Yes, the person who came out to watch the battle at this time was naturally Linton's nephew, Iori Yagami. As a rival who fell in love with Kusanagi Kyo, even if he didn't come to see Linton, he still had to come to see Kusanagi Kyo.

According to Linton's estimation, he probably attracted some Yagami'an's attention, otherwise the other party would not agree to any challenge. He is a proud person, and there are some problems with this kind of competition when he looks at the competition system. He probably didn't bother to participate, but being curious about himself was probably the reason why he chose to participate.

As for the match between himself and Kusanagi Kyo, he probably didn't expect it either. Linton estimated that he should have been there for a while, but he just didn't show up at all before. Now that this special game has started, he took the initiative to show up.

When he met his nephew for the first time, Linton naturally wanted to say hello first. So from a long distance away, Linton waved directly to Iori Yagami. At this time, many people saw the figure standing in the shadow of the corridor from the direction of Linton's wave. Many people also recognized the other person's identity. After all, he is a very famous fighter. Iori Yagami's name is almost as famous as Kusanagi Kyo.

"It's Yagami-an."

"He has a game today, so it's normal for him to be here, but why would Linton say hello to him? They know each other?" The audience started to discuss in a strange way.

Not to mention they are weird, Iori Yagami is also weird. You said he recognized Kusanagi Kyo when he greeted him, so why was Linton greeting him? He didn't know this person at all. Yes, he came to the competition out of curiosity about Linton, but the two of them had never met before. Why did Linton seem to go out of his way to say hello to him?

Although it was a bit strange, Iori Yagami did not pay attention to Linton. Instead, he looked at Kusanagi Kyo who also turned his attention. The two people's eager eyes exchanged in the air. Without saying a word, the two of them already understood each other. what you want to say.

Iori Yagami probably means: "King, don't lose. The only person who can defeat you is me."

What Kusanagi Kyo said here was probably: "Don't worry, I won't lose, whether it's him or you."

"Kami TN is flirting in front of me, you are so brave." Linton actually understood it, thought about it, and shouted directly to Iori Yagami, "Hey, hey, if you want to see, just look a little closer. Well, it’s not a formal match, it’s just a warm-up match, it doesn’t matter if we get closer.”

Finally, Yagami'an's eyes turned to Linton again. After thinking about it, Yagami'an also walked directly towards the ring. After all, he had nothing to be afraid of. Could he be worried that Linton might plot against him?

"YAGAMI, long time no see." Seeing Iori Yagami coming over, Kusanagi Kyo formally said hello.

"KYO, I didn't expect you to waste time here." Iori Yagami raised his head and said, "What a suitable performance for a clown like you."

"I see, you are jealous." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" Both Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami were stunned, wondering what was going on when Linton suddenly said such a sentence.

"Do you feel uncomfortable when you see Jing fighting with other people? Do you feel like something important has been taken away?" Linton said seductively.

"Can you stop saying something so weird?" Yumiya Asuka couldn't help but say next to the ring.

"Don't worry, nephew, I'm doing this for you." Linton said immediately, "It is because of your special hobby that I let them dress up in women's clothing. If Jing suddenly awakens to some strange attributes, Didn’t you make a lot of money?”

"Wait a minute!" Kusanagi Kyo was stunned, then looked at Iori Yagami, "Is this what you mean?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Yagami shouted, "I don't know him at all."

"But he just called you nephew." Kusanagi Kyo said.

"Huh?" At this point, Iori Yagami here was also stunned. At this time, he also noticed that Linton called him nephew, and of course the greeting appeared directly above his head.

"Uh...didn't I tell you? This Iori Yagami is actually my nephew." Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned. The host next to him, the referee who just came on stage, and the entire audience heard Linton's words. Of course, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Linton is Iori Yagami's uncle? This material is really too big. To be honest, Linton's identity is indeed quite mysterious, because after Strawberry Shortcake became famous, the identities of Asuka Yumiya and Maria Nishikawa were almost revealed, but it was Linton. It seemed like some information. No one has found him, this person seems to have appeared out of thin air. The company has not given any explanation in this regard. Everyone is quite curious about Linton's identity. Now it is heard that he is the uncle of the famous fighter Iori Yagami. Can you not be shocked?

"You..." Iori Yagami here frowned, "That's nonsense. I don't have an uncle at all. It's such a boring trick."

"Are you sure?" Linton asked with a smile.

"I don't have time to play with you." Iori said with a wave of his hand.

"I understand, after all, if an uncle suddenly appears, if I can't accept it, don't worry, I will give you time to adapt." Linton said.

"You guy..." Iori Yagami's temper is not very good. Hearing that Linton climbed up the pole, he was obviously a little angry. As he spoke, a purple flame appeared on his hand with a "bang". .

"Don't worry, first come, first served." Faced with the flames that exuded an ominous aura, Linton's expression did not change, and he still said relaxedly, "There will be a game after all, so you don't have to worry. I'll take care of the Kusanagi family here first. If you solve this problem, there will be plenty of opportunities to slowly enhance the family relationship with you."

"You..." Iori was so angry that he wanted to go on stage, but at this time, Kusanagi Kyo opposite said: "Although I don't know if you are Iori's uncle, it is indeed my side. Let's solve it first. It’s a matter of time.”

After saying that, Kusanagi Kyo turned to the referee who was still a little dazed next to him and asked: "Referee, can we start?"

"Oh, oh." The referee nodded after regaining his composure.

"Tch." Yagami here waved away the flames and temporarily put down his anger, but the look he looked at Linton was not so friendly.

"What a troublesome nephew." Linton spread his hands and looked at the referee next to him, "Hurry up and start. I can't help but want to communicate with my nephew. End it as soon as possible."

"Then, both sides are ready." The referee nodded and walked to the middle, "I announce that this special warm-up match is about to begin!"

As soon as the start was announced, Kusanagi Kyo launched an active attack. The body suddenly took a step forward and punched Linton first: "Kusanagi style ancient martial arts, one hundred and twenty-four styles. Wild bite."

Although it looked like an ordinary punch, the fist was wrapped in the power of flames. The owner of the blood of the Kusanagi family has the power of fire called Red Flame. Combined with the ancient martial arts passed down by the family, it can maximize the power of fire. So don't look at the punch as a simple move. In fact, the power contained in it is extraordinary.

However, what is surprising is that Linton here just stood there without moving, as if he had not noticed Kusanagi Kyo's attack at all. Of course, Kusanagi Kyo also discovered this situation. Just before his fist was about to hit Linton, Kusanagi Kyo himself was a little confused. Was Linton distracted? Didn't notice your attack?

As a righteous fighter, Kusanagi Kyo would naturally not choose to beat the drowned dog when he saw this situation. What he was thinking about was that what if the other party didn't pay attention to him and accidentally beat him to death? So just when the fist was about to hit Linton, Kusanagi Kyo here withdrew 50% of his power.

With a "boom", his fist hit Linton directly, and a ball of red flame ignited from the location where he was hit. However, Kusanagi Kyo raised his head unexpectedly. After all, Linton should have been knocked out by him under normal circumstances, but Linton stood still and did not move a step.

However, as soon as he raised his head, he heard Linton's somewhat mocking voice: "Just... this?"

"Huh?" Kusanagi Kyo was stunned for a moment, as if it was a little different from what he thought. Before he could figure out what was going on, a black shadow suddenly struck directly at his face. By the time he reacted, he had already been hit in the face.

This was just a casual wave from Linton. Kusanagi Kyo here spun four times in the air, and then hit the ground with a "thud". But he is the protagonist after all, so he was not killed this time. Kusanagi Kyo, who was lying on the ground, quickly raised his head, opened his mouth, and spat out a few broken teeth.

Looking at Linton again, he saw that Linton wiped the flames off his body with a light dusting. Several small holes were burned on his clothes, but Kyo Kusanagi could also clearly see that the skin under the clothes was burnt. , there were no traces of burns, his own flames just burned through his clothes.

"It's really a waste of clothes to fight with you guys who are playing with fire." Linton also looked at the holes in his clothes and said, "You are the only one who can set fires, right?"

As he spoke, Linton directly began to receive seals: "Fire Escape. Great Fire Extinguishes."

When he opened his mouth, a huge ball of flames was sprayed directly in the direction of Kusanagi Kyo on the ground. Linton is now at the Six Paths level of strength. Even if it is a B-level ninjutsu, the power of the spell is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. Huge flames directly covered the entire ring in front. When the referee saw that something was wrong, he rolled away and crawled away. Several people standing by the ring were even pushed back by the heat wave. Even those in the audience in the distance The audience felt the sharp rise in temperature.

Facing this exaggerated flame, Kusanagi Kyo was stunned for a second, and then stood up suddenly, because he knew that if he didn't take action now, he would be doomed: "Ura 180 Style. Orochimaru."

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