"There is no doubt that this is an extraordinary event."

In the apartment, a group of secretly selected police officers surrounded the young man hanging in the room, filming and recording, and whispering.

"The target 'Fujiwara Yamato' is 31 years old this year."

"He joined the Hayami Zaibatsu 7 years ago and worked as a salesperson at Meguro Company. He was fired three years ago due to poor performance."

"About half a year later, Fujiwara Yamato, who was in financial difficulties, joined 'Tanoka Financial Company' and became a member of it, in charge of the 'collecting money' business."

After receiving a call from the other party's father, suspected of being related to 'extraordinary', the Metropolitan Police Department immediately sent people to check the apartment. Analysis of the information sent back from the scene clearly revealed a strange atmosphere, and a large number of elites rushed in without stopping.

"The Jingxia family has been sealed off,"

"The people the target has contacted are being tracked down."

"The surveillance video of 'Fujiwara Yamato' was taken on the way and is being extracted."

The matter concerns the extraordinary, and the entire Metropolitan Police Department is doing its best. All kinds of information about 'Fujiwara Yamato' are gathering from all directions to the Metropolitan Police Department in Chiyoda Kasumigaseki like snowflakes.

Even if they stay at home, the big guys can still control every move in Tokyo.

The premise is that this matter is enough to attract the attention of the big guys.

"Mr. Takeya, thank you for opening up the relevant cooperation on 'extraordinary' matters."

In the 'Special Operations Office' of the Metropolitan Police Department, in addition to the people from the island country, there is also a group of blond and blue-eyed white guys.

"Thank you for your support."

While greeting the white middle-aged man with the rank of 'Brigadier General' next to him, Director Takeya directed the action on the scene.

That's right, it concerns the extraordinary. Although the island country is 'invaluable' in unity; but facing America, how can it refuse the intervention of the other party?

If they are really angry, with America's style of doing things, it is not impossible to take direct action! For oil, America can ignite wars everywhere and manipulate a large number of national party civil wars; now that they know that "supernormal" has appeared, in addition to the Seventh Fleet, the other two Pacific Fleets are also rushing to the island country.

The island country, which has taken a tough stance, also stopped when it saw the good, and the two sides finalized a series of cooperation treaties:

America provides technology, researchers, and weapons and equipment; and the island country needs to disclose all supernormal-related information to America.

In short, the island country bears the risks and shares the results. Although it still sounds very "unequal", it is no exaggeration to say that it is already a "huge victory" for the island country in the past hundred years!

It's better than being eaten up directly.

And this white brigadier general is naturally the "inspector" sent by America.

"This is a... evil spirit incident,"

Fearing that the superior country would not understand, Director Takeya thought about it and explained to the other party in a more popular way.

"The target mistakenly entered this building where the residents had died and defrauded the soul of an old man who had been dead for 43 days. Afterwards, he began to have hallucinations."

With the witnesses, the surveillance footage from various places, especially the apartment doorbell surveillance footage, was extracted, and the actions of 'Fujiwara Yamato' were gradually pieced together.

After America's intervention, the need for 'confidentiality' has been greatly reduced. More than a hundred experienced police officers have carefully surveyed almost every place where 'Fujiwara Yamato' has passed for more than a dozen times to ensure that not a single hair would be missed.

In the conference room, the doorbell surveillance footage was being played:

'Fujiwara Yamato's' face changed drastically, and then his hands frantically tore something out of thin air.

Then he quickly entered the apartment, as if avoiding an unknown existence.

Not long after, the sound of a hammer hitting the ground was heard.

"After returning to the apartment, he destroyed the doorbell surveillance, unplugged the phone line, and hid in the quilt."

But it was useless! Judging from the on-site investigation, Fujiwara Yamato was extremely nervous at this time: there were traces of his swinging the hammer on the wall of the apartment, and there were a lot of sweat stains on the ground.

"Finally, Fujiwara Yamato, who was almost on the verge of mental collapse, called his father."

"He confessed that he had become a 'telephone scammer', and at the same time-"

At the end of Fujiwara Yamato's call, an old lady's voice:

Is my son okay?

This information was provided by Fujiwara Yamato's father.

"This is what happened, Brigadier General Thomas, what do you think?"

Facing Director Takeya's inquiry, Thomas, who was wearing a muscular general uniform that was bulging, with short golden hair standing straight up, and a bloody soldier look, couldn't help but feel a headache.

"The soul of the old lady left no trace?"


"With our current scientific and technological means, no trace has been detected."

Director Takeya added,

"Perhaps only by seeing it with your own eyes can we observe its existence."

But when it really comes to that time, what should be considered is how to save your life.

‘Fujiwara Yamato’ was hung on the roof by a telephone wire, and there was nothing under his feet - that is, the possibility of ‘hallucination suicide’ can be completely ruled out.

“We have other evidence, please see -”

On the monitor screen, an armored vehicle was slowly approaching a house with a ‘Inoue’ nameplate.

The rear door opened, and several pet trainers got out of the car pushing an alloy dog ​​cage.

The next second,

The Shiba Inu, who was originally lazily lying in the dog cage, suddenly stood up!

It stared at the building in front of it, hunched over, bared its teeth, and let out a threatening growl.

"This is our 'extraordinary creature' under our control, and it can be proved by its induction of this building."

"The old lady's soul still exists?"

"This is just speculation,"

"We have arrested all members of the fraud organization related to 'Fujiwara Yamato'."

Pushing up his plain glasses, Director Zhuya continued calmly.

"Make a fraudulent call to Inoue's house again,"

"Select volunteers who meet the profession of 'payee' and let them enter 'Inoue's home to observe whether 'Mrs. Inoue' will appear again."

This is important!

It is related to whether the soul exists.

As for the poor 'volunteer', there will always be some sacrifice for the sake of the country.

The cruel meaning is ready to come out!


"That's right, I'll leave it to you."

The brigadier general nodded. If he were to come, of course he would shoot a basic number of shells first to see what was weird about this building.

Ever since he learned about the existence of the 'extraordinary' and the strange 'case' he came into contact with when he first arrived, the once domineering soldier also became cautious.


This invisible, intangible thing.

No matter how much you exercise your body, your awesome guys are armed to the teeth, and you have the military support of a superpower behind you, you still don’t have enough confidence.

Although Ameli's horror films like plasma, most of them end up being "physical exorcisms". But there is also "Freddy" like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" who wanders in dreams and cannot be killed no matter what, which is definitely a nightmare for many Americans when they were children.

Seeing the island police arresting people, selecting ‘volunteers’, and setting up the ‘experimental site’ in an orderly manner.

The 'wind chime' above the main entrance, which has been designated as a 'haunted house', is very comforting.

That's right,

The wind chime hanging above the door of Inoue's house is Akihi Yu's 'paper clone'.

Through this paper clone, Akira Yuu can cast illusions on people who enter the room - illusions are nothing to real ninjas.

As long as you disrupt the flow of mana, you can break the illusion. ‘Genjutsu·Resolution’ can’t even be considered a ninjutsu, and the difficulty is not even enough for the lowest E level.

Therefore, most illusion-type ninjas are mainly auxiliary. There are only a few who specialize in genjutsu and fight head-on, and most of them also have various special bloodstains: such as Uchiha, Kurama, Oniden and other bloodstained families.

In this world, all the magic power comes from Qiu Riyu!

Face his illusions, even the lowest ones. Once caught, it is very difficult to escape. Even if Akira Yuu is willing, the D-level illusion can use the effect of 'Tsukuyomi'!

Where is the strongest part of Tsukuyomi? It’s not that there is no way to remove it, you can only resist it with your will.

The sixth generation Kakashi was lying in bed for several months due to his hard resistance to Tsukuyomi.

So, how should you respond next?

The wind chimes sway,

Qiu Riyou sits back and waits for the island country to take action.


PS: To clarify, I am not the eunuch who "doesn't carry a knife after the rain"; I just write about the same subject, just a small online article.

In fact, it can be seen from the writing style: although the character of that guy is hard to describe, his level is still there. Every book about eunuchs is constantly recommended, and they go straight to Sanjiang and then cut the book. It is the envy, jealousy and hatred of many street writers. However, my book has only reached 60,000 words before being signed, and the first recommendation is still far away.

That thing is that the starting point for the first book is too high, and if the results are not satisfactory after that, it will be cut. If you cut too much, it will become a vicious circle. Among the nine groups of fan writers, it can be regarded as a classic negative teaching material?

Recognizing me as him is really flattering to me. So there is no need to worry about me as a eunuch. After all, my requirements are very low if I can live on the subsistence allowance.

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