on his side, certainly not on Unit 1, because what he was doing over there didn't matter at all now. What he was surprised about was why Ji was so calm in this battle.

Linton is really familiar with Battle Girl's temperament. Every battle is a textbook battle. She doesn't consider the question of which skill is more cool when it comes to pretending to be cool. The focus is on practicality. And the basic situation during the battle is to chase and fight fiercely, without even giving yourself a chance to say a word, so... He has activated his skills now, why can't he use them?

Linton was still wondering what was going on, but Unit 1 here took action first. Slowly raising his right hand, some translucent light pillars that looked like holographic projections suddenly gathered and twisted in his hand, forming a pillar-like thing, and then fired an unknown object with a bang, and it was directed towards Lin. The call came over.

Yes, this is actually the AT position of Unit 1. It has been condensed and can be used as a weapon. It can even control the shape change of this thing. This is something that Linton is currently unable to do. It can be said that this skill is They all had a lot of fun.

This invisible blow swept directly over Linton's body, as if part of the space was directly erased. A cylindrical piece on the line from Unit 1 to Linton was completely erased, including the air in the middle, leaving a huge semicircular groove directly on the ground.

Of course, Linton was not included in the erasure. He seemed not to be affected by the blow at all. He was still floating in the air without even shaking his body. It can only be said that the current body can withstand this blow so calmly. However, Linton is surprised why the battle girl hasn't moved yet. The magic value will be deducted when using the ultimate freedom skill. The speed of magic regeneration cannot catch up with the consumption at this speed. According to common sense, Battle Ji should have taken action long ago. It cares much more about magic points than Linton. This... can't cause any problems and get stuck.

Linton said that the stuck is similar to a bug in the game. There are obviously enemies, but the automatic battle cannot find the target, and there is no way to end it. The character is stuck somewhere. I will not encounter such inexplicable problems. Bar. But just when Linton was worried about something happening, Battle Ji finally made a move.

But the strange thing is that Battle Girl did not attack Unit 1, but slowly raised her right hand. Just when Linton was wondering what Battle Ji was doing here, something suddenly flew towards him from a distance. Before Linton could see what it was, Battle Ji controlled his right hand and squeezed it gently. He tightened his grip and caught a huge red spear in the air, which was thrown towards him.

"What's going on?" Linton looked at the spear in his hand with some surprise. This red spear was not thrown by Unit 1, but came from above his head. But the problem is that they are already in the air, what else is above their heads? Except for the moon...etc.

When talking about the moon, Linton suddenly raised his head, and sure enough, he saw a small black dot in the sky in the direction of the moon from a distance, which was gradually getting bigger.

"I see, Unit 6... Nagisa Kaoru?" Of course Linton understood what was going on. He looked at the spear in his hand. Sure enough, although the spear was also red, it was not what he remembered. The Spear of Longinus. The Spear of Longinus is two twisted spears. It looks almost exactly the same as the Amanuma Spear, but the color is a little different. The one in my hand is a spear with a large tip. If I remember correctly, it is called the Spear of Cassius. , which is the spear named after the assassin who assassinated Caesar in history.

Of course, this thing belongs to Unit 6 and has been on the moon before. And Linton also remembered that in the original work, Unit 6 did indeed participate in this decisive battle, but he only appeared at the end, and penetrated Unit 1 with the gun of Cassius, temporarily sealing him and preventing the second unit. Three impacts directly destroyed the world.

But in this case, shouldn't your gun still be aimed at Unit 1? Why is it being thrown at your face now? No wonder the battle girl here seemed to have crashed before. She found Unit 6 from so far away. Is the machine targeting you? It was also something I walked past without paying attention to the system prompts just now.

The biggest reason at the moment is probably seeing his gay friend being bullied. The driver here, Kaoru Nagisa, can't stand it anymore? Of course, let's talk it over, maybe it was SEELE who ordered Nagisa Kaoru to deal with him? Of course, Ikari Yuantang has been to the lunar orbit before, but he is also a target of suspicion.

This is how it is during automatic combat. Linton is responsible for zoning out. The fighting girl here will not stop when he is distracted. This time, there is no hesitation. Linton slowly raised his hand and pointed directly. Sky.

"Uh... you can't be..." Linton suddenly thought of something, but before he could say anything, a silver beam of light suddenly shot out from his raised finger and quickly disappeared into the sky. At this time, in the surrounding blood-colored sky, this silver light was so dazzling that I believe anyone still alive on the ground could see this gorgeous silver light.

Most people were indeed watching. The living people were waiting for the outcome of this battle. At this time, the light that appeared in the direction of the battlefield attracted everyone's attention. This beam of light seemed to have magic power. While it illuminated the bloody sky, it seemed to ignite hope in everyone's hearts. Then, under the gaze of everyone, the light traveled directly across the sky and headed straight for its target...the moon.

There was no sound, and everyone saw a huge silver light flashing in the sky. When they saw the situation clearly again, the sky suddenly seemed to become cleaner. To be precise, it was obvious that something was missing.

"The moon...is missing?"

"It's really missing!"

Yes, the moon was obviously hanging in the sky before, but now it suddenly disappeared. It's not the kind of scene where the moon explodes, but it suddenly seems to be wiped out, leaving nothing behind, which makes it even more difficult to accept.

"Space Observer 3 cannot find the moon..." The staff next to Misato Katsuragi was also reporting the current situation. It was obvious that this was not a trick, because the moon could not be seen from the observation satellite. With a light blow, The entire moon disappeared directly.

"So I said, I'm not joking." Asuna, who was debugging the machine over there, said, "I'm short of someone to do human quantization experiments. Think about it, maybe you can survive entering the anti-universe."

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