I really can't control myself

Chapter 1476 Snatching

"It should be completely solved this time." Linton couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the golden light that disappeared before his eyes. I have to say that this guy is really indomitable, and I have played against him countless times. Although I have never been defeated by him until now, I have never seen him get intimidated. This is indeed quite admirable.

But just when he finished dealing with Jin Shining, Linton suddenly found that the black hole opened by the Holy Grail above the New City Hall behind him became more active, and black mud continued to fall from the sky.

After thinking about the current situation, it is estimated that there is only one servant left, Saber, and the ritual of the Holy Grail is completely completed. This reaction seems to be stronger than the situation in the original work.

Linton dodged and entered the New Metropolis Hall. As soon as he entered, he saw something strange. As I said before, this is a theater, and there is a theater stage inside. When Linton came in, he was in the aisle at the back of the auditorium, and there was a golden Holy Grail floating in the air on the stage below.

Looking left and right, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Tokiomi were both not far in front of him. They seemed to be fixed by something. They stood there and seemed to have no reaction. In addition, there are two people on the stage, one of whom is naturally Kirei Kotomine who summoned the Holy Grail, and the other person is actually Emiya Kiritsugu.

When Linton came in, the two people here were still fighting. It was obvious that both of them were injured. Among them, Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously hit by a sword in the abdomen, and he was covering his wound. Mine Kirei seemed to have one of his hands crippled, hanging there obviously unable to move. However, even though one hand could not be moved, he seemed to have the advantage in the battle. Emiya Kiritsugu was constantly dodging, and he was very embarrassed.

"Hello?" Linton did not rush to care about these two people, but waved directly in front of Rin Tosaka, who had no reaction, to see how she was doing. As a result, as soon as they waved their hands, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Tokiomi suddenly reacted.

"Huh...what was that just now?" Tohsaka Rin looked like he had just come back from a state of trance, with a look of surprise on his face.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked.

"Just now, I seem to have seen some strange illusions." Tohsaka Rin said, "It seems to be something that happened in a certain village. An...unknown boy...It's hard to explain, but...it should feel very... Sad thing.”

Tohsaka Rin seemed a little confused, and Tohsaka Tokiomi next to him seemed to be in a similar situation. At this time, he looked at the Holy Grail above and suddenly said: "So that's it. Is this the thing mentioned in the notes left by my grandfather? Such a Holy Grail..."

As he spoke, Tokiomi Tosaka also looked at his right hand, but at this time his curse had also disappeared. He turned around and looked at Linton who was following behind him. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a loud "boom" and the ceiling at the top of the theater suddenly collapsed.

This theater has worked very hard to persist until now. It would not be surprising if it collapsed at this time. However, as the theater ceiling collapsed, a large amount of black water fell from above. It was obvious that the Holy Grail had begun to descend.

"If this continues, will such a fire still happen?" Tohsaka Rin asked after looking at the situation.

"No matter what, we still have to try to get back with this thing." Linton said, "Want to go?"

It is true that the Holy Grail has arrived now, and it is time for him to go back. Tohsaka Rin nodded, turned to Tosaka Tokiomi and said: "Father, I am leaving, please remember my words... Be careful with your words. Mine Kirei..."

"You should be careful, just kill him right now." Linton pointed at Kotomine Kirei on the stage and said.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment.

"That's it anyway, just fuck him and forget it." Linton said, "Fuck him and then go back."

Of course, there is a reason for Linton to say this, that is, the Holy Grail is right in front of him, but there is still no information indicating the discovery of the valuables.

Of course, this situation has been encountered once before. It was also the Holy Grail summoned by Kotomine Kirei before, and there was no prompt. Of course, this may be because the ownership of the summoned Holy Grail belongs to the summoner. Then the ownership needs to be returned, Linton We can only try to fuck Kotomine Kirei directly. If there is no reminder of the valuables, it can only be said that Linton has found the wrong person.

"This..." Tohsaka Rin hesitated again, but did not reject it immediately. Linton was not ready to wait for her answer. Just when he was about to go straight in, a figure also entered the theater from the side door.

The person who appeared this time was Saber. The opponent had some injuries on his body, and it was obvious that he had just experienced a battle. When he saw the situation in the theater, Saber was obviously stunned, but his eyes quickly locked on On the Holy Grail ahead.

"Holy Grail..." Saber looked up at the Holy Grail in front of her. Will her wish finally come true? However, just when she wanted to get closer, a desperate voice came from the side.

"I, Emiya Kiritsugu, give this order in the name of the Master." Emiya Kiritsugu on the stage next to him covered the wound on his abdomen with his left hand, raised his right hand, and said to Saber, "Saber, destroy the Holy Grail!"

"What?" Saber was stunned. Before she could understand what was going on, her body began to move unconsciously. Saber, who noticed the situation, immediately began to resist. Although it was a mandatory order from the curse, Saber seemed to be able to resist it reluctantly.

"Kiritsugu!" Saber roared angrily while resisting.

"In the name of the Master, I issue the third incantation again." Seeing Saber's resistance, Emiya Kiritsugu here used the incantation again without hesitation. He had also obtained this second incantation from Kotomine Rimasa during the battle against Caster. This time he used it all directly, "Saber! Destroy the Holy Grail!"

There was a "bang", although the body was still resisting, the golden sword in Saber's hand was automatically released. Seeing the Holy Grail close at hand, Saber raised the sword in her hand in despair.

"Stop!" Saber roared directly, but it was of no use. At this moment, the sword in his hand was swung down, and a golden light rushed directly towards the Holy Grail.

"End it!" Emiya Kiritsugu was half-kneeling on the ground. The black key in Kotomine Kirei's hand next to him pierced his chest again, but there was still no time to stop him from giving the order.

"No..." Saber shouted in despair, but she could only watch the golden light rush towards the Holy Grail. However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Saber's golden sword energy.

With a "bang" sound, Linton struck back with his hand, turning the entire sword energy in a very unscientific 90-degree turn. The sudden situation made everyone stunned.

"Sorry, this thing is still useful, but I can't let you break it." Linton said.

"Huh..." Seeing that Linton blocked the attack, Saber couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do you keep causing trouble at critical moments?" Linton said directly to Saber, "After all, he is my king, so I won't kill you directly. You... give me another split to stir up the atmosphere."

Linton raised his hand as he spoke, and the spell in his hand flashed red. Saber, who had not yet reacted, did not even understand the situation. She took a step forward and sat on the ground with a split.

"???" Under the current situation, Saber could only have a question mark on her face.

"You guy!" Of course, Emiya Kiritsugu next to him was really anxious at this time. "Do you know that this thing is not a universal wish machine at all! All the evil in this world is coming to this world, now do it It's still too late to destroy the Holy Grail! Once this thing really comes, this world..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kotomine Kirei who was standing next to him punched Emiya Kiritsugu in the face. Before the other party could react, Kotomine Kirei sat directly on him, took out the black key again in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword at Emiya Kiritsugu below, and raised his hand high, preparing to kill him directly.

He has decided to summon the Holy Grail and all the evil in this world to come to this world. He was almost destroyed by Emiya Kiritsugu just now. Now in his opinion, the only person in the audience who can hinder him is Emiya Kiritsugu. , because Linton blocked the attack that destroyed the Holy Grail, then he also wants the Holy Grail to come. At this time, as long as Emiya Kiritsugu is eliminated, no one can stop him.

However, just as the sword in his hand was about to fall, a beam of light suddenly flashed across. Kotomine Kirei's movements froze, and then he looked down somewhat strangely, and saw that blood was seeping out of his chest. Turning his head, he looked at Linton behind him. Yes, the person who took action was obviously Linton. Although he didn't know what skills the other party used, he was the only one who could take action.

"You..." Kotomine Kirei also couldn't figure out why Linton wanted to take action now. The person he wanted to kill was the person who wanted to prevent the Holy Grail from coming. Even if the other party felt that he was interfering with him getting the Holy Grail, he would wait until he killed Wei Can't Miyagiri Tsugumi take action again?

Of course, he couldn't figure it out. This white lightning bolt directly penetrated his heart. Soon his vision went dark and he fell forward directly, pressing on Emiya Kiritsugu.

Because Emiya Kiritsugu was seriously injured, he was currently being held down by Kotomine Kirei and couldn't even get up. Of course, Linton had no time to take care of them at this time, because just when Kotomine Kirei fell, Linton finally heard the system prompt he had been waiting for for a long time.

There was nothing to say. As expected, the Holy Grail was a valuable item. Linton didn't say anything, turned around and touched the Holy Grail.

"System prompt: The valuables were successfully uploaded and 2.05 million points were obtained."

"System prompt: You have discovered a new module. After successful loading, you will receive rewards and automatically accept a new task."

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