I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 45: Cunning and shrewd

Master Maemachi,

'The road is blocked'

"What are you doing? Why are there traffic controls everywhere in Tokyo recently!"

A few streets away from where the fog was gradually dissipating, there were constant complaints in the stopped traffic. However, in the face of the heavily armed police, no one dared to get out of the car and go crazy, so they just had fun with it.

On the blocked street, a family car was speeding.

"It's over, it's over!"

The girl driving the car looked sad,

"This is the store manager's car, does this count as theft?"

"It's much more serious than that,"

Tanimura Watari, who was lying on the passenger seat, gasped and replied,

"You are now wanted. Who asked you to rescue me?"


Just when the girl didn't know how to answer, Tanimura Watari's pupils in the passenger seat shrank.


squeak, squeak,

Subconsciously slam on the brakes,

The family car made four scorch marks on the deserted street.


Kicking open the car door, Tanimura Watari, who had regained some strength, jumped out of the car, walked around to the other side, picked up the girl who had just gotten out of the car, and strode towards——

Washed away by street sewers.

A few minutes later,

With the siren sound of 'Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa',

Many police cars rushed over and surrounded the abandoned vehicles and sewer entrances.


Tokyo sewer,

There are plenty of rats, cats, turtles, and even crocodiles living here!

Abandoned pets have established a new 'home' here; the ground is the territory of the terrifying two-legged beasts, and all companions who go out will disappear without a trace.

Even animals know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages; they would never step into the sun easily, but if a two-legged beast breaks in:

A group of rats looking for food in the sewage suddenly raised their heads and turned around.

Specialized vision, able to see moving objects within 10 meters in the dark, but only 10 meters away.

In order to catch enemies in the distance, rats have extremely developed hearing and can hear high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear. Therefore, when they heard the footsteps of the "Two-legged Beast", they immediately fled in all directions.


A boot stepped heavily into the sewage, and as soon as the water splashed out, the boot suddenly exerted force.


With the 'strong wind' howling in her ears, the girl curled up in Tanimura Watari's arms.

The stench and the smell of blood penetrated her nasal cavity, and the darkness was moving at high speed, so she could only close her eyes tightly and leave everything to Tanimura Watari.

This kind of excitement may hit the wall and become a meat pie in the next second, so I have no choice but to give up thinking.

"Hey, wake up."

Not even knowing when Tanimura Watari stopped, the girl opened her eyes and found herself in a...clinic?

"The doctor in this clinic is out on vacation. We can borrow it temporarily. Ahem,"

Putting the girl down, Tanimura Watari swayed slightly and almost fell down.

"your injury"

"There are tools over there, please help me pull out these steel needles."

Tanimura Watari, who fell down on a chair with many steel needles inserted into his upper body, raised his hand and pointed to the medical box in the clinic.

"Huh? Oh, okay~~"

He hurriedly opened the medical box, put on rubber gloves, and lined up surgical forceps, iodine, gauze, bandages, etc. The girl holding the scissors was shaking violently.

"what should I do."

"Let's start, cut my clothes off first."

After exiting the transformation, Tanimura Watari, who was still wearing tattered clothes, had to stay awake to command the girl.

"Pull it out directly with your hands, don't hesitate, use force - ah!!"

"Disinfect with iodine first, then cover with gauze."

"Good job, put a bandage on it."

Cold sweat was dripping from his head, but for Tanimura Watari, it was good to have someone take care of his wounds. Last time, he picked the bullets himself.


The blood-stained steel needle fell to the ground, and the smell of blood made the girl grit her teeth and mechanically repeat the actions of removing the needle, disinfecting, and bandaging.

After working for more than half an hour, Tanimura Watari emerged freshly covered in bandages.

"Now that I look like this, I can play the role of a 'ghost'."

Smiling self-deprecatingly, Tanimura Watari, who was covered in cold sweat, licked his lips.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"OK, wait."

The girl took off her rubber gloves and hurried out without having time to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

There is a drinking fountain outside the clinic.

The opportunity has come!

While receiving the water, the girl took out a candy from her pocket?

No, it's certainly not some candy.

It was the 'powerful instant sleeping pill' given to her by the government. Its effect was also very simple. After she completely gained Tanimura Watari's trust, she could give it to him or put it in his drinking water.

The expert who gave her the medicine swore that the medicine was colorless, odorless, safe and healthy. In short, according to the 'plan', now was her chance.


The medicine disguised as candy fell into the water, shook slightly, and melted away in the blink of an eye.

But do you really want to do this?

If at the beginning, the girl just thought that the other party was a thug so vicious that even the government was helpless, and she needed her to perform a "honey trap".

After getting in touch with him, apart from his extraordinary power of being able to transform into a 'dog demon', Du is just a serious big brother next door.

It can even be said that when he was not transformed, he was still full of bookishness.

If it falls into the hands of the government, what awaits is...

Captivity, experimentation, dissection!

I have to say that this set of procedures is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and any normal person would think so.

"Ahem, are you okay yet?"

Tanimura Watari's voice came from the clinic, bringing the girl back to her senses.

"Ah, here we come."

The girl who was walking back with the water glass stared at the ground, not daring to look at the other person.



With a flick of his hand, the other party took the cup.



The cup fell to the ground and the water inside spilled all over the floor!

"This glass of water."

The girl who raised her head shook as she knocked down the water glass with her hand.

"She was given sleeping pills."

"I know,"

Tanimura Watari just replied calmly,

The girl's look just now had 'I have a problem' written all over her face.

"I'm actually from the government!"

Biting her lip, the girl plucked up her courage again.

"I know too."

Tanimura Watari lowered his eyes. He had already discovered an abnormality during the treatment just now.

It stands to reason that when he was fighting with the government people, the restaurant should have been cleared. What's more, she is an ordinary person, driving herself to escape from the siege. She thinks and talks nonsense.

How could the island government that almost beat him to death be unable to deal with an ordinary girl? Impossible, there is only one answer——

"Our encounter and everything that happened is the government's task!"

Now that she had spoken out, the girl simply stopped hiding it.

Just when Tanimura Watari sighed secretly, a pair of hands fell on his shoulders.

"So, run away."


"The government will come soon. It's not safe here."

"Escape from Tokyo and simply go abroad."


Facing the girl who grabbed his wrist and turned away, Tanimura Watari stood up subconsciously and was stunned.

"Wait, what about you?"


The girl took a deep breath,

"The mission failed. I will go back to my hometown to continue working and studying, and prepare to take the college entrance examination."

"I am a weak woman, and it is normal for someone as extraordinary as you to notice something abnormal."

After revealing her inner secret, the girl gradually relaxed.

"Well, how about you pretend to hit me?"

"Don't use too much force~~"

As she spoke, she pulled Tanimura Watari, who was covered in bandages, out.

"That's it, I'm not a criminal anyway; it's you, don't go back to Tokyo, it's very dangerous here...?!"


The girl who had just opened the door of the clinic and was giving instructions to Tanimura Wataru was stunned.

"Hey, we meet again."

Smoking a cigarette, with bandages wrapped around her arms and shoulders, wearing a vest, and a police uniform draped askew on her body, the woman squatting opposite the clinic like a gangster raised her head.

"Yizhi. Sir?!"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously opened her arms.

"Watari, go quickly!"

However, the bandaged young man behind her did not move.


This situation made Iori Ichika unable to help but laugh.

"do not worry,"

He stood up and took a deep breath.

The half cigarette in his mouth burned to gray in an instant.

Take off the cigarette holder and flick it. The female section chief, exhaling billowing smoke, smiled and gestured to the two people at the door of the clinic.

"Tanimura Watari, how about let's talk?"

"Hoshino, get out of the way."

? !

She let Tanimura Watari pass by in a daze, and the girl froze in place.

He called his name?

That's right, Tanimura Watari has never called this girl named 'Hoshino' by her name.

The reason is simple, because in the past, the girl was just the shadow of his younger sister in his heart. but now:

"Your agents are very powerful. I am no match for them."

Tanimura Watari who walked out of the door took the initiative to stretch out his hands.

"Come on, cuff me."

? !

"Wait, Watari! You don't have to-"


Opposite me, Ichika Iori raised his hand, interrupting the 'painful drama' in front of him.


Snapped his fingers,

A policewoman with a haircut trotted over.

He handed the document bag he was holding to Iori Kakka, and when leaving, he picked up the cigarette butts on the ground and took them away.

"This is the 'Pardon Order' signed by the Emperor: all crimes and punishments will be forgiven!"

Yi Zhiyihua took out a document with an exquisite chrysanthemum pattern from the document bag.

"Tanimura Watari, all your sins have been wiped away."

"Accept this document and you will be a guiltless citizen!"

Nani? ? ? ?

Not to mention Tanimura Ferry,

Even the girl Hoshino was stunned.

Since ancient times, when a new emperor ascends the throne, he will offer "amnesty to the whole world".

The island country also has this tradition. Five years ago, when Emperor Naruhito succeeded to the throne, he announced a decree of pardon for 550,000 people in one go, causing an uproar in the island country.

If you want to ask why, of course many rich people are not even hot on their butts when they enter prison, and then they are released from prison under the "amnesty" and continue to be at large.

In addition to this kind of pardon from the throne, the emperor also has the right to "individual pardon": designate a target and absolve him of all guilt.

It was obvious that what Iori Kakka was holding was the ‘Individual Pardon’ signed by the Emperor himself.

The effect is equivalent to America’s general amnesty!

"you're free."

"No more police will come to trouble you——"

Faced with the "amnesty order" handed over by Iori Kazuka, Tanimura Wataru subconsciously reached out his hand.

Is it all written off?

Members of the Broken Tooth Group, American soldiers, and.

"Great, Wataru!"

His arm was hugged by the person next to him. Tanimura Wataru turned his head and saw the delighted girl: her face was filled with joy, relief, and relief, gradually replacing the face in his memory.

"Well, it's a good thing."

After saying it gently, he looked at Iori Kazuka who turned around and was about to leave.


"Officer Iori."

"I'll go back with you."

The "amnesty order" in his hand certainly cleared his sins, but Tanimura Wataru did not forget the limit of "harvesting" one soul every day.

And he looked at Hoshino next to him again. To protect her, the best way is to join the government!

"You're welcome,"

Iori Kazuka turned around and opened his arms.

So far, the "collar" is complete!


"Great victory!"

"Tora! Tora! Tora!"

In the Metropolitan Police Department's Operations Office, a group of people involved in the plan stood up and cheered, clenching their fists and waving them in the air!

Some people even jumped onto the table, twisted their waists and threw their hats, and their unrestrained appearance made others applaud and agree.

Pushing his plain glasses, Director Takeya had to admit that his subordinate was indeed good. As long as the girl 'Hoshino' was not in trouble, from now on, Tanimura Wataru would be the most loyal hound in the hands of the government!

"This guy Yihua,"

If he puts this thought on the political arena

Thinking of this, Director Takeya couldn't help but smile and shake his head.


"Tsk tsk tsk,"

The crow who witnessed all this couldn't help but shake his head in admiration.

"In this way, the island country has a rich hand, although they are just some low-level ninjas."

That's good!

The golden finger needs to fight to improve its proficiency.

If there are not enough opponents, can't you always let yourself fight each other?

"Speaking of which, the power of technological weapons is actually quite good."

The sniper rifle used by the female police officer, the Genin-level Tanimura Wataru could only dodge in a panic, and the Chunin-level Kishida Junya had to defend carefully.

The power is no worse than the shuriken and kunai of ordinary Genin, and it can form combat effectiveness without almost any training.

Not to mention various armor-piercing bombs, high-explosive bombs, fuel-air bombs and even the ultimate weapon nuclear bomb.

Fortunately, the nuclear bomb, which is as powerful as the "tailed beast cannon", will not be used easily.

Next, it's time to develop the "hostile forces".

The crow landed on the top of the building, and countless papers scattered and reassembled into: a figure wearing a simple and wide hunting robe and a black towering high crown.

The waist is decorated with magatama and wooden clogs. Without the hat, it looks only about 1.4 meters tall. The white cloth hanging in front of the hat covers the face, and the black "three" on the white cloth is extremely eye-catching.

As the first "vest" of Akihi Yu, if he doesn't come out to do something, he will be forgotten.

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