I really can't control myself

Chapter 1491 New Mission

"Is there such a mission?" Regardless of the actions of Falcon, Winter Soldier and Baron Zemo, Linton suddenly discovered some novel things at this time.

When Linton came here before, didn't he say that he wanted to try doing construction tasks in this world? He also took a look and found that it was true that tasks could be refreshed in this world. After all, they were all low-threat planes, which he liked. Already thought of it. However, after a few days of completing tasks, no suitable construction task appeared. Instead, a task appeared that Linton had seen for the first time.

"World event construction task." This is the task Linton just received, and the goal of the task is to arrange a major event. Although it was his first time receiving such a task, Linton could immediately understand the meaning of this task.

Didn't I say before that the construction tasks are a bit like building the framework of an online game? Building cities and building dungeons are all a bit like the routines of online games. If you think from this direction, the construction task of this major event is actually not very sudden.

As far as Linton's own memory is concerned, it is very common for some major world events to occur in online games, such as natural disaster invasions and door opening events. To put it simply, it allows all players in the server to participate in the same event. The kind of big event within a thing.

In other words, this is to make trouble, and the bigger the trouble, the better. Although this is the first time Linton has done this kind of task, he can still think about what the scoring criteria for this task are. According to the standards for making online games, first of all, the scene must be big and spectacular, and secondly, there must be more players participating, and the impact is Almost all players.

Of course, there are definitely not many players now. Linton is currently equivalent to a game designer who designs the game first and then probably runs it on a trial basis. Based on previous experience, if you think about it according to the standards of online games, the score will definitely be high. Some.

So what exactly should be done? Linton originally wanted to discuss it with Asuna, but Asuna has been really busy lately. She hasn't seen anyone for three or four days now. Linton has been lazy, no, Why is spending time with your wife called being lazy? Although the robot won't complain about hard work, Linton is really embarrassed to go to her again. Although it is a project that he has never done before, he is an expert in construction tasks. How many of these have been completed? It should be nothing. question.

So where to start? Directly launch a natural disaster invasion? Linton frowned when he thought of this. Although there are some things that can be learned from, the natural disaster invasion is really a bit... inconsistent. Although there are things like magic in this world, things like Kama Taj are also hidden. The mainstream of this world is still the modern society of science and technology. The sudden appearance of some things like hellfire even Linton feels is inconsistent. .

This feeling of inconsistency is quite important. Linton had done so many construction tasks before, and even though he thought it was a seamless design, the final evaluation was only B grade. Linton felt that he had compiled it perfectly. The only explanation might be that there was some incompatibility between the Cthulhu mythology and the story background of the other world.

Of course, it is a bit troublesome to change the situation over there now. It has already been compiled like that. As for the construction of this new world, Linton decided to pay a little attention to this aspect. So how do you make a story that fits the background of this world?

At this time, Linton suddenly had an idea. Yes, Linton would definitely not do it from scratch. Not only would this be troublesome, but Linton felt that he could not make it perfect. However, he knew what was happening in other worlds, so he could just copy a few of them. Wouldn't it be nice to just come here?

Of course, we should move it to a more suitable one, and directly create a Ninja Arrival or a Pirate Arrival. It sounds interesting, but it is also very inconsistent. It is not as good as Cthulhu Invasion. So is there something more suitable that doesn’t violate the law that can be speculated on? There really is, yes, there is a very suitable world under Linton. Over there is... the DC world.

Yes, the Marvel world and the DC world are exactly the same to a certain extent. Is there any violation in this? Some people even often confuse these two worlds, or directly mix them together and call them the comic book world, so there is no problem in just putting things from the DC world into this world.

So is there a very suitable major event in the DC world similar to the invasion of natural disasters? Linton thought for a while, and found that it really happened. Yes, he immediately thought of the Kryptonian invasion of the earth.

Thinking of this, Linton's mind was opened up. The final solution to all major events in online games is to fight a BOSS. Now that there is a BOSS, isn't General Zod a suitable big BOSS? Not only are the settings for the big boss, mid-boss, and small bosses already available, but General Zod also has several Kryptonian soldiers around him. These people are all ready-made small bosses.

Of course, it can't just be the BOSS. Although there were indeed only a few people when General Zod invaded, he designed a major online game event and must increase player participation, so the setting of miscellaneous soldiers is a must. Everyone can't just run to fight the BOSS. Such a design is obviously unreasonable.

So how to solve the problem of Kryptonians not having a younger brother? Linton quickly thought of a way. There was no way anyone could copy it. The demonoids under Darkseid were very suitable targets. If the setting is to be changed to biological soldiers made by the Kryptonians, who are purely workers, and some things similar to unmanned fighter jets, the Kryptonians' technology is also quite advanced, so this setting is not inconsistent.

As for the background settings, I just copied them all. The planet where the Kryptonians lived exploded due to over-development, but General Zod and the others were not affected because they were exiled criminals. After discovering that their planet exploded, General Zod and the others wanted to build a new Krypton, and the one they chose was the Earth. They wanted to change the Earth into a planet suitable for their Kryptonians to live in. Of course, if the transformation is successful, this planet will no longer be suitable for human habitation on earth.

Except for the absence of Superman, there are almost no changes in this aspect of the setting. Linton made the decision quickly, and the remaining work was practical.

Of course, you can't directly summon the Kryptonians to attack. Linton designed it strictly according to the standards of major events in online games. Are you saying that if such a big event happens in an online game, only combat players can participate? Shouldn't other sub-class players also participate? Yes, this is similar to a door-opening mission. Linton decided to start designing it directly from preparations for war.

Since we want to prepare for war, the first thing is to let people know that the war is coming, so Linton decided to design a big scene first as a precursor before the war begins.

Just as Linton was using the construction page to perfect the details, Tony found Linton again. As soon as they met, Tony couldn't help but started to complain: "As expected, I told you that it would be nothing good to see you again. Nothing big happened in these years. As soon as you came back, first you insisted on conducting experiments in the Holy Grail War, and then What kind of super soldier is that?"

"I am indeed causing trouble in the Holy Grail War. This super soldier is none of my business." Linton said.

"Indeed, I did some research and found an organization, which should be the organization behind these flag-smashers." Tony said.

"Didn't you say you were too lazy to care about that guy's affairs?" Linton said.

"But that guy is not here. I don't know if he just hid on the moon, leaving such a mess, and it happened in the city where I live. If I don't care, what if it affects me later?" Tony said , the excuse is a bit forced, it is obvious that his sense of justice is still there, and he still cannot stand idly by when such things happen, but he is just too arrogant to admit it.

"Oh, I got it." Linton's reaction was a bit bland.

"Anyway, I found out about an organization called the Ability Broker. The super soldier serum should have something to do with this organization." Tony continued, "But I heard that the place where they can be contacted is in Madrid, which is a city in Southeast Asia. A very confusing dark area...Hey, are you listening?"

"Why are you telling me this? I don't have time to worry about super soldier serum or ability brokers." Linton said.

"Ah, you are busy doing your own thing, right? Is there really nothing going wrong with your Holy Grail War experiment?" Tony said.

"I'm not busy with this right now," Linton said. "Just now, I counted with my fingers and the earth was going to end."

"What?" Such a sudden sentence made Tony a little confused, "Wait a minute, why is the earth going to end? Is it because of your experiment in the Holy Grail War?"

"Of course not. My experiment was just a small-scale attempt to cause trouble. It can still be controlled as long as I'm here. If I say it's over, it's obviously a bigger thing." Linton said.

"What is that? Alien invasion or something?" Tony said casually.

"That's right." Linton nodded.

"Then...wait what did you say?" Tony was suddenly stunned.

"You still remember my prophecy, right? If the prophecy is not wrong, then aliens will indeed invade the earth again." Linton said.

"..." Tony was stunned for a long time, "Are you serious? Are you sure?"

"This... still needs a little verification. Sometimes my prophecy will fail." Linton said.

"How to verify it?" Tony asked.

"Look at the sky in the west. If a lot of meteorites appear today, then there should be no problem with my prophecy." Linton said.

"Edith, check if there is a meteor shower at the observatory today..." Before Tony could finish his words, his expression suddenly changed, because just when he looked to the west sky, the meteor shower started to appear.

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