I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 93 Returning Home in Glory

"Xiaoyou, Xiaoqiong, I'm back~~"

"Hello, Senbon."

Qiongmei stopped and returned the greeting to the smiling old lady on the roadside.

On the other side, several middle-aged people passing by also stopped and greeted the two in a friendly and even somewhat flattering manner.

"Hello, Mr. Kobayashi,"

"Mr. Kawada."

The girl had to return the greetings one by one, as if it was a formal social occasion.

"I'm so tired,"

After returning home, Qiongmei threw herself on the sofa and pulled the pillow over.

She was a bit of a "homebody" by nature, and suddenly met so many people greeting her. After returning the greetings one by one, she felt tired.

"I don't want to go out."

"Then, do you want to move?"

Sitting on the sofa opposite, You suggested.

"For example, the 'Shenshu District' looks good."

If you move there, your neighbors will definitely be rich or noble, so there will naturally be no such trouble.


Glancing at the room, the girl shook her head slightly, her soft long hair swinging behind her.

"Our memories are here."

"Okay, but we probably won't be able to take the tram in the future."

They naturally didn't care that two extraordinary people were taking the tram, but if other passengers knew: Uncle, don't come and squeeze the tram with us ordinary people, if there are any bumps and bumps.

"Hmph~ Do you think you are a rich man in the Middle East so soon?"

The girl lying on the sofa looked up and rolled her eyes at You.

"Do you have to buy a tram too?"

What Qiongmei said was a famous joke about rich people in the Middle East: the son of a rich man went abroad to study and wrote back that everything was fine, but his classmates took the subway and he took a Rolls-Royce; so the rich man gave his son 100 million US dollars and wrote back: Go buy a subway to ride, don't let your classmates look down on you.

"Although it may sound like bragging, our current status is no less than that of the so-called rich people."


Just as the two were chatting, there was a knock on the door.

He stood up and opened the door, and what appeared in front of You was:

"I apologize for my intrusive visit."

Two policewomen in plain clothes, one with long mature hair and the other with a bob.

"Mr. You, we are here on behalf of the government."

After glancing at the certificate of "Second Section Chief of the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department" that the other party took out, You slightly stepped aside.

"Please come in."

"Excuse me." X2

The two policewomen changed their shoes and came to the living room: Qiongmei had already stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare tea for the guests; at the same time, they also avoided her legitimately.

"Mr. You, I'm sure you know why we are here."

"Speaking of which, this is the second time we meet."


You touched his chin, and then suddenly realized.

"So it's you."

"Sorry, I didn't recognize you without your police uniform. I remember it was."

Seeing that You had completely forgotten, Fuji Seiko had to introduce herself again.

"I am the chief of the second section of the Supernatural Countermeasures Section: Fuji Seiko."

"This is my partner, Kawai Mai."

"Hi, hello."

The young policewoman raised her hand and smiled to greet him, but she realized that she was too frivolous and quickly frowned again.

"Don't be shy, just tell me what you want to say."

Yu raised his hand to signal. Although he was just a high school student, his aura overwhelmed the two people in front of him, making the two policewomen wonder if there was something wrong with their memories.

Is this still the young boy in his memory? No, after possessing supernatural powers, you can't treat it with common sense.

"That's right, Mr. Yu."

"You are a supernatural, right?"

Facing Yu who raised his hand again and signaled "continue", Fuji Seiko spoke again:

"It may be a bit offensive to ask this question, may I ask, Mr. Yu, is he a native supernatural or an artificial supernatural?"

When asking this question, Fuji Seiko's muscles were already tense, and the "demon power" in her body began to flow, ready at any time-

Don't get me wrong, it's not to attack and hurt people, but to protect Mai next to her!

It is a taboo to inquire about the details of a superhuman: especially for ‘original superhumans’, many abilities are invincible when unknown; but once known, they will be greatly discounted immediately.

For example, if you don’t know the ability of the girl codenamed ‘Feiyuan Mo’, if you get close to her, you will be skinned alive.

But after knowing, long-range artillery fire. Hehe.

“As for me,”

You didn’t ‘change your face’ or ‘take action directly’, and touched his chin.

“I should be considered a ‘hereditary superhuman’.”

? ?

What the hell is this,

While the two policewomen were puzzled, You talked freely.

"So-called humans are best at learning to become stronger."

"Since ancient times, Yin Yang Masters, magic monks, samurai, and even some ninjas have possessed extraordinary powers, and they have been passed down through their families."

"Unfortunately, the world changed drastically, the spiritual energy was exhausted, and the extraordinary powers faded, and these have become legends."

"Ah? Could it be that you...you are..."

The young policewoman was surprised, and a lot of ghost comics such as "Ushio and Tora, Inuyasha, and Soul Eater" flashed through her mind.

"Yes, I am a person who inherited the Yin Yang and Five Elements technique-"


You gave the young policewoman an admiring look. This guy is silly, but he is not bad as a "supporting role".

"Of course, even if the spiritual energy is revived, special means are needed to become extraordinary: after a thousand years, I don't know if other families still have such inheritance."

You, with a face full of "regret", was talking nonsense seriously. Anyway, he has the final say on the extraordinary people in the whole world. If he says there is, there is!

No? Then it must be that your ancestors abandoned the inheritance themselves!

So that's the case.

The two policewomen nodded secretly. In addition to the original extraordinary people who have obtained the power and gifts of "monsters".

And the artificial extraordinary people who use "supernormal serum", there are also "inherited extraordinary people" who have obtained power through inheritance and continue to learn and strengthen?

"Mr. You just said that you can become stronger through learning?"

"Of course,"

You admitted generously,

"Samurai are tempered and sublimated between life and death, Onmyoji learn the five elements from nature and monsters, and Shinto cleanses the soul and obtains rewards from gods. These are all ways to become stronger."

After speaking, he looked at the two policewomen in front of him with a smile.

"Don't tell me that your government has no cases of "autonomous" strengthening."


Colonel Guile!

The first person that came to Fuji Seiko's mind was Colonel Ameriga.

They were all 'artificial supernormals', but he could develop 'self-created combat skills', which was obviously a level stronger than himself.

Listening to Senior Iori's muttering, she seemed to have recently figured out 'self-created skills' and was becoming proficient.

"By the way,"

You raised your hand and pointed in the direction of the sacred tree,

"Today I visited the shrine of the god Inari, and heard that the 'White Master' was interested in teaching the miko."

"If your government is interested, you might as well think of a way from here. As for me——"

What a joke, Onmyoji has always been a secret art family.

Dare to inquire about the secret art of other families?

There is already a way to die!

"Brother, will those two policewomen do it?"

After the two policewomen left, Sister Qiong came over and asked in a low voice.

She has not forgotten: there were four scums who were dealt with by her brother.

"Don't worry, they won't do anything."

In this regard, You was calm.

"It's just a small problem. Compared with other superhumans, we are simply good citizens who 'obey the law.'"

This is the truth!

Let's not talk about Qiongmei. Only mosquitoes died in her hands.

Yu himself killed very few people.


The typhoon affected most of Yokosuka City, and the number of victims reached more than 300,000, and the casualties were incalculable.

That was done by 'Hai Ming'. What does it have to do with me?

Besides, in this period of time, except for some lucky ones who adhere to the law, the others who can become superhumans are not covered in blood.

Revenge for revenge, grievance for grievance!

Those artificial superhumans are all powerful, so where are the 'good men and women'?

As for killing, the most active ones are those who clear out the mountains of cults everywhere.

As the saying goes, 'one shot collapses the cabinet, and suddenly the world feels wide',

For those cult leaders who play with people's hearts, he will not be soft-hearted at all.

The killing has caused panic in the island country's "faith community" during this period, and many cults have disbanded and fled on the spot.

Otherwise, with the current situation of frequent supernaturals, all kinds of "doomsday theory" and "salvation theory" cults should be everywhere.

"So, this is just a small matter, the government will help us settle it."

Four missing hooligans.

Not to mention that there is no evidence, even if the bodies are placed in the courtyard now, the island government will turn a blind eye!

Supernatural, the trend is set!

Beep beep,

The incoming call rang, and You put the phone to your ear.

"What's wrong, are you annoyed by your relatives? Nao squad leader~~"

"You, you guessed it a long time ago, and you're still laughing?"

On the other end of the phone,

Nao's tired voice came.

"My entrance is almost trampled by people, all kinds of relatives and neighbors."

Unlike the You family with only two brothers and sisters, the Nao family has both parents: they often interact with the surrounding neighbors, and at this time, naturally they all come to "congratulate".

This is much more valuable than getting into the University of Tokyo, or even becoming famous. There are hundreds of millions of people in the entire island country, and Chaofan has not yet broken through three digits.

"And my father's president,"

"Just downstairs, the two have already started drinking 'bride wine': he wants to give half of the company's shares to my father."

Is it so hard?

You, who had expected this, laughed and teased,

"Then when we meet tomorrow, should I call you Miss?"


The girl's long voice of dissatisfaction came from the phone,

"But thank you."

"At least today, my father and mother will not quarrel."

In such a prosperous day, no matter how big the hatred is, it will be temporarily put aside: Besides, facing the 'super' daughter, the two should think about it before quarreling.

If the daughter can't stand it and hurts someone, it will be 'laughing'.

"What's our relationship, you're welcome-?"

The phone was taken away by Qiongmei, and then the girl hugged his arm.

"It's time to go to bed."

No, you're already extraordinary, why do you want to stay in my bed?


Yu and Qiong-mei went to bed,

but in this Tokyo, there are too many people who can't sleep.

Next to the sacred tree area, Shibuya, which was originally brightly lit and known as the "24-hour city that never sleeps", was crowded with people. Countless young people gathered here and talked enthusiastically about the towering tree next door. They dreamed that they could also become extraordinary and soar into the sky!

However, for most people, this is something that is out of reach.

Those who play and sing, paint, and perform performance art on the street are still trying their best for their dreams, but they are helplessly defeated by "lack of talent".

And the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is even more crowded.

"Is this the information of the new extraordinary?"

Looking at the mountain of information in front of him, Director Takeya was tired and excited.


As the information was sorted out one by one: Izuna Ten, Rinyudo, Yinmura, train. Various extraordinary existences who came to worship the sacred tree were clearly visible.

Don't get me wrong, the so-called "train" is not something that runs on rails. It is an existence that burns with flames and sends sinners to hell. There is also a legend that it is a monster that blows up a storm during the transportation of corpses at funerals, opens the coffin lid and takes away the corpses of the deceased.

According to the legend, many "big monsters" like to use it as a mount: it's a pity that the skeleton nobleman riding the "train" is unknown.

Otherwise, there may be descendants of the other party among the senior cabinet officials.

"Oh, what a pity."

There are so many extraordinary people, but few of them pay attention to the island government's recruitment, and all leave on their own.

How can Director Takeya not feel distressed?

With the shocking appearance of "Hai Ming", its terrifying strength taught humans a good lesson.

Even the American fleet was blocked at the port and beaten. Most countries are terrified. Regardless of the wind and rain, countless flights are rushing to Tokyo, which is quite like "whoever gets the extraordinary will get the world".

"Director, there is news from America."

Iori Ichika, who was lying on the sofa in the office and taking a rest, pressed the headset.

"They ranked 'Hai Ming' as A-level, and the standard of strength is that it can affect a large-scale battle."


"Where do those guys get the courage,"

"Dare to rank Lord 'Hai Ming' on par with the Inari God?"

Director Takeya was very surprised. It was not that he looked down on Hai Ming: the strength of this Suzukayama family elder was completely 'gap' compared to other extraordinary people. Even the mysterious 'Mr. San' had to be inferior to him before he showed large-scale destructive power.


Iori Ichika answered with the headset,

"America raised the Inari God to S-level,"

"His 'God's Envoy' Hakuzou was also ranked A-level."

Is that so,

He tapped the table with his fingers, and Director Takeya also gave an order.

"We also made the same adjustment: the A-level is re-corresponded to the extraordinary level as 'dragon'!"

A dragon can be dark or bright, small or large, short or long; it ascends to the sky at the spring equinox and dives into the abyss at the autumnal equinox; it regards water as a god, and a drop of it can fill the hills and valleys; ordinary people will bow down and worship it when they see it.

As for the S-level,

of course it belongs to the level of 'gods'.

"And this Mr. You"

The sorcerer,

that is, the ancient onmyoji, as a top student of the University of Tokyo, Director Takeya naturally knows the existence of this profession.

The most famous among them is Abe Haruaki!

The great onmyoji who was active in the Heian period, served as Daizen Daifu, Astronomy Doctor, Shuke Gonsuke, Tankurain Betsuto, Harima no Kami, Sakyo Gondaifu and other high-ranking officials; starting from Emperor Suzaku, to Murakami, Reizei, Enryu, Hanayama, and Ichijo, he served by the side of a total of 6 generations of emperors.

He has never miscalculated in his life fighting with others.

In his time, there was a famous saying that "I don't know Minamoto no Yoshitsune, but I know Lord Haruaki." Many customs in later generations came from him.

The '12 Shikigami' under his command are all famous demons, and even the final sealing of the white-faced nine-tailed golden fox 'Tamamonomae' was presided over by his grandson.

If these were just 'myths and legends' before, they are now 'epic records'!

A group of old men who study history are looking through his life in a pile of old papers.

After all, there is now a person holding a 'Killing Stone' in the island country:

"I don't know what that 'Mr. San' is doing?"

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