I really can't control myself

Chapter 1493 Gathering

"O...K..." Tony looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help but said, "I really didn't expect to be able to do experiments with the green guy..."

"Relax, as I just said, the situation is different now. Again, I always thought of it as a disease, but now I understand that it is a complement to me. In Gamma After staying in the ray laboratory for 18 months, I have now completely tamed the disease. As you can see now, I am a combination of strength and wisdom, combined into one." The person in question is Banner who was just found, but he is not a normal Banner.

What appeared in front of him actually belonged to the green guy, but for some reason Banner's consciousness seemed to be taking the initiative now, even though his body was the body of the Hulk. This is indeed the combination of strength and wisdom he mentioned, but it is obviously even stranger. Although he could transform originally, he would change back after all. Now in this situation, he has directly transformed into a permanent half-orc.

Linton didn't expect that Banner would end up in this situation. Although it was indeed like this in the original work, it was because he was beaten by Thanos and ran away. Only under this premise did the two Banners combine. Get up. But now it seems that this kind of stimulation is not a necessary condition.

Of course, although Banner said that he had become stronger, Linton actually knew that he had become weaker. After all, Hulk's greatest source of power is anger, and making himself rational would affect the Hulk's strength. As for Banner himself, what is the difference between being in this situation and becoming a monk directly? I always feel that this is not a solution.

Of course, when I heard that there was another alien invasion, Banner here would also respond to the matter without hesitation. He is indeed more professional than Tony in the research of radiation. After Tony here arranged the work a little, Banner immediately started his own research and development.

I originally thought that Banner becoming like this was already outrageous enough, but I didn't expect that something even more outrageous would come next. After Strange found Banner, he naturally continued to attract people, and then he found... a pig. Oh, no, it can't be that extreme. To be more civilized, it should be Thor, the God of Thunder, who has been stretched twice as wide.

Both Tony and Banner were stunned for a long time when they looked at Thor with a belly bigger than that of a pregnant woman. They never imagined that after five years of not seeing each other, the strong man with eight-pack abs would become like this. When Strange pulled the other party over, the other party was still holding a wine bottle in his hand and looked drunk.

"Hi, Bruce, Tony, my friends, how are you? I haven't seen you for a long time." Sol said drunkenly.

"Uh... Master, which pigsty did you find him from?" Tony asked speechlessly.

"..." Strange was speechless.

"Um... Thor, are you okay?" Banner couldn't help but ask. He didn't know what happened in the past five years that caused Thor to become like this.

"Of course..." Sol drank a little too loudly. At this time, he was still drinking while approaching the two of them. Just as he was about to give Banner a hug, he suddenly saw Linton sitting on the sofa behind him.

"Linton!" Saul suddenly became excited, "It's you! It's you, right!"

"Huh?" Linton looked at Saul here, "What's wrong?"

"I knew it was you, I knew you would come back!" Thor said excitedly, but excited, he was still drunk and a little wrong, "Linton! Come and join me, the great God of Thunder A fight!”

"Well, Master, why don't you just send him back to where he came from." Tony next to him said, holding his forehead.

"Thor, calm down, now is not the time for a civil war." Banner admonished next to him.

"No... I have been waiting for this opportunity for five years, five years! Do you know how I have spent these five years?" Thor said, "It is true that we defeated Thanos back then, but nothing has changed for me. , Asgard is gone, I don’t even have a hometown to go back to, and who caused all of this, yes, it was you, Linton! You destroyed my kingdom and killed my subjects. , as the king of Asgard, I must make you pay for these sins. Come on, Linton!"

It was indeed Linton who destroyed Asgard in the first place. It is obvious that Thor has become more and more angry in the past five years. However, Linton, the culprit, has not yet been found, and there is no place to vent his anger. It seems that It's because of this that Sol has given up on himself and become what he is now.

Linton also said that the correction power is really a bit strong. Although the process has changed a lot, Sol and Banner still corrected it. Is this the closing of the world line?

"Linton!" Seeing that there was no big reaction from Linton, Sol, who was drunk here, became angry again and waved directly to the void next to him.

"Wait!" Tony realized something, but before he could stop him, he heard a "boom" and a tomahawk fell directly from the sky and flew into Thor's hand. The place where everyone was at this time was the underground garage of Tony's lakeside villa, and a hole was smashed through the roof and floor of his garage.

With a "boom", a bolt of thunder and lightning spurted out from Thor's body and reached the Storm Tomahawk. A powerful momentum burst out from his body. Although it has become like this now, the God of Thunder is still the God of Thunder after all. , with the blessing of divine power, he has indeed regained a bit of his original heroic state.


With a "bang" punch, Thor rushed towards Linton with his storm axe, and the next second he suddenly flew back the same way he came. With a loud noise, the whole person was directly embedded into the wall behind and became unresponsive. Fortunately, this place is a basement, otherwise there is no telling where Thor would have been beaten and flown to.

Putting aside Sol's current situation, Linton's side is also different from before. Although Linton was already perverted enough when he came to Marvel, he was still an Earthling. And now, Linton has become a Saiyan, so it certainly doesn't take any effort to deal with a drunken Thor who has lost strength after five years of lack of exercise.

"Alas..." Tony here couldn't help but sigh.

"Honey, what experiment are you doing again, and why did you break the roof of the garage again?" Pepper Potts shouted from above.

"It's nothing, there was an accident." Tony hasn't told Potts about the alien invasion yet, so Potts still doesn't know about the Avengers gathering. Now Potts is still teaching Yalan the baby care course, and Yalan is also teaching the two of them to learn magic. Potts is of course practicing and playing with little Morgan, and they obviously don't know that the danger is approaching.

After briefly dealing with Potts' side, Tony and Banner continued to study kryptonite. As for Sol, because he was drunk, he really couldn't talk about it. He still doesn't know why he came here. When Strange found him and saw him drunk like this, he didn't say anything serious. He just said that his old friend wanted to see you and asked him to come here. Anyway, he will wait. He'll talk about it later when he sobers up.

Of course, the work of recruiting people was still going on, but Strange quickly brought bad news. The first person to refuse the call was Hawkeye Clint. Yes, Clint made it clear that he would not participate in this mission because he had retired long ago and was now running a ranch in the countryside with his wife and three children. He was past the age of adventure and had bonds. There is no way to fight anymore.

Regarding this, Tony and Banner expressed their understanding. Tony actually understood him best. He was facing the same situation, and he was actually afraid. He used to be fearless, but now that he has a family, things are really different.

At the same time, of course he also knew that the person who was most troubled right now was probably Clint himself. After knowing this situation, Clint probably made the decision after a series of struggles. He even wanted to make a phone call and have a talk with Clint, but after thinking about it, now was not the time.

But the next person I found went very smoothly. Yes, after Black Widow Natasha learned about this, she immediately followed Strange back without saying a word. Everyone who had not seen each other for several years hugged each other excitedly. Of course, she quickly learned of Clint's decision, and Natasha simply nodded to express her understanding, and felt that her old friend was doing well, which made her quite happy.

Soon Natasha also briefly talked about her situation in the past few years. She has basically stayed in Africa in the past few years. Yes, she is tired of the life of an agent. In the past few years, Natasha has been participating in activities in poor areas of Africa as a non-profit charity. Of course, her actions have also been supported by Wakanda. In recent years, he and The connection between Black Panther and the others is quite close.

So the matter of contacting Wakanda was left to Natasha, and the other party immediately said that they would help with this matter, and there was no need for Strange to find someone. They would fly over to join them later.

At this point, almost all the people who can be gathered together have been gathered. Wanda can't even find anyone for Strange, because she knows chaos magic and has learned Kama Taj's spell. To what extent can she even connect with Strange now? It's hard for Strange to figure it out. As for Spider-Man, Tony has already informed him directly. As for Ant-Man Scott, this guy really doesn't know where he is, and even Strange can't be found. Of course, Linton estimated that if Strange couldn't find it, he might only be in the quantum realm.

The Avengers gathered again, everyone they could find had arrived, and all preparations for the war began in full swing.

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