I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 183 Dragon-level extraordinary disaster


More than eighty years ago,

It was the first place to be bombed by nuclear weapons.

But with the rapid passage of time, after the 1980s, there is no trace of the war here.

There are endless high-rise buildings. As one of the ten largest cities in the island country, it is also the seat of the county office of Hiroshima Prefecture and the core of the "Hiroshima Metropolitan Area". Millions of people live here. It is the most prosperous city in the west of the island country.

Just today, there was another devastating attack here: a 'dragon-level' extraordinary disaster.

An ominous crack stretches across the sky, and the evil spirits that keep pouring out of the cracks spread their teeth and claws, looking crazy and filled with the desire to attack.

Black smoke is billowing everywhere in the city. It is caused by cars burning on the roadside, leaking natural gas, and fires caused by electrical appliances that were not turned off in time. No one cares about these anymore, but is trying to find a way to escape from this city. A cage of reinforced concrete.

If you are caught by those evil spirits, you will be devoured by them!


The little boy bared his teeth and claws and flew toward him, and the black spots and blisters on his body could still be vaguely seen.


The next second,

The baton struck him on the head, turning it into an 'abstract painting'.

"I told you everything"

The chest of female police officer Mayi Kawawai, who was wielding a baton, was rising and falling violently.

Not tired, not respite from battle.

Simply angry.

"You guys, if you have any grudges, go find the person involved!"

"Coming to attack innocent civilians, what's the point?"

"This is a crime!"


As Mayi turned around and swung her stick, another evil spirit with fangs and claws was knocked away by her on the spot.

Although in front of many strong men, the little policewoman is just a 'harmless' civilian employee; but after being extraordinary for so long, even a pig can run wildly along the wall of a skyscraper. Mayi was naturally able to deal with these ordinary evil spirits.

It's just that the little policewoman didn't notice that a little green light floated out of the body of the 'evil spirit' that she knocked away, and then disappeared into her body.

"It's endless."

Even Mayi, an extraordinary special police officer,

Looking up at the dense crowd of evil spirits, I still felt deeply powerless.

"Stop playing, Earth Spider."

Seeing that her 'efficiency' was too low, Mayi turned to look at the giant spider that was playing with the 'evil spirit' with its front legs, and spoke angrily.

"If you continue to play, you won't be allowed to eat today!"


He suddenly raised his upper body, not even caring that the upper half of the 'evil spirit' slipped down. The earth spider's face with six eyes showed human shock.

How can you do this?

Without food, what’s the point of spider life?


Jumping on the back of the earth spider, Kawai Mayi raised her hand towards the dense evil spirits located under the crack.

"Rush over! Kill those evil spirits."

"When I get back, I'll buy you whatever you want to eat, and I'll make sure you're full."


After signing the disabled version of the "Psychic Contract", although "remote channeling" cannot be achieved, at least there is no problem in communicating with each other. The earth spider understood what Mayi meant, and immediately spread out its six 'long legs', rumbling towards it and crushing her away.

The ordinary evil spirits along the way are no match for the 'earth spider' with the size of a dump truck. It doesn't even need it to attack. It will be injured if it is really brushed, and it will die if it hits!


Looking at the vehicles that collided with each other along the way,

As well as sweeping over the cold corpse lying on the ground, Mayi, who was originally prepared to just hang out, couldn't help but feel angry.

Those damn ‘gods’!

As the commander of one party, she had already received the situation coming from the direction of Tokyo and knew about the crack in the sky leading to Hirazan.

The reason why these cracks appear is because a certain 'existence' in Huangquan is trying to influence the present world.

The above explanation is that that being is of too high a level and is very likely to have the characteristic of 'everything he says must be known', so even the top leaders of the island country do not know his name: the extraordinary commanders who lead the team, as long as they know As long as there is such an existence, don’t delve into the rest.

In response to this, Mayi Kawai had the urge to 'become stronger' for the first time!

If one day, if one day.


"Stop, Earth Spider."

When the earth spider suddenly stopped and its six legs pulled out several deep ravines, Kawai Mayi had already leapt down and landed lightly next to an overturned car.


Grabbing the deformed car door and tearing it open, the little policewoman's eyes fell on the car.

One man and one woman, two adult corpses.

as well as

Holding tightly in their arms, a little girl in her teens.

"There's still breath,"

Just when she saw these movements, Kawai Mayi stopped: I can only say that this little girl is lucky.

"This is Mayi. We found survivors and sent a 'Falcon' over."

"Copy that, sir."

"'Falcon' will arrive soon."

The entire city is in chaos, and the number of people affected by the disaster exceeds tens of millions?

However, Kawai Mayi is the commander of this area after all, and her orders are above all others: the clerk at the rear did not dare to ask any more questions, and immediately sent a 'Falcon' drone over.

These 'Falcon' drones are originally weapons of war, but the 'Evil Spirit' is immune to all technological attacks and can only be turned into rescue work, just like now:

The car-sized drone lowered its height and opened the hatch; as Kawai Mayi put the girl into it, it immediately soared into the sky.

"Let's go, Earth Spider, let's kill them too!"


After saying something like, 'Master, are you okay?', the earth spider didn't bother to think too much and rushed towards the dense evil spirits again.

These 'little things' are pitifully weak. They can tear a large piece apart with just a swipe of their long legs, but they are much easier to deal with than those 'iron birds' and 'iron cans'.

Wonderful, it is the instinct of living things to bully the weak and fear the strong.


Just when the earth spider carrying the little policewoman rushed into the center of the city and killed a lot of evil spirits flying in the sky, these evil spirits also underwent new changes: they gathered towards the center one after another, merging layer by layer. together.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a 'monster' that was more than ten meters tall.

I saw that the monster's whole body was made of melted corpses, with dripping pus, blood, and sticky corpse oil flowing everywhere. You could see pieces of rotting corpses, and even black and gray figures. ' Covered with squirming movements, dozens or hundreds of mouths opened and closed, groaning with pain, hatred, and unwillingness:

“It’s so hot”

"The skin is falling off and the muscles are rotting."

"Light black rain father, mother and brother"

In countless murmurs, this evil spirit composed of a large number of corpses murmured the last words of its life, and waved its giant palm to fish for the earth spider.


The six long legs flicked,

The earth spider leaped over with an agility befitting its size.


(The opponent is too strong, retreat!)

After giving the little policewoman on its back the thought of being invincible, Earth Spider prepared to run away.

"Can't leave!"


"If we leave, who's going to hold this guy back?"

? !

Kawai Mayi, who was standing on the back of the earth spider, shook her head and looked up at the monster.

"I want to stay."

If she, the commander, ran away,

The Extraordinary Countermeasures Section, which has been struggling to support itself all over the city, will definitely have a morale collapse on the spot: the officers have run away, why shouldn't they run away?

Who is not afraid of death?


"In this life, there should always be times when you risk your life for something, right?"

The young policewoman was talking to herself, as if she was talking to the spiders under her feet, or trying to convince herself.

Otherwise, when you get old, you lie in bed and look back at your life, and you can't think of anything to be proud of. What's the difference between that and salted fish?

Kawai Mayi stepped forward, raised her baton, and jumped high towards the 'fusion monster'.

"I broke up with you!"

A few minutes later,

"Cough cough cough~~"

"Qianlue, my father from home."

Half-kneeling on the ground, the trembling policewoman tried to stand up, but the 'spiritual power' in her body was already empty.

My daughter may be killed in the line of duty.

It’s not easy to be a civil servant——?

Just when she felt that there was no way to save her life, her vision went dark.

The earth spider that had run away came back for some reason, jumped down from the tall building next to it, opened its six legs and two claws, and pressed down hard.


‘What will I eat if you die? ! ’

The art of crushing street vendors (fake)


That's right, the 'witchcraft' obtained by Earth Spider is Jukeng's 'skill of crushing the vendors'!

This is a psychic technique that summons a psychic beast above the enemy target, and then drops it hard: Hiroshi Toma used this technique to paralyze the three-headed snake attacking Konoha; Bunta Gama used this technique to knock out the Nine-Tails with one butt. They all fell to the ground.

However, here comes the problem. If no one cooperates, this trick cannot be performed.


"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!"



"If you and I come together, how can we have a unified general?"

Sensing the message from the earth spider, Mayi Kawai raised her hand with Yaoyao and pointed it at the evil spirit suppressed by it.

"Crush the vendors—"


The earth spider disappeared out of thin air, and before the evil spirit could get up, there was another roar overhead.

boom! ! !


Prime Minister's Official Residence,

"An evil spirit appears in Saga City, please send supernatural personnel!"

"An evil spirit appears in Daejeon City, requesting supernatural support."

"Kumamoto City"

A ring of inland cities near Nagasaki all sounded the alarm. All kinds of messages asking for help flew to Tokyo like snowflakes, causing senior cabinet officials to go from panic to headache, from headache to anxiety, from anxiety to numbness.

"Where is Director Zhuya?"

Looking at the cities turning red on the map, everyone in the cabinet felt boundless pressure coming.

There shouldn't be any government or ruler in history who would watch the fall of their country as intuitively as they did, right?

At this time, these cabinet ministers couldn’t help but think of Director Zhuya, the ‘King of Resistance’. Unfortunately:

"The director is on his way to Nagasaki and is expected to enter the battlefield in five minutes!"

Director Zhuya has already gone to the battlefield in person,

Rush to the Nagasaki battlefield where the situation is the worst.

Hiroshima was able to delay Hiroshima because of its large number of people: Nagasaki was an industrial city with a population of only 400,000.

In addition, it was the farthest away from Tokyo. By the time Fuji Seiko arrived there with the 'Ushiki', the situation was already extremely bad.

"It's better to invite Master Bai Zang."

In his anxiety, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology made a subconscious suggestion, and immediately shut up.

Those who teach are naive.

The other cabinet ministers glanced at him coldly.

When the whole island country was in mourning, didn't they rely on the sacred tree given by the 'Inari God' and the existence of the divine envoy 'Hakuzo Lord' for them to be able to sit here safely and hold meetings and give orders?

Under the illumination of the sacred tree, no evil spirit dares to set foot in the 23 wards of Tokyo!

As for the peripheral cities of Yokohama, Saitama, Hachioji, Ichihara, Futtsu and other cities, there are many "samurai" such as Yagyu Onoda, Honda II, Takagi Miwa, and the Tokugawa family. The evil spirits that escaped from the cracks in the sky were quickly eliminated by these 'super warriors'.

In addition, the residents in these areas have relatively stable emotions. After gathering in an organized manner, relying on courage and numbers, they can also repel a small number of evil spirits.

But if ‘Hakuzo Lord’ leaves, the situation will be difficult to say!

In the eyes of the island government, the 'God Envoy' Bai Zangzhu is the strongest, followed by the 'Go God Son' Tiannu Ying. As for the 'Go God Tree': although it is noble, it is just a 'dead thing'. They don't know that this thousand-meter giant tree is the most powerful existence on the planet!

Well, minus a certain unknown ‘Otsutsuki’.

"We've done everything we can and that's all that's left."

Just leave it to fate.

The Prime Minister of the island country sighed. The disaster of 'Yellow Spring Crack' is coming fiercely. It is erupting all over the island, and it is not afraid of any technological weapons. Apart from constantly dispatching extraordinary people, the government has no good solution. The only good news is:

"Yu-kun deployed the 'Four Phase Barrier' and the disaster in Fukushima was contained!"

Someone rushed in and reported excitedly: Although the crack in the sky has not disappeared, at least no evil spirits are pouring out. This is a great victory!

"It turns out to be a four-phase barrier. Yu-kun is worthy of being an Onmyoji with a thousand-year heritage."

Upon hearing the good news, the Defense Minister beamed with joy.

The island country also has a four-phase suppression layout of "Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu".

Thousands of years ago in Heian Kyo, Suzaku Avenue led directly to the Imperial Palace: although it was often haunted at night.

"By the way, how is the situation in Aichi Prefecture?"

Aichi Prefecture is where the Nagoya metropolitan area is located: as one of the three major metropolitan areas in the island country, although the "Yellow Springs Crack" has not appeared there luckily, Kyoto and Osaka are not far away!

As for the unlucky Kyoto and Osaka, two "Yellow Springs Cracks" appeared at the same time.

Although Kafka Landlord is powerful, he is unable to do anything at all and can only fend off Osaka's evil spirit;

Whether the extraordinary lieutenants of the Self-Defense Forces under his command can plug the cracks in Kyoto is also a big question.

"It is true that some evil spirits are moving from Kyoto to Aichi Prefecture, but——"

Outside the conference room, someone immediately came in to report.




? ?


Outside Omihachiman City,


A high-speed figure pulled out a long afterimage, creating blank tracks among the incoming evil spirits: wherever he passed by at high speed, all the evil spirits were blown into ashes, and he was extremely overbearing and powerful.

".I unexpectedly met this person,"

On the roof of a tall building,

The extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’ holding photography equipment murmured to himself,

There are not many people in his live broadcast room, only a few million, and most of them are from Tokyo.

As for people in other places, they all took refuge at this time: who knows whether those evil spirits will flood into the cities, towns, and villages where they live.

On the other hand, outside the island country, the official media of all countries are rebroadcasting his live broadcast. The real world's number one blogger: There are not many opportunities to observe extraordinary disasters. Other countries are seriously learning how to deal with the attacks of evil spirits and prepare for the future. Prepare yourself for disaster.

As the figure stopped, there was a middle-aged man wearing a white military coat, white suit, and tie; his expression was calm and the scars on his face made him look more iron-blooded.

[Kafka Lu is invincible in the world! 】

[General Kafka, we love you~~wuwuwu~~]

[Who in this world can stop General Lu? Who can stop General Kafka from riding a horse? ! 】

Various excited words of praise floated across the barrage, but the extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’ at the scene knew very well that this was not the real General Kafka. because:

"Uncle is really awesome,"

In the crisp voice, the little girl Takahashi Ai Ling, followed by the black and white milk cat "Photon", walked on the deserted street.

"As Ai Ling's family, they are also the strongest!"

".I am just your fantasy,"

'Kafka' turned around and answered like this, but the 'phantom Kafka' created according to the 'original' version didn't care about this. What he cared about was:

"I want to continue to clean up the evil spirits, Ai Ling, please pay attention to your own safety."

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