I really can't control myself

Chapter 1079 Experimental Subject

A giant dragon VS more than a hundred guards, it is easy to guess who will win and who will lose. To deal with these miscellaneous soldiers, Gathedran didn't have to expend any effort at all. He breathed out one breath and half of them were gone. It was obvious that the remaining people couldn't go up to send him off again. How could he win this fight? Most people screamed and rolled and crawled away.

Of course, those who escaped also included several people who were involved in the attack on the laboratory that Sam had pointed out before. Their skills are indeed good, at least they are obviously not on the same level as the guards next to them who are responsible for guarding the door. Among them, this 2-meter-strong man was very nimble despite his size, and he dodged the dragon's breath with just one move.

However, they had no intention of confronting the giant dragon. After avoiding the attack, a few of them turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

"Have you recorded the smell?" Linton looked directly at Gathedran and asked.

"Yeah." Gathedran nodded.

"The teleportation array was damaged by us before. They can't run far. If you let one of them escape, I will pull out one of your teeth." Linton said, "Want to demonstrate?"

"No, no, I'll chase you right away." Gathedran said quickly.

"Dragon teeth are a very rare material." Samdo suddenly jumped in and said, "I didn't get many dragon teeth. Maybe I can develop some new potions."

Gathedran suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and then stared at Samdo here. He suddenly understood where the source of this trouble came from. The rebirth potion invented by the alchemist had caused him to be beaten by Linton, and now he was actually eyeing something else on him. Of course, Gatherdran obviously didn't understand the situation. Otherwise, I would have to thank Samado. If it hadn't been for him, Gatherdran would have become a barbecue.

"Why don't you go to work quickly?" Linton waved his hand and said.

Of course, Gathedran was very obedient and went to work. After all, Linton really couldn't handle it. As for the little brother here, he was knocked unconscious by Samdo in an instant, and he didn't know what medicine was used. Anyway, according to him, he wouldn't wake up for a while.

Linton and Samdo walked directly into the main building of the manor in front. Those people just now were obviously someone's subordinates, so they were not the ones who actually snatched the potion. They were probably the owner of the manor. In fact, Linton probably knew where the other person was. After all, Linton had already determined the approximate location of the person in the building by sensing his breath.

There was such a big commotion outside that some people inside the building began to run away. Linton didn't care about these people who were running away, because their auras were very weak. The person with the strongest aura in the whole room should be in the basement now.

The basement of this house is not difficult to find. He walked all the way down. As soon as he reached the entrance passage, Linton heard a faint horrifying scream coming from inside. It obviously felt like a person was screaming in pain. sound.

Following the sound, Linton quickly found the room where the sound came from. This room seemed to be a secret room, because there was no direct entrance, but the voice was shouted directly from the wall. There must be some kind of switch to open this secret room, but Linton was too lazy to find the switch, so he just raised his hand and punched through the wall.

When the room was opened, the screams became more obvious. After lightly dusting the dust, the first thing Linton saw was a man rolling on the ground in pain. It was obvious that he was the one who screamed. The other person's body was twitching constantly, as if it was an extreme muscle spasm. Judging from the heart-rending screams he made, it must be very painful.

What's more, this guy now spits out something that looks like fire from his mouth from time to time, burning his own mouth to pieces. Looking at the bloody face, of course Linton couldn't recognize who the other person was, and he probably didn't know him in the first place.

"What's going on?" Linton asked, looking at the rolling man.

"I see, is this the effect?" Samdo, who followed in, studied the other party's situation with great interest.

"Did he drink the medicine?" Linton asked.

"Yeah." Sam nodded.

"And that's it? Did you make the poison?" Linton asked.

"Of course not." Samdo said, "This is the rebirth potion, but I have made some changes to the formula of the potion this time."

"Change?" Linton was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered. Yes, at first I thought that Samdo had foreseen that his potion was being targeted and made some targeted measures. Then this guy was a little too scheming, but when he was talking about changing the potion, he suddenly remembered something. Yalan had told him before that because she was of a different gender from the two people who took the medicine before, Samdo had to make some changes to the potion before she could drink it. That's why it took so long. I guess Samdo This is what I mean by changing the potion.

"So because he is a man, he became like this because he drank a drug only for women?" Linton asked.

"It should be because of this," Samdo said. "To be honest, I don't know exactly what will happen. This reaction is indeed a bit beyond my expectations."

Linton suddenly felt that this medicine was quite dangerous. If men and women took different medicines, they were basically two types of medicine. The male medicine has already been tested on human flesh, so there is no problem in adding a can of Gasan according to the formula. The problem is that no one has tried the female medicine. Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared.

Of course, the medicine has been drunk by the man in front of him, so forget it, but even if it is still there, Linton plans to tell Yalan to stop drinking it. This is not to give Sam more medicine to test. Judging from Samdo's performance, he is more looking forward to the reaction of his own medicine. He doesn't care what happens to the person who drinks it. In short, Linton must find someone to try this guy's medicine in the future.

"I see, the heat in the body is too high, causing damage to the organs." Samdo here is still checking the condition of the man on the ground, "In terms of physical strength..."

There was a "bang", and before he could finish speaking, Samdo here was suddenly hit directly against the wall next to him by a huge force. It was the man who fell on the ground who made the move, but the man here seemed to be just waving around unconsciously. It was not clear from the look on his face whether he was awake or not.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Samdo. The opponent's strength was quite strong. Samdo hit the wall and knocked off half of his head, but it was originally the body of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, so the head that was smashed was quickly condensed again. out. Samdo didn't care at all about this attack. Instead, he studied a piece of skin on his hand with great interest.

Yes, this piece of skin was pulled directly from the man's hand on the ground when he was beaten away, and it didn't seem to take much effort. Sam took a closer look at the part where the man's skin had been torn off, and found that there seemed to be a layer of white scales growing under the man's skin.

"So that's it, has it turned into a half-dragon?" Samdo said, "This is something I have never seen before. It seems that the effect of dragon essence and blood is not what I found, as long as the dosage of some medicines is slightly changed. , such an effect can occur.”

"Roar!" Suddenly the man on the ground let out a horrifying cry. The human voice was mixed with a beast-like roar. The sound was quite loud and gave Linton a headache. At this time, the man obviously seemed to have lost his consciousness as a human being, and looked more like a beast. After roaring, the man directly pounced on the nearest Linton.

To be honest, Linton didn't know what he wanted to do. Was it because he was consuming too much energy and wanted to replenish food, or was he just going crazy. No matter what, facing the man who rushed towards him, Linton directly raised a hand and grabbed the man's face.

The blood spit out by the other party touched Linton's hand. At this time, the other party did not stop. He grabbed Linton's hand with both hands, and then suddenly started to squeeze hard, trying to pinch Linton's skin with his fingers, but The strength is still much lower, and Linton's current body is not something this guy can hurt.

"Don't say it's just a half-dragon, even if it's really a dragon, you can't hurt me." Linton said and directly raised the opponent with one hand, and with a little force, he smashed it directly towards the ground.

"Wait..." Samdo next to him saw this situation and shouted hurriedly. However, the exit was still a little late. There was a loud "bang" and the ground rose and exploded. A hole opened in the ground where the two of them were standing. As a result, everyone fell directly into the room below.

"Is there another B2 in the basement?" Of course Linton was fine. The room below was dark. Before Linton could see the situation clearly, the crazy man next to him pounced on him again. Although the opponent was very fast, Linton was faster. He grabbed the opponent's charging body, threw him sideways, and hit the wall directly next to him.

With a loud noise, the opponent's entire body crashed directly into the wall. Perhaps due to the continuous heavy injuries, the man here finally became a little quieter and seemed to have lost his reaction for the time being.

"What's wrong?" Linton looked at Samdo, who had also fallen down on the other side, and asked. At this time, Samdo was still just recovering.

"Can you let me study this guy?" Samduo said with a smile, "I think he is of great research value."

"I haven't settled the score with you for making such a dangerous potion, but I almost let my wife drink it." Linton said, "I will tell you the rest after testing the potions you make."

"The materials of the rebirth potion are relatively precious, but I think there should be no problem if women drink it." Samdo said, "Then this experimental product..."

"Can you control it? How about I remove your limbs?" Linton asked.

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