I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 29 Pretending to be a God

The Metropolitan Police Department's attempt on 'Mrs. Inoue' did not go smoothly because a new situation emerged.

"Alarm! Alarm!"

"Abnormal vibrations occurred in Arakawa District"

"It's the 'earthquake catfish'! It appears again, active in Nishioku-cho 1-chome!"

In the special operations room, urgent alarms rang out, and at the same time, alarm calls continued to come from other departments: someone witnessed the extraordinary creature named 'earthquake catfish' by the Metropolitan Police Department, appearing again in Arakawa District.

"Retrieve the monitoring equipment in the target area!"

"Armed helicopters are dispatched and rush to the scene immediately--"

After thinking for a while, Director Takeya gave another order.

"Contact the First Division,"

"Please ask the other party to send the Self-Defense Forces to assist us in our work."

The First Division of the Self-Defense Forces is stationed in Nerima District, Tokyo 23, located in the northwest of Tokyo.

There are about 6,500 professional soldiers in total, including an engineering battalion, an armed reconnaissance battalion, an air defense battalion, a chemical defense company, an aviation company, and three infantry regiments.

As the army guarding Tokyo, it is responsible for disaster relief and protection. Needless to say, the salary and benefits are top-notch in the Self-Defense Forces, which are weak and weak.

Unlike the extraordinary person transformed from a normal person like ‘Tani Murata’, the ‘earthquake catfish’ is obviously not someone who can communicate. In addition, its mere appearance will cause extensive damage to the city. The Metropolitan Police Department urgently dispatched ‘negotiation experts’ while also sending troops from the First Division to make plans.


“What is that?”

“It’s a monster! It’s not Ultraman, where are the Self-Defense Forces?”

Help! !

Arakawa District, Nishioku-cho, 1-chome Street.

Pedestrians stared at the huge black fish that emerged from the ground and ‘swaggered through the city’ in amazement, and there was a sound of mobile phones falling.


The huge black fish, as big as a building, didn’t care about these ‘ants’ at all.

It was swimming on its own in the ground. Half of its body was underground, revealing only a huge flat head and a pair of eyes full of ‘wisdom’. It was shaking two giant python-like whiskers, and seemed quite leisurely on the street.

Perhaps because the street was relatively ‘wide’, it did not swim towards the sidewalks and buildings. As for the cars on the road:

“Get off! Get off!”

“Run away! There’s a monster!!”

“What’s going on in front? What??”

Faced with the huge black fish ‘swimming’ towards them, the cars on the road braked one after another, and the drivers and passengers all jumped out of the car and fled.

The huge black fish with a vermilion ‘torii’ on its back swam forward lazily, occasionally sweeping the cars in front of it away with its whiskers, causing people to be shocked and noisy.

But gradually--

"It doesn't seem to attack us?"

"Is this a movie? But are there such realistic movie props?"

"Mom, it looks like a catfish."

After the initial panic, the pedestrians hiding on the roadside took out their mobile phones:

Post to Moments!

LINE, Facebook, Discord, and even many people pointed their phones at themselves, turned to the black giant catfish, and included both in the camera.

"Family, this is my old friend Feng Lan live broadcasting for you! You must not have thought of it"

"So cool! Everyone, please watch--"

The UP hosts in the crowd even started live broadcasting on the spot!


If I don't give you a little color, do you really think I'm a vegetarian?

The huge catfish suddenly stopped, hiding on both sides of the road, and the onlookers under the eaves watched, their eyes fell on a heavy truck in front.

"Woo woo woo~~"

The black giant catfish raised its head, opened its wide flat mouth, and let out a hissing sound.

Two rows of snow-white sharp teeth appeared in the giant mouth, and the fangs were longer than human arms, which gradually brought the crowd back to their senses in shock.

This is not a harmless little animal. It is just because of the long-term peace that people have lost their vigilance.

The catfish first made a power-gathering action, and the next second, it suddenly swam forward at a high speed.

"Riding the wind and waves" on the street!


Obviously, there were dozens of meters between the two, but under the rush of the giant catfish, the two sides collided fiercely.

If time is slowed down a hundred times, you can see that the front of the heavy truck was instantly flattened and dented; the glass of the cab exploded and shattered; before the fragments spread out, they were swept into the rear compartment by the huge fish head.

The metal front of the four-meter-high heavy truck was dented into paper without any resistance!

Then the shock wave spread to the body of the car with visible traces! Ripple-like distortion and spider-web-like cracks suddenly expanded throughout the car.

The shock of the unrelieved catharsis finally sent the wreckage of the heavy vehicle flying out like a lobster.

It whistled and swept across the street, a terrifying storm of horror!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The wreckage of the heavy vehicle flew out and slammed into a building in front of it. The twisted metal broke through the wall, sank into the building, and stopped only after hitting the load-bearing column.

? ? ? ? ?

Faced with such a violent scene, the block was silent.



"Mom, wow wow wow~~"

The next second, I don't know who shouted first, and everyone turned around and ran out desperately. It was like the tide receding, or like an ant nest poured with boiling water. This was definitely not a movie, nor was it a rare spectacle that could be watched.

It was a monster that could kill people with every move!


Looking up to the sky, it let out a roar like a car whistle,

Kill the 'enemy' roar, and the happy giant black fish raised its tail high from the ground.


The tail slammed heavily on the street,

The street cracked into spider webs, and circles of shock spread out, making those who were still standing there cry and use their limbs to get away.


You still dare to watch,

Do you really think that monsters are all good-tempered?

Qiu Riyou, who was controlling the black giant catfish, snorted coldly and continued to look for the next target to destroy.


At this moment, an armed helicopter flew in the sky. In the open hatch, a negotiation expert picked up the intercom with a bitter face.

"Mr. Earthquake Catfish below, please stop the destruction."

"I am the government, a worker for the government."

"We can talk,"

The huge black catfish seemed to be attracted by the 'sound' coming from above, raised its head, and its pupils as big as lanterns turned left and right.

"Please rest assured, we have no ill intentions--"

Just as the negotiation expert racked his brains to think about how to communicate with a 'super catfish', the black fish opened its huge mouth in their direction.


"Get out of the way!"

Even if you haven't eaten pork, you have seen pigs run.

In special dramas, animations, and movies, this kind of action of the other party basically only represents one possibility:


A small stone was spit out by the huge black fish.

Compared with its house-like size, the small stone with only a fingernail is almost negligible.

But in the upward flight, the small stone continued to expand out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge rock as big as a millstone!

Earth escape· Rock Cannon Technique

This is a ninjutsu that spits out a small stone from the mouth, and then the small stone continues to expand in the air, hitting people like a solid cannonball.

It is a must-learn for all rock ninjas and is also the most basic D-level ninjutsu. Although the power is good, the speed is a flaw, and it is not a big threat to agile ninjas.

In the world of "World of Fire", the Rock Ninja Group will only use this intensive bombing in combat: but the so-called slow speed is only for ninjas who can fly over eaves and walls, step on water and climb trees.

"Hide quickly-ah!"

The millstone-like giant rock hit the helicopter that could not turn in time, and the latter fell towards the high-rise building next to it with billowing smoke.

"Sure enough, we can't communicate,"

In the meeting room of the Metropolitan Police Department, Director Takeya sighed.

"Execute the capture plan and try to capture them alive."

Although he gave such an order, he did not have any expectations in his heart.

Because this extraordinary creature is an 'earthquake catfish' that can swim freely in the earth!


"I'm sorry!"

"Traffic control ahead, please return immediately!"


"I'm in a hurry--"

In Arakawa District, all the streets around Nishioku Town were blocked by the police, and the police set up a cordon.

The crowd stuck here started to make noise. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, just when the schools were out of school, and there were many housewives going out to buy groceries. It was even more crowded, and complaints came one after another.

But soon there was no sound!

Because armored vehicles roared in, violently knocking the vehicles in front away, and the black muzzles made the car owners on the side dare not complain.

Type 87 armored patrol vehicles, Type 16 assault vehicles.

These steel behemoths, although they are only 'light' armored vehicles. But the cold and hard armor, the machine gun muzzle pointing obliquely in front, and the stern-faced and straight-eyed Self-Defense Force soldiers on the car made everyone shut up subconsciously, knowing that something big was going to happen.

There were no heavy tanks, but these armored vehicles were enough for a small-scale battle.

Don't look at how arrogant a certain Yakuza organization is at ordinary times. To really fight: this army sweeping all the Yakuza in Tokyo is as easy as eating and drinking.

This is a weapon invented by humans to kill their own kind, even if it is used to fight monsters


Not long after the Self-Defense Force rushed into Nishioku Town along the street.

The leading armored patrol car suddenly flipped up. In the horrified eyes of other vehicles behind, it was like a toy thrown by a naughty child, rolling and hitting an armored patrol car behind it. The high-tech creation worth tens of millions of yen turned into scrap metal without firing a shot.

"Sure enough,"

A large number of cameras on armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and drones were aimed at Nishioku Town, almost 360 degrees monitoring the battlefield.

Many bigwigs in the Metropolitan Police Department looked at the "giant net" covering the street and felt a headache.

It was a "fishing net" launched by an armed helicopter, woven with aircraft carrier interception cables; the four-cornered long spikes fired by the fishing cannon penetrated dozens of centimeters into the street. Once entangled, let alone a mere elephant, even a blue whale would have no choice but to surrender.


The earthquake catfish caught in the net just sank down and avoided this creation that condensed countless high technologies.

"The target is an earth attribute extraordinary, and this method cannot control it."

The shrine lord of Yushima Tenmangu next to him shook his head slightly. He was the shrine's 'sacred lord', and he felt like an expert who was far away from the world. However, at home, he also often plays "Dream X Treasure". The true practitioners who do not eat the fireworks of the world have long since ceased to exist.

"Then in your opinion, sir, how should we respond?"

Facing Director Zhuya's inquiry, the god raised his hand and pointed at the back of the 'Earthquake Catfish'.

"The essential,"

"On this torii gate."

Then he fell silent, leaving everyone speechless.

This 'earthquake catfish' had a vermilion 'torii' on its back so eye-catching, everyone knew it must be something special.

But what is hidden in it, a group of palace ministers and priests of large shrines cannot tell the reason, and others have no way of knowing.

"Mr. Zhuya,"

"Let's see how this extraordinary creature performs under modern firepower."

As for the people in America, they are all in high spirits. This kind of drama of 'monsters' fighting the army is their favorite thing. Anyway -

Even if there is any loss, it will be to the people and buildings of the island nation.


Da da da da,

In Nishioku Town, Arakawa District, a fierce battle is going on, and the sound of gunfire is endless, as if it is not Tokyo, but the Middle East.

On the Type 87 armored patrol, the 25 mm caliber Oerlikon self-propelled artillery spit out deadly projectiles. The 600 rounds/minute bullets formed a long steel whip and hit the huge black fish hard.


Such intensive shooting is enough to tear flesh and blood into powder.

The light armored troops could only use the word "slaughter" in front of this kind of murderous weapon. However, the huge black fish allowed the bullets to be fired into its body. Not only did it not respond, it even shot at the armored unit because it was attracted to it. The patrol car came rushing.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

The machine gunner shouted while scolding his superior in his mind.

In fact, without him having to say anything, the commander had already turned the steering wheel sharply, and the armored vehicle flexibly reversed and turned.

"Captain, we are asked to continue shooting!"


After hearing the radio soldier's words, the commander of the armored patrol car reflexively cursed.

"Let them go on their own—"

The radioman raised his hand and knocked on the commander's tactical helmet, indicating that they were currently on the phone, causing the commander to close his mouth in disgust.

"Received, we will continue to attack!"

However, nothing was gained from the armored patrol car attack.

"Both the 7.62 mm machine gun and the 25 mm cannon have no effect, then..."

In the operational conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department, Director Zhuya rubbed his brows.

"Assault tank, using 105 mm cannon!"

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