I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 222: Gift of Destiny

"Mr. Qingming?"

Jiukong shook his head for a moment, this name sounded like a thunder to his ears!

Extraordinary power has returned to the island country for more than a year. A large number of "extraordinary anchors" are searching for immortals in the deep mountains and forests. "Inherited ancient books" that are not known to be true or false are being sold at sky-high prices. Any place with some mythical color has become a "tourist" Wangdi'. The more crisis-ridden it is, the more fascinating it becomes.

Even ordinary people have developed a lot of "adventure" craze. People always ignore the dangers and focus on the few lucky ones.

The 'extraordinary anchors' who were once active in the battlefield of Mount Koya are now scattered all over the island country, such as the 'Taira Shomon Shouzuka', 'Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees', 'Nigu Tunnel', 'Yujing Grand Hotel'... and Sekigahara Furu. Battlefield, Dannoura Ancient Battlefield, Okehazama Ancient Battlefield, etc.

A large number of anchors are active here, providing various live broadcast adventures; among them, the ones with the most patronage are of course:

Seimei Shrine!

As the famous Great Onmyoji of the Heian period, and could even be said to be a representative of that era, the threshold for a shrine dedicated to this Great Onmyoji has really been crossed.

But shouldn’t this person be a ‘Kyoto native’? How did you get here?

"I have just returned to this world, and I borrowed your family's carriage to come to this new 'Beijing'."

"It's uninvited, but it's rude."

This means,

Did the other party come here on his own private jet?

The little girl's thoughts changed and she already understood.

"Underworld Crack?"


With a slight smile, the Great Onmyoji put down the book in his hand and gently shook his folding fan.

"If it weren't for chance, it would be difficult for me to escape."


"Mr. Abe, your words——"

It is true that Jiukong Yaai is a little girl, but as the heir of a chaebol, her IQ and EQ are absolutely no problem, and can even be said to be far superior to those of her peers.

What's up with this standard Tokyo accent?

Not to mention the Heian period, even the language and writing of the Edo period are two different concepts from the current island nation!


In response to the little girl's question, the Great Onmyoji closed the folding fan in his hand and pointed from afar.

‘I am quite accomplished in the art of yin and yang. ’

'Just one spell.'


The other party's voice sounded in her mind, making Jiukong Yaoai understand everything.

Being able to link thoughts, one step further, and you can naturally read memories. In front of this great Onmyoji, modern languages ​​were integrated and understood in just a blink of an eye.

If it was really Abe Seimei who danced with ghosts and gods and ended the era of "Hundred Demons at Night", such a method would be ordinary.


Her knees went weak, and the girl fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, sir, you are here."

"It really makes my humble house shine."

"I wonder if there is anything I, the Jiukong family, can do for you?"

Regardless of whether the other party is 'Abe Seimei' or not, he can subdue his 'battle-experienced' bodyguard with just one look; and he can transmit sounds into the brain. To the girl, that is the real Abe Seimei!

"Do not be nervous,"

The big Onmyoji folding fan standing next to the bookshelf waved lightly, and a gentle force lifted the little girl up.

"I, Abe Seimei, do not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"This time I return to this world, it has changed a lot, and I feel a lot of emotions."

"I would like to know the details of this life first before making any plans. I don't know the master of the Jiukong family."

"Sir, I would like to live here. The Jiukong family is honored!"

The little girl immediately nodded obediently in agreement, and said: It doesn't matter whether the other person is Abe Seimei or not, or even a human being.

The important thing is that he is a transcendent being!

As long as they can communicate, that's enough for 'rich elites' like the little girl.


The low-browed Jiukong Yaoai trembled slightly,

If this is really Abe Seimei, he must know the truth about the ‘Underworld Crack’!


"Excuse me."

For this little girl who often appears next to Kawai Mayi recently,

Yuu became a little bit interested, especially knowing that she was inquiring about the inside story of the "Underworld Crack"; she even followed the trend and let the clone of the "mastermind behind the scenes" appear.

Don't give up the tools that come to your door for free.


Shimane City,

Higashi Izumo High School.

"Congratulations, congratulations~~"

"Taka-kun, that's amazing!"

"It's up to you to protect the glory of our Higashi Izumo!"

Walking in the corridor, all the classmates he met greeted him warmly; even those who didn't deal with him would only turn their heads away at most.

Because this young man named ‘Xiao’ actually defeated the seniors in the third grade and became the representative of the school’s kendo competition.

This is really nothing more than a blockbuster!

The instinct of the island country ‘Mu Qiang’ is engraved in the bones, not to mention this increasingly chaotic era?

Even the most obtuse person understands that in the future, the island nation will only be 'respected by strength'. No, in the past, it was just because of the long period of peace that everyone mistakenly thought that rules were respected; in a chaotic place, an AK47 is worth a thousand words. All work.

The fact that Takashi-san was able to defeat a third-year student from the Kendo Club proved that his strength was superior to everyone else.

Even if it's just an ordinary high school

Tap tap tap tap,


A dense set of footsteps came menacingly from the other side of the corridor, causing students to turn their heads.

"Third grade."

"Is the Kendo Club here?"

The visitors were all wearing cyan kendo uniforms and gray-black hakama. Compared with ordinary students, they all looked "big and thick".

This is easy to understand. In most confrontational sports, bigness means strength and strength means victory.

If you weigh two weight classes more than your opponent, it's basically a beating!

But times have changed

Since the arrival of the extraordinary, even ordinary people's physiques have been quietly changing: if such a big sacred tree stands in Tokyo, the chakra it emits will subtly affect the creatures on the entire planet.

Of course, in general.

In the end, all this chakra will be absorbed back, even with the profit!


These aggressive members of the Kendo Club rushed in front of the young man with broken hair, all of them with arrogant eyes.

"What's the matter?"

Facing Xiao who looked at him calmly, after a few seconds of confrontation:

"The honor of the school depends on you!"

They all bowed ninety degrees,

? ?

This move made Xiaodu unable to help but feel a little dazed.

He thought these seniors were going to collectively come to trouble him because they lost.


Seeing the seniors who were all bowing in front of him, and the envious, expectant, and longing eyes of those around him, the young man couldn't help but feel a little carried away.

"no problem,"

"I'll give it my all."

If I say at the beginning, I only participated in the competition because of my parents' request.

So now, Takaya's blood is boiling.


High school students from island countries,

Who wouldn’t want to make a name for themselves there!

Those arrogant baseball club members in the past practiced sweating under the sun every day, wasn't it just for that day?

Maybe, I should work harder.

The young man clenched his fists. He had only been training step by step since he was a child, and for the first time he had the urge to work hard.

"Xiao, congratulations."

After school, the first-grade girls waiting at the school gate came to greet them.

"It's Li,"

Xiao raised his hand to say hello, this was his 'childhood sweetheart'; unfortunately, the two of them had become somewhat alienated recently because of the other's repeating the grade.

However, after the two evacuated together some time ago, they spent more time together.

"What does 'It's Li' mean?"

The girl was obviously dissatisfied with Xiao's response.

"Is it another girl you want to see?"



I don’t know why the other party’s tone suddenly sounded wrong.

Xiao replied and then shut up, making the girl named 'Rei' even more angry.

This wood!

"Let's go home."

Although Xiao is a bit indifferent when it comes to relationships, Li also understands that this is his character. It is simply unrealistic to expect to hear any sweet words from his mouth. No, if you can say words to coax girls, then you are not a filial piety, right?

"Xiao, what do you think, do you want me to participate in the horse racing competition?"

"Ah, can you ride a horse?"

Takashi was stunned when he heard the words of the girl next to him.

"It's impossible to learn. After all, isn't the competition about spear skills?"

The girl named 'Rei' answered nonchalantly. Despite her appearance as a young high school student, she is actually the main force of the school's 'Gun Club'!

Because her parents are also police officers: yes, both families come from a police family, and they are also family friends. Moreover, Li's father is a member of the police, and he has practiced marksmanship since he was a child. In a real fight, he is not inferior to ordinary marksman masters.

"But infantry and marksmanship,"

"Is there a big difference between fighting on horseback and fighting on horseback?"

Xiao once again pointed out that if you want to master a horse, it will take at least several months of hard training.

There is simply not enough time now: in modern times, those who can afford to play horse racing are the truly powerful families.

To put it bluntly, the "horse racing" project is originally a benefit fought for by the powerful: ordinary people have never even touched a horse, so what can they do to fight with them?

"That's right,"

After thinking about it, Li had to admit that she was a little fanciful.


"Don't you have anything to say?"


Facing the dull-looking Xiao, Rei turned away angrily.

Wood, wood, wood! !

Hasn't he thought about the significance of bringing up this topic?


Just when Li was sulking, a cold voice came from next to her.


? !

Turning his head suddenly,

What caught Li's eyes was indeed the famous figure in the school.

Busujima-senpai's long, silky hair hangs down to her waist, and she looks like a 'Yamato Nadeshiko'!

However, such a "classical" beauty is actually the general of their Higashi Izumo Kendo Club, and she easily won the right to compete in the women's group with a crushing attitude.

"Congratulations on getting the right to compete,"

Busujima-senpai had a perfect smile on her face and congratulated Takashi.

"The next step is the county's right to qualify. Then——"

It was the meeting at Koshien.

"There are still 18 opponents, it's too early to celebrate now."

Xiao shook his head modestly. The swordsmanship part of this 'College Martial Arts Competition' was determined by one round.

First, they get the right to represent the school, and then each school competes in the 1st city (Tokyo), 1st province (Hokkaido), 2nd prefecture (Osaka Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture), and 43 prefectures. After advancing, they compete in the Koshien 'Both go to the finals.

Among them, Prefecture 1 (Tokyo), Prefecture 2 (Osaka Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture), plus Chiba Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, and Fukuoka Prefecture have three promotion places, Route 1 (Hokkaido), as well as Kanagawa Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, and Ibaraki Prefecture have two promotion places, and the remaining prefectures have one quota each.

If you want to represent Shimane Prefecture and enter Koshien, you must first defeat representatives from 18 other high schools. This is a dangerous journey.

"I believe you can do it,"

Busujima-senpai smiled and stated the facts in calm words.

"If you can hold on to ten moves in my hands, you will definitely get the right to compete."

Although the words were calm, the pride in them was undisguised, making Xiao shrug his shoulders.

"This sentence should be made by me - I am the one who has the most confidence that my senior can get the right to compete."

For a moment, the two of them had a somewhat "hero cherishes the hero" atmosphere; making Li next to her feel like she was just a redundant background.


Looking back slightly, Busujima-senpai said goodbye without leaving a trace.

"Then let's just say goodbye."

"You need me to send you"

Takashi is dull about feelings, but he has an extraordinary intuition about 'battle', and he also noticed something unusual.

"No, Takashi-kun, don't focus on kendo either."

"It's also important to spend more time with your girlfriend."

"Ah, we are not."

While Takashi subconsciously denied it and the expression on Rei's face changed from gloomy to clear, Busujima-senpai had already waved her hand and walked towards the alley next to her alone.


"Don't lose track."

A few minutes later, three gangsters wearing peaked caps quickly arrived at the entrance of the alley.

"Be careful, the opponent is a general of the Kendo Club."

"Tch, she's just a girl."

Regarding the leader's words, a gangster walking behind refuted disdainfully.

"Whether it's strength or weapons, we have the advantage. How many guys have we knocked down?"

"Stop talking nonsense and keep your hands and feet clean."

Just when the three of them were halfway through the alley, a figure fell down from above, and the corners of their skirts flew up, revealing the absolute realm. Unfortunately, they did not have this luck.


The sound of wind coming from behind made a gangster turn his head subconsciously, his cheeks went numb, and his eyes quickly rotated.


The hilt of the sword hit the gangster on the cheek,

As he shook his head and fell, several teeth mixed with blood spattered out.

"Just a pussy?"

Hiding above the alley, the girl Busuda who fell from the sky smiled slightly.

"I like it, then-"

She raised the short wooden sword with blood dripping from the hilt in her hand. When the other two turned around and subconsciously put their hands into their arms, the girl had already leaned forward to charge, stabbing one of them in the waist and abdomen with the wooden sword.

Pay the price for your carelessness!


In just ten seconds, the two gangsters who had just drawn their weapons were lying on the ground twitching in pain.

In the hands of a master swordsman like Busujima, the wooden sword is also very deadly.


"I didn't kill anyone,"

"Ahem, admit defeat, we admit defeat!"

Facing the girl who came over, he covered his swollen face and half-knelt on the ground. The gangster who spoke in a leaky manner gave in on the spot.

"I confess, we are"


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a flying kick.

The sweeping side kick hit the other cheek, kicking the gangster away and making his head buzz.


"It seems you made a mistake,"

The girl who looked like Yamato Nadeshiko raised the corners of her mouth at a dangerous angle.

"The reason why I didn't kill me was because what happened next was——"

Torture session!

Until the police come, it's her 'self-defense time'.


"Youjun, this is the information of the contestants this time."

"Thank you~~"

Although he is just here to join in the fun, with Yuu's character, he does it perfectly when he wants to do it.

I received the tablet from the Metropolitan Police Department. On it was the list of contestants from the 1st city, 1st province, 2nd prefecture, and 43 counties, as well as their past details.

At first glance, almost all of them have 'family background': this is a matter of course. If the family does not have a background such as a gym, police, or military, who would practice swordsmanship, bow and arrow?

There are quite a few ordinary people in karate who have backgrounds, but when it comes to horse racing, they are all children of powerful people.


Yuu moved his finger across the screen.

"Poison Island?"

The daughter of a famous swordsman, she once won the "Jade Dragon Flag" of the high school girls' team in the island nation and was one of the favorites to win.

And a series of ‘actual combat’ achievements on his resume:

"Five 'self-defense counterattacks', beating the gangster until his entire body was shattered and fractured?"

Oh, he is still a natural ‘Shura’.

This woman,

You have an extraordinary destiny with me!

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