I really can't control myself

Chapter 1475 Holy Grail

Because it was a situation he had seen once before, Tohsaka Rin recognized it immediately. Someone in the New Metropolis Hall behind them had obviously summoned the Holy Grail, but under such circumstances?

To be honest, Linton was a little confused when he saw the Holy Grail. There was something wrong with this, mainly because... the number of people seemed wrong.

The number of people Linton mentioned naturally refers to the number of people who are still participating in the Holy Grail War. The ritual of summoning the Holy Grail is originally a "game" in which the seven Masters fight against each other. To summon the Holy Grail, at least there must be a winner. bring it on. The situation in the original work is that the Holy Grail was successfully summoned when there were only two servants left, namely Saber and Jin Shining. But now it is obviously more than that. How did it succeed in summoning?

But when he just said this, Linton was suddenly stunned for a moment, because he checked Iskandar's aura and found that the other party's aura seemed to have disappeared. Weber's aura is obviously still there. In theory, Iskandar's aura should be beside him, but he can't feel it now.

So Iskandar has died? Linton thought for a while, then the person who can deal with Iskandar is Saber. The previous marriage between Weber and the Tosaka family was instigated by Linton, so he and Iskandar were obviously on Tokiomi's side this time. Now that Linton didn't see him, he probably felt Saber's influence. Bian used the magic power to intercept Saber. After all, Iskandar himself admitted that he lost to Linton before, and he might not have the intention to fight Linton again.

Linton can accept the fact that Iskandar lost to Saber. On the one hand, Iskandar's inherent barrier was destroyed by Linton once before, and the people inside have been almost eliminated by Linton. . His inherent barrier is not the embodiment of his own mind, but the embodiment of the minds of everyone in his army, so Linton suspects that the current Iskandar may have directly lost the ability to open the inherent barrier. .

On the other side, as mentioned before, Saber's current situation has improved a lot. She has two masters, Emiya Kiritsugu and Linton, providing her with magic power. Not to mention the Noble Phantasm, the basic attributes have also been improved a lot. Although this improvement is nothing to Linton, it is more obvious to other servants.

Under the circumstances, it should not be difficult for Saber to win. Even Linton did not see the opponent's release of the Noble Phantasm. It is estimated that the problem can be solved directly with swordsmanship, or Iskandar can still open the inherent Barrier, the two of them solved the problem within the barrier?

In short, Iskandar quit the game without Linton seeing it. I don't know if this guy has properly educated Saber, the unqualified king. Then the current Saber is probably in the New Metropolis Hall, then...could it be said that he has also fought against Assassin?

Assassin's team members all have their own aura shields, so Linton can't feel it yet. However, these people themselves are so weak that they are completely incompetent. If they really want to find Saber, they will have to send them away themselves. There is no way they can be Saber's opponent.

So if you think about it this way, it seems that there are really not many people left. Now only Saber is left, Jin Shining, who still has half a life in front of her, and...

"Wait a minute, shouldn't the Lancer still be here?" Linton said suddenly.

"Lancer?" Hearing Linton's words, Tokiomi Tosaka suddenly froze for a moment before he could realize what was going on. In his current vision, isn't Linton the master of Lancer? But wait, if Tohsaka Rin is his daughter, where is Linton's servant? Tohsaka Tokiomi was also a little confused for a moment.

Of course, Linton didn't care about the stunned Tokiomi Tosaka, but directly opened a downward portal next to him. The next second, there was a "dong" sound, and a person fell directly out of the portal. , with a "pop", it was directly smashed into a pool of blood.

"Uh..." Linton didn't expect such a situation, so it would be okay if he just smashed it apart. But what surprised Linton even more was, why only one person fell out?

Although the servant cannot last long without its master, it can still hold on for a while. The person who fell out and was smashed was obviously Lancer's master, Kenneth. So the question is, where are the Lancers?

Linton also looked directly through the portal, but did not see anyone. Then this is a bit confusing. Lancer ran out? This is impossible. Red A was able to come out before because of the spell summoning, but this time Linton threw both the master and the servant into it, so it is impossible for him to come out.

"Look at the situation, he has been dead for a while." Rin Tohsaka said suddenly as if he understood what Linton was wondering.

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"You see there isn't much blood flowing out of the broken area..." Tohsaka Rin said.

Linton looked down and saw that it was exactly what Tohsaka Rin said. Because after death, the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, and gradually begins to coagulate, so the situation of being injured again is obviously different from that of a living person. Although the Kenneth in front of him was smashed, Tohsaka Rin could still tell that the opponent was not broken alive.

Linton thought about it. He didn't seem to see any screams or movements from the other party when he fell out. Generally speaking, if people are alive, they will have some reaction. The other party just hit him with such a "thud". It was on the ground, like a wooden board, so... Judging from the current situation, the place had already died inside, so the Lancer had already disappeared.

"What the hell, he's dead now? I just beat him seriously before, and then he was left unattended for four days and four nights. He didn't eat or drink and was still in free fall. Will this thing kill someone? Anyway, He's a magician," Linton said.

"Can you please say something humane?" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly.

Now I understand it. It seems that Kenneth, who was trapped by himself, died in obscurity at some point. Therefore, the only remaining servants at present may really be Saber and Jin Shining, so at this time, the summoning of the Holy Grail can success.

Of course, I understand. Linton looked at Kenneth who was smashed into a cake on the ground, and couldn't help but said: "He is worthy of being known as the Lancer's Lucky E since ancient times. This has reached a new level of misery. I didn't even watch it." Even from the situation at that time, you can imagine what a desperate scene it was, free falling with your master, watching him..."

"Okay, okay, don't describe it now..." Tohsaka Rin said next to him, "Would you like to take care of the Holy Grail first?"

"Kirei..." Tokiomi Tosaka next to him frowned. It was obvious that the one who could summon the Holy Grail was Kotomine Kirei, but he didn't let him do that. If it had been the original situation, Tokiomi Tosaka's reaction would not have been so great. At most, the situation was urgent and Kotomine Kirei had no choice but to start the ceremony directly. But now, because the seeds of betrayal have been planted in his heart, Well, depending on what the other party does, you will be somewhat suspicious.

"Anyway, let's go in first..." Before Linton could finish his words, several more Noble Phantasms flew next to him. Linton raised his hand, dodged two of them, and caught two of them at the same time. Naturally, his attacker was still golden.

"Wait, King of Heroes..." Tokiomi Tosaka said at this time. The Holy Grail has already appeared. It is obvious that there is no point in fighting Linton here. He wants to dissuade Jin Shining, but for now Jin Shining completely ignored Tokiomi Tohsaka's intention and didn't look at him at all.

As soon as he raised his hand, several chains suddenly appeared next to him and wrapped directly around Linton's body. This is a very familiar trick. Although Linton was entangled in a lot of iron chains, he was very calm and said directly to Tohsaka Tokiomi and Tohsaka Rin next to him: "It's okay, you go in first, I will spend some time to deal with this guy. .”

"Understood." Rin Tosaka nodded directly. Tokiomi Tokiomi next to him was a little hesitant. To be honest, the current situation was far beyond his expectation. He didn't know what to do with this sudden situation. .

But in the final analysis, what he wants is also the Holy Grail, so since the Holy Grail has arrived now, it is natural to go and see the situation of the Holy Grail first. So after a slight hesitation, Tokiomi Tohsaka ran directly into the New City Hall.

Only Linton and Jin Shining were left outside the guild hall. Looking at Linton who was entangled in chains, a large number of Noble Phantasms appeared again behind Jin Shining. It felt like he was ready to launch all the bullets.

"This is a familiar scene again. Do you know that at the end of the Fifth Holy Grail War ten years later, we will be in the same situation now?" Linton said.

"I only know that you have to die here, bastard!" Jin Shining felt a little out of sorts, maybe because the impact of losing his right hand was too big for him. The other party had a look of resentment on his face, and if his eyes could kill, Linton might have been killed by him long ago.

"Do you know how you died last time?" Facing the screen full of Noble Phantasms, Linton said calmly.

Jin Shining didn't answer at all. He waved his hand directly, and a large number of Noble Phantasms behind him flew directly towards Linton. The attack was indeed full of the screen, and there was almost no place to avoid it.

"In that case, let me recreate it." Linton said, closing his eyes, ignoring the chains wrapped around his body, and suddenly grasped his waist with both hands. With a few "clang, clang, clang" sounds, the Heavenly Lock burst apart, and a large amount of golden fighting spirit burst out from Linton's body.

"Super Saiyan..."

With a "boom", the burst of fighting energy directly shook away a large number of noble phantoms shot around. Golden swords were flying in the air. Looking at the amazing scene in front of him, Jin Shining once again showed a somewhat stunned expression.

"Your expression is really familiar." Linton smiled, "Then, I'm on board."

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