Linton's words were a bit of a slap in the face. Ross had just said "We are not fools" before, and Linton just said "How can they have any brains?" Isn't this an obvious slap in the face.

But the problem is that although Rose here heard it very clearly, he seemed to be unable to directly refute anything, because this was really the plan that Rose came up with.

Yes, the ZHENG government obviously does not want to surrender. Although the alien attack just now was indeed terrifying and killed an entire magnesium army formation, the threat is obviously not enough. In fact, can weapons on Earth directly kill a Magnesium Army formation? Of course it can be done. If you directly kill a Magnesium Army formation, do you expect them to surrender? Isn't the magnesium army too weak?

This time, the opinions of the upper echelons of the ZHENG government are very unified, and they must fight to the end. But the question now is how to fight this battle. It is not unacceptable that the opponent's weapons can kill a formation. This is all foreseeable, but the question is how did the opponent discover that formation? This is the more important question.

It is true that this formation has received orders from its superiors and is trying to get closer to the alien spacecraft, but the actual distance is still far away. Does the opponent detect the threat through something, a radar-like device to monitor the surroundings, or by cracking the Magnesium Army's Communication system?

At present, it is still unknown what happened to this matter, and there is no time to find out. Since the opponent has the ability to detect their troops, how will the subsequent battle proceed? The people at the headquarters discussed it. Isn't this just an opportunity to distract their attention? This naturally refers to the Avengers.

It was obvious that the other party was a little afraid of the Avengers, otherwise they would not have specifically contacted them a second time to ask them to hand over the Avengers. This probably also tells us who repelled the last wave of aliens that invaded the earth. So since the other party attaches so much importance to it, isn't this obviously the best bait?

It is obvious that although Ross has changed from a general to a secretary of state, his blindly confident thinking mode is still the same. He always thinks that the army can handle everything. He led the army to chase the Hulk for several years without catching it, and the other party did not get anything. Lesson learned, I still think the Magnesium Army can save the world.

"Anyway, the headquarters has made a complete plan. You just need to be responsible for attracting the other party's attention. There shouldn't be any problems with such a simple task." Ross continued.

"Does anyone here want to hear this guy's plan?" Tony turned around and asked, "Raise your hand and let me see."

"Tony! You guy! Damn it!" Ross shouted immediately.

"I don't remember when we became an army." Tony spread his hands and said, "And now the Avengers are long gone. I'm just having a party at home with a few old friends."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. These aliens are not threatening you now, but the entire human race. So this battle must be based on our arrangements." Ross said.

"According to your arrangement? Who do you think you are?" Tony said, spreading his hands.

"I am the commander-in-chief of this war ordered by Mr. President himself!" Ross shouted. This is true, because he is originally a soldier. Ross can coordinate more easily whether it is the ZHENG government or the army, so he is indeed He is the commander-in-chief of this battle appointed by the president.

"Sorry, we are the experts in fighting aliens." Tony said without giving any face, "We have defeated aliens twice. Mr. Ross, do you have any resume that can be used as commander-in-chief? Based on your previous record of bombing New York with nuclear bombs?"

"I didn't do that!" Ross shouted, and it was indeed not him. Ross was not yet Secretary of State at the time. Of course, Tony was just teasing the ZHENG government for doing them a disservice when they were fighting aliens.

"You guys, please clarify the situation for me. It is these aliens who want you now. Cooperating with us is your only choice now," Ross said.

"I mean, Master, in the futures you saw, how many times did the military save the earth?" Tony turned around and asked.

"Sorry, I didn't see anything like that." Strange was quite embarrassed.

"I heard it, everyone, let's discuss it among ourselves." Tony spread his hands and said, "Edith, cut off the call."

"Tony, you can't..." Before Ross could finish his words, the call here was cut off, and Ross dropped the phone on the ground angrily.

"This guy doesn't really think we will listen to him." After hanging up the phone, Tony couldn't help but laugh.

"This guy probably really thinks so." Banner next to him said with his hands spread. He knew what kind of person his ex-girlfriend's father was.

"Okay, don't worry about him. We don't have time to talk about this now. The other party only gave us six hours." Natasha said next to her.

"I think we can try a fake surrender method." At this time, Black Panther T'Challa suddenly said.

"Huh?" Tony was stunned.

"Don't worry, listen to me." T'Challa continued, "Judging from the current situation, the enemy's ships are the biggest threat to us. The shelling just now was very powerful, and it was probably not the highest output. It's just a warning and a threat. So if we want to avoid huge casualties, destroying the opponent's spaceship should be a very important step. I have a plan. The stealth technology on Wakanda's fighter planes can avoid radar and other equipment. Tracking, so maybe we can get close to the opponent's spacecraft, but after all, it is an alien spacecraft, and it is not clear what kind of reconnaissance equipment it has. So we must think of a plan that can allow fighters to get close to their spacecraft. "

"Is that our fake surrender?" Tony asked, "Do you have the same mind as that guy Ross?"

"No, it's different." Natasha said next to her, "T'Challa is our comrade. We can trust him. This is the difference."

"..." Tony did not refute this. It was true that T'Challa was their comrade and one of the people they could trust. Although he said he was looking for trouble for the other party, he agreed with him in his heart, "So the current plan is that we pretend to surrender to attract the other party's attention, and then the fighter planes approach from behind and attack their mothership?"

"Yes, we can attract their people from under the spacecraft. If the other party's people really come, then the fighter planes will find a way to get closer. It is best to directly destroy the other party's mothership, and we only need to solve it to receive us. Just these small groups of troops." T'Challa said, "Of course, if the other party discovers our ambush, we probably won't have time to retreat. Then we will have to fight head-on. Of course, there is still danger."

"I agree." When he heard that he could fight head-on, Thor immediately raised his ax and said. He was the one who agreed to fight head-on. He didn't want to hear a lot of plans T'Challa said. Anyway, according to his ideas Yes, just go up front A.

"I don't think there is a more reliable way now." Natasha next to her also said, "After all, we don't have much time."

"Agree." Linton said casually. In fact, the plan is not important. Linton is just testing the execution of the events he set. To put it simply, it's like I wrote a program myself, and I'm currently testing and eliminating bugs.

There was no objection, and T'Challa's plan was naturally passed. Everyone immediately began to prepare for war. Regardless of whether the sneak attack by Wakanda's fighter planes was effective or not, they were going to fight the opponent head-on anyway. Although they had prepared before, when it came to this moment, they were still a little nervous.

Yes, they were facing aliens. Of course, they still remembered the last time they faced aliens. Although they won in the end, the price was also very high. War Machine, Vision and many other things from Wakanda The soldiers and the magicians of Kama Taj all died in that war. Similarly, they may not come back alive this time.

"Do I want to give you some time to say goodbye?" Natasha asked Tony. She was alone and thought that no one would be sad for her even if she died, so the mental pressure was not that great.

"I..." Tony hesitated. Although Potts was somewhat aware of what Tony was planning, Tony still didn't confess to him. Of course, General Zod has just informed the world of his threat. Now Potts must know the news, and probably guessed what Tony and the others wanted to do. He just called Tony, but Tony had also I did not answer. We are leaving now, should we say goodbye?

"Don't worry, I'm watching this guy." Just when Tony was struggling, Linton said directly, "Nothing will happen to him. Even if he dies, I can find a way to pull him up again."

"This is surprisingly reassuring." Natasha said, "Then look at me..."

"He is my nephew, and here is..."

"Uncle, this is your long-lost niece." Natasha understood and said immediately.

This situation suddenly relaxed the tense atmosphere. It was obvious that Natasha was just joking and had no real intention to recognize Linton as her uncle.

"Okay, don't say anything depressing. Let's deal with these guys neatly. I might be able to catch up with dinner at home." Tony didn't worry about saying goodbye anymore. It was unlucky, "Everyone. Are you ready?"

Everyone looked directly at Tony, obviously ready.

"Shall I tell you?" Tony asked, pointing to himself.

"Come on." T'Challa said with a smile.

"Avengers, assemble!" Tony waved his hand, "Let's go."

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