The Eclipse Gate has been unlocked, and now you can open it simply by pushing the door. But now is not the time to open the door. Of course, what Jade said about whether he has not yet decided whether to open the door has nothing to do with Linton. What Linton cares about is time, because in the original work, there is a fixed time for opening the door, which is 7 The day of the solar eclipse occurs on the 7th of the month.

Putting aside the issue of whether the prerequisite for opening the door is a fixed solar eclipse, Linton was worried about what if the door opened too early and it didn't open at the time he wanted and no dragon came out. Therefore, Linton was not ready to change anything in this regard. He could just wait until these people opened the door for him. Anyway, these people were also intimidated now.

Because of Lucy's cooperation, Princess Jade naturally did not embarrass a few people and quickly sent them out of the palace. Things seemed to have a perfect solution, after all, the kingdom had already made preparations. But it is obvious that Lucy from the future has not yet relaxed her frown.

"Don't worry, Lucy, you heard it too. If those ten thousand dragons really appear, there will be ways to deal with them. Your arrival has already changed the future." Natsu here said with a smile.

"Really?" Future Lucy perked up after hearing this. After thinking about it, it was indeed true. Could it be that her advance notice really changed history?

"Still... you have to be more cautious." Erza suddenly said here, "I always feel that this matter is not simple."

"Why?" asked Gray next to him.

"Linton, what role does he play in this matter?" Erza pointed to Linton next to her, "I think he has a purpose in participating in the magic fight, and now I think the other party's purpose may be This is it."

"You said his goal is the dragons, or the Eclipse Gate?" Gray next to him speculated, "Will he hinder the opening of the Eclipse Gate?"

"I don't know. If it was in the way, I might have taken action today, but I didn't." Erza said, "Anyway, we have to guard against this guy. We have to watch this guy the day after tomorrow."

Erza already had a premonition that something was going to happen on Linton's side, but exactly what he wanted to do was something Erza couldn't imagine. But she has made up her mind that no matter what, the matter here cannot be left to the people of the kingdom. She will definitely be involved in this matter the day after tomorrow.

"Of course, we have to wait until the matter is resolved and Lucy will feel relieved when she returns." Natsu next to him also said.

Lucy in the future will definitely not go back now, at least she will wait until she sees the matter is over safely before going back. Now, of course, we should follow Natsu and the others to Fairy Tail's temporary base. The people over there are probably still waiting for Natsu's report.

On the other side, Linton and the others were naturally discussing what happened before when they returned. The smart Yalan has already seen the current problem: "These people don't seem to know that the dragon came out of the door. You said before that the princess was sold. It should be that person who took advantage of the princess and provided Fake news, right?"

"Yeah." Linton nodded. "It's completely nonsense to say that the Eclipse Gate can release energy cannons."

"That person should have come back from the future like Lucy, otherwise it would be impossible to know these things." Yalan said, "What is his purpose?"

"It is said that he has learned the magic to control giant dragons. It seems that he is preparing to control a lot of giant dragons to fight a BOSS or something." Linton said.

"There is also magic that can control giant dragons..." Yalan nodded, "Can you control the dragons over there?"

"I have never tried this, but the dragons over there have become endangered species. If we fight again, they will really become extinct." Linton said, "Anyway, everything is ready. We will definitely be able to eat a lot of dragon meat this time." It’s time for dinner.”

"Ten thousand dragons, this is not a matter of eating." Yalan held her forehead, Linton had mentioned the dragon meat feast several times, how delicious the dragon meat was, was Linton so obsessed with it? ? As she talked, Yalan started to want to give it a try.

"President, can we really defeat ten thousand dragons?" Gajeel couldn't help but said here.

"Are you beginning to doubt now?" Linton asked.

"Although you said there were many dragons before, you didn't say that there were ten thousand dragons." Gajeel said. Yes, Linton didn't say the specific number before, but just said a lot. Only today did he know that there were It was such an exaggerated situation that he was a little panicked.

"First, I believe there is no one who really can't defeat a dragon." Linton raised his finger and said, "Second, it's not us who have to deal with 10,000 dragons. I can handle it by myself. Don't make any trouble for me. That’s good.”

Gajeel was very unhappy, if he hadn't really been unable to defeat him, he would have been on top. Judging from Linton's words, he was really prepared to deal with these many dragons by himself, but Gajeel said that he would not just watch the show, at least he would also deal of them.

It seems calm on the surface, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging. Time has finally come to the last day of the big magic fight. There is only one game in total on this last day and some morning and afternoon games, and the rules of this game are also very simple, that is, a team brawl.

The remaining six teams will fight in the complex terrain formed by the arena. Except for the people in their own team, other teams are enemies. Defeating an enemy team member will earn you 1 point, while defeating the enemy team leader will earn you 5 points. Note that this point is directly added to the previous or previous points, rather than calculated separately, so after today's game is over, the final champion will be directly determined.

Currently, the leader in points is still Stardust Guild, and the second place is Fairy Tail. The difference in scores between the two teams is only 1 point. The reason is that in the previous match, Gajeel and Wendy were tied against Sting and Rogge. As a result, they only got 5 points, while Fairy Tail won. 10 points, so the score difference between the two sides becomes only one point. If Zeref hadn't won the previous morning's game, Fairy Tail would already be in first place.

Even so, these two teams are clearly the champions now. The scores of the other teams are a bit far behind them. The third-placed Swordbiter Tiger is already 13 points behind Fairy Tail. It’s no wonder. Their president was so angry before that he even attacked his own members.

Of course, anything can happen in this last game. Even if there is a difference of 13 points, there is still a chance to recover. After all, a captain has 5 points and a team member has 1 point. A team has 9 points, and there are 5 teams besides itself. In other words, if you solve them all, you can get 45 points. Of course, you have to destroy everyone. Now, you can't be robbed of monsters yet.

In fact, this is not a difficult task for Linton. Linton could even score all 45 points within the first minute of the game. But just after the game started, Linton directly stated that he would give up on today's game.

"Why?" Gajeel here said unhappily.

"To save the world." Linton spread his hands and said. Yes, he also remembered it at night. He had also wondered why Princess Jade would say "I haven't decided yet" until he went to bed last night and suddenly remembered that Jade was waiting for the result. That is the result of the great devil's martial arts performance.

She doesn't 100% believe in what the person from the future says. Of course, there is a way to verify it, which is the prediction of the person from the future. According to Linton's recollection, the thing predicted was none other than the champion of the Great Demon Fight.

So who is the champion of Da Mo Dou Yan Wu? In the original book, it was Fairy Tail, and people from the future predicted it correctly. But this time with my own participation, the situation is different. If Linton and the others participate in the competition in that future person's world, they will definitely be their own champions, and what the other party predicts should also become theirs.

But recalling the first words of future Lucy when she saw him, Linton still chose to guess Fairy Tail. When Lucy saw herself in the future, she asked why she was here, which obviously meant that in the other person's future, she should not have participated in this great magic fight. Linton couldn't tell what was going on in this regard. Anyway, it should be the future that he didn't come to.

Another person coming from the future is Rogge from the future. The future he is in, in the original book, is a world different from Lucy's future, that is, a parallel world. So in the future where Rogge came, did he participate in the competition? This can really only be guessed, but Linton thinks that there is a high probability that he did not participate. Otherwise, if he were at the scene, which one would it be for those dragons to be so arrogant?

Since he guessed that he is not here, then the champion of the Great Magic Fighting Game that Rogge mentioned in the future should be Fairy Tail. If his prediction is different from the result, it is very likely that Princess Emerald will doubt his words and refuse to open the door. If he refused to open the door, wouldn't Linton's plan to spawn monsters be in vain? Of course, Linton did not participate in this big magic fight for the 30 million prize money for the championship. On the one hand, it was to relax his wife, and on the other hand, it was for the solar eclipse plan. Now that Yalan is having fun, and the plan is contrary to the conditions of this championship, Linton can only give up the championship.

Of course, even if it's acting, losing to the weaklings like Fairy Tail is too fake. But fortunately, due to the format of this game, Fairy Tail can win the championship without having to fight directly with itself. If the other team is in their right mind, they will kill the other teams first to get points, as long as they have more points than them. However, what Linton said was in his right mind. As soon as the game started, Linton saw Natsu coming towards him.

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