I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 63 Konoha's Fangs! [Seeking The First Order! 】

Naruto let go of Temari, got down on one knee and slapped his hands on the ground!

"Wood Style- Four-Pillar House Technique!" A Japanese-style apartment rises directly from the ground.

"Come on beauty, you can't run away anyway, go in and chat with me." Naruto said to Temari with a smile.

Temari looked horrified: How do you know the Wood Style secret technique of First Hokage?!

Naruto whispered to Temari mysteriously: "Let me tell you a secret, in fact, I am the orphan of the Senju clan, does Tsunade know, the legendary Sannin, that is my unmarried fiancée.

"What?" Shocked, Temari felt compelled to pass the news back to Sand Shinobi Village.

Temari jumped back and slapped the fan vigorously: "Ninja-Kaitachi Technique!" Looking forward, he found that Naruto had disappeared, and at this moment there was a burst of heat in his ear: "Don't get excited, Beauty "Five Five Seven", I told you that you can't escape."

"Nani?" Temari turned around in surprise, and heard: "Wood Style- Four-Pillar Prison Technique!" A huge log drilled out of the ground and covered Naruto, Temari and the wooden house.

"Come on, let's go inside and have a cup of tea~" Naruto said with a smile.


Konoha Village.

The three-headed giant snake summoned by Summoning Technique destroyed the house everywhere, and Yibixi led the members of the torture class to deal with it with difficulty.

Suddenly, a shout came from the sky: "Taiwan Press Technique!"

I saw a huge toad with two swords in the sky pressing one of the snake heads to the ground.

"Nani, what's that?" Konoha Shinobi was confused.

"Saxi ignores Dana, Yibixi." The figure standing on the top of the frog said to Yibixi. "Really, all you grew up was your size.

"Master Jiraiya." Ibby said pleasantly. It was Jiraiya who told Naruto to go out to collect materials!

I saw Jiraiya dancing an ancient dance that no one can understand: Little rookies! Open your little eyes! Take a closer look, the magic mirror from the sky from Jiraiya, a fairy ninja! The performance has begun!

To Konoha Shinobi:

Jiraiya looked at the big snake in front of him: "Is that Orochimaru guy finally moving?"

"What about Third Generation?" Jiraiya asked Ibixi.

"At the exam venue!" Yibixi replied.

"Souga," Jiraiya glanced at the venue without saying a word, and jumped towards the giant snake on his toad.

Konoha, who entered the state of preparation for battle, showed unparalleled execution and combat effectiveness, and all villagers entered the shelter.

A ninja flew across the sky, making a loud and clear cry.

Everyone looked at Ninja Eagle: "Is the evacuation complete?"

All the people who were paddling began to explode with unparalleled fighting power.

In a street, several shurikens flew towards the advancing Sand Shinobi Otonin.

"Nani?" Sand Shinobi looked up.

Anbu stood in a row on the roof: "Don't even think about going forward!"

Konoha Hyuga station.

A dozen people surrounded Hyuga Hiashi, and a passing Sand Shinobi said, "What are you doing! The other party is alone!"

"Revolving Heaven!" Sand Shinobi was instantly cleared, "Hyuga is the strongest clan in Konoha, listen to me!"

In a private house, Lu Jiu leaned lazily on a balcony.

"Damn! Why can't I move my body!" several Sand Shinobi said in horror.

"Secret of Konoha-Shadow Headhanging Technique!"

Ding Zuo next to him yelled: "Expansion Jutsu!"

In an instant, he turned into a giant, holding a stick and swinging it around on the ground, beating people flying around like whack-a-mole.

Yamanaka Haiyi here: "Crazy Heart Technique!"

Sand Shinobi in front lost control of his body in an instant, and rushed towards the allies next to him! Haiyi was surrounded by ninjas who were killing each other.

Inuzuka Hana and Sand Shinobi, whose mother led a group of huskies running past on the roof, were bitten to pieces.

As the number one village in the ninja world, Konoha once again showed his fangs in front of everyone!

the other side.

Sasuke chases Gaara and Kankuro fast through the woods.

Finally Sasuke stopped the two of them: "Don't try to escape."

"Damn it, did Temari miss it?" Kankuro looked at Sasuke and said, "Just right, it's my turn to deal with you this time!"

At this time, a sound ninja suddenly appeared and landed in front of the two of them: "Why didn't the plan be implemented?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Kankuro said impatiently to Kaidō, "Gaara is injured, Chakra needs to recover, you hurry up and take Gaara to retreat first! I'll stop him.."

Otonin picked up Gaara and continued to run away at high speed.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter who comes!" Sasuke said disdainfully.

"Sack!" At this moment, a voice came from the side, "Leave him to me to deal with!"

Sasuke turned his head and saw Shino standing behind a tree.

"Shino? Why are you here?" Sasuke asked strangely.

"I just heard what they said about the plan before, and they left the female Chakra insect on your body, so I followed the male insect to find it." Shino replied. "Go ahead and chase Gaara, leave this to me."

Sasuke smiled crookedly: "Hmph, although you are so firm in what you say, is it really okay?

"Don't worry, I'll go find you in ten minutes and provide you with cover." Zhi Nao said calmly.

"Hmph, by then I will have dealt with them!" Sasuke said coldly. If you want to ask about pretending to be a fork, I, Sasuke, have never been afraid of anyone, hum!

After saying that, Sasuke jumped away.

In front, Yinren ran forward with Gaara on his back, and he had already run out of the range of Konoha Village.

Gaara gradually regained consciousness: "Bastard, who are you!"

Furious, Gaara knocked Otonin away.

Gaara looked back, Sasuke was standing on the tree looking at him.

"Hmph, although I don't know what conspiracy you have coming to Konoha, but I will definitely stop you." Sasuke said coldly, "Come on, let me see what your true face is!" 5.5 Gaara suddenly shouted with a headache, his face The sand armor on the top is peeling off: "Kill you! I must kill you!"

Gaara yelled in pain: "You are mine! Prey!"

Half of Gaara's body quickly disappeared, and a monster-like arm gradually appeared in front of Sasuke's eyes.

"Come let me feel it!" Gaara sprinted straight at Sasuke.

Boom! The monster's arm hit the tree Sasuke was standing on.

"Are you afraid of me! Uchiha Sasuke! Come out!" Gaara roared in the jungle. "Are you afraid of my existence! Sasuke!"

Sasuke slowly took off the weight-bearing training suit behind a tree.

Eyes become sharp!

On (one whoosh)!

ps. Ask for the first order! 5 more! Thank you for your support all the time!.

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