I really can't control myself

Chapter 1494 Evil Dragon

"Are you serious?" On the third day, early in the morning, Countess Valentina, whom she had met before, came to Tony again. Of course, she was here to help the ZHENG government to inquire about the situation this time, because two days ago, Stark International suddenly announced in a high-profile manner that it would purchase fragments of the meteorite that fell a few days ago at a high price.

A lot of meteorites rained at that time did hit the earth. Most of the meteorites that fell on land were confiscated by the local ZHENG government, but more meteorites fell on the sea. The local ZHENG government has no way to control meteorites that fall into the sea. It cannot enclose an entire sea area. This will affect the local fishing industry. Under Stark International's heavy bounty, local intermediaries soon began to offer bounties to local fishermen to buy meteorites. They have really received a lot in the past few days. Stark Company also specially arranged a special plane to transport the meteorites. Delivered to Tony.

This move naturally attracted the attention of the ZHENG government. Now the ZHENG government is staring at this. Even if they ignore Tony, they must take care of Linton, an unstable factor. Seeing that the other party was purchasing a large amount of this meteorite, the ZHENG government was naturally curious. They also had some meteorites in their hands. Although the meteorite looked strange, they didn't know what its use was at the moment. Seeing Tony's large purchase, of course they He sent someone to ask what was going on, and this task was assigned to Valentina. After all, her last task went well and she was on the line.

Tony actually had no intention of hiding this matter from the ZHENG government, and actually wanted to inform them. But because Natasha often came into contact with the ZHENG government and was familiar with their situation, she directly said that there was no need to take the initiative and she could just let them ask on their own.

There is something strange about the ZHENG government of the country. If you tell them proactively, they will still doubt whether it is true or not and ask for proof for a long time. So let them investigate on their own and say nothing, but they believe everything.

Of course, now Valentina came to the door, and Tony directly told her the current situation. The Kryptonians are preparing to invade Earth, and their ship is due to arrive in four days. Of course, Tony can't produce any conclusive evidence at this time. It is impossible for a space telescope on Earth to detect a Kryptonian spacecraft. He is currently convinced that this incident is due to Strange and Linton's "prophecy", and that prophecy is also You can't let the ZHENG government believe it.

But Tony simply pointed at the assembled Avengers behind him and said directly: "I didn't gather people here just because I wanted to hold a class reunion. I don't have that time yet. I have already designed it here We have some weapons that can deal with the Kryptonians. I hope you can help convince the ZHENG government to cooperate with us. Without these weapons, the current military weapons basically cannot pose a threat to the Kryptonians. I don’t want nuclear bombs to happen again. Show up in New York."

Valentina was persuaded by Tony, but the question was whether the ZHENG government would cooperate with them. Even Strange is not sure about this. What he sees is only a possibility of the future, and among the possibilities of the future, the ZHENG government believes in it or not. Fortunately, this time the ZHENG government seems to believe it.

The next day, Valentina came again, this time with people from the army. They also had some kryptonite on hand. After talking with Tony, they also accepted some of the weapons blueprints provided by Tony.

What Linton expected was that if it were an online game at this time, world tasks would be released. The collectors would rush to find kryptonite raw materials, and the production deputies would rush to produce kryptonite weapons. Anyway, the whole server should be busy. It's a pity that there are no players now, and we can't see that kind of scene now, but there should be no problem with my design in this regard.

Although preparations for the battle were in full swing, there was still too little time. The ZHENG government has clearly understood the importance of this matter and used state machinery to start production and research and development. The Magnesium country also directly pressured India to ask their ZHENG government to hand over the kryptonite that had been collected, although the process was smooth. , but until the seventh day came, Valentina came to Tony and the others again, saying that the weapons currently produced were limited. If aliens really arrived, the ZHENG government would need Tony and the others' power.

Faced with this situation, Tony just sneered in his heart. Yes, he was actually quite disappointed with the ZHENG government's reaction. He had expected that it would be too late to produce weapons, but what he didn't expect was that the ZHENG government had no intention of publicizing the matter, not even declaring an emergency.

If false news is released, for example, a meteorite is found to be about to fall near New York, then the civilians in New York will naturally be able to evacuate in time, because they already know that New York is the main battlefield. However, the ZHENG government knew about this matter four days ago, and it was obviously late enough to release the news, but they just did not do it.

The reason is also very simple, you will know it if you think about it. New York is the center of the world, and the government is reluctant to let this city shut down for so many days. Naturally, the rich people who have received the news will not stay in New York these days. They have channels to know about this matter. Those who stay in New York now are civilians who have no channels to understand all this. Take these Is the life and death of civilians important?

It is true that the ZHENG government is not 100% sure that the alien invasion is true. In short, the Congress thinks it is too ridiculous to clear out the entire city for groundless things that cannot be confirmed, but if you say you don’t believe it, those Why don't the rich stay there? Why are you members of Congress staying in Washington? Why don't you go to New York if you think you have nothing to do?

Fortunately, Tony was mentally prepared. This was the same situation for these politicians themselves. They only informed them of this matter and did not really count them as combatants. They only hoped that they could do well without delaying their efforts. Just logistics. So when facing Valentina, Tony simply said he knew. After that, all the Avengers members began to prepare weapons. Today is the day of the decisive battle.

At the same time, in a street in Brooklyn, New York, Baron Zemo, who escaped from prison a few days ago, has also arrived in this city. Of course, he came here with the Winter Soldier and Falcon. On the one hand, the clues of the ability broker they were tracking pointed to here. On the other hand, the decisive battle site of the Holy Grail War also pointed to here.

"Siegfried, didn't you notice?" Baron Zemo asked a tall man next to him.

"No, Master." The man named Siegfried replied, "We have already defeated those servants who actively emitted magic power. The remaining ones are obviously suspicious of hiding their own magic power."

Yes, in the past few days, Zemo has been helping the Winter Soldier and Falcon investigate the ability broker and the Flag-Smasher on the surface, but privately he has been hunting for the Holy Grail War. The heroic spirit he summoned was the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried in the famous German narrative poem "The Nibelungenlied". His ability was also quite powerful. In the previous heroic spirit battles, he could defeat other heroic spirits without even using all his strength. Heroic spirits summoned by humans.

However, in Zemo's view, those who are actively dispersing magic power are just minions, and the real "players" must still be hiding. Although there are many people participating in this Holy Grail War, the real threats to him are those who have the ability themselves. You see, the heroic spirits he summoned with the holy relics are different. Their abilities are much stronger than ordinary ones. Moreover, he also discovered that the master himself is also one of the important combat powers, so people who are originally strong in abilities are also very competitive. And like the anchors on Youtuotuo, they are more like just making up the numbers.

Regarding these real competitors, the only information Zemo has now is the caster summoned by Captain America who claims to be the second generation, Nikola Tesla. The most exaggerated thing is that the other party actually showed up with his heroic spirit directly. He and the Falcon and the Winter Soldier directly met the second-generation Captain America before, and he even took the initiative to introduce his heroic spirit. Of course Zemo hid Siegfried directly, he was not as stupid as that guy.

Judging from the current situation, the miscellaneous fish who made up the numbers are probably cleared up. I learned from the heroic spirits that the spiritual veins needed to summon the Holy Grail are in New York, and the Holy Grail can only be summoned here, so those who are still participating are People are probably gathered in this city. It's almost time for the decisive battle.

Zemo was thinking about whether he should take the initiative to release information and declare the war. Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome to find other contestants in such a big city, and sometimes it was necessary to take the initiative. However, just as he was thinking this, Siegfried next to him was suddenly shaken.

"What's wrong? Did you find other heroic spirits?" Zemo asked.

"No, it's not magic, but... it's a sign of danger." Siegfried said, "My intuition tells me that something terrible is about to happen."

"A scary thing?" Zemo frowned. He still believed in the heroic spirit's intuition. "We were discovered?"

"It's not that level, but a much greater danger than that." Siegfried said, "Probably the level of an evil dragon rushing into the city and trying to destroy the entire city."

"A magical metaphor." Zemo said, "So where is the evil dragon you mentioned?"

"I feel it, the danger comes from... the sky." Siegfried suddenly pointed to the sky and said.

"It can't really be a dragon." Zemo raised his head with some complaints and looked at the sky in the direction Siegfried pointed. Then the next second, he was suddenly stunned.

In the sky at this time, a huge spaceship was slowly descending over the city, and a huge sense of oppression came over it. Zemo was stunned, looked at the spaceship and murmured: "Okay...it's really a dragon..."

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