I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 223 Competition Opening

A few days later,

Koshien-cho, Nishinomiya City,

Colorful flags were flying, and a large number of staff were scattered in the area, guiding the flow of people to enter the venue in an orderly manner.

A large number of drones and hot air balloons were flying around in the sky, dragging long advertisements and cheering words, adding a bit of celebration.

The newly built giant super stadium, which can accommodate 200,000 people, was already full: a few hours before the opening ceremony, people had gathered here, waiting for the contestants to appear.

"Is this Koshien?"

Walking in the team led by the "Governor" of Shimane Prefecture,

looking up at the huge new building in front of him, Xiao couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, he actually walked here. The undisputed "holy land" in the hearts of high school students of the Japanese sports department: Koshien.

The former Hanshin Koshien Stadium was the most popular competition venue in the island country: three thousand teams representing their respective schools would fight for the honor of youth, school, and hometown here. The baseball team of Osaka Tongyin High School has won the Summer Koshien Championship 7 times and is the veritable "big devil" in the island country's high school baseball world.

In the last battle, the exhausted warriors were defeated by the invincible devil, and the devil's armor also added a few sword marks of the warriors.

This is a portrayal of the countless challenges to the Tongyin High School baseball team, and it is also the real plot of "Slam Dunk".

"How is it, is it very exciting?"

The nearby Dudao raised his hand and lifted his long hair. Although he was talking and laughing, his hands were trembling slightly--

"Senior sister, are you nervous too?"

Hearing Xiao's words, the tall senior sister lowered her eyes.


No, it's excitement!

When she thought of being able to fight openly, blood, and screams, she felt trembling all over and was too excited to suppress it.

Relying solely on "fishing enforcement" has become increasingly unable to satisfy her bloodthirsty impulse; becoming a transcendent for her is not for strength or power, but to be able to fight unscrupulously--


"I will definitely win the championship."

Faced with the senior who calmly declared victory, Xiao shrugged.

"For me, as long as I don't lose in the first round, I will be considered successful."


Just as the contestants arrived one after another,

the host's energetic voice began to echo over the stadium on the radio.

"The first 'Koshien Martial Arts Tournament' will be held in the new 'Koshien'"

"Wisdom, courage, fun, cooperation, a combination of movement and stillness, and a clear division of labor, this was the spirit of Koshien in the past!"

"And it is still the same now, the wisdom of seeing through the opponent's flaws, the courage to move forward, the fun of skill confrontation, and the professionals who have their own duties, please show your bravery here to win victory and glory!"

"And there is also a super potion."

A group of high school students in racing uniforms came and, led by their coach, also walked into this brand new building.

Compared with the huge number of contestants in kendo and karate, there are fewer people in the horse racing event: how can students from ordinary families, or even so-called middle-class families, have the qualifications to touch horses?

The island country has no pastures, so they can't even let the horses graze.

Unless they are gifted enough to be able to skillfully control horses in just a few days, they can't even sit steadily, so how can they fight on horseback?

"Now, please invite the Tokyo team to enter!"

"The one walking in the front is..."

Amid the exciting drumbeats, teams representing various cities, prefectures, and counties began to appear.

They are all high school students who have been selected through fierce competition. They are about to decide the real "top three in the island country" here, and then get extraordinary potions and ascend to heaven in one step!

Sword, bow, boxing, and riding, the four events are divided into two groups of men and women, with a total of 24 places, and the intensity can be imagined.

In the direction of the rostrum, senior officials from Osaka gathered together.

The one sitting in the middle was:

"Let me introduce you two,"

"This is Mr. Tokugawa, the head of the Tokugawa family."

The official from Osaka respectfully introduced him to You: He was a little old man, wearing a traditional blue kimono. Although he was bald and wrinkled, his eyes were still sharp and he looked in good spirits.

The family emblem with three leaves surrounded by a circle on his clothes was undoubtedly "that" Tokugawa family.

"Mr. Tokugawa, nice to meet you."

Facing the hand that You extended, the little old man stood up with a smile.

"There, there."

"I have long wanted to make friends with a favored child like Youjun; but it would be impolite to come here rashly."

Although it was once the shogunate "Tokugawa family" that ruled the island country, it is no longer the same as before; what's more, if we compare "family background", the young man in front of him who inherited the Yin-Yang technique of Ashiya Doman can be traced back to the Heian period - at that time, the ancestors of the Tokugawa family, Kiyomizu Genji, also made a living in Heian-kyo.

"You're welcome, old man."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone sat down.

Yuu is the strongest - there is much debate about how strong Yuu is, but everyone can see how strong his disciple Yuura is.

Ghost level, that's the level of a great demon!

Powerful enough to rival a country.

So it was natural for You to sit on the main seat: after all, the Tokugawa family had been the "people of the world" for hundreds of years, and now that the extraordinary has returned, the current head of the family, Tokugawa Mitsunari, has drunk the extraordinary potion and participated in many operations to resist extraordinary disasters. He is still strong and healthy, so it is natural for him to sit next to You.

As for the other side:

"Qiong, what are you looking at?"

After the greetings, You turned around and chatted with Qiong sister.

Whether it is You or Tokugawa Mitsunari, they are all here to "keep the place"; they don't have to worry about the actual schedule.

You is easy to understand, it is a military guarantee: to prevent some confused forces from causing trouble in the game; and the old man Tokugawa Mitsunari is a guarantee of power: the Tokugawa family has controlled the island country for hundreds of years, and most of the dignitaries still have to give some face. With him, those small actions in the dark will always be restrained.

In addition, officials in Osaka were purged by General Kafka because of the "Takahashi Ai Ling incident".

The organizers of this competition don't want to offend.

Want to let the game go?

Blow the whistle?

Okay, go and tell General Kafka!

Dare to play power in this event, don't you want to personally investigate the details of Huangquan?

Everyone should compete honestly, and don't do anything about doping, extraordinary blessings, and playing dirty tricks on contestants.

Of course, if someone spends money to make the opponent willing to let the game go, then the organizers can't do anything: but, in front of the extraordinary potion that can instantly rise to prominence, how many people are willing to play a fake game?

"I'm watching the news in America,"

Qiongmei, who was sitting next to You, answered while swiping her phone.

Originally, the class leader was going to come, but a fusion evil spirit appeared near the industry in Kyoto: Yuura took the Hanakaiin family everywhere, so Nao had to go there in person.

"America is divided into two governments in Washington and New York: both sides accuse each other of being an illegal regime, and at the same time demand that the armed forces of each state gather under their command to eliminate the other side."

America is a federal country, and the form of government organization is a presidential republic;

It implements a political system that combines the separation of powers with checks and balances, as well as a two-party party system.

"This leads to each state having its own bias, government, laws, and armed forces-now, the whole of America has become a mess."

Qiongmei handed the mobile phone in her hand to You. This is a map of America drawn by a large number of think tanks of the "Kengankai" chaebols: red and blue are intertwined on it, and even these colors representing support for Washington and New York are constantly changing.

The governor is not a one-man show, and his orders may also be resisted by the counties below, which leads to:

The whole of America is in chaos!

"This is too"

Looking at the map of you in me and me in you, You couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Although he was the driving force behind everything, You never expected that America could split into hundreds of states and counties that confronted each other in an instant.

What the hell?

It feels like America could fight on its own even without his push.

"In short, the two regimes are claiming their legitimacy while gathering strength. This civil war"

is worth fighting!

The first armed group on this planet split into two factions. In addition to the millions of troops on the mainland, hundreds of thousands of overseas garrisons also rushed back to "serve the king".

As for "which side to serve", it is estimated that even these troops themselves are confused.

You's attention is mainly focused on the island country,

which leads to the basic "self-directed evolution" on the American side.

Whether it is the little octopus Ksira or the "seniors" who protect the commander-in-chief, they have no intention of charging into battle by themselves:

It's a joke, they are all noble extraordinary beings.

If they have to die, the mortals will die first!

Let the mortal troops put pressure on and test first,

and wait for the opponent's extraordinary to reveal a flaw, and then strike with thunder.

In short, both sides of America are accumulating strength and not making rash moves.

This is the normal state of war. In most cases, the island country is because of You's secret moves, which often leads to the mortal army not being able to react and not even being a background board.

"Fight, fight~~"

You waved his hand and his eyes fell on the stadium below.

Teams representing their hometowns appeared one after another. The faces of young boys and girls were either tense and serious, or who else but me, or full of fighting spirit.

Most of them are destined to be eliminated, but who would think that they are inferior to others without really fighting?


His eyes swept over a high school girl with waist-length hair,

who looked like a traditional beauty.

Is this Dushima?


There is already a trace of chakra fluctuation on her body.

Even if there is no extraordinary potion, she can step into the ranks of extraordinary people on her own in one or two years.

"What are you looking at?"

You's eyes stayed for a few seconds, and the sister Qiong next to him immediately became alert.

"Look at that high school girl--"

Yu raised his hand and pointed at the girl named Busujima.

"She is likely to be the swordsmanship champion of this competition."


"Very pretty."

"Hey, didn't you notice that she has a trace of spiritual power? You still need to practice your spiritual power perception skills."

Giving Qiongmei a roll of his eyes, Yu gave a serious warning.

"Don't let someone use the clone technique to fool you."

In the direction that Yu just pointed, the passing teams subconsciously raised their chests and raised their heads.

There is a veteran extraordinary person on the rostrum! Of course they have to cheer up, but they can't lose the face of their hometown.

Not only were there 200,000 spectators at the scene, but at the same time, the number of spectators in front of televisions, computers, and mobile phones reached a staggering one billion!

This is the first 'Extraordinary Selection' competition, and it has attracted much more attention than the Olympic Games that just concluded, and even far surpasses the World Cup: there are many people who don't play and don't pay attention to football. But as extraordinary disasters become more and more severe, there are really not many people who don't pay attention to extraordinary matters.

That is to say, extraordinary people are reserved. If we hold a ‘supernormal sports meeting’.

That was a truly global event.



Edogawa Ward,

In the Jiukong family's mansion,

"This is TV, fun?"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, a man dressed as an onmyoji from the Heian era watched with interest the huge screen in front of him that was constantly changing.

"It's quite similar to the Shikigami below, 'Ungaijing', but -"

There is no need for him to finish.

Jiukong Yaoai, who was sitting next to him, had already guessed it.

"This is the power of technology."

"Although it's not one ten thousandth as good as the adult shikigami, it's better than being popular."

The "cloud mirror" mentioned by the Great Onmyoji is probably some kind of surveillance and projection shikigami; it may be extremely miraculous, but in terms of quantity, it is certainly impossible to compare with the televisions everywhere.

"It's rare for human beings to reach the pinnacle of success together with the puppet machine over the course of thousands of years. It's a pity."

The Great Onmyoji suddenly changed his tone and said with emotion:

"There are all kinds of tricks and skills, but no spiritual power foundation. They are just flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water."

"These things naturally cannot be discerned by adults."

Regarding Abe Seimei's emotion, Jiukong Yaai could only talk nonsense - she was a little girl full of hatred and had no interest in the vicissitudes of the world.

"Selecting 'samurai' in such a unique way?"

Watching the 'Opening Ceremony' on TV, the Great Onmyoji gently shook his folding fan.

"Jiukong, I see your brows are furrowed."

"But what's on your mind?"


"Make the adults laugh."

Suddenly being called upon by the Great Onmyoji, the girl was stunned, and then her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Tell me and listen,"


Hearing what the other party said, excitement flashed in the little girl's eyes.

"Mr. Abe, are you back from hell?"


The Great Onmyoji answered without hesitation,

"Whether it is a god, a human, a ghost, or a monster, after death, you will eventually go to hell, and I am no exception."


The little girl gritted her teeth and directly asked the truth she had been searching for recently.

"Sir, do you know who caused the crack in Huangquan?"

? !

In an instant, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Only the host's voice on the TV was left, constantly introducing the contestants.

In the corner of the living room, the face of the statue-like bodyguard twitched, causing the scar to squirm like a centipede.


"You're a little girl, why are you asking this?"

Facing the great Onmyoji's slow rhetorical questions, Jiukong Yaoai also risked his life.

"I want revenge!"

"My parents died at the hands of evil spirits. As a child, I cannot remain indifferent!"

"If the cracks in Huangquan are man-made, then I"

Will do anything to get revenge!

As for how to take revenge on the little girl, I haven’t thought about it yet. At least there must be a ‘goal’ first, right?

"That's it,"

The folding fan gently shaking in his hand stopped, and the Great Onmyoji 'Abe Seimei' sighed.

"But even if you know the truth, what can you do?"

As he spoke, the Great Onmyoji raised his hand slightly backward.

"Faithful Guard,"

"Don't be impatient. This crack in the underworld was not caused by me."

In the corner, the scar-faced bodyguard who put his hand into his arms paused for a moment, then exhaled, his entire vest dripping with sweat.

Very good!

What he feared most was for the 'Great Onmyoji' to say: That's right.

In that case, the lady is afraid that

"Please sir, teach me!"

Stand up, kneel down, and kowtow.

Facing the girl who finished her work in one go without any hesitation, the Great Onmyoji 'Abe Seimei' sighed again.

"Get up."

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