109. Time to Leave (3)

[Episode 109] – Time to Leave (3)

Veronica was confused.

She finally felt like she had finally found her place in this repetitive life. Veronica bit her lower lip, a feeling she thought she was used to by now.

It felt like her heart was breaking and the ground beneath her was falling apart.

This feeling was like the ‘safe haven’ she thought she had finally found was collapsing. In her repetitive life, this feeling she thought she had gotten used to only became painful again.

Veronica didn’t want to admit it, but she really liked this place. Here was Titania, who was like ‘her younger sister’, and Vivian, who was like her ‘mother’, although she really didn’t like it.

Her lovely younger sister, Titania, and her mother, Vivian, who is kind to her. A sanctuary of her own that she finally found in her return to barely escaping. That comfortable haven was now falling apart.


Something like gastric juice rose to the tip of her throat and her head felt hot. It felt like she was going to cry, and hot breath was going to burst out of her mouth. She was upset, Veronica knew full well.

“…You’d better explain it in a way I can understand.”

Veronica, who had no idea that Vivian would feel this way, was really confused. She felt as if her throat was being strangled, and her chest was pounding.

Veronica let out a laugh, saying, “No way, she never thought she would feel this way toward Vivian.” She didn’t want to admit it, but she had no choice but to admit it. How could she not admit it?

From noble mtl dot com

That you are a precious person to me.

I guess that’s why I’m so angry. Because you, who are precious to me, say you are leaving. Because you say you are leaving my side, our side. It must be painful, like your stomach is twisted like this.

Vivian pursed her lips as if choosing her words, sighed, and continued her words with a bitter smile. She said the reason she was leaving was ‘a promise.’

“… When Titania was six years old, she… Her Majesty passed away. The reason for me leaving here was decided at that time. That’s right…”

Veronica was unable to say anything at Vivian’s bitter smile.

Of course, she never thought that what she did would come back like this.

“Because I did not receive ‘affection’ from His Majesty, I did not receive ‘Snow White’, the ‘surname’ of the royal family. Since Your Majesty has passed away, there is no reason for me to be here because I am not loved by Your Majesty. “The political reason why I married His Majesty was to give birth to a little sun for the royal family.”


“In the end, His Majesty passed away, and I, who did not receive the royal family name, had no choice but to leave this place. Somehow, I was able to remain until now by pleading with Her Majesty the Queen Mother and the ministers. After much pleading, she decided to leave the royal family before Titania graduated from her academy. “That is a ‘promise.'”

Veronica was so shocked that it felt like she had been hit hard on the back of the head with a hammer, so Veronica was unable to say anything. Didn’t you get any favors from her majesty, that is, from her father? Vivian didn’t receive the royal ‘surname’?

In her repeated regressions, Vivian has always been ‘Vivian Snow White.’ Second Queen Vivian Snow White. That was the name of Vivian that Veronica knew until now.

But, if Vivian isn’t Snow White…

“…Have you never even had s*x with your father…?”

“Do you really have to ask that now?”

Veronica was speechless and covered her mouth with her hand. That Vivian? Vivian, who did everything to marry her father? And Vivian didn’t even get to spend her first night with her father? That Vivian??

After a moment of her confusion, Veronica held her throbbing head and let out a sigh. Because I understood everything, including Vivian’s reason for leaving the royal castle and her promise. Plus this…

It was also my fault for making her father do that.

“…It’s my fault.”

“…It’s not your fault.”

“No, it’s really my fault. If I hadn’t turned my sister Laura into a lyanxi, if I hadn’t touched her majesty, you wouldn’t have left. “I just…”

…Because my father wasn’t a good person either.

My father was a kind person. He was a kind king and a kind father. But, who knew? That the love his father poured out on him was not love ‘for his daughter.’

The more life repeated, the more strange it felt. She said that even if her mother died, she was not sad because she had a daughter, but she sometimes called her grown-up self ‘Laura’ and often confused herself with her mother.

At that time, it was just because my father was so tired and missed my mother who passed away. With that much thought, she moved on as if it was no big deal. But…

‘When I realized that what my father was looking at through me was ‘Aurora’…’

Veronica shook her head to shake off the disgusting memory.

So this time, I simply made it so that the two people could not separate until they died. Because you love me so desperately. So, they just made it so that they could be together until each other died.

‘…It would be meaningless to tell Vivian that now.’

Veronica let out her sigh, and she thought for a moment. How can I keep Vivian from leaving this place? She thought and thought, but couldn’t come up with an answer. Well, because there was no answer.

When Veronica found out that she was to blame for Vivian leaving, she was overcome with a terrible sense of self-destruction. It was as if she had ruined the shelter she had barely achieved through her own mistake.

At that thought, Veronica became nervous and grabbed Vivian’s hand. She rolled her head as she tried to keep Vivian from leaving her side.

“…Then, how about doing it like this? You are leaving the royal castle and coming to my cabin. You can meet Titania at any time in my cabin. Huh? How is it?”


“The cabin itself is a small place, but you will like it. You won’t feel like the cabin is cramped because you can go anywhere. Plus, there are dwarves, so you won’t be lonely…”


“Huh? How is it? If you let me, I will try to persuade the dwarves. Therefore…”

Veronica’s voice was trembling due to her throat being clogged. Her breathing was uneven. No matter how hard she tried to control her emotions, she found it difficult to control them.

The voice sounded as if she was crying silently, so Vivian gently held Veronica’s hand. But perhaps it touched Veronica’s feelings, and Veronica begged in her tearful voice.

“Don’t go… Please. “For my sake and for Titania’s sake, you must not leave…”

Please don’t go.

Vivien looked sad upon hearing these words from Veronica for the first time.

The child who hated showing his emotions outwardly now desperately pleaded with her not to go and to stay by her side. He clung to me, begging me not to leave, that he would find a way. However, despite such sorrow, Vivian continued speaking.

“…The reason I leave here is because of a ‘promise’, but it is also for Titania’s sake.”

“For Titania…? Are you leaving ‘for’?”

“Yes, because that child relies on me too much.”

Vivian laughed.

The smile seemed sad, so Veronica shut her mouth.

“You know, Titania, I don’t plan on leaving my side until she gets to this age. She still shares the same room as me and always refuses to leave my side. You said that, right? “It’s strange that she sleeps with her parents at this age.”


“…Well, let’s say that even sleeping can be like that. However, that child relies on me for most of his life. That’s definitely not a good thing for Titania. Rather, it is closer to ‘poison.'”

Vivian raised his hand and pointed at himself. When Veronica looked at her like that, she realized that it was useless for her to say any more. Because Vivian has already captured his heart. It was clear to him that no matter how much he begged, begged, cried, or shouted, Vivian would leave his side.

“I am poison to Titania. So… I’m leaving.”

“…Yeah, I see.”

Veronica took a step back with a bitter look on her face.

Because what Vivian said made some sense. Even from his own perspective, he felt that Titania relied too much on Vivian. It wasn’t that she didn’t understand Titania’s feelings. She felt such sad feelings even though she had only known Vivian for two years. Furthermore…

‘If I hadn’t turned Aurora into Lyanansi, it wouldn’t have happened. Am I in a position to stop Vivian like that?

Veronica smiled bitterly and asked Vivian.

“…When are you going to leave?”

“It hasn’t been decided yet, but it won’t be there when you graduate and come back.”

“You don’t want to tell Titania?”

“…I’m afraid I’ll drop out of the academy if I tell you. “I’m scared.”

“Phew. “I think so.”

Veronica chuckled. Of course, if it were Titania, that would be okay. It was clear that if Vivian told him to leave, he would keep her even if it meant destroying the academy. Of course, she wanted to catch Vivian right away. All I could do was resist the urge to lock myself in the cabin right now.

“…Okay, okay. “Am I the only one who knows this?”

“Ainsel knows too. Right? Ainsel?”


When Vivian knocked on her earring, Aincell poked his head out from her earring. Veronica’s face turned bright red as she had no idea she had been listening until now.

‘So, you’ve heard everything I pleaded with Vivian…?!’

Veronica fanned her hands to cool her flushed face. While she was cooling her face, Ainsell peeked her head out of the mirror, looked at Veronica’s notice, and asked Vivian.

-Yes, yes… But… Are you really going to leave? If you leave…

“Really, don’t do that. “Veronica’s plea is so heartbreaking that she’s dying, so what should you do if you do that too?”

-Yeah, but…

Vivien sighed at Ainsel’s worried voice. Vivian sighed, saying that it really wasn’t easy to leave, hugged Veronica and patted her back. Sweet and gentle. Veronica was once again moved to tears by that sweet hug, and it was difficult to hold back her tears.

“Ha… Of course you don’t plan on telling me where you’re going, right?”

“Of course. “Then it’s not fair.”

Veronica chuckled and replied, ‘That’s right.’

For the first time, Veronica hugged Vivian. She hugged Vivian’s neck, shoulders, and back, and buried her face in the crook of Vivian’s neck. The warmth I felt every time she gave me strength was so warm that it made me sadder. It was the first time she had felt warmth, but she felt like she knew what it felt like.

“…Yeah, this is what it feels like.”


“No, it’s nothing.”

Veronica hugged Vivian so tightly that she couldn’t hold her any longer, and she took a moment to inhale and exhale her breath. Every time Vivian’s scent tickled the tip of his nose, his heart sank and he felt like he was going to cry.

Now I understand clearly. As expected, Vivian here was truly precious to him. But he regretted the fact that he realized this before he lost something precious, and Veronica felt like she was going crazy.

Veronica released her hug and turned her body around without showing Vivian her face. Obviously, her own face would be a mess right now. Veronica turned behind her and headed towards the terrace door.

“I have been given the fairy’s egg, so I will keep her promise.”

“…Okay, thank you.”


When the terrace door opened, it wasn’t my room. The beach heading to the dwarves’ hut. Veronica took a step into the terrace and looked at Vivian with a grin.

“Thank you for treating me like your daughter. Mother.”


Veronica disappeared as soon as she could speak. The beach that had been reflected beyond the terrace door disappeared, and beyond the terrace door was Vivian’s room as usual.

‘Are you sure Veronica just called me her mother?’

Was he embarrassed to hear her answer and just disappeared? Vivian chuckled and sighed for a moment. Although she was happy to be called her mother by Veronica, a part of her felt bitter.

When she raised her head and looked at the sky, time passed by and the night was deep. Vivian couldn’t believe that in just two nights like this, Titania would be gone from her side.

I really couldn’t believe it.

From noble mtl dot com

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