I really can't control myself

Chapter 1166 Interference

"Why do I think that a person like that has a brain?" Linton held his forehead, this is really a guy who can't learn well no matter how hard he beats him. Of course, Linton had also experienced how stupid the other party was. Fortunately, apart from him, Linton didn't see any other Fairy Tail members coming.

With a "bang", Natsu had already arrived in front of Linton, but his attack was blocked by others. Gajeel didn't want to listen to Linton's order to give up the championship, but when Natsu came up on his own, he naturally took the initiative to start a fight.

"Let me fight with you, Fire Dragon Slayer Mage." Gajeel said.

"Get away, you iron chin!" Natsu yelled directly.

"Iron chin? Damn it!"

There is no doubt that both sides are guys who can start a fire with just a pick, and they fight each other very quickly. It's hard to say which of the two is stronger than Linton, but it shouldn't hinder the overall situation. After all, neither of them is the captain, so they only have 1 point. The captain of Fairy Tail is Erza, and Linton's side is naturally Linton himself.

Except for Gajeel, the other people on Linton's side didn't have any objections to Linton giving up. Naturally, Arran was dominated by Linton. Wendy didn't have any fighting spirit in the first place, and Zeref was even more too lazy to move. While the battlefield was raging around them, a few people just stood there chatting, which seemed a bit unusual.

"Unexpectedly, the Stardust Guild, which leads in points, actually chose to stay where it is and take no action. This should be their plan. Is it that they want to wait for other groups to consume each other's energy before they take action? This is indeed very effective. After all, their points are number one and they have the right to wait for the opportunity. No, Stardust Guild is no longer number one in points. Fairy Tail Guild has defeated two players and has now overtaken Stardust Guild. We are currently in the lead, aren't Stardust Guild anxious?" The host was still explaining the game passionately. Although Linton and the others did not take action, the battles elsewhere were still very fierce.

The audience was not surprised by Linton's inaction. After all, it was a brawl. Conserving energy and other internal consumption of the group were also very correct tactics. Besides, Stardust was already in first place. With high points, he was qualified to wait. . However, even though Stardust is number one, there are not many viewers who support Stardust. The reason has been mentioned before. In short, what everyone thinks is that it is best for them to take off.

What made the audience take a special look at this competition was Fairy Tail. Unexpectedly, the guild that had been at the bottom for the past seven years and was almost disqualified would actually counterattack like this. Although the opponent has not yet won the championship, Fairy Tail has made a comeback. The goal has been achieved. With this point gap, many viewers also feel that it will be difficult for Sword-Bite Tiger to win the championship. What they want to see now is for Fairy Tail to counterattack First Stardust and win the championship.

However, what surprised the audience was that after the game started, it was not just Fairy Tail whose scores rose rapidly. The Sword-Bite Tiger Guild, which many people thought had no hope, actually started to exert its strength. The original gap was more than ten points. It was suddenly reduced to 4 points. After taking a closer look, I found that the people from the Sword Bite Tiger Guild were really fighting extremely hard.

"Look, the score of Sword-Bite Tiger."

"This is a counterattack."

The audience naturally noticed the change in scores. Although the Sword Biting Tiger Guild's competition in the past few days has been unsatisfactory, after all, they have been champions for so many years and their popularity is still there. As soon as they saw them starting to exert their strength, all of a sudden The audience members were also ignited and began to cheer them on.

Linton, who was on the field, was also paying attention to the changes in scores. Seeing the scores from Sword-Bite Tiger catching up quickly, Linton frowned slightly. Yes, since it has been decided to let Fairy Tail win the championship, this sword-biting tiger naturally cannot let them get up. Linton is here to control the field and avoid any unexpected things from happening. After all, he has his own participation. , this game is very likely to change.

"You guys wait here, I'll go and solve the problem." Linton said.

With a flick of his body, Linton appeared directly in front of the first target. This target was naturally the Shadow Dragon Slayer Mage, Rogge. Yes, the championship belongs to the championship. Linton has not forgotten the points earned by these two dragon slayers, and he will get them today.

At this time, Rogge was still grabbing points according to Minerba's plan, but when he saw Linton appear, he knew that the opponent's target was him, and he immediately concentrated all his attention. The person in front of him is definitely not easy to deal with. Although Linton took very few shots in previous games, this guy is definitely not simple.

Rogge was focusing all his attention on Linton at this time, and the power of the shadow dragon in his body had begun to accumulate, ready to attack at any time. However, the next second, Linton's body swayed, and he disappeared inexplicably under Rogge's full attention.

"What?" Rogge was stunned. Before he understood what was going on, a hand had already pinched his face. The next second, there was a loud "boom" and Rogge lost consciousness. .

Of course, the audience saw the whole situation. It seemed that Linton simply grabbed Rogge, then picked him up and threw him on the floor. However, in fact, how did Linton get close to Rogge? The audience didn't see it at all, and those who were fast could only see this result.

"Is this also illusion magic?" Seeing Linton kill a famous dragon slayer so easily, many viewers began to doubt their previous judgment.

"The points have increased." Other viewers noticed that the Stardust Guild's points had indeed increased by 1 point, which was the score for Linton's defeat of Rogge, because the other members of the Stardust Guild were still fighting with Natsu. Except for Gajeel who was fighting, everyone stayed where they were. In other words, the tournament recognized that Linton defeated Rogge. Is this... also illusion magic?

Of course, Linton didn't care what the audience thought. Rogge was really not that good at this time. He and Sting were no match for Natsu alone. The difference was not even one or two points. If anything, it's probably at the level of Natsu 7 years ago.

Linton soon uploaded the opponent's points and got 420,000 points. As expected, it was not a lot. It seemed that the third generation Dragon Slayer was almost on the same level as the second generation, but still not as good as the first generation. high.

After taking out Rogge, Sting is next. This also didn't take much effort. It was almost the same situation as Rogge. Although the opponent noticed Linton, he was still solved with a simple blow. The uploaded score was 450,000. It was obvious that Linton, whose monster spawner plan was about to succeed, no longer cared so much about this score.

After dealing with these two people, the points of Sword Bite Tiger suddenly stopped. However, Linton thought about it and decided to deal with the other member of the Sword-biting Tiger. Their captain, Minerva, was an unstable element and was quite strong. It would be bad if something happened.

Of course, Minerba, who had been arranged, did not know this situation. At this time, she appeared in front of Erza and Kagura, but she did not want to attack them directly, but was ready to watch a good show. Beside her is a person trapped by her magic, Milliana of the Mermaid Heel Guild. This Milliana is not only a member of Mermaid Heels, but also Erza's childhood friend. Yes, she was one of the companions who suffered at the Tower of Paradise at that time, so whether it is Kagura or Erza, after seeing Milly After Anna was controlled by Minerba, her vital point was taken.

"Let Miliana go quickly." Kagura here said anxiously.

"If you have the ability, take it back yourself." Minerva said calmly.

"I don't want to say it a second time. Let my companions go while you are still alive." Kagura picked up the sword and said.

"Let's tell the difference first, and then I will play with the winner among you." Minerva said to Kagura and Erza, "Let you see what it means to be a king."

Although it sounds nice that I just want to fight the winner, it is obvious that I want Erza and Kagura to fight first and both will suffer. Although they knew each other's purpose, there was a hostage in the opponent's hands after all. Erza and Kagura looked at each other, and there was nothing they could do now.

Just when the two of them were confused about what to do, a breeze suddenly passed around them, and a figure suddenly appeared next to Minerba without any warning. Erza and Kagura were both stunned, subconsciously looking in the direction of the figure.

Minerba also noticed the look between the two of them. Only then did she realize that a figure appeared next to her, but she did not notice when the other person came.

Turning her head suddenly, Minerba saw Linton with a smile on his face. After seeing that it was Linton, Minerba's expression became a little bad. The sudden appearance of the Stardust Guild has always been the existence she was most uncertain about. The person who claimed to be Zeref, and this one. People named Linton are really very mysterious and powerful, and what they want to do, Minerba has no way of guessing.

"For the sake of your potential contribution to points, I will spare your life." Linton said while raising his right hand. Miniba here didn't understand what Linton meant, and she thought the points he mentioned were for this competition. However, no matter what, when she saw Linton raising his hand, Miniba's body flashed with light. , directly activated the magic. At this moment, her body suddenly changed position, and Kagura next to her suddenly replaced her and appeared where she originally stood.

"Space magic? I can do it too." Kagura hadn't realized what was going on, but Linton had no intention of attacking her. Purple light flashed in his eyes, and the next second, Linton and Erza directly exchanged positions. Because Erza was standing next to Kagura before, Linton appeared in front of Minerba again.

"How could you..." Before Minerba could recover from the surprise, Linton directly stretched out his hand and flicked Minerba's forehead. With a "bang", the world was spinning, and Minerba here was Without saying a word, he shot out in a straight line.

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