I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 92 Extraordinary momentum

"Hey, you are already extraordinary?!"

Tian Nuying's surprised voice came from the room.

"What's wrong?"

You opened the wooden door and saw the disappointed Tian Nuying and Yi Ye who was laughing secretly.

"I also want to ask 'Xiao Bai' to teach you how to become extraordinary."

After talking with 'Xiao Bai', also known as 'Bai Zangzhu', Tian Nuying learned that ordinary people can also become extraordinary: especially within the range of the sacred tree, as long as they follow him to learn to refine spiritual power, they can become extraordinary.

It takes a little time, but it is stable.

Originally, Tian Nuying wanted Qiong, Nao, and You to learn and then become extraordinary.

"Sorry, Xiaoying."

Qiong sister rarely apologized, although it was not her fault.

"Since you are all extraordinary, why don't you come to play with me?"

"You were surrounded by people from the island countries and America before. If we come to play with you, wouldn't it be a trap for us?"

You explained casually. After hearing this, Ying, who was still angry just now, nodded vigorously.

"That's right,"

"When that American 'Lieutenant Colonel Tina' was here, it was always not allowed to do this or that."

The girl complained, and she looked really constrained.

"Although I am willing to use my healing ability to help people, but-"

No matter how naive Ying was, she knew that those who could get her treatment were either rich or noble.

"Just like Xiaobai. Ahem, that Bai Zangzhu said, do whatever you want to do in the future."

You patted the girl's shoulder as a reward for 'using' her.

"Don't worry, Bai Zangzhu and Inari God are behind you."

Who in this world dares to embarrass her?

"Well, let's not talk about this~~"

"Since you are all extraordinary, you must come to my place often in the future!"


You and the other two gave definite answers.


Just when they were talking happily, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in,"

After getting the response from Tiannuying, a middle-aged man dressed as a priest pushed open the wooden door and bowed his head respectfully to ask for instructions:

"I heard that the shrine was newly built, and various companies in Tokyo donated torii gates. Please tell me whether to accept them."

The priesthood of Inari God is "abundance". In ancient times, he was the god with the most believers in the island country. After all, food is the first necessity of the people. If you don't have enough food, everything else is nonsense. In modern times, the "abundance" of Inari God's priesthood has expanded to wealth: many commercial companies will donate a torii gate to Inari Shrine after they become prosperous.

The densely packed vermilion ‘Thousand Torii Gates’ that lead directly from the foot of the mountain to the shrine of Fushimi Inari Taisha come from the donations of countless island communes: if the financial resources are not enough, they are not even qualified to donate.

Now, the Inari God has given the sacred tree, and this miracle is still vivid in our minds. All the major communes in Tokyo have heard the news and are almost breaking their heads for the donation quota!

".Priest Kawasaki, I will leave this issue to you."

However, Tiannuying is just an ‘ordinary’ female high school student. What good opinions can she have on such things?

With a wave of her hand, she let the other party handle it: That’s right, this middle-aged priest was originally the chief priest of ‘Fushimi Inari Taisha’. After witnessing the Inari God with his own eyes, he stayed here to help Tiannuying manage the shrine: Although he is just an ordinary ‘priest’ now, for him: it’s already a step to heaven!

Especially, the Inari God gave the "God Tree", and the favor to this "son of God" was unheard of:

Following the other party, maybe he can also get to Takama-ga-hara in the future and enjoy immortality?

Of course, the future is too illusory.

But now, he has the power that countless people envy.

"I will obey the law,"

The middle-aged priest knelt down, took a step back respectfully, and then closed the door.

Nao pushed his glasses and smiled and made a joke.

"Xiaoying, now you are like the emperor in the Taiga drama."

Wait for others to report, and then one word and one action can determine the fate of countless people!

"Don't make fun of me,"

"I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing."

The girl in the shrine maiden costume hugged her knees and couldn't help sighing.

"Maybe a casual word from me will affect the lives of countless people, this heavy feeling."

"Don't sigh, you will get old. Again: do whatever you want, we friends will support you!"

After comforting the other party again, You touched his chin.

"Just like me,"

"Do whatever you want,"

"Never regret, never hesitate."

"Yes, yes~~I'm just a little girl, I don't have the courage and courage of You."


When You and the other two came out from the back of the shrine, a 'simple' shrine had been built in front.

It's simple, but it's actually very majestic and gorgeous: Unlike other shrines, Inari God himself has the 'wealth' authority extended from 'harvest', so the shrines are all carved and painted, and decorated with gold foil: This shrine was urgently airlifted from 'Fushimi Inari Taisha'.

It is temporarily used as a worship object for many dignitaries.


"Xiao Qiong~~"

"Yu-kun, and Nao-chan!"

As soon as I walked out of the empty shrine, I saw two figures, one tall and one short, outside the torii gate.

The short high school girl waved to the three people. It was Hongo Kina; and next to her was a middle-aged man with clear muscle contours, a floral shirt showing under his suit, and a somewhat bohemian style.

"Let me introduce you to Mr. Idemitsu Toyoda."

? !

Without any more words, Qiong Mei and the monitor knew who the other person was.

Toyota, the 19th strongest company in the world, has nearly 400,000 employees and an annual turnover of nearly US$300 billion. Next door, Samsung, which claims to control the entire 'Western Eight' countries, is only ranked 25th. Of course, a company is a company, and a chaebol is a chaebol. , an individual is an individual.

However, almost all Toyota companies in this world are controlled by the man in front of him called 'Toyota Idemitsu', who is undoubtedly the real top power.

"Hahaha, hello."

"Since the three of them are friends from this hometown, that is to say."

The man's eyes swept over Yu and the others, none of them seemed to be 'strong'. Who would have thought that today's high school students would have a will of steel?

You must know that even he never wants to endure the severe pain of becoming extraordinary again!

"Hello, Mr. Toyota."

Facing the opponent's outstretched right hand, Yuya stretched out his hand.

"Just as you thought—"

With a slight exertion, Yuu retracted his hand as the opponent's face twitched.

"You also come to visit the sacred tree?"

"Yes, Yuu-kun."

"The first 'Fighting Meeting' is about to begin. Do you want to come and watch the fight?"

In response to Hongo Hina's invitation, Yuu waved back as he prepared to leave.

"Let's contact you then."

"Mr. Toyota, what's wrong?"

Hongo Hina tilted her head and asked innocently, and the man next to her with trembling hands confirmed again.

".I am really only suitable to be a capitalist."

Originally, he also had a fighting spirit and hired a professional coach. Unexpectedly, his grip strength was not even as good as that of a high school student?

Or twice!

Hey, just make money with peace of mind.


"Huh~~ I finally escaped."

Outside Tokyo Bay, on the waters near Chiba Prefecture, a dilapidated yacht was parked on the sea.

This place is far away from the scope of the typhoon, and the sky is still clear. A group of college students are lying on the deck, feeling lucky to have escaped and ascended to the sky.

"Isn't that too unlucky?"

"We just went on vacation and went diving by the way. Just~~"

Encountering an extraordinary battle?

“As far as the results go, it’s pretty good.”

Hearing a boy's complaint, the leading girl sat up and took over the topic.

"At least we were not killed on the spot by Chaofan, and we were lucky enough to escape the typhoon."

The main reason is because they did not go deep into the typhoon range. At the same time, the 'typhoon' kept moving northward, and they fled southward. Fortunately, they were not involved in it.

"I wonder what the outcome of the battle will be?"

The yacht they rented also had a satellite phone, but how could the island government explain the details to them?

"No matter how powerful the extraordinary existence is, can it still destroy warships?"

"But if that typhoon makes landfall"

The few people who were cut off from communication with the outside world didn't know that the war had ended with a result that shocked the whole world.

"Don't mention that,"

"How to distribute this thing?"

The leading female college student took out a pearl!

It is about the size of a thumb, and exudes a round luster in the sun. It is worth a lot at first glance: of course, if the little girl named "Crab Girl" is extraordinary and does not lie, it can be described as priceless.

"Take it back, sell it, and share the money with everyone?"


Another senior college student shook his head. He had toned muscles and had obviously been exercising all year round.

"It's difficult for us to estimate the value of this thing."

“And wait until we are on land.”

Whether they can still keep this pearl is a matter of two opinions!

The government would give them some kind of certificate and some money, and that would probably be the end of it.

"what about you?"

Others shook their heads,

The leading female college student then asked the second question:

"So, who's going to eat?"

"I do not want,"

Another boy waved his hand and refused first.

"If there were a mermaid, I would be happy to meet her. But myself"

Turn into a mermaid, no, turn into a merman, forget it.

"I don't want it either,"

Another girl also waved her hand,

"I like diving, and I plan to be a diving assistant in the future: If I don't experience it myself, can I still teach others?"

"what about you--"

Turning his head to look at the two muscular senior men, he was also greeted with rejection.

"We have already decided on the company we will join after graduation. It would be very troublesome to suddenly become extraordinary or something."

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on the boy who spoke first.


"We have decided that you will become extraordinary."

? ? ?

"No, I can't even swim."

"Hahaha, isn't this just right?"

A senior muscular man gave him a thumbs up after patting him on the shoulder boldly.

"After becoming a mermaid, you can definitely overcome this difficulty."

"We pulled you into the diving club, so I'll give you this opportunity!"

"Eat, eat, I'll choke you to death!"

"No need to be polite to us~~"

"There's really nothing I can do against you,"

Seeing everyone in this posture, the male college student took the pearl and stuffed it into his mouth.


As the pearl went down his throat, a warm current began to flow through his body, and then fish scales appeared on his skin, and he began to transform.

"Oh, it's starting!"

"Puff, isn't it?"


Soon, there was a wild laugh on the deck.

"Hey, hey, hey, Jian Er, look at what you look like now, this is the price of power."

A boy took out a mirror, and the boy who ate the pearl glared at him on the spot.

"What kind of mermaid is this?"

It's clearly a fishman!

That's right, the boy's limbs are still there, with scales all over his body, sharp fins on his elbows, webbed fingers between his five fingers, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He doesn't look as graceful as a mermaid at all, but looks like the horror of a fishman.

Add to that the gray color, it's even uglier!

Luckily, that 'Crab Princess' didn't cheat him at all.

As the boy's mind moved, the changes on his body disappeared rapidly, and he turned back into a human again.

"How can we see people in this state?"

"No, no, no, I think it's very majestic——?!"

Just when everyone was laughing, someone was suddenly stunned and looked up into the distance:

Warships were rushing towards them aggressively.

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