I really can't control myself

Chapter 1490 Participation

As the game broadcaster successfully summoned the heroic spirit, things gradually began to get out of control. Of course, the audience didn't believe it at first. Although they were surprised when the heroic spirit was summoned, they soon began to question whether the video was fake or something like that. But the problem is that this is a live broadcast. Can the live broadcast be faked?

So soon someone said it was a 3D projection or something. After all, FGO's accessories show the maturity of 3D projection technology. Maybe someone has modified this thing. But tyla08 quickly verified the authenticity of this matter, because the summoned heroic spirit is right in front of you. You will know if it is a projection if you try it.

Witnessed by millions of people, these doubting voices were slapped in the face one by one. And soon, the second person appeared. Yes, the anchor of another channel said that he also found a spell on his hand. He didn't take it seriously at first, but after receiving the news from the tyla08 channel, he said on the spot that he would live broadcast the summoning of heroic spirits that night.

Now the anchor became popular immediately. The audience had no time to think about what was going on. Can anyone really summon the heroic spirit? So the Holy Grail War became real? Are these anchors players?

No, if you think about it carefully, it's not that the anchor is a player, but that they can only see the anchor. Even if other people become masters, if they don't make it public, no one will know. At this time, many viewers' views were subverted, as if they had discovered another side of the world.

Of course, such an exaggerated situation was immediately known to the ZHEHG government, and people from the network management department immediately notified the higher authorities and asked for instructions on how to handle it. The first reaction of the senior officials of the ZHENG government was naturally to hide it, but before they could even start, suddenly something bigger happened. The Ministry of National Defense and the Office of the President were hacked at the same time, and some internal emails of ZHENG government personnel were hacked. Got stolen by hackers, and there's some pretty troubling stuff in there.

This is definitely causing some headaches here. The two things before them are both very difficult. Of course, in comparison, the things on the hacker side are obviously giving them more headaches. So in a hurry, I didn't have time to take care of the game for a while. By the time they wanted to take care of it, this matter was already known to everyone.

At this time, in a prison in Berlin, Germany, a man looked at the red marks on his hands and couldn't help but frown.

This man was also met by Linton. His name was Helmut Zemo, also known as Baron Zemo. During the previous Avengers Civil War, it was he who framed the Winter Soldier for assassinating Black Panther's father, T'Chaka, the previous king of Wakanda. As a result, the Winter Soldier was hunted down by the Avengers. In order to protect his best friend, Captain Breaking up with Tony Iron Man.

Linton's joining did not stop Zemo from disclosing those things. Although it was his conspiracy, in Linton's view it was also something Tony must know. Although Tony finally reconciled with the captain, he still had nothing to talk about with the Winter Soldier.

Zemo was originally going to commit suicide after finishing everything, but he was unexpectedly stopped by the Black Panther. However, he was a man of justice after all. The Black Panther did not use lynching to kill his father-killing enemy, but instead killed him. He was openly handed over to the ZHENG government for trial. Zemo was imprisoned for terrorist attacks and sentenced to 70 years in prison. He is currently serving his sentence in a Berlin prison and theoretically cannot be released from prison in his lifetime.

However, despite being in prison, Zemo's current situation is actually quite comfortable. Not only does he live in a luxurious private room, but he can also play FGO in it.

Of course, being able to get these special cares mainly depends on... money. Zemo is not known as a baron, he really has a family background, and his ancestors really have a title. Although his wealth is not as exaggerated as Tony's, it is enough for him to enjoy for a lifetime. And buying people in the prison is just a small trick, and he can even control a lot of things in the prison.

Of course, Zemo is not interested in the game FGO. Even if there is any 3D projection technology, he will not pay attention to it. He didn't pay attention until it was revealed on the Internet that someone actually got the spell and summoned heroic spirits.

Of course, when he originally entered the game, he just wanted to understand the situation of the game. However, what he didn't expect was that after sleeping all night, a spell appeared directly on his hand. It was just like those people said on the Internet. It was true. It just appeared out of nowhere.

"So now I have become one of the Masters participating in the Holy Grail War?" Zemo looked at the spell in his hand. He did not show any excitement, but was deeply worried. What he has always firmly believed is that superhuman power is the source of cholera. When people gain superpowers, the corresponding abilities will also appear. This is the root of chaos in the world.

I thought back to the two things that I have been paying attention to recently. The first is the matter on FGO, giving ordinary people the ability to become masters. There is another thing, that is, the trustworthy Captain America was beaten by a few bank robbers, which has something to do with the super soldier serum.

What these two things have in common is the proliferation of superpowers, which is also Zemo's concern. As superpowers spread more and more, the world will become even more chaotic. Thinking of this, Zemo suddenly felt that he should not stay here any longer.

Although he bribed many people in the prison, it was impossible to get them to let him out. At most, he could only give himself some convenience within the scope of his authority. However, the jailbreak was actually not the biggest headache for Zemo. What he was thinking about now was how to prevent the current situation.

"Since the Holy Grail War is true, then... is the Holy Grail real?" Zemo suddenly thought of this. In the game, the winner of the Holy Grail War can get the Holy Grail, and the Holy Grail is said to be something that can fulfill all wishes. , then... what if you make a wish to make all superpowers in the world disappear? Can such a wish come true?

Zemo was really not sure. It was impossible to think that this thing could be real before, but the spell actually appeared in his hand, so he had to try to believe it.

"So where should we start?" Zemo decided to participate in this Holy Grail War to see how it goes. As for whether his wish can be realized, he will decide based on the results at that time. The first step now should be to summon the heroic spirit.

"Holy relic?" Zemo was still collecting information while thinking. At this time, the Internet about the Holy Grail War is really hot, and there is certainly a lot of information. Many people have proposed some somewhat useful solutions based on the information in the game, including holy relics.

Yes, several anchors who have successfully summoned heroic spirits currently have almost the same problem with their heroic spirits, that is, these heroic spirits in the game are only 1-3 stars. In the words of gamers, they are garbage. So far, no anchor has drawn an SSR-level Heroic Spirit. Is that because the anchor is unlucky?

So someone asked whether a holy relic is needed to summon a heroic spirit. This thing is also mentioned in the game information. It is said that if there is a holy relic, the probability of summoning the corresponding heroic spirit will be very high. If people can understand it, it will increase the probability of SSR.

Although his words were not verified, Zemo believed him. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone directly: "Oznik, I need your help..."

After a little arrangement, Zemo put down the phone. The thing he arranged for his men to do was to collect the holy relics. As for the prison escape, he didn't need the help of his men at all, he could handle it by himself.

While he was thinking about it, a prison guard came in, and Zemo put his phone aside. Yes, at least on the surface, he couldn't play with his phone unscrupulously in the room. The prison guard pretended that he hadn't seen it anyway. That's it.

"No. 46711, someone is visiting." The prison guard said directly.

"Visiting? Who is it?" Zemo asked.

"The registered names are Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Do you want to see them?" the prison guard asked.

"Oh?" Zemo didn't expect the visit from these two people, but after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly figured out what was going on. The visit between the two of them probably had something to do with the super soldiers who recently beat up the second-generation Captain America, and he actually knew something about it.

"Let them in." Zemo said to the prison guard.

Yes, the people visiting the prison at this time are indeed Sam the Falcon and Bucky the Winter Soldier. The goal of the two people is indeed the group of super soldiers who previously claimed to be the Flag-Smashers.

The Flag-Smashers who participated in the bank robbery were all super soldiers, eight in number. It is obvious that someone has mastered the technology of super soldier serum. If they are allowed to continue, they may face a team of super soldiers. Therefore, faced with this situation, it is absolutely impossible for Falcon and Winter Soldier to ignore this. thing.

So where do we find out about this group of people who claim to be the Flag-Smashers? There are no clues. This group of people seems to have appeared out of nowhere. The only clue is the Super Soldier Serum, where did they come from.

At this time, they got some information from a magnesium veteran named Isaiah. This black veteran who participated in World War II was also an experimenter of the super soldier serum, and he provided them with the name of an organization, Nine Heads. snake.

Yes, of course Hydra has also studied the Super Soldier Serum. Wasn't the Red Skull the experimenter of the Super Soldier Serum? But the experiment failed and he lost his face. It's really possible that Hydra was responsible for what happened this time, but the problem is that Hydra's people are so elusive that it's impossible to find where they've penetrated.

At this time, the two thought of Zemo, because the other person was once a member of Hydra, and he might know a lot of information about Hydra.

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