Ura 180 moves. Orochi Nagi, the legendary move used by the Kusanagi family to seal Orochi. It can be said to be Kusanagi Kyo's signature move, a super special move.

At this time, with Kusanagi Kyo's shout, a beam of red light appeared on his body. At the moment when he was engulfed by Linton's flames, a cluster of flames suddenly ignited in the center of the extinguished fire, and then quickly Infect the surrounding flames. Yes, although it is also a flame, the flame used by Kusanagi Kyo seems to be significantly different from the fire escape blown by Linton. The color of the flame is also obviously brighter. Linton felt that the flame seemed to be rich in something else, not just a flame.

The flames extinguished by the Hao Huo did not last for long. It seemed that there was some quality gap between the flames on both sides. Even very quickly, Linton saw that some of the flames he sprayed seemed to be attracted by the light of Orochimaru and began to surround Kusanagi. Kyo's body moved. Seeing this, Linton probably understood something. This was also an ancestor who played with fire.

At this moment, Kusanagi Kyo here took action, pulling himself and a lot of flames around him with one finger, and threw it towards Linton. At this moment, the opponent's body seemed to become Like a small sun, it burst out with dazzling brilliance.

"It's really interesting." Linton was also surprised. This protagonist seemed to be a little more powerful than he thought. Although there were hundreds of other ways to deal with him, Linton, but since the opponent had already used Fire A, Linton decided to fight with the opponent.

Raising his hand, a black flame appeared in Linton's left hand. It came from Sasuke's Fire Release and Kagome Earth Life. On his right hand was Wind Release and Dayama Rasengan. When he put his hands together, a spinning black fireball appeared in Linton's hand. hands.

"Scorching Release. Nimbus Hayate and Black Yarei Style."

I have to complain about the naming taste of the fourth generation. This method of naming is even a bit tongue-in-cheek. However, it was hard to shout, so Linton rushed forward, holding the black fireball, and pressed it hard in front of him.

The flames on both sides were directly mixed together. After a burst of brilliant light, there was a loud "boom", and for a while, red flames and black flames flew everywhere, exploding everywhere. And in the center of the red and black flames, a figure suddenly flew out and fell heavily to the ground behind.

Everyone looked at the person who fell out, and found that the person who fell to the ground was none other than Kusanagi Kyo. The other person was lying on the ground now, with some black flames dancing on his body. On the other side, the red flames that had lost their support gradually He was engulfed by black flames, but soon, the black flames gradually disappeared, and a figure appeared in the center of the previous flames. The person standing was naturally Linton.

This situation seems to be obvious. In the confrontation between red and black flames, the winner is Linton. However, the actual situation is not as obvious as the gap seen by the audience. Kusanagi Kyo's flames are really unexpectedly strong. Although they look very ordinary, Linton thought he could easily suppress the opponent with Amaterasu's fire. After all, Linton had tried Amaterasu's fire before. Flames can even burn other flames, even Akainu was burned alive.

But Kusanagi Kyo's flames are really a bit unusual. After the two sides fought, Linton did not suppress the opponent immediately. The opponent's flames and Amaterasu's fire can be said to be a tie, but in fact the winner is determined. The main reason is the physical difference between the two sides. Yes, Linton's body was too hard. The force of the collision between the two sides was almost painless on his body. However, Kusanagi Kyo's side was not good. He could not remove this force at all, and the result was that he was Zhen flew out.

After losing its source of power, Kusanagi Kyo's red flames quickly lost ground and were engulfed by Linton's black flames. So he is indeed not lost in the quality of the flames.

"System prompt: Found valuables."

Just when Linton was still thinking about the previous confrontation, a system prompt suddenly woke him up. There is no doubt that Linton immediately knew what the valuables mentioned were. This is the first time Linton has discovered valuables in this world. It seems that the valuables in this world are not available to every fighter he defeats. If he can get a hint after defeating Kusanagi Kyo, it must have something to do with the opponent's bloodline. Probably a valuable item in this regard.

There's nothing to say. Linton also dodged and came to the side of Kusanagi Kyo who fell. At this time, there were still some remnants of Amaterasu's flames on the opponent's body, which were still burning. The other party had multiple burns on his body and was already seriously injured. At this time, Kusanagi Kyo had also lost consciousness, and the previous automatic battle prompt jumped out for one second and ended quickly.

With a wave of his hand, the Amaterasu Fire on the other party disappeared. Just as Linton was about to lean down to upload the valuables, an anxious voice sounded next to him: "Wait, what do you want to do!"

Turning his head slightly, Linton saw Nikaidou Benimaru, who was rushing towards this direction. The opponent was standing next to the ring before, but when the two fought, the flames on the stage were so great that no one could stand around the ring. Even the referee ran away, and of course Nikaido Benimaru and the others retreated. After a while, he came to a safe position, but now that he saw Kusanagi Kyo falling, he immediately rushed over here.

Linton just glanced at Nikaido Benimaru and ignored him. He lowered his head and touched Kusanagi Kyo's body and clicked upload. The next second, Linton directly received 1.6 million points.

The 1.6 million points were definitely beyond Linton's expectations. To be honest, he didn't expect Kusanagi Kyo to be able to provide so many points. It was clear that this guy didn't seem to have reached that level of strength. However, it seems that the upload points have never been divided according to strength. After thinking about it, in addition to the points related to the bloodline of the Kusanagi family, there may be other points such as the three artifacts?

Linton seems to remember that the power of the three artifacts in the plot is lodged in the bodies of the descendants of the three major families, and he doesn't know if this is included in this score. In short, no matter what, after finding a valuable item here, Linton naturally knew who he was going to find next.

"What are you doing, let go of Kyo!" Seeing Linton specifically leaning down to touch Kusanagi Kyo's body, Nikaidou Benimaru who caught up became a little anxious. Yes, although he didn't know what Linton was doing, it was definitely not a good thing. In a hurry, Nikaido Benimaru here suddenly jumped towards Linton, preparing to save his companion.

With a "ding", a large amount of thunder and lightning exploded from Nikaidou Benimaru's body, gathering in Nikaidou Benimaru's hands. At this time, attacking Linton was a bit suspicious of a sneak attack, but Nikaidou Benimaru was concerned about Kusanagi Kyo's safety and couldn't care so much anymore. He hit Linton directly with a thunder fist.

Linton was too lazy to pay attention and did not make any move, but just before Nikaidou Benimaru's fist was about to hit Linton, another voice suddenly appeared next to him.

"In the way!"

The sudden sound made Nikaido Benimaru startled, because he didn't feel that someone was coming next to him at all. When he turned his head, he only saw a trace of red hair, and the next second, a fist wave It had hit him in the chest.

There was a "click" sound of brittle bones, and it was Nikaidou Benimaru's sternum that was shattered. At this time, a purple flame suddenly burst out from the arm that hit Nikaidou Benimaru, and spread directly to Nikaidou Benimaru. Kaido Benimaru's body. Then the opponent spun in the air, and Nikaidou Benimaru was knocked away.

Yes, the person who knocked Nikaidou Benimaru away was naturally Yagami-an. The opponent directly came to Nikaidou Benimaru with a sliding step. The level of the two was obviously not on the same level, although Nikaidou Benimaru also had some It's careless, but it can knock the opponent away with one blow. Iori Yagami's strength is indeed extremely strong.

With a "plop", Nikaidou Benimaru, who had been flying in the air for a while, finally landed and fell directly to the ground. Soon Daimon Goro also came to Nikaido Benimaru's side, quickly brushed off the purple flames on his body, and helped Benimaru up from the ground.

"Iori Yagami...you guy..." At this time, Nikaido Benimaru hadn't fainted yet, but he couldn't stand up again. He fell to the ground and looked at Yagami An and said angrily.

Although he looked like he wanted to settle a score with Yagami, Yagami here didn't even look at him. After hitting Nikaido Benimaru away with a casual blow, Yagami's eyes were always focused on On Linton, or in other words, since Linton defeated Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami's eyes have never left.

"That loser Kusanagi Kyo actually lost to you." Looking at Linton, Iori Yagami said. I have to say that Linton still heard some displeasure from his tone, "In that case, as long as you defeat As you say, I am the strongest."

"Oh oh oh, do you want to challenge uncle me?" Linton said with a smile.

"Again, you are not my uncle." Yagami said.

"In that case, I accept your challenge. If I win, I will be your uncle. If you lose, you will be my nephew." Linton waved.

"Interesting, in that case... wait, there seems to be no difference between your two conditions." Iori Yagami didn't react at first. After searching for a while, he found something was wrong.

"Tch, can you find this?" Linton said, "Stop struggling, you can't run away."

"Forget it, I don't want to waste time talking to you about this, come on." Iori Yagami didn't seem to like gossiping, and with the purple flame in his hand, he rushed directly towards Linton.

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