I really can't control myself

Chapter 1496 Conspiracy

"I am General Zod. As I said before, I gave you people on Earth a glimmer of hope. However, it is obvious that my tolerance has not received the gratitude it deserves. Your ant-like army is still there. You are approaching us secretly, and you even naively think that we can't detect it. It's time to teach you ungrateful people a lesson." the image of General Zod said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the spaceship hovering over New York suddenly moved. I saw several claws below the spacecraft opened, and then the spacecraft suddenly changed its direction, with the middle position of the claws pointing towards the southeast side.

"Not good!" At this time, the commander of the army suddenly stood up anxiously and shouted to the soldiers next to him: "Quickly notify the 4th formation and let them..."

Before he could finish his words, a red light suddenly flashed across the bottom of the spacecraft, in the middle of several mechanical claws. A huge laser shot out from the bottom and shot out toward the southeast.

A loud "boom" and a huge explosion came from the southeastern part of New York City. The power of this explosion was really amazing. One shot directly destroyed an entire block.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the headquarters pinched his chest and almost lost his breath. The correspondent next to him also said directly: "General, we can't contact the fourth formation... Do you want to continue to contact us?"

"You idiot!" the commander-in-chief yelled directly. Yes, the location of the fourth formation was directly destroyed. Who should I contact? As the commander-in-chief of this war, he really couldn't accept the direct loss of formations of troops at the beginning. He just ordered the people of the fourth formation to approach carefully... Wait, he was suddenly stunned when he thought of this. Could it be that their communications were monitored?

"Change the communication channel...wait a minute, if it's alien technology, maybe this won't be useful." The commander-in-chief suddenly had a headache.

Before he could think of what to do, General Zod on the screen spoke again: "Just now, I gave you a warning, and it was also the last warning. Your army is vulnerable in front of us. Only by giving up resistance can you survive. As the price for living up to my good intentions, now I only give you 6 hours to make a final decision. Surrender, or die. Of course, if you want to surrender, you must express your attitude, that is... you will take revenge. Give it to me from everyone in the Alliance."

"What?" The Avengers members who were watching the video were all stunned. Why did they suddenly get involved? Did General Zod also discover them?

"Remember, my tolerance has limits. Within 6 hours, hand over the members of the Avengers and surrender to me, otherwise all people on earth will disappear." After speaking, General Zod disappeared from the screen again. .

"Why are you talking about handing us over?" Natasha asked a little strangely, "The Avengers have been disbanded, and now we are just a temporary team, and not many people should know about this now, right? .”

"System Ji, may I know what kind of work General Zod is doing?" Linton was also a little curious. He originally thought that General Zod would start working directly when he came here, but he didn't expect that the other party suddenly started to cause trouble. Oh, he didn't write any memories related to the Avengers, so why did the other party suddenly target them?

Although Linton was very curious, System Ji was still so cold and cold. She didn't even give Linton a reply at all and ignored him. It seemed that it was not going to work anymore.

What Linton didn't expect was that General Zod here was really not just doing fancy things, he was really just seriously engaging in invasion. Although Linton did not arrange any special memories for them, the designed characters were still their original characters, and General Zod was very serious about invasion.

They already have some information about this planet called Earth, which is the most suitable planet to transform into the second Krypton, so they came here. And the people on earth here are indeed very weak. They can't compare with the Kryptonians at all, and their technological development is also very backward. In theory, they will definitely be the winners of this war.

However, General Zod is not careless. As a commander, he must consider all aspects. In his memory, he had been careless, thinking that everything was under control, and then he was imprisoned in the exile prison. Although the enemy he faced this time was very weak, he still had to make a plan.

Although this planet is inconspicuous, there might be something worthy of his attention, but where to start investigating? So General Zod quickly thought of a way. In the words of the Chinese, it was to throw stones to ask for directions.

First make a threatening speech, but then monitor the other person's situation to see if the other person will expose what they rely on. This trick worked as expected. After the first threat went down, they soon learned about the existence of a possible threat to them, something called the Avengers.

Yes, the technology of the Krypton spacecraft can easily monitor the original network on the earth, and everything can be analyzed by the computer AI on the spacecraft. When faced with a threat, the first reaction of most people on earth is that the Avengers will come to save them.

This is of course, the situation was not the same when the Kiritans invaded a few years ago. Whoever fought the Kiritans back was the Avengers, wasn't it? So facing the threat of aliens again, most people on earth have the same idea, let the Avengers go out and beat the aliens away again.

In fact, many people still don't know that the Avengers have actually been disbanded, because the disbandment was originally confusing. People in the ZHENG government can figure it out, but ordinary people can figure it out. They don't know, but they just pray to the Avengers to get rid of these aliens as soon as possible.

Then after hearing these voices, General Zod will know the trump card of the people on earth, the Avengers? General Zod actually didn't know who these people knew, but he immediately sent his men to collect information, and the information was naturally collected very quickly without being kept secret at all.

"I see, is this a superhero team that has defeated two alien invaders?" General Zod nodded. No wonder these earthlings prayed like this. It turned out that they really had someone to rely on. Fortunately, he had a thorough plan.

"General, these people are nothing to be afraid of. Please let me deal with them." Fiora, General Zod's adjutant next to him, volunteered. There are actually only a dozen real Kryptonians on this spacecraft, and several of them are scientific researchers. The two strongest people under Zod are the two lieutenants, Fiora and Nord. Zod himself, Fiora, and Nord have almost the same abilities as Superman, and there are about a dozen others who are also Kryptonians, but their combat capabilities are not that strong.

In their view, the demonoids under their command are just miscellaneous soldiers, soldiers copied using their biotechnology and modified with some Kryptonian genes. So Zod is actually very aware of his own strength.

At this time, Fiora was looking at the battle scene on the screen of the spaceship that was said to be the captain of the Avengers team, that is, Steve. It is indeed seen from the video that the opponent's ability is far better than that of ordinary earthlings. However, in Fiora's view, he is just a bigger shrimp. This is incomparable with their Kryptonians. To deal with him, Fiora doubts that he will even use it. 1 minute.

Since the captain is only at this level, the rest of the people are probably even worse, so Fiora asked Miao to let her deal with these Avengers people.

"No, I want to completely destroy their faith." Zod felt relieved after watching the video. It seems that he is indeed not very good. He is more powerful than ordinary people on earth, but that's it. The invaders that were defeated before were probably just minions. After knowing this information, Zod became a little playful, "I will let these people on earth feel the despair. The first step is to let them send the heroes they rely on to the guillotine to see if they will be able to do it again." Someone will dare to be a hero."

In this way, there was a second call from General Zod. Of course, in fact, the military deployment of the Magnesium Kingdom has always been under the supervision of General Zod, so the formation can be destroyed at will. The fourth formation was selected just to demonstrate their abilities.

Such a series of situations happened, of course Linton couldn't have imagined it. General Zod's sudden move really pushed the Avengers to the top of the wave, causing greater chaos for a while.

"What? Did someone really propose to hand us over?" Tony looked at the lively discussions on the Internet with some surprise. Looking at the messages left by some netizens, he couldn't help but curse. This is not a question of whether you have a conscience, but whether you are stupid or not. Do you think it will be fine if you hand it over? Can you survive? Do you believe what these invaders say? Is it a filler for brain shortcomings?

"Okay Tony, ignore this." Banner said next to him, "The question now is how we should respond. The time has been compressed to six hours. The other party may have noticed us."

Just as Banner finished speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly. Tony looked at the displayed call and frowned, but he quickly picked it up. The other party's image also appeared on the screen nearby. Tony asked directly: "What's wrong? Isn't it possible that ZHENG Mansion also wants to You must hand us over."

"Stop joking, we are not fools." On the other end of the phone was the former General Ross, Banner's former prospective father-in-law, the guy who had been chasing him. Now Ross has become Secretary of State and a senior official in the ZHENG government, "But we have a plan and we need your cooperation."

"Done!" Before Tony could answer, Linton said suddenly next to him.

"You didn't even know what the plan was and you did it?" Tony turned around and asked.

"What kind of brains do those guys in the ZHENG Mansion have? They probably want us to fake surrender or something like that. Stop talking nonsense and just face A." Linton waved his hand and said.

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