I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 73: Flying Demon

"Fifty years in the human world is nothing compared to the sky."


He raised his head and took a sip of the beer in his hand: bitter and uncomfortable.

"Looking at the world, it is like a dream, let life pass once, and then death will come."


Putting down the beer can, the man with a messy beard shook his head slightly at the taste in his mouth.

"The description in the book is: the aroma of beer has a unique yeast aroma, mixed with different levels of flavors of malt and hops, sliding through the mouth like delicate silk."

"In the end, it is like drinking water, knowing whether it is hot or cold."

If you can't get used to it, you just can't get used to it.

Putting the beer can on the guardrail, the man looked up at the sparkling sea in front of him: the sea is not unfamiliar to the islanders, after all, this is a country surrounded by the sea. But the green islands scattered on the sea next to it can be regarded as a wonder.

Sendai, Matsushima.

Known as one of the three scenic spots of the island country, there are 260 islands of various sizes scattered inside and outside Matsushima Bay.

There are many black and red pines on the island, hence the name Matsushima; there is also Zuiganji Temple, which is known as a national treasure, so there are endless tourists all year round.

It was an important part of the man's childhood dream of "traveling around the island's scenic spots and historical sites".

Now facing the beautiful scenery, there is only sighing.

"Sure enough, it's right not to take the main road."

"Will my appearance also affect the mood of tourists?"

The man wore black trousers, white shirt, black tie, and black jacket, which was a standard office animal dress: but unlike the meticulous office animal, his suit was obviously wrinkled, as if it had not been tidied for a few days, and it looked a little sloppy.

And he was also sloppy: his cheeks were thin, his eyes were bloodshot, and his beard was messy. He was full of "sorrow" all over.

There was nothing he could do about it, after all, he

"Hey, uncle."


The crisp voice beside him pulled the man out of his sadness.

"What's the matter? Classmate, cough, cough,"

Turning his head and seeing a girl, the man subconsciously said "classmate". Although she changed her words in time, the girl was still slightly stunned by the name.

This was a short-haired girl, not beautiful, but full of youthful breath, and she was the object of fantasy for many middle-aged uncles.

The girl made a 'rubbing' gesture with her thumb and index finger,

"Only 2000 yen~"


"2000 yen. What, is it——"

The decadent man was surprised. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Isn't it usually only in that kind of 'special area'?

"How is the hotel over there?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, took the man's hand and pointed to the hotel not far away.

Seeing that the man was still in a daze, she turned her finger:

"If it doesn't work. I know an empty alley, follow me."

? ? ?

The man who was still sad just now had a blank mind, and was pulled forward by the girl. Fortunately, he had not completely lost his mind, so:

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The man who was pulled or dragged away kept calling for a stop.

"I'm not that kind of person, and..."

"Classmate, do you have any difficulties?"

The man who tried to stop looked seriously at the girl who turned her head forward.

"If you encounter any problems at school, you can tell me; if you have family difficulties, I can also try my best to help."


The girl shook off the man's hand with a look of disgust.

"What are you doing?"

"Who do you think you are, and you are qualified to say such things?"

Tsk, I originally wanted to "eat" this guy, but I didn't expect him to be a troublesome guy, forget it.

"Go away, sloppy uncle!"

"I'm not in the mood to do it with you, bye~~"

After saying that, the girl turned around with undisguised disgust and left alone.

Well, where should I go to find a new target next?

"Hey, this lady, are you alone?"

"Would you like to play with us?"

Not far away, the girl was approached by two young men with dyed yellow hair; facing these two rogue guys, the corners of the girl's mouth slightly raised, and when she raised her head, it had turned into an innocent smile.

"Okay, I know an alley that's perfect for this."

"Stop it!"

Just when both parties were happy, a shout interrupted their next move.



"Hey, who are you?"

The girl looked back and said in surprise, and the sloppy uncle she had targeted just now was chasing her.

The other two yellow-haired young men were unhappy, and they passed the girl and approached the other party aggressively.

"You are brave enough to ruin our good deeds?"


"What you are doing is illegal!"

The sloppy man in a suit raised his hands and explained quickly:

"Since last year, the crime of 'forced sexual intercourse' has been changed to 'crime of not consenting to sexual intercourse'."


That is to say, as long as the other party agrees and no coercion or violence occurs, it will not constitute a crime.

However, in reality, when sexual assault occurs, it is difficult for anyone to deliberately retain evidence of 'being coerced' or 'suffering violence', which makes it easy for criminals to get away with it.

Therefore, since last year, the island nation's House of Representatives passed a criminal law amendment that would make it a crime for the other party to commit a crime if the other party is more than five years older than them.

? !


"Who are you scaring-"

The two yellow hairs were startled, and then turned into anger.

Even a slovenly uncle dared to preach to them.


He punched the man in the face, but Huang Mao was shocked. because:


His fists were covered in blood,

It wasn't that this uncle had any special intention to 'retaliate', but because blood was constantly dripping from the other party's nose.

"Even if she agrees, you will still commit a crime!"

Covering his nose that was dripping with blood, the sloppy man spoke righteously, causing the two yellow men to take a step back subconsciously.

This momentum, and this look:


"This guy is crazy, let's go!"

They are just gangsters, and if they really have to face 'jail', they will immediately feel timid.

Especially the man in front of them was bleeding profusely and looked like he would die in the next second, which frightened them even more.

If you become a 'murderer' for no reason, you will have to spend your next life in jail.

They don’t have money to hire a good lawyer!

"Don't let us see you again."

"Damn guy"

While cursing, the two Huang Mao left quickly.

The girl who was stunned on the spot walked towards the sloppy man after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Are you OK?"


That's what he said, but the man's nosebleeds were constantly dripping and his face was getting paler. It didn't look like he was 'okay' at all.

"Hey, uncle, you don't look like you have any problems at all, do you?"

The girl who was about to leave frowned, but somehow she stayed.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I have medicine in my pocket"

The man who pointed at his coat pocket and pinched the sides of his nose with his fingers answered.

A few minutes later, the man with blood all over the floor finally stopped bleeding from his nose, and his nose was blocked by two wads of sanitary napkin.


Faced with the man's gruff thank you, even the young girl couldn't help but sigh.

"You still dare to act like a hero when you are sick. I really don't understand."

"Haha, this is my job~~"

There were large areas of blood on his collar, tie, and coat, and the man smiled sheepishly.

"As a teacher, if you turn a blind eye to students' problems, you will be embarrassed to see people in hell, right?"

"I'm not your student,"

The girl retorted, but her previous disgust was gone.

"I only have a few days left to live, so..."

Helping the weak man to sit down on the bench next to him, the girl couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Uncle, why do you want to be a teacher?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the medicine bottle in her hand, and the words 'Specially for Leukemia' came into view.


Sitting on the bench, looking at the sea not far away; the man, who was even more sloppy with bloodstains all over his body, recalled his former student days.

"It's quite embarrassing to say."

"When I was a student, I was the target of bullying."

"It's not your fault, there's nothing to be ashamed of -"


Turning his head to look at the girl who subconsciously retorted, the sloppy man showed a gentle smile.

"You're right, it's not the victim's fault."

“The fault lies with the perpetrators and the managers who turned a blind eye.”

Recalling that he once asked the teacher for help, but received an answer like "Teachers are also very busy, if you become cheerful, you won't be bullied", the sloppy man lowered his eyes.

"So, I thought: As an adult, I can stop this from happening."

Become a teacher yourself!

At least in the class he teaches, bullying is not allowed.

"Unfortunately, I can't do it anymore. Cough cough cough~~"

Coughing up a glob of blood, the man shrugged.

"my life."

It's almost the end.

"Uncle, a good teacher like you shouldn't end up like this."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just normal birth, old age, illness and death."

The blood-stained man took the girl's words very seriously -

"All men are mortal,"

"When he looks back on the past, he has no regrets for wasting his years, nor is he ashamed of being inactive."

"Teacher, please don't use passages from famous books to be cool, okay?"

"Hey, it's been exposed."

The man scratched his head, then turned to look at the girl seriously.

"No matter what difficulties you encounter, there are people in this world who are willing to lend a helping hand."

"School or family? Don't look at me like this. Ahem, I still have some social experience and connections."

"Take care of yourself."

The girl gave the man a helpless look,

"I can beat ten people like you."

"I'm so sorry for being so weak~~"


At this point, both of them laughed.

For them, just having someone willing to listen is actually enough.

"Teacher, you take a rest here first."

"I'm going to buy some ice and drink water. If you look like this, the police will arrest you as a murderer."


The man took out his wallet and took out a few banknotes.

"Excuse me, classmate."


"Hey, that's not"

When the girl walked out of the convenience store, two young men with yellow hair noticed her.

"That one just now?"

Their eyes lit up,

The desire to be 'frightened' is once again on the rise.


"What a fate, we meet again."

Glancing at the two people blocking her way, the girl frowned slightly.

"Get out of the way,"

"I don't have time to deal with you."


The two yellow-haired young men were stunned, and then they became angry.

We didn't dare to touch the uncle who seemed to be dying, so why did we dare to touch you?


Pushing the girl to the alley next to them, the two yellow-haired men, who felt "insulted", pinched their finger bones and said threatening words such as "sell it to the customs street" and "put it in cement and sink it into the sea".

"Stick your butt up obediently, and it will be over in half an hour"

"No, it will be over in five seconds."

Putting the convenience bag in her hand on the air conditioner outer box in the alley, the girl's words stunned the two yellow-haired young men.

Five seconds?

Who are you looking down on——

Snap, X2

Before they could react, the five slender fingers of the palm covered their mouths on the left and right!

With the height of the girl, she needed to raise her arms to grab the mouths of the two yellow-haired men: the two sides were very different in terms of number and physique.


"Woo woo woo~~"

The next second, the two yellow-haired men struggled violently.

However, let alone getting rid of control, they couldn't even shake the girl's arms.

The power of struggle was rapidly lost, and at the same time, their bodies were visibly flattened, and soon they became skin and bones!

This is not an adjective, but a real description: withered to the extreme, only more than ten kilograms of skin and flesh, wrapped in bones and internal organs, fell down, forming a pitiful little lump among the scattered clothes.

"In this case, I won't be polite."

The girl with a cold face swept her eyes over the two "mummies" on the ground and picked up the convenience bag on the air conditioner outdoor unit.

Chakra absorption technique

You can absorb the other party's chakra by touching the other party, so the question is, what if you absorb ordinary people without chakra?

The answer is to forcibly squeeze the flesh and blood power and suck them into mummies.


"Teacher, here."

Back to the bench by the sea, the girl handed the water bottle to the man and thought for a moment.

"It's too rude to always address people by their professions."

"My name is Aki Aioi, what about the teacher?"

"Ah? I..."

After taking a sip of water and rinsing the blood from his mouth, the man answered.

"Sakuma Satoru, just call me Sakuma."

"Then, Sakuma-sensei, are you planning to end your life here?"

"No, no, no, as a teacher, suicide is an escapist behavior."

"Then it's a trip?"

After saying that, without waiting for the man to refute, the girl named 'Aki Aioi' took the man's hand and pointed to the islands dotted in the sea in the distance.

"I haven't been to Zuiganji Temple yet, let's go and see it together!"


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