110. The Last Day

[Episode 110] – The Last Day

One day before entering the academy.

As the time to leave the capital approached, Titania seemed extremely unhappy. She had a sullen expression on her face all day, making it clear that she didn’t want to go to the academy.

Moreover, that uncomfortable feeling continued even into mealtime with her ministers. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, unable to see Titania with her pouting lips, smiled awkwardly and tried to change the mood of her restaurant.

“hahahaha, the day the princess enters the academy has come… So much time has already passed. “It seemed like only yesterday when the princess was playing in the garden, making flower crowns.”


Titania just stuffed her food into her mouth, as if she didn’t even want to answer. However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs did not give up and continued speaking despite Titania’s reaction.

“Hmm, princess. If you go to the academy and feel that there is embezzlement or immoral behavior by teachers, please write to me. “Unconditionally, to me first.”

Then, the Minister of Education, who was listening next to him, got angry and came forward. When what could be our last meal with Titania turned into a mess, the Queen Mother and I could not help but sigh.

“What?! There’s no way something like that would exist at the academy where I’m the principal! Besides, if something like that happens, you have to tell me, the principal! Not to the Minister of Foreign Affairs!”

“Originally, in cases like this, external reporting is the most important law. If you do things internally, you will only be punished lightly. “If you tell me, I will have the Minister of Education step down from his position as principal.”


Titania, unable to listen to the childish fight between the two ministers, ended up slamming her fork on the table! It hit loudly. She then glared back and forth between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Education with her sharp eyes.

“…Grandma, mother. Sorry. “I’m not feeling well, so I’ll get up first.”

“…Okay, go in.”

As soon as the Queen Mother gave permission, Titania walked out of her dining room without even looking back. Seeing Titania’s sharp appearance, the queen tsk, clicked her tongue and glared at the two ministers.

“Ah, no, we just… Made the princess feel…”

“Stupid things. Will Titania’s mood be relieved if you two fight? Watching this, I felt so frustrated that I was going to die. No, I guess I should just die. Even stupid things like that are spectacular…”

“Well, Your Majesty, how could you say such a thing…”

The two ministers nodded in agreement at the Queen Mother’s criticism. I was getting irritated watching it, but how irritated was Titania? She could only sigh at the foolish actions of the two ministers.

“By the way… It’s not long until your appointment, queen.”

“Yes? Ah yes…”

Hearing the word promise, the ministers also stopped moving their dishes and began to listen to the story of me and the Queen Mother. When the word ‘promise’ came up in a situation like this, it really started to feel real.

“So, what does the queen plan to do with Titania after she is admitted to her academy?”

“Uh, that, that…”


“Nothing in particular has been decided…”

At my answer, a heavy silence fell in the restaurant. I tried to choose words while taking a break at one tempo, but I couldn’t find the right words. Well, I really haven’t decided what to do.

I planned to decide how I would live from now on within the three years that I could remain in the royal castle. There are still three years left! So, even if you asked me suddenly, there was no way I would be able to give you a proper answer.

In the end, the Queen Mother’s eyes narrowed at my unplanned words. With that sharp look in her eyes, I couldn’t do anything and in the end, I just lowered her head so much that I stuck her nose in her plate.

“…I’m not urging you to leave, but I still want you to make a plan quickly. Then, won’t the royal castle prepare something for you?”

“Yes… We will decide as soon as possible…”


The queen huffed for a moment, cleared her throat, and glanced at me. As I tilted her head at the sudden silence, the Queen Mother quickly sipped the glass in her hand as if her throat was burning.

“…Don’t think there is that much time left.”

“…? Yes, I will keep that in mind…”


“Titania, will you turn off the fire?”


Eventually, night came and it was time to sleep, but Titania still had a sullen expression on her face. It broke my heart to see him still lying with his back turned to me.

I know that Titania is not mad at me. It’s just that she doesn’t want to go to the academy. She doesn’t want to be separated from me, so she doesn’t like being forced to go to the academy.

After blowing out the candles, I quickly took a seat next to Titania and lay down. I approached Titania, who was still lying with her back to me, and gently poked her in the side.

When I poked and prodded her side, Titania’s body flinched! Suddenly, Titania turned around and glared at me. There was no hatred or hatred in the gaze glaring at me.

I’m just full of dissatisfaction with this situation.

I giggled and hugged Titania and patted her on the back.

“You don’t want to go like that?”

“…Yes. I don’t understand why I can’t get out of there for three years. Shouldn’t we make it possible for them to come back at least once or twice? “It’s not an academy, it’s a prison.”

Titania, who was complaining in my arms, started crying. Of course, there are no vacations at the academy, and you cannot leave the academy grounds for three years.

However, that did not mean the academy was narrow. Because the Academy boasted a size as large as a small town. There were shops and various convenient facilities inside the academy.

In other words, the academy was no different from a small city. Academy students simply could not leave the small city until they completed the grade and graduated or dropped out of school.

Titania, who had been squirming in my arms, raised her head and looked at me.

“Can I come here sometimes? “If you ask Veronica…”

“…Veronica told you about it, right? Since they have to avoid the Great Witch’s gaze, they can’t use proper magic at the academy. “Of course I can’t connect here…”


Titania finally seemed to give up, buried her face in my chest and whimpered. I was worried about whether this idiot would be able to survive her academy, but I’m sure she’ll be fine since she has Veronica and Ain Cell with her.

“When I become queen, the first thing I will do is order the Minister of Education to create vacations at the academy. “So that I can return home during vacation.”

“Your juniors will be happy.”

What a cute goal she set as soon as she became queen.

I smiled and patted Titania on the back. Although I couldn’t see her face, I could tell that Titania was crying because I could hear her sobbing in my arms.

I held Titania a little tighter and slowly rubbed her back. Because today is the last time I stay like this. So, what I meant was that you stay by my side for today until you are satisfied.

“I don’t want to go…”

I could feel Titania’s tears touching her heart.

Titania’s crying makes my heart ache as if the sound of her voice is breaking my heart. She wanted to tell him not to go, but she couldn’t say that, so she just smiled calmly.

For Titania, who was sobbing and crying in my arms, all I could do was to hug her even more tightly. The more I held Titania, the more she refused to leave my side.

Just like that, Titania and I did not separate until we fell asleep. I hoped that this hug would comfort Titania just a little bit, so I just hugged her and rubbed her back.

As my consciousness drifted away, I fell asleep while listening to the sound of Titania’s heart. There was absolutely no tension that this day had finally arrived. She was just depressed at the thought of taking this child away from me.


Late morning when everyone is asleep.

Titania, unable to sleep, got out of the blanket and looked down at Vivian, who was sleeping soundly.

‘Lovely mother.’

Titania took time to carefully engrave Vivian’s face into her eyes.

Since it was a face she would not see for another three years, she wanted to engrave her mother’s face in her eyes even a little more. Titania gently reached out her hand and gently smoothed Vivian’s disheveled hair.

‘Maybe it’s good? ‘It’s so lovely.’

Titania carefully tucked a strand of her hair that had fallen down her back behind her ear. It would be troublesome if her mother woke up because her hair touched it. Titania held her breath as she stared into Vivian’s face.

A pure white face bathed in the moonlight pouring in through the cracks in the window, golden hair sparkling like stars embroidered in the sky. The bright red lips beneath the straight bridge of her nose were slightly parted.

As she took a deep breath, the familiar scent of her mother tickled the tip of her nose. Titania soothed her mind, and she breathed in her scent again and again, which soothed her heart.

It’s really lovely.

Such a lovely person is my mother.

I can’t believe I love such a lovely person.

When she thought that, her heart warmed.

Her heart throbs, her chest tightens.

Just looking at her mother’s face made her happy. Titania was so happy about this time that she wished it would last forever, that she wished she and her mother could be alone in this world.

As she continued to look at her mother’s face, her eyes kept falling on her mother’s slightly parted lips. Titania unconsciously swallowed her dry saliva and couldn’t take her eyes off her lips.

‘Just a little bit…’

Titania moved her finger and tapped Vivian’s lips. Her mother was fast asleep and unresponsive. The feeling of her lips touching the tip of her finger could not have been more dizzying and stimulating.

Then, a bad thought occurred to me.

She was separated from her mother by three years, and it was too bad to be separated from her mother like this. She wanted to be a little closer, she needed something to remember her mother a little more.

Okay, if possible, a kiss or something…

Gulping, Titania swallowed her dry saliva and ran her tongue across her lips.

She began to worry, looking down at Vivian with her face as if her mouth was watering. Is it okay to do this? My mother was fast asleep, and once she fell asleep she did not wake up until morning.

‘So, even if she kisses her lips now, she won’t wake her mother.’

The unknown courage given by dawn was terrifying. It may have been because her emotions took precedence over reason, but Titania decided to be honest with her feelings. If not now, the next time we see her will be in three years.

Titania eventually stroked Vivian’s cheek, then lowered her head and shyly pressed her small, red lips. Her heart trembled so much that it hurt from the kiss that didn’t even make a sound.

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It was only then that it felt real.

She realized that she had crossed a line.

She realizes that she can never go back to how she was before.

Although she had kissed her mother’s lips several times, she had never directly kissed her mother’s lips. She may have done it a few times when she was younger, but this was the first time she had locked lips with her mother with such poignant feelings.

She was still asleep, unaware that her mother had taken her lips. Her lips were parted, not even knowing that her daughter had stolen her mother’s lips with these feelings, as if she was trying to seduce her by saying that she would not be caught even if she did it again.

‘Wouldn’t it be okay to do it one more time?’

Titania’s lips twitched, but she soon let out her quiet sigh and snuggled into her blanket. I said I should be satisfied with this for today. She snuggled into her mother’s arms, saying that the next time would be three years later.

‘Next time we meet, will you treat me like an adult?’

What does it mean to be treated as an adult in the first place?

What do I want to do for my mother?

Although Titania knew exactly what feelings were creeping deep within her heart, she decided to bury them. Because it wasn’t the feeling she was supposed to have yet.

After such a short sleep, dawn began to break.

The day to head to the academy dawned.

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