I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 64 Whirlwind! Running Water! Boom Air Split Fist! [Seeking The First Order! 】

Sasuke behind the tree disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Gaara in the next instant. He kicked down and kicked Gaara away.

Gaara was furious: "Damn it! I'm going to kill you!" The sand on her body covered her body a little more.

Sasuke kept up, one kick, two kicks, three kicks! Gaara was kicked around in the sky. Gaara's One Tail-like arm suddenly enlarged, grabbed one of Sasuke's feet in an instant, and threw it to the ground with a bang.

Sasuke spat out blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Gaara more sharply: "What a huge Chakra..."

Hand seal: "Lightning Style-Double Raikiri! Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm!"

A blinding bolt of lightning shot straight at Gaara.

"Ah!!!" Gaara's hair stood upside down from the shock, the continuous current made Gaara's sanity more and more unclear, and a beast-like growl came out of his mouth: "Roar~!"

Under Sasuke's horrified eyes, Gaara's body became bigger and bigger, and finally appeared in front of Sasuke like a mountain.

"Sass!" Suddenly the voice of little Sakura came from one side, and it was Parker who led little Sakura here.

Sasuke suddenly turned around and shouted at little Sakura: "Be careful, run!"

"Kill you!" Gaara yelled deliriously, and the Hijisa Hand flew towards little Sakura with a bang.

"Damn it!" Sasuke instantly appeared in front of little Sakura: "Ha~beauty~ha~beauty~ha!"

As soon as Kamehae Qigong turned the sand into 11 and his arms scattered, Sasuke was panting heavily. It was still too exhausting for him to use Kamehaeqigong.

"Kill you!" Gaara continued to yell unconsciously, and Shukaku under him fired blank ammunition round after round.

"Sasuke, are you okay?" little Sakura looked at Sasuke in front of her and worried.

"Get out of the way, stay away." Sasuke said to Sakura impatiently.

Phew~ Sasuke took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Suddenly Sasuke opened his eyes suddenly, and a pair of red three hook jade slowly rotated from the eyes.

"Fire Style! Great Dragon Fire Technique!" Sasuke opened his mouth and a huge fire dragon rushed towards Gaara.

Gaara slapped the flames and slapped his paws on the ground, setting off a huge shock wave.

"Kill you! Kill you!" Gaara kept repeating.

"Damn it! What the hell is that?" Sasuke looked at Shuzuru's huge body out of breath.

At this time, Gaara uttered: "Sand Dun-Infinite Dust Great Breakthrough!" Shouhe opened countless huge mouths, and a large amount of dust was blown out with the hurricane.

With a bang, Sasuke was blown away by the wind and sand, and crashed into the distant woods.

"This amount of Chakra! It's a monster! Only one person has ever felt this feeling!" Sasuke gasped and thought, and the guy who squinted and slept and fished all day appeared in his mind.

In a wooden house.

"Ah! Who's missing me again?" Naruto shook his head, "Come on Temari, let's continue the topic just now, hehehehe.

Suddenly a huge air cannon hit the Four-Pillar Prison! Naruto's wooden house was smashed and flew everywhere.

"Md! Who littered the trash!" Naruto's face was full of black lines, didn't he see that he was chatting happily with Temari?

Naruto looked back at Temari, only to see Temari hugging his knees with his hands, trembling with his head buried in his thighs: "The technique has been activated, we are all going to die!

Naruto stepped forward slowly. Putting her arms around her shoulders: "Don't worry, I'm here, just watching the crane, follow me."

After speaking, he picked up Temari and rushed towards Gaara.

"What are you doing?!" Temari horrified seeing Gaara getting closer.

Teach my brother-in-law a profound lesson, and see how scared my daughter-in-law is. " Naruto said to Temari with a smile.

"Don't! Let go of me and run, otherwise no one will be able to escape in a while!" Temari twisted wildly.

With a snap, Naruto patted Temari (you can make up your own mind about where the photo was taken, I won’t write it out), and Temari’s face flushed immediately.

At this time Naruto has already walked under One Tail.

He saw Sasuke who was panting and hiding aside: "Yo, your fighting power is not good enough, after a while, you will wither?"

"Bastard Naruto, can't you see the situation clearly?" Sasuke said with a frantic look on his face.

"Small idea. Hehe." Naruto put down the Temari in his hand, "Wood Style-wooden ingot wall!" A wooden ball was raised on the ground to close Temari inside.

Looking at Temari with only one eye exposed, he said, "Don't worry, the thief is strong [just relying on your brother's thing will definitely not break it." Naruto pointed to Gaara who turned into Shukaku.

"Then! Next!" Naruto looked at Gaara.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a serious face, and thought: "Naruto, let me see where your real strength is!"

Naruto turned around suddenly: "Hey, Sasuke, why don't you do a few more rounds?"

Sasuke: "...Go away!"

As soon as the voice fell, Naruto's figure was gone, and Naruto's speed was almost invisible to the naked eye, and the time seemed to be delayed. After Naruto ran past, the ground and tree clusters burst and flew.

In just a split second, Naruto came to Shukaku's feet. I saw Naruto stomping on the ground with one foot, and one hand was in the shape of Tai Chi: "Whirlwind! Flowing water! Booming Air Fist! (Used by One Punch Man Banggu to beat the elder centipede)" A huge shock wave spread and traveled to the whole Shouhe , I saw that Shuhe looked like a beach washed by a waterfall, and it burst into pieces!

Sasuke and Temari stared dumbfounded.

"That monster!" Sasuke looked at this scene in shock.

Temari also watched in horror from the wooden ingot wall: "What kind of monster are we fighting against!"

Just as Gaara fell from the sky, the scattered sand slowly gathered again, forming a huge shrouding crane again.

I saw that Gaara seemed to grow on the top of Shuhe's head, with half of her body exposed, shaking back and forth with Shuhe's head.

Gaara, knocked out by the shockwave!

"Wahhahahaha, I can finally come out again!" Shuhe's shrill voice came to everyone, and then he saw Naruto under his feet. "I found someone I wanted to kill right away! Wind Style-practice empty bullets!"

Shukaku patted himself on the stomach, and put an empty ammunition at his feet, which immediately lifted him into the air. Naruto, who left in an instant, looked at Shukaku as if he was mentally retarded. Is this thing so stupid? , shut down for too long, stupid?!

"Damn it, practice empty ammo!" An He stood up and screamed at Naruto to output wildly.

"Hey, Ninja - Transformation Technique!" A huge Chakra emanated from Naruto, forming a large storm.

"Nani!" Sasuke was horrified, what a terrifying Chakra, no less than that monster!

Boom~! A puff of white smoke dissipated, and a huge Nine Tails fox appeared in front of everyone.

"Bastard, it's you bastard fox! Damn it!" Shouhe yelled. "Practice blank bombs!"

I saw the nine tails of the Nine Tails getting together and a huge Tailed Beast Bomb slowly forming. Naruto's voice came out of Nine Tails' mouth: "Tailed Beast Bomb- Rasengan!"

The huge Rasengan bombarded the blank training bullets without stopping at all, directly smashing the blank training bullets and bombarding Shuhe. The huge power directly opened a hole in Shuhe's stomach.

"Damn it, it hurts so much, you bastard!" Shouhe yelled.

At this time, Nine Tails clasped his palms together: "Wood Style-The birth of the tree world!!" The birth of the tree world, far surpassing the generation of Impure World Reincarnation, burst out, and the towering giant trees rose from the ground, instantly guarding the cranes. Be strong!

"Bastard! How do you know this technique!" Shouhe struggled left and right, but the giant 497 tree remained motionless. Naruto lifted the transformation, and stood in front of the psychic Gaara who was guarding the forehead: "Seal - Eight Sign Seal!" Naruto threw two four-sign seals on Gaara to form the Eight Sign Seal.

"Bastard! You just came out!" Shuhe's huge body gradually disappeared, and Gaara's sanity gradually came to him.

"You!" Gaara saw Naruto in front of him. Suddenly, he found that Shuhe, who was howling endlessly in his mind, had disappeared.

"My curse is gone! I can't hear it!" Gaara exclaimed excitedly.

"Yo, brother-in-law." Naruto said with a smile.

"Did you do it?" Gaara asked, Naruto released Temari's wooden ingot wall, and Temari came to Gaara in an instant.

It's just a mere tailed beast. If it wasn't for your Sand Shinobi's sealing technique being too weak, Gaara wouldn't have suffered so many crimes. Naruto shrugged and said. "Your father is too bad a partner.

Temari, Gaara: "...."

"It's okay, he should be gone anyway." Naruto continued.

"Nani?" Temari was taken aback, Gaara was silent.

"Want to know the truth of the matter? Gaara!" Naruto said to Gaara indifferently: "Be stronger, until you are strong enough to suppress the tail beast in your body, the seal will be released.

"Why?" Gaara asked, "Why are you helping me?"

"Because we are of the same kind~!" Eight red tails appeared behind Naruto in an instant, and the huge Chakra soared into the sky.

"Nani?!" Everyone was shocked, he didn't even give his full strength!

"And," Naruto continued, "I think you'd be a good friend."

"Friend?" murmured a weak Gaara.

"And brother-in-law!" Naruto interrupted abruptly.


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