
Just as they were about to capture Tanimuradu, a 'Rain Girl' suddenly appeared, and Yiori Ichika was shocked and angry.

"What is that guy doing here?"


The 'Rain Girl' is hunting Chaofan and snatching the 'Killing Stone' from Chaofan.

After learning the inside story from Inari God, the government has naturally solved all the 'mysteries':

With the revival of spiritual energy, various little monsters and monsters appear again in the world; and for these low-level extraordinary beings, the 'killing stone' left in front of the Nine-Tailed Tamamo must be a treasure that they can fight for with all their strength.

Not only these extraordinary beings, but also humans are competing for it: didn’t Tanimura Watari become extraordinary only after he was implanted with the ‘Killing Stone’?

"Holy Son, come here!"

The fog spread rapidly at a terrifying speed, quickly covering several nearby streets.

In this situation, Yiori Kazuka turned on the infrared thermal imaging camera on his helmet and summoned his teammates.


Wearing hundreds of pounds of equipment,

Leaping down from the roof, Fuji Seiko also approached his boss at the same time.

The infrared thermal imaging cameras on the helmets of the two men kept scanning the surroundings, and soon locked onto a figure lying on the ground in the distance.

It’s Tanimura Wataru!

The next second,

The heat source representing Tanimura Crossing flew out to the side.


A stream of water rushed through, and large holes were washed out in the courtyards and houses wherever it went.

Above the water flow, Jun Kishida, holding an umbrella, was riding the water under his feet as if he was surfing. He raised his other hand and pointed toward Tanimura:

A large number of water cannonballs as big as a man's head were immediately spit out from the water under his feet!


This is an upgraded version of the D-class ‘Water Iron Cannon Technique’.

The 'Water Iron Cannon Technique: Strafing' uses a more powerful and denser water flow to form a cannonball attack.

? !

In the rolling fog,

A 'cannonball' as big as a man's head roared over,

Tanimura Watari's pupils shrank while he was running, and he was already running on both hands and feet, but he was still not as fast as the current.

I had to twist my waist to avoid it, but——


The attacks were too intensive. Although he dodged most of them, he was still hit on the arm by a ball of water.


A scream came from the mist,

Iori Ichika and Fuji Seiko turned to look in that direction. The embarrassed and rolling figure on the infrared thermal imaging camera had obviously fallen into a disadvantage.

So fast?

Don't look at the fact that they were able to suppress each other before, it was because Iori Kazuka was a karate champion, and the cooperation of the two made it impossible for Tanimura Wataru to escape; now this 'Ame Girl' just appeared on the stage and injured Tanimura Wataru. In this fog, if the other party kills him, wouldn't the Metropolitan Police Department's long-term plan be in vain?

"Holy Son, attack that 'Rain Girl'!"

The line of sight was obstructed by the fog, but on the infrared thermal imaging camera, the outline of the human figure could still be drawn.

After hearing the order from his superior, Seiko Fuji raised the sniper rifle in his hand without hesitation and aimed at another rolling heat source.


Government people?

A circular ball of water surrounded Kishida Jun, blocking the high-speed rotating bullet.

Water Prison Technique

Using water flow to form a spherical cage, it can be used as a shield to protect yourself from harm, and as a means to imprison opponents.

Surrounded and washed by the water filled with mana, the bullets fired by the sniper rifle quickly lost their kinetic energy. Although Kishida Jun was not injured, it also gave Tanimura Wataru on the other side a chance to breathe.

How could this happen? !

For this guy with an umbrella to attack himself,

Tanimura Watari was not surprised, after all, this guy had come here before for the killing stone on his forehead.

But what surprised him was: the other party was much stronger! The opponent who used to be able to fight back and forth can now be injured with just a raised hand.

This unscientific

Well, I am not a scientific being either.

Tanimura Watari stood up and just wanted to escape, when he felt locked by the opponent's gaze!

Get rid of the government people first,

Kishida Jun, who is holding an umbrella, is a real middle school student. Originally, he did not want to go against the government, but if the other party hinders him, then——


call out! call out! call out!


The sound of whistling breaking through the air and the disturbed trajectory of the fog shot out at the same time.

Yiori Ichika suddenly threw Fuji Seiko out, and the two rolled into a ball.

Bang! Bang!

Amidst two muffled sounds, the ground where they were located was blasted with two craters by the water cannonballs.

If this happens to you, even if you have armor,

"Ahem, cough, cough,"

"Sir, you-"

After being pinned down, Teng Seiko's expression changed when he discovered that his superior was protecting him, with a large dent in the armor on his back.

"Why panic? You can't die!"

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Iori Kazuka ordered as he got up.

"Continue the attack!"


"Yihua, it's me."

Director Ye Zhuya's voice came from the headset,

"Don't be brave. Tanimura Watari's body is also a victory for us."

This is not because Director Zhuya is 'sympathetic' to his subordinates, but rather than the 'wild' extraordinary beings who cannot be controlled, the two female police officers in the police system are his direct descendants who can rest assured.

"Hey, it's not over yet, Director."

Standing in front of Teng Seiko, Iori Ichika showed a wild smile.

"I am the commander here!"


Director Zhuya, who was far away in the Metropolitan Police Department, almost couldn't help but smash the console again.

That is?

As someone who sees the big picture, he notices something else.

A box was pushed into the battlefield by several public security officers, opened and quickly evacuated.


A Shiba Inu walked out of the cage and looked at the thick fog around him, with a humanized look of confusion on his face.

What do those two-legged beasts mean?

"Ahem, this voice. Come here!"

A voice came from the mist, which made the Shiba Inu startled, and then he immediately spread his short legs and ran in that direction.


It’s the master——


One person and one dog meet,

The Shiba Inu suddenly stood up and quickly transformed into another half-human, half-dog Tanimura Wataru.

Orc clone technique

"Let's go!"

Shiba Inu's transformed 'Tanimura Watari' followed the real Tanimura Watari and rushed to the left and right towards Kishida Jun holding an umbrella!

They all have an excellent sense of smell, and it is easy to lock onto enemies even in the fog.


the other side,

Fuji Seiko pulled the trigger again,

The M95 in her hand roared again, and the 12.7mm bullets shot towards the 'Rain Girl'.

Tsk, trouble.

Jun Kishida, who originally had ‘great increase in demonic power’,

After discovering that the target was an ‘old acquaintance’, the dog demon, I thought I could capture it easily.

Who knew that as soon as he appeared on the stage, the dog demon and the government extraordinary people who were originally fighting together would join forces to deal with him!

The firearms of the government extraordinary were so powerful that even Jun Kishida, who had greatly increased his strength, had to be careful in defense; and after the dog demon cooperated with a dog, it turned out to be troublesome. Attacking fiercely from left to right, Jun Kishida was able to defend more and attack less for a while.

efficient! X2

Such a scene made Tanimura Watanabe and Iori Kazuka secretly happy.

The two sides, who had been fighting to death just now, actually joined forces to fight against the enemy under the pressure of a powerful enemy. It must be said that things are unpredictable.

"Don't be too happy too early,"

The impatient Jun Kishida suddenly threw the umbrella in his hand into the sky.

At the same time, the water flow surrounds the body and forms a ball, which can withstand the sharp claws of the two 'dog demons'.

? !


The opponent's posture was clearly preparing for an 'amplified move', so Tanimura Watari immediately pulled away and flew back.

The reaction of the Shiba Inu-transformed ‘Tanimura Wataru’ was a beat slower.

The next second, steel needles like raindrops poured down from the fan opened in the sky.

"Defend the sky!"

The strange sound coming from the sky made Iori Ichika raise his arms and cross them over his head to block the situation; Fuji Seiko shrank down and crouched, hiding behind his boss.

It's not that she sells out her teammates, but because Iori Kazuka's armor is originally a 'thickened' melee type.

The responsibilities of the two are also that one is responsible for close combat and the other is responsible for long-range attack.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff! ! ! !

Thousands of steel needles fell like rain, sweeping across the battlefield, enough to penetrate a 5 mm iron plate.

This power is comparable to that of ordinary rifle bullets. To flesh and blood, it is simply a deadly metal storm! Tanimura Wataru, who flew away, had many steel needles stuck in his body; and the Shiba Inu, who was a little slower to react, was stuck like a hedgehog!

After a large-scale attack with the 'Like Rain and Dew Thousand Books' move, the umbrella slowly floated down and fell into Kishida Jun's hands.

Having gained the power to kill stone monsters, his strength is completely superior to these people.

"it's over,"

"Ahem, hahaha~~ It's time to end."

On the other side, Yi Zhi Yihua put down his arm full of steel needles, but he didn't look decadent at all.

"Show your true face, Rain Girl——"

? !

There was a rustling sound above the head, making Kishida Jun raise his head subconsciously.

Looking from under the crooked umbrella, one drone after another is throwing something: and the fog he created is disappearing quickly.

This is

His pupils shrank. As a student with excellent academic performance, Kishida Jun naturally knew the terror of the government.

This is why every time he takes action, he will be shrouded in thick fog.

"This is the hygroscopic plasmid acting as a catalyst,"

Yori Kazuka, who had many steel needles inserted into the exoskeleton armor, opened his mouth to explain.

"These catalysts can produce a large number of condensation nuclei, and water vapor condenses and grows into large water droplets on the condensation nuclei, thereby achieving-"

Artificial fog elimination!

\u0026quot;As humans,\u0026quot;

"You should know very well what you will face next."

Yori Ichika's words were like sharp knives piercing Kishida Jun's hands and feet, giving him a meal.

The fog was dissipating, and the policewoman holding a sniper rifle took aim again. There were constant noises around her.

Of course, Jun Kishida can continue to create "fog", but if he continues to drag it out, his chances of being exposed will become higher and higher.


The water flow wrapped around Kishida Jun and left quickly,

He didn't want to confront the government head on.


Seeing the other person leave,

Yiori Ichika let out a long breath and fell backwards to the ground.

Damn, the original plan was a mess.

At this moment, a girl's figure broke into the devastated battlefield and helped Tanimura Du up.

"Get up quickly!"

The girl's voice cheered up the seriously injured Tanimura Watari, who squeezed out the last 'demon power' in his body and struggled to stand up.

? !


"Where do you want to go?"

Amidst the frightened and angry scoldings of Iori Ichika, the two of them crashed into the back door of the restaurant.

Then, a car started and a scolding sound came from the other side of the restaurant: but the roar of the engine soon faded away, proving that the other party had successfully escaped.


Iori Ichika punched the ground, lowered his head and roared, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The script finally got back on track.


The crows in the sky had a panoramic view of everything.

Whether it was the method of breaking the "Mist Shadow Technique" or the obviously abnormal escape, it proved that the island government was not just bowing and apologizing.

It seems that it is no surprise that Tanimura Wataru was incorporated by the island government.

I wonder who planned all this?

It's worth meeting.

Even Qiu Riyou didn't expect that the planner of all this was the "berserker"-like armored woman below.

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