"This is Zuigenji Temple?"

"It looks like an ordinary temple."

Regarding the girl in front, Sakuma Satoru's attribute as a teacher was activated.

"That's because the layout here is very 'classic', and it is a masterpiece that inherits Momoyama's architectural style; many of the temples we usually see in TV, movies, and animations are based on it: that's why you feel very ordinary."

The temple in front of you is neither gorgeous nor tall, but it is full of the island country’s unique aesthetics of ‘space, space and silence’.

The ancient building with white walls and black tiles, the Tang-style layout with cornices and brackets, coupled with the quiet bamboo forest, winding stone roads, elegant willows, and whirling cherry blossoms, makes me realize that the traditional architecture of the island country is wrong. There should be countless traditional buildings of the island country, competing to imitate this A temple regarded as a national treasure.

"The entrance fee for such a famous place is only 700 yen."

These words made Sakuma Satoru, a teacher, hesitant to speak. Fortunately, although there were many tourists in the temple, there were not many monks, otherwise he would look ugly.


"Are you complaining in your heart that I, who charges 2,000 yen, look down on a national treasure?"


Facing the girl who turned around and smiled with her hands behind her back, the man Sakuma Satoru shook his head.

“My motto is: Never feel sorry for yourself.”


While the girl was stunned, the man spoke seriously.

“When you pity yourself, you give up on yourself.”

"People will always encounter difficulties, and there will always be uncomfortable times: no matter the plot of a movie or a popular song, these cannot replace your life."

The protagonists in movies always turn danger around, and pop songs always sing about beauty and love; but in fact, those things are just unattainable dreams for ordinary people; real life is always full of all kinds of setbacks and troubles. .


“Trust the people around you more, and also believe in yourself.”

"Even if you are lonely, even if you are in pain, you must firmly believe that one day, you will be able to feel from the bottom of your heart: It is good to be alive."


"Teacher Sakuma, you are preaching again."

The girl turned around, flipped her hair, and avoided the man's serious eyes.

"There's a vending machine over there, what do you want to drink?"

"Juice bar."

The girl quickly ran to the vending machine and bought two bottles of juice.

"I thought you knew how to drink - I saw you drinking when we were at the beach before."

"Oh, that was my first time."

"This is probably the last time I'll drink."

After receiving the juice from the girl, the middle-aged Sakuma Satoru showed a shy smile.

"I can not drink."

"It's a good thing that I don't know how to drink."

The girl named Aki Aki opened the tab, took a sip of the juice in her hand, and spoke lightly.

"My father is an alcoholic."

“The company laid off employees a few years ago and I lost my job.”

"Because I'm older, I don't want to work as a part-time worker. After running into obstacles in my job search, I use my grandfather's pension to drink and drink every day."

In this case, his family's persuasion turned into 'force' in his ears; he was unwilling to admit his incompetence and vented his anger on others - the bastard who dared not speak loudly outside, facing his wife and daughter As if they were evil spirits, punching and kicking each other, beating and cursing them.

The grandfather was angered to death by this unfilial son, and the mother couldn't bear it and ran away from home. The girl's life eventually fell into pieces and slid into the abyss.

"Domestic violence?"

Sakuma Satoru became serious after taking a sip of juice.

"Leave it to me. I'm very familiar with the people from the 'Personal Security Countermeasures Team'."

If you want to ask why, he has dealt with many domestic violence incidents in the past ten years as a teacher.

Not just students, but even domestic violence between parents of students, Sakuma Satoru will intervene to mediate and deal with it; contact the administrative department to provide life support, organize civil groups to provide shelter, and of course, ask the police to come forward to stop the violence.

Procrastinating will only distort the students' minds.

Early handling is the only way to protect students' futures.

The 'Personal Safety Countermeasures Team' is an agency affiliated with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and is a team that specifically responds to domestic violence incidents.

"No need, Sakuma-sensei."

"That bastard will never cause trouble again."

Aki Aki shook his head, but Sakuma Satoru misunderstood what he said.

"you are at"

"Running away from home?"

Sighing, Sakuma Satoru guessed something from the other party's 'behavior'.

"That's it, Aioi-san."

"You come back with me and stay at my house temporarily."

"During this period, I will help you apply for government subsidies and go through the transfer procedures; study hard and your life will get better when you have a stable job."

As for Sakuma Satoru himself, there is not much time left.

After fulfilling my childhood dream of ‘traveling to island countries’,

No, maybe on the way.

"Teacher, if I had met you earlier, maybe my family would not have reached this point."

The girl raised her head and drank the full bottle of juice in one gulp, then wiped it on her cheek.

"It's too late to say anything now, because..."

"Well, if we don't talk about these unhappy things, where will we go next?"


"Xiangsheng classmates, your life"

"I still have a long life!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Sakuma Satoru's earnest words, the girl smiled slyly.

"If the teacher wants to persuade me, aren't there many opportunities along the way?"

".All right,"

In the last journey of his life, Sakuma Satoru doesn't mind being a 'teacher' again.

If Aki, who had run away from home, could find a place to belong to, would he be able to cross the Santu River with his head held high, right?

"When it comes to Sendai, you can't miss the statue of Date Masamune."

"Okay, let's go!"


‘One-eyed Dragon’ Date Masamune

This is also a ruthless man who once said, "It is unfilial to mutilate the body, hair, and skin of your parents," and he ate his own eyeballs when he was a child.

Of course, this was what he said himself. Others thought it was an eye disease caused by smallpox. During the Warring States Period, he was also a famous figure. If he had been born ten years earlier, it is still unclear who would have taken the position of general; he was a member of the Sendai Domain. The lord of the feudal lord was the founder of the island nation of Sendai.

Naturally, there are statues of such people.

In Aobayama Park in Sendai City, there is a bronze statue of Date Masamune riding a war horse, wearing an exaggerated crescent helmet, and a samurai sword hanging from his waist.

"Teacher, are you ready?"

The girl standing under the bronze statue made a horizontal 'scissor hand' gesture, while a certain uncle could only use his mobile phone to act as a photographer: fortunately, his skills were pretty good and he would not take any weird photos from a 'death angle'.

"Let me see, let me see~~"

Facing the girl who snatched the phone, Sakuma Satoru couldn't help but speak.

"This is my phone,"

"Why don't you take the photo with your phone?"

"Of course I leave it to you as a souvenir, I don't need it myself."

The two of them walked out while chatting. It was supposed to be a peaceful travel time. Then a sudden change occurred——

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunfire was heard not far away, making all the tourists in the park stunned.

what's the situation?


Before anyone could react, there was another whistle-like roar.

? !

"It can't be,"

The expression on his pale face tightened, and as a teacher, Sakuma Satoru thought of a possibility.

The economic situation that only emerged during this time: extraordinary existence!

"No way" X2

Whispering at the same time, Sakuma Satoru and Aki Aki looked at each other.


"Follow the new teaching materials issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and stay away from the target area as soon as possible."

It's too late.

A large number of tourists came in front of them, all of them seemed to be running for their lives.

Behind the tourists were a dozen police officers who were shooting back and trotting back.

"Support, we need support!"

"The goal is to be extraordinary—"


As these policemen retreated, they shouted into the walkie-talkie at the top of their lungs, because behind them was:


A huge 'soil' as big as a truck is rolling towards us.

Not to mention small pistols, even if the rocket launcher comes, it will still be blinded when facing such a huge volume of rock and soil: it is not a professional blasting equipment.


In the horrified eyes of countless passers-by, the huge rock and soil suddenly 'floated'.

No, it's not floating: underneath it, a half-man, half-ox monster has lifted up this huge piece of rock.

Tudun Tuling Tuanzi

Use earth attribute chakra to strengthen your strength and dig out a huge rock, then lift the huge rock out of the earth and smash it against the enemy.

It sounds similar to "shooting someone with a brick", but when the brick is as big as a house, then...

"It's a witchcraft, everyone, please retreat!"

Seeing the 'cow ghost' lift up a piece of earth and rock as big as a house, the policemen didn't even bother to shoot, they all ran away shouting.

As for the ordinary tourists, they only regretted that their parents had lost two legs. They were like ant nests poured into boiling water, and they immediately fled in all directions: as for whether they can escape, they can only leave it to fate.

Gee, are there so many extraordinary beings?

The unhappy girl just raised her hand when the man next to her grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go!"

Being held by Sakuma Satoru, she was able to break free with her backhand using Aki Aki's strength; but for some reason, she allowed the other party to pull her and escape backwards.

call out----

As Niu Gui threw his arms vigorously,

The huge clod of soil drew an arc in the air with a dull roar, and then:

Boom! ! !

He suddenly landed on the ground, the earth trembled, and the earth and rocks exploded.

It looked like a child had thrown a ball of dirt, but unfortunately almost everyone present was an ant.

The huge rock fell to the ground, needless to say the one who was hit, it became an abstract art on the spot; at the same time, countless earth and rocks the size of human heads flew out, scattering like cannonballs.


He threw the girl to the ground, and the earth and rocks hit the man on the back.


Spit out blood,

It fell next to the girl's face, and the warm liquid splashed on her dull face.

"What are you doing, teacher?"

"Get up quickly, don't be in a daze!"

However, Sakuma Satoru, who had blood dripping from his mouth and nose, had no time to listen to the girl beneath him.

"Run, get out of here!"

"Teacher, what about you?"

Facing the man who pulled himself up and turned around.

Aki Aoi actually already knew what he was going to do, but he couldn't help but ask.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's go!!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The 'cow ghost' who threw the giant rock on the opposite side had already kicked off its hooves and rushed towards this side in large strides.

Although the remaining policemen kept firing, the bullets from the pistols could only break the skin of the opponent's muscular black body.

This made the cow ghost even angrier!


With a roar, the wagyu that rushed out of the slaughterhouse... No, the cow ghost swung his arms and raised his head, and his hooves as big as a casserole easily tore the flesh and blood, and the sharp horns instantly pierced the chest.

"I'm a teacher."

"How can I run away before my students are safe?"

There was no sound behind him, and Sakuma Satoru, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose, turned back angrily.


His tie was pulled down, and his soft lips blocked the rest of his words.

At the same time, a strange force poured into his body from his mouth, making the man's body, which was tortured by illness, suddenly full of infinite power!

? ? ?

"Yabai, this young man."

An old tourist who got up next to him subconsciously said "Fuck".

At this time, it's still so romantic?

The two people hugging each other in the face of life and death made this old man feel that there was no need to run away.

"Stop chewing, go!"

"I'll help you lead them away"


After a long kiss, the girl Xiangsheng Aki fell to the ground.

Her face flushed, her chest rose and fell, like a shy girl; in fact, it was just the sequelae of losing a lot of chakra in a short period of time.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man Sakuma Satoru stared at his hands in amazement.

He felt that he could kill a cow with one punch now!

"Teacher, go."

"Do what you want to do, I believe you!"

No, no, no, I don't believe it myself. Turning his head to look at the 'cow ghost' who was wreaking havoc in the crowd, Sakuma Satoru clenched his fist, kicked his feet, and flew over there like a cannonball.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Stop it, ah ah ah——"

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