"Hmm... why are they quick-frozen refrigerated steamed buns? I want to eat the Mapo Tofu set meal." The next day, at the Tohsaka family, Linton was complaining about the breakfast in front of him.

"How could anyone eat Mapo Tofu set meal so early in the morning?" Tohsaka Rin, who was wearing an apron next to him, shouted directly.

"Hey, Saber-chan, the mapo tofu cooked by Tohsaka Rin is really delicious. You also liked it very much before, so you and I are on a united front, right?" Linton turned to Saber next to him and said .

"..." Saber next to her held her stomach and looked at Linton without saying a word.

"Oh, I forgot that you have a perforated stomach and can't eat," Linton said.

"Is that a gastric perforation? You just stabbed your stomach, okay?" Tohsaka Rin yelled.

"Tsk, this is too weak. With the magic blessing from both sides, it's not completely healed in one night?" Linton said.

"Uh... even though saber-chan can't be eaten, I still want to protest this heartless breakfast." Linton said, "Get out of the way, I'm going to overturn the table!"

"Put the table down for me. It's not that you have to live here. There are only some frozen foods left in this house. Why do you have to come back here?" Tohsaka Rin said.

Yes, the location where these people are now is indeed the Tosaka family. Because Tokiomi was attacked by Linton before, Tokiomi also moved out directly. Naturally, there is no one in the Tosaka family now. Linton thought about it for a while last night, and then came here with a few people. Although a lot of Tosaka's house was blown up, many rooms were still intact, including the kitchen and basement. If the three of them were rescued, they could indeed be used as a stronghold. There is also a magic barrier set up outside, and Tohsaka Rin will also activate it, which can indeed prevent the house from being blown up again in the middle of the night.

"I also want to go to Matou's house to eat and drink, but the problem is that it's really not possible if I bring Saber-chan." Linton said.

"Why?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

"Because of Matou Kariya's servant." Linton said.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, "So are you going to tell Matou Kariya about Saber's matter?"

"That's not the case, I'm talking about his servant." Linton said, "That servant has a grudge against Saber-chan, and he's a berserker and has no sense. If he goes there, he'll probably start a fight, and he won't be able to eat or drink."

"Have a grudge against me?" Saber took the initiative to speak after hearing this, "Is he someone I know?"

"Speaking of which, I really don't know the real name of Matou Kariya's servant. Has he told you about it?" Rin Tosaka asked. Although she had seen Matou Kariya's servant, she really didn't ask. through specific circumstances.

"Oh, that berserker's real name is Lancelot." Linton said directly.

"What?" Tohsaka Rin and Saber were both stunned.

"That Lancelot who is called the First Knight of the Round Table? Isn't that Saber's subordinate?" Tohsaka Rin said directly.

"Lancelot is my best friend! Not my enemy at all!" Saber said immediately.

"What's the situation?" Tohsaka Rin felt that Linton was not just talking casually, there should be some reason.

"It's more troublesome to explain. If you insist on saying that Lancelot hates Saber, that doesn't seem to mean it. The person he hates most is probably himself. Because he has been surrounded by regret all year round and Berserker's own professional madness, I guess he When he sees Saber, he will attack directly, even if there is a master nearby who can't hold him back, so we should not touch this bad luck for the time being before deciding to destroy the opponent. Anyway, if Saber is here now, Matou Yan Night is not that important anymore," Linton said.

"Why?" Although Linton said it would be troublesome to explain, Saber asked again.

"You also have to bear a certain amount of responsibility, because this series of things does have something to do with you." Linton said, "In a word, as a king, you only know how to save but not how to guide the people under your command. They all started fighting, and your handling was very chaotic. As a leader, you are very unqualified."

"Are you talking about Gawain and Lancelot?" Tohsaka Rin asked next to him.

"Yes." Linton nodded, "It is indeed Saber's fault as the king that the two have such a quarrel. As the king of a country, being so naive is a disaster for his subordinates and the people."

"I..." Saber hesitated, but did not refute. Because she has also realized that she is indeed responsible for Gawain and Lancelot. So what is her purpose in obtaining the Holy Grail, isn't it to erase her own existence? Maybe if he didn't exist and became king, the tragedy that his country suffered wouldn't have happened.

"Although I really want to start complaining now, after thinking about it, I am too lazy to say it. I will find someone to scold you later." Linton said, "I just want to eat Mapo tofu now."

"Can you still pull it back?" Tohsaka Rin raised his forehead, "At this time, even restaurants don't sell mapo tofu set meals."

"That's why I need you, Rin-chan!" Linton said excitedly.

"Eat buns for me!" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly.

"I order..." Linton suddenly raised his right hand.

"She can't make Mapo tofu for you even if you use a curse at this time!" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly, "Why on earth did you bring her back!"

"Uh... That's a good question. You can't even make Mapo Tofu, so what are you doing here?" Linton said.

"Didn't you capture him by force yesterday?" Tohsaka Rin said.

"Oh, I took into account that we also acted together before. We are more accustomed to having Saber around, aren't we?" Linton said.

"Is this guy really my master in the future?" Saber couldn't help but ask.

"Uh... I hate to say this, but it's true..." Rin Tosaka held his forehead.

"If I am still participating in the Holy Grail War in the future, that is to say, will I lose this Holy Grail War?" Saber asked.

"Well...if I must say it, it is true." Tohsaka Rin nodded, "But there is no winner, and this Holy Grail War has no outcome."

"Huh? Why?" Saber asked.

"Because at the last moment, your master, Kiritsugu Emiya, used a spell to order you to destroy the Holy Grail," Linton said.

"What? This is impossible." Saber said immediately, "Although that guy is not a good person, I still know his persistence in the Holy Grail. He cannot destroy the Holy Grail."

"But that's the fact." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"..." Saber frowned, then looked at Tohsaka Rin next to her, who also nodded, confirming Linton's words.

"So why do you have to doubt everything I say and go to her for verification?" Linton said dissatisfied.

"Why do you think it is?" Tohsaka Rin yelled.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, why did you do that?" Saber asked again.

"Because the Holy Grail cannot fulfill his wish, and he also noticed that Angola Mainyu will be born from the Holy Grail, in order to prevent this thing from coming, there is no way but to destroy the Holy Grail." Linton said.

"Huh?" Although Linton explained, Saber still had a question mark on her face.

"Forget it if you don't understand. Anyway, this guy has nothing to do with you now. You can't just run back." Linton said.

Just as he was talking, Tohsaka Rin, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stood up and looked down.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked, "Are you ready to cook?"

"The magic props in the basement have been activated." Tohsaka Rin said as he walked directly towards the stairs in the direction of the basement. Although they didn't know what was going on, Linton and Saber also got up and followed Tohsaka Rin.

Everyone quickly arrived at the basement. The Tohsaka family's basement is a place where magic-related things are stored. After all, magic must be kept secret, so there are basically not many magic-related things in the building above. Various magic books, materials, props, etc. are all stored in the basement.

It was really strange that something was suddenly activated, but Tohsaka Rin quickly found the target, which was something like an old-fashioned gramophone. Tohsaka Rin is familiar with this thing: "Someone is using a magic phonograph to contact me. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Listen, maybe it has something to do with the Holy Grail War?" Linton said.

Rin Tosaka nodded, then went directly to the magic gramophone to activate it, and soon the sound was played from it. This voice should not be the voice of instant messaging. It was probably broadcast after someone recorded it.

The voice of an older man spoke, and it was indeed related to the Holy Grail War. The general meaning is that something unexpected has happened in the Holy Grail War and it must be suspended. And this accident was caused by Caster and his Master.

According to the people inside the gramophone, more than a dozen missing cases in Fuyuki City are now confirmed to be related to Caster and his Master. This has been confirmed, but many of them have not been confirmed. In short, judging from the current situation, it seems that Caster and his Master here have no intention of participating in the Holy Grail War. They are just constantly attacking ordinary people.

Such a situation is unacceptable no matter what. If they don't handle it, the Magic Association's investigation team will probably come to take care of this matter. Therefore, under the current situation, the Holy Grail War can only be suspended for a while, and the caster and his master here can be solved first.

The other party also said that there are no restrictions on this crusade, and anyone who can defeat Caster and his Master will be rewarded by the supervision of the Holy Grail War. If you are a contestant, you will be rewarded with a spell, and if you are another magician, you will also be rewarded accordingly.

"Sure enough, are you still here?" Tohsaka Rin frowned after hearing this. She had heard Linton mention this before, and sure enough, this caster still caused the incident. He looked at Linton next to him: "Should we take care of it?"

"No, of course, it's so interesting," Linton said.

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