I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 182 Temptation and Fear

"Yellow Spring."

The voice in the headset was intermittent and trembling, not like a senior cabinet official.

"That's where people go after death."

"if not?"

Yuu interrupted the words of the senior officials of the island country’s cabinet over there,

"You can actually guess the origins of the evil spirits all over the ground."

The breathing on the other side of the headset became heavier, and you could imagine the fearful and eager faces of the senior cabinet officials of the island country without even looking.

Yomi Hirazan!

Why are people so afraid of death?

Of course, it’s because after death there is nothing left: dreams, relatives, love, and career.

But if you know that there is a "underworld" after death, it will make people lose the fear of the "unknown": no matter what torture is waiting there, it is better than "emptiness", right? After all, even the lowest level of hell, the 'Eternal Hell', is nothing but nothingness.

"Youjun, I wonder if there is a way to stay in the underworld."

"Ahem, don't deviate from the topic."

A voice interrupted someone's subconscious inquiry,

"Who is the 'ancient being' that released the evil spirit of the underworld?"

Yuu smiled slightly at the question from the island country's Prime Minister on the other side of the headset.

"can not say."


"If you know the name of that being, His power will increase out of thin air: of course, if you insist."

"No, no, no, you are the expert when it comes to extraordinary matters. We listen to you."

The Prime Minister of the island country on the other side of the headset has a very low profile.

Since this onmyoji has said this, there must be some truth in it: in history, those onmyojis repeatedly warned, but insisted on investigating out of curiosity, and then tricked themselves into high-ranking officials. Don’t tell too many stories:

What ancient existence could exist in Huangquan?

That's too much!

Starting from the famous "Izanami", add earth life, heaven as day, and big air as the price.

There are not a few gods who have died in the island country, and these are all high-ranking ones: they just died in the hands of stronger gods: Kaguto Tomei died at the hands of Izanagi, Tenwakoko died at the hands of Amaterasu, and Otsutsubirei Beheaded by Susanoo.

No matter who it is, if these ‘gods’ are the masterminds behind the scenes, how are ordinary old men and women in the island country’s cabinet going to fight against them, even if they know their identities?

What's more, Youjun has already said that knowing the opponent's name will increase his strength.

Not hearing, not seeing, not knowing is also a kind of protection.

"I wonder if Yu-kun has a way to seal it?"

"It's not like there isn't a spell to seal the cracks in the underworld. But -"

The change of tone made the island nation's cabinet, which had just breathed a sigh of relief, feel its heart in its throat again.

"I'm just an Onmyoji, how can I have such huge spiritual power?"


"Can we use other people's spiritual power instead?"

Regarding the Prime Minister's proposal, Yuu touched his chin.

"It's not impossible."

"In this way, I will set up the barrier, and then you will let the extraordinary people send spiritual power to the barrier: in this way, the underworld crack should be temporarily suppressed."

It's just temporary. As for what the 'future' will be like, how can an 'Onmyoji' know clearly?

"Then, I'll start setting up the barrier."

"Hey, how can I, a kind-hearted person, not see the misfortune of all living beings~~"

Yuu on the giant ink bird began to calligraphy and painting out of thin air, and the ink words spread out one by one: There are a lot of extraordinary people now, especially those in the government. It is a waste to let them idle. Make a magic circle to absorb their excess. 'Chakra can also be regarded as a kind of environmental protection.

Furthermore, the fear, terror, and hatred exuded by ordinary islanders.

These negative emotions can also be collected by the way and used as raw materials for making 'Zero Tails'. No, they are used to make 'Yama-no-Orochi'.

In this way, wouldn’t it be a win-win situation?

Yuu himself wins twice, it’s not a ‘win-win’!



"Master Zhixiong, it's so hard for you to hide this from us."

"The poor monk is not, the poor monk is not."

Faced with Director Zhuya, who insists that he is a "foreseeing prophet," Monk Zhixiong is willing to explain, but he cannot argue.

Could it be said that he just ran here because of autism, and then encountered an evil spirit running rampant, and because of the encouragement of two old hunters, he was born towards death, and made a breakthrough on the spot to defeat the evil spirit. How can you hear this? Even he, the person involved, Everyone shook their heads.

"Director, can the Metropolitan Police do anything about that crack in the sky?"


You ask me, who am I asking?

Director Zhuya's face froze. Although he was also extraordinary, his extraordinary power made him work overtime every day. He was struggling to support the precarious island country by himself. He could do a few military-style boxing. Extraordinary knowledge was peeped from extraordinary people. does it count?

"Hold on,"

After pressing the headset, Director Zhuya beamed with joy.

"There is news from the direction of Fukushima that Yu-kun is arranging an onmyoji barrier to suppress the underworld crack."

"Underworld Crack?"

Monk Shixiong raised his head and glanced at the sky. Is that crack where evil spirits are still pouring out really leading to Hirazaka?

Although this scene made many people speculate, they couldn't help but sigh after it was actually confirmed.

Even Huangquan has begun to connect with the present world. What is the end of this world?

Where will it go?

"Before Yu-kun comes, please master not to let the evil spirits spread."


Putting his hands together, Monk Zhixiong nodded.

"This is exactly what the poor monk wishes,"

After speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and began to recite scriptures.

"At that time, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas urged the Tathagata, the Great All-Illuminating Vajra Tathagata, to speak with compassion, the profound and supreme great; awakening the Bodhicitta."

As he chanted, a peaceful golden light spread out, covering the entire 'East Izumo Central Park': golden lotuses emerged from the ground, and flowers fell from the sky. Wherever the golden light reached, the evil spirits disappeared one after another. Even behind the cracks in the sky, thousands of evil spirits hesitated and dared not cross the line.

Although they were only the remnants of souls, they still had basic 'judgment' abilities.

Going out means 'disappearance'!

Even evil spirits are afraid of death: if they die again, there will be nothing left.


Just when Master Zhixiong unfolded the 'Acala Array', which was actually the 'One Thread Lamp Array' to cover the battlefield and suppress the evil spirits, Director Takeya couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Say it again."

"Yes, Director."

Fuji Seiko's hurried words came from the other side of the headset.

"A large number of 'radiation evil spirits' have appeared in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and they have a strong desire to attack."

"The number of casualties among residents continues to soar. The police and the Self-Defense Forces who rushed to the two places have collapsed. It is difficult for the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department to resist alone. No, it can no longer support it. Please send reinforcements immediately."

In addition to Fuji Seiko's report, the headset was mixed with roars, shouts, crying, and cries of pain. It can be seen that the scene was chaotic.

"I understand, I'll be here right away!"


"Director, you go."

"I can hold on here alone."

After the breakthrough, Monk Zhixiong waved his hand. It was not difficult to just maintain this 'Acala Array'.

The main reason is that although the number of evil spirits is huge, their strength is not strong. Now they are unwilling to come out of the 'Yellow Spring Crack', which makes it even easier.

It is still no problem to hold on for a while.


"What's going on? Why are the situations in Nagasaki and Hiroshima so serious?"

The same question kept ringing in the Prime Minister's residence, and the reason was——

"Radiation evil spirits, this?"

The senior officials who heard the report looked at each other, feeling both absurd and reasonable.


The remaining Metropolitan Police Department experts were "analyzing" the situation for the cabinet officials.

"These evil spirits all maintain the postures of death, and at the same time, they will show different "attack desires" because of death."

The extraordinary experts are not talking nonsense, and a large number of "experimental samples" have proved their words: the largest number and the most common "natural aging" evil spirits have the lowest attack desire: even if they don't get close, the evil spirits of these old men and old ladies will only drift aimlessly.

And the evil spirits who died or were killed for various reasons have a much stronger desire to attack.

"Especially those 'samurai' evil spirits, who have strong swordsmanship and spearmanship, and some of them can even use long-range attack methods such as 'bows and arrows'."

"The evil spirits that appeared in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with blisters and ulcers on their bodies, have a stronger desire to attack: they will attack all creatures frantically, including domestic pets, wild birds, etc. The situation in the two cities is very grim."

It turned out to be like this.

Nagasaki ranks 142nd among the world's top 500 cities, with a permanent population of more than 400,000.

Hiroshima belongs to the central city of the Hiroshima metropolitan area outside the three major metropolitan areas of the island country, with a population of nearly 1.2 million.

These two cities were once visited by 'little boy' and 'fat man', which also indirectly proved the superiority of their geographical location.

And a few decades later, the two densely populated and industrially developed modern cities once again stood on the earth, and at the same time suffered a catastrophe again.

But this time, it was not a nuclear explosion on the technological side, but hundreds of thousands of crazy evil spirits who had died in the 'nuclear explosion'.

"These... these evil spirits"

The Chief Cabinet Secretary wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know how to express it.

If you want revenge, go find America! It's not right for future generations. The two atomic bombs killed almost all the locals in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Even those who survived were tortured by nuclear radiation for the rest of their lives: so now the main residents of the two cities are actually the island government's migrant population to fill the void.

But no matter what, this situation is also very headache.

"What does America say?"

"America has expressed that it will pay close attention to this extraordinary disaster, and is also willing to provide certain material assistance, and then."

The Foreign Minister closed his mouth.

That's all.

"Damn it!"

I don't know who was so angry that he said this,

Even these cabinet "senior officials" who decide the fate of the island country couldn't maintain their demeanor, and their faces turned pale.

"Where is the extraordinary lieutenant?"

"How many extraordinary potions did America get from Koyasan?"

"At this time, they didn't even send a extraordinary person. What kind of alliance is this? According to the Security Treaty, they have the obligation and must--"


The Prime Minister sitting on the main seat spoke up, interrupting the defense minister's complaints.

"You all know the role of that agreement."

That agreement not only constitutes the legal basis for stipulating that the island country is subordinate to America; it also allows America to establish, expand and use any military base in the island country with almost no restrictions.

To put it bluntly, it is a chain tied around the dog's neck!

Now the dog is in danger, expecting the owner to fight for his life?


"Since America is unwilling to assume its obligations, we don't have to plead with each other."

Sit up straight,

This is a rare moment for the Prime Minister of an island nation to be tough.

"I know that you all have a certain number of 'extraordinary beings' in your hands."

We are all high-ranking officials. If there is no "abuse of power" to make one of his own extraordinary, the Prime Minister will not believe it: after all, he has done it. These 'artificial supernatural beings' can also cause considerable damage to 'evil spirits' and then kill them!

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to save your life."

"Gather all the extraordinary people and rush to Nagasaki and Hiroshima immediately!"

"As for America."

I'll settle the score with them later!


Yokota base.

"Your Majesty Lieutenant General, I think reinforcements should be sent."

"Even if it's just a show, it's better than doing nothing now."

Brigadier General Thomas spoke bluntly in front of his boss sitting in the back of the office.

"Not for the damn Security Treaty, but to continue to draw extraordinary benefits."

As a military personnel who has always been responsible for extraordinary affairs, Brigadier General Thomas is 'only' a brigadier general, but the power in his hands far exceeds that of the idle 'lieutenant generals' in the country. He also saw the situation in front of him very clearly:

“What will the island country think if nothing happens this time?”

"They will also let us occupy half of the defense line of Mount Koya and obtain extraordinary potions at will?"

Brigadier General Thomas didn't care at all how many people died on the island.

But if we lose Mount Koya, a stable source of extraordinary medicine, we will face huge losses.

"I know, I know, Thomas."

The white lieutenant general raised his hand and lowered it, signaling his left and right arms to be calm.

"But the gentlemen on Capitol Hill are already making a huge noise: they want to recall all the extraordinary lieutenants now, because..."

The extraordinary disaster, which happened in eight places across the island country and was just named the ‘Hell Crack’, with a grade as high as A, has frightened the ‘elites’ on the opposite side of the planet.

Evil spirit!

This kind of thing that only exists in movies, novels, and comics actually exists!

And he also crossed the boundary between life and death and appeared in the present world.

How does this make people not afraid?

do not forget--

The land of America is built on the scalps of Indians!

If such an 'extraordinary disaster' broke out in America, what would happen?

Just thinking about it makes me feel cold all over.

In particular, these 'evil spirits' are immune to all known attacks in the real world: guns, fire, ice, electromagnetism, and shock waves. They can only be fought with 'courage'.

Maybe the red necks below don't care, and at worst they can 'kill' the evil spirits again, but what about the 'elites' above?

Ask yourself, do they have the courage?

What's more, many people in Capitol Hill are Hornets, and their lineage can even be traced back to the Mayflower. If the Indian evil spirit returns, their scalps will definitely not be saved.

"do you understand?"

"The gentlemen on Capitol Hill are constantly urging me to transfer the extraordinary lieutenant back to the country."

The white lieutenant general rubbed his temples. He also knew how absurd it was to transfer the extraordinary main force back to the country at this time, but:

"This is a disaster that happened in an island country: we will provide as much help as possible during post-disaster reconstruction."

"There is no post-disaster reconstruction, Lieutenant General."

Brigadier General Thomas shook his head, extremely disappointed with the trash in the country.

"Do you think the island countries will continue to cooperate with us after they survive this extraordinary disaster?"


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