"Hey, wait a minute." Tohsaka Rin, who followed, had not spoken until now, but when he heard this, he couldn't hold it back. "Did this guy you just mentioned fall into your plan? What on earth are you doing? How much I love watching her do the splits."

"It's not that I want to see her do the splits, but the problem is that she doesn't know how to sing and dance. Besides, what's so attractive about this figure? After thinking about it, it seems that she can only perform the splits." Linton said.

"Is the point of performing something? What on earth are you doing with the spell?" Tohsaka Rin yelled.

"But I can't think of any other uses besides this. There is no need to use this thing in combat. The only thing I can think of is to use it when people perform a show. After all, asking Saber to dance is better than hacking her to death. It's much more difficult, which doesn't disgrace the usefulness of the spell," Linton said.

"..." Tohsaka Rin thought it was outrageous, but for some reason it seemed to make sense. But when I think about it wrongly, when did my thinking start to become Lintonized? This is very bad.

"Then what do you want Saber-chan to do? Anyway, she is in my hands now. She can give me some constructive suggestions. After all, you have some credit for getting this thing. I'll give you one." Linton said. .

"Just leave it here and wait for me, right?" Tohsaka Rin said. Linton's words were obviously dragging her into the water. She also had some credit for getting this thing. She also specifically emphasized in front of Saber that this What do you mean? Besides, looking at this situation now, the most correct order is to let Saber attack Emiya Kiritsugu. You have to give the order yourself. Isn't this digging a hole for yourself to jump into?

"You guy!" Linton was still discussing, but Saber over there was really furious. This guy really didn't regard her as an opponent in every sense of the word. At this time, Linton had already taken out the spell in his hand and given the order, but that was just a talk. If he really wanted to give the order, he would have to activate the spell with magic power, but it was actually not activated yet. . Saber is still able to move, so she directly raised her sword, rushed forward and struck Linton with a sword.

With a "ding", Linton raised his right hand and directly caught the opponent's blow, but his expression changed a little.

"I see. Has the increased supply of magic power made you stronger?" Linton nodded, probably understanding what was going on. Yesterday when I received the opponent's sword, the magic connection was not connected, but today the connection is already connected, so Saber now has Emiya Kiritsugu and Linton supplying magic power.

Emiya Kiritsugu's own magic power is quite good, but Linton directly purchased A-level magic power. This time, Saber here is said to have received an epic level enhancement, with double magic power blessing, which is estimated to be basic. The attributes have also increased a lot, so the power of this attack is indeed much higher.

Of course, the so-called higher level does not actually make much difference to Linton's side. Even if the opponent's combat power increases from 100 to 1,000, Linton's calculation is in units of hundreds of millions. So the effect is still the same, and the defense is still indestructible.

"Use the Noble Phantasm." Seeing that the fight had begun, Emiya Kiritsugu immediately said to Saber. Although the current situation is indeed very bad according to what Linton said, if the other party's spell is true, he can indeed order Saber to attack him, and he only has one spell left. Even if he cancels the other party's order, if he does not have a spell It is also impossible to continue to control Servent because Saber obviously has a bad relationship with him.

But I don’t know why Linton doesn’t seem to want to do this, so no matter what, I have to fight first and then fight.

As he spoke, Emiya Kiritsugu also took out his submachine gun and fired straight ahead, aiming at Rin Tohsaka. This thing is probably completely ineffective against Linton. Although it is now known that Linton may not be a servant, Rin Tosaka, an unknown person, probably has some relationship with Linton, even if Linton can use time reversal Resurrecting Tohsaka Rin also requires energy. The current situation can hinder it a little bit.

Of course, Tohsaka Rin has also been transformed by the heart-shaped fruit, and his reaction ability is quite fast. Seeing Emiya Kiritsugu here raising his gun, he hid directly behind Linton. Although Linton can resurrect her, no one wants to be shot.

With a few "ding, ding, ding" sounds, the bullet bounced off Linton's body. Although I didn't feel anything, it was a bit noisy. Linton stretched out two fingers and flicked one of the flying warheads. The warhead here flew directly over and penetrated Emiya Kiritsugu's right arm.

"Hmm." Emiya Kiritsugu grunted when he was shot, and the submachine gun in his hand flew out. However, he seemed to have foreseen this situation. At the same time that his right hand was shot, his left hand suddenly took out a revolver from his jacket.

With a "bang" sound, the revolver here emitted a burst of sparks. The power of this bullet seemed to be quite large, at least much more powerful than a submachine gun. However, the next second, Linton held the bullet firmly in his hand.

"Oh, this is the origin bullet." Linton held the bullet he caught and looked at it. From the appearance, there is no difference between this bullet and ordinary bullets, but its function is indeed quite strong, at least for magicians with magic circuits, it is a nemesis level. However, Linton didn't need any magic power at all to deal with Emiya Kiritsugu, and this thing couldn't break the defense. In short, it was completely useless.

Suddenly a burst of golden light shot from the side. Linton turned around and saw that although he and Emiya Kiritsugu had not been entangled for a long time, Saber next to him also used this time to prepare his own Noble Phantasm.

Yes, at this time, Saber has already held a golden sword in her hand. This is obviously different from the invisible sword she usually uses. This is Saber's real treasure, the Sword of Victory.

At this time, Saber can be said to be shining under the golden light emitted by the sword, and her whole body is exuding a holy light. Not to mention the power of this skill, the light effect is really amazing.

"Oh oh oh, are you coming? EX Curry Stick." Linton also watched Saber's performance with great interest. To be honest, this was the first time he saw Saber's signature skill Oath after coming to this world. As for the Sword of Victory, in the previous Holy Grail War, the opponent really didn't see this skill released due to various factors. Can it be considered a success if this skill doesn't take one shot?

"Is it King Arthur's sword?" Tohsaka Rin was of course seeing it for the first time. Although she already knew Saber's identity, it was also the first time she saw the other party's noble phantom being released. She pulled Linton in front of her and said, "No. Question, it looks very powerful."

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a Noble Phantasm against the city." Linton said, "I can only say that the light effect can be seen, and the power... I guess it is quite crotch-stretching. Stand still and don't move. There is a safe zone behind me. .”

"Ex——calibur!" As soon as Linton finished speaking, Saber swung his sword, and the huge golden sword energy accompanying the sword engulfed Linton and Tohsaka Rin in just an instant. The golden light swept forward, passing through the entire park before slowly disappearing.

The surrounding golden light slowly fell, and the air seemed to still be filled with the aftermath of this blow. Although Saber also knew that this sword hit the opponent completely, the feeling of vigilance in her heart did not diminish.

Yes, she was aware of Linton's power. Although her attack completely hit the target, she vaguely felt that her attack might not cause much damage to the opponent. She didn't even see it on the opponent's face. What nervous expression comes. Sure enough, very quickly, just as she had guessed, when the smoke and dust in front slowly dissipated, two figures appeared one after another.

The ravine swept by the sword energy on the ground stopped when it reached Linton's side. It was obvious that the opponent blocked her attack head-on, and not only him, but Tohsaka Rin behind him also seemed to be completely unharmed. . The other party's expression was even very relaxed, and he was still talking and laughing with Tohsaka Rin.

"The light effect of this skill is really good." Linton pointed to the surroundings, "It was not easy to create a card with this effect when pinching cards before. If you want to buy one, you can use it to set off fireworks. "

"So can you be a little more serious at this time? Saber over there is very serious." Tohsaka Rin said.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Linton nodded, then turned to Saber and dusted off the ashes on his hands, "That's it? Are you setting off the fireworks?"

Although she probably had such a premonition, Saber still didn't know what to say when faced with Linton, who was unharmed. Of course, she had no intention of giving up and raised her sword again. However, the next second, Linton's figure flashed and suddenly appeared directly in front of her, so fast that her eyes could not keep up.

At this time, Saber just raised her hands, and when she saw Linton clearly, she subconsciously wanted to attack. However, Linton raised his hand, directly pinched the sword in the opponent's hand, and pulled the sword out of her hand with a little force. , a backhand blow instantly pierced her abdomen.

Saber's body stiffened, and she spat out a mouthful of blood. She fell forward with inertia, but Linton grabbed her face and lifted her up.

It was obvious that Linton was really serious this time, and it also allowed Saber to clearly see the gap. This was not a gap of one or two points.

"Are you still resisting? The master you protected has escaped without a trace." Linton said.

Saber was stunned for a moment and looked to the side. Emiya Kiritsugu was indeed no longer there, and she didn't know when he disappeared.

"Your current master has given up on you, so why don't you just hang out with me?" Linton said.

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