Gathedran is feeling very uncomfortable now. The effect of this potion to increase the sense of smell is very obvious, but the problem is that the dragon's original sense of smell is already very sharp, and after it has been increased several times, it can now smell all kinds of weird things. The smell was honestly a bit unbearable for him.

For example, there was the smell of the rotting corpse of a monster that had only been dead for a few days a few hundred meters away from him. This disgusting smell was now going straight into Gathedran's nose, and he couldn't stop it. Gathedran said that it was really a lie, because what Linton was looking for was his blood essence. He didn’t use any medicine to enhance the sense of smell for this thing. It could be smelled even from more than ten kilometers away. Linton’s Instead, the medicine is making it more difficult. You can just let it fly around the area normally and look for it. You'll probably find it soon, but now it's even harder.

Of course, can you complain about this? Gathedran looked at Linton, he didn't dare. For a guy like Linton who could knock him into a grave with one punch, Gathedran didn't dare to complain to him at all. This guy was really too cruel.

However, the search process was still very smooth. Carrying Linton and flying around in the nearby air, Gathedran had already found the temperature of the potion. Depending on the intensity of the smell, the action route of the person who took the potion can even be completely reconstructed.

After snatching the potion, this group of people did not go in the direction of Randall City in the east, but instead went to the west. There is actually no city in the west area. A small forest is connected to a swamp. Generally, few people go there.

Riding Gathedran and following the scent, Linton quickly discovered the other party's final destination. A temporary camp in the woods. This camp is very small, similar to a picnic camp. There are still a few temporary tents left on site, which is probably where this group of people will stay these days.

The smell of the medicine ends here, but the problem is that there is no one in this camp. Linton searched for a while and found a magic circle inside the camp. He didn't know much about magic, but after all, Gathedran next to him had lived for thousands of years. After just one glance, he probably knew what it was.

"The space magic array should be used for teleportation." Gathedran said, "These people probably used this thing to escape. Can they leave? The smell coming from the swamp next to it is really unpleasant. "

"There is actually a teleportation array?" Linton was a little surprised.

"It takes a few days to get this thing out. It seems that these people who are trying to grab the potion have been preparing for it a long time ago." Gathedran said.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what it said. Linton had known before that this group of people had been planning it a long time ago. It can be seen from the exhibition that the other party attacked first. The same is true for the teleportation array.

"Can you analyze where this thing leads?" Linton asked.

"There is no need to analyze it. The magic circle is still there, and the spatial positioning should also be there. I can just activate it again." Gathedran said.

"Oh, hurry up then." Linton nodded. He didn't expect that bringing this dragon would be helpful. If he came alone, he probably wouldn't know what to do with this thing.

"Speaking of which, aren't you also good at space magic? Why...forget it, let me do the work." Gathedran had quite a lot of nonsense, but halfway through, he saw Linton's impatient eyes and said directly I'm scared.

There was nothing to say. The two of them stood on the teleportation array. Gathedran here directly injected magic to activate. As a result, the next moment, a white light flashed and there was a loud "boom". When Linton regained his vision, he found that he was surrounded by Sand and stones were flying. After looking a little more carefully, I found that the place they teleported to was inside a building. Because Gathedran was so big, he burst the room when he came down, and the whole house collapsed.

"what's the situation?"

"There's... there's a dragon!"

There were a lot of screams around. Linton took a look and found that there were indeed many people here, but they didn't look like enemy soldiers. There were even a few people who looked a bit like civilians.

Although Linton was a little confused by the current situation, he still acted very quickly. Pulling up Gathedran next to him, the dragon took off directly, crashed through the damaged building, and quickly flew into the air. Only then did Linton realize that they had arrived in a city. It was obvious that this was a human city, but Linton was not very sure where it was.

"The teleportation array just now seems to be connected to the teleportation array in this city." Gathedran said, "Indeed, it will be more convenient to establish spatial coordinates in this way."

"Can you find any trace of the smell?" Linton asked directly.

"Okay." Gathedran said, "There are more smells in the city, but the interference to me is limited."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Linton said.

Although the teleportation array was in chaos, Linton could even see a lot of teams that looked like city guards rushing towards this side, but Linton had no time to pay attention to them, and rode directly towards Gathedran. Following the direction of the smell, I chased him all the way up.

Not long after, they came to the sky above a manor. This is a large manor in the west of the city. Just looking at the size of this manor, it can be inferred that the owner of this manor should cover the sky with one hand in this city. Of course, even if he comes here, Lin Dun still didn't know who the other party was.

"Are you sure this is here?" Linton asked.

"That's right here." Gathedran nodded.

"Just rush in." Linton waved his hand and said. Although I don’t know if this manor is the manor of the mastermind behind this incident, it may also be the situation of the camp I encountered before. It is also possible that this is just a transfer location of the other party, but the other party can enter and exit here, and the owner here It definitely has something to do with them.

With a "boom", Gathedran landed directly in the manor, and the originally well-maintained lawn was completely trampled to pieces by his foot. There is no doubt that such a big movement can attract everyone in the manor, the first of which is a large number of guards, the number of which is somewhat larger than expected.

Of course, when these guards saw what was falling from the sky, they decisively chose to keep their distance and did not dare to come over. With such a big dragon in front of him, no one with normal intelligence would climb up and die.

Among the surrounding guards, Linton had already pinpointed one person very accurately. The 2-meter-tall figure was very conspicuous, and it was difficult not to notice him. More importantly, Linton's aura of knowledge swept away his domineering look. Even though the opponent was wearing armor, he could still see him clearly. With brown hair and a prosthetic left hand, this guy is the person he is looking for.

"The smells of several people here have appeared in the previous alchemy laboratory." Gatherdran here also helped prove Linton's observation. With its enhanced sense of smell, it can even accurately judge the different smells of each person. , proving that several of these guards were the team that attacked the laboratory.

It has been determined that this group of people did it, and Linton doesn't care whose subordinates they are. Linton jumped down from Gathedran, looked directly in the direction of the 2-meter-tall strong man, and asked: "Where is the potion?"

Due to the amazing aura of Linton and the dragon behind him, no one dared to answer Linton's words at this time, and the soldiers were all a little afraid. But at this time, a 2-meter-tall strong man came out. Sure enough, he should be a squad leader or something. The soldiers around him seemed to be asking what he meant with their eyes.

"This is Lord Sword Master Linton, right? What potion are you talking about?" said the strong man here.

The other party obviously wanted to deny it to the end. Of course, Linton also knew that this guy was probably panicking to death. After planning for so long and making so many mistakes, Linton found this place so quickly. Even with his helmet covering his face, Linton could still see the other person's nervous body shaking slightly.

"If you think I will waste my time arguing with you, then I'm really sorry." Linton said, "I don't even want to know who you are. You just need to know one thing, this dragon can smell his blood The potion is made, so whoever has the potion in his hands will die, so there is no point in robbing the potion."

"This..." The strong man here was sweating profusely, and he didn't know what to do.

However, Linton ignored him and directly opened a portal from the side. He reached in and pulled out a person. Everyone around was stunned when they saw this hand, especially the few people who had participated in the robbery of the potion before, because the person Linton pulled out was the pharmacist they had killed in the laboratory before.

Yes, the person Linton dragged out at this time was Sam Duo. Of course, Sam Duo was stunned for a moment when he was suddenly pulled out like this. However, after living for hundreds of years, he was still calm and immediately saw the situation clearly. Pointing to the strong man in front and a few people around him: "That's them, Lord Sword Master."

"I'm not asking you to come and recognize someone," Linton said. "I already know it's them. I'm asking you to come and let you choose a body."

"Huh?" Sam was stunned for a moment.

"Which one of these people you like, pick one yourself." Linton said.

Samdo suddenly understood what Linton meant. Isn't this what he meant by the reward mentioned before? So I quickly scanned around and quickly selected one of them. This is a young man who looks to be in his twenties. He should be just an ordinary guard in the manor. His appearance is very ordinary. I don’t know what Samado is interested in him, but Samado said with certainty: " Just him."

"All things are attracted by heaven." Linton waved, and the young man here flew directly to Linton involuntarily, and was caught by Linton.

"Kill the others," Linton said calmly to Gathedran behind him.

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