I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 948 Fly, Big Needle Bee! Trapped evolution!

942 skipped to the end of Volume 30 again due to unknown reasons, it really has nothing to do with me, you have to believe me ()

830-917-942 is now at the end of Volume Thirty.


Rely on the avatar to get close to the dragon, and at the same time deceive the means prepared by the dragon.

Now the dragon has been completely exposed to the poisonous sting of the big needle bee.

The big needle bee rushed to the dragon.

At this time, the dragon suddenly turned over.

"You are fine, so, die to me!"

Bailiyuan felt stunned for a second.

Although the giant dragon was injured, even though he was blind in one eye, as a giant dragon, how could he just wait to die, let alone a fallen dragon!

An inexplicable deterrent appeared on the giant dragon.


The giant dragon mobilized its own dragon power to fight against the will of the big needle bee.

Then the dragon opened its mouth.

"Give it to me, die! Roar—"

Dragon's breath!

But this time the dragon's breath is a little different from before, it is no longer pure green, but mixed with blood.

This dragon's breath doesn't seem to be as powerful as the previous dragon's breath, and its range is much smaller.

But it is more solid, and has stronger destructive power, because this is the dragon's breath spewed out by the giant dragon's life and power!

Dragon's breath and deadly needles collide.


In the breath of the dragon, the big needle bee crazily output its power, trying to pierce the tail needle into the dragon's body.

Finally, the big needle bee broke the dragon's breath, and the tail needle pierced the dragon's neck.

The dragon's breath dissipated, and a figure floated down from the sky.

Bailiyuan rushed out immediately, jumped into the air to catch the falling figure, and then fell to the ground.

What fell was the big needle bee.

The dragon used up too much of the power of the deadly acupuncture by relying on the burning blood and the breath of the dragon, but the deadly acupuncture did not kill the dragon.

Still the same sentence, the long-lasting ability of the big needle bee is a bit worse, and it is lost in the racial gap after all.

However, the giant dragon was not feeling well either, and was clutching his neck in pain and rolling in the air.

The big needle bee's body was still emitting heat, and he was injured. After all, the dragon's breath erupted in front of the big needle bee. If the big needle bee hadn't used it in time to defend it in time, he might be seriously injured and on the verge of death.

The big needle bee was lying in Bailiyuan's arms, looking at the sky, there was no movement, if it wasn't for her breathing, people would almost think she was dead.

But the current situation is obviously not good.

After the outbreak, the aura of the big needle bee dissipated, but what made the big needle bee more difficult to face than the pain on his body was that he failed to kill the dragon.

Wanting to hone herself with the dragon, the opportunity was in front of her, but she didn't seize it.

In terms of the character of the big needle bee, such a blow is huge.

"Xiaoyuan, the state of the big needle bee is not right. If this hurdle cannot be overcome, it may be very difficult for the big needle bee to go further in the future." Caroline's voice sounded,

On the road of practice, mentality and momentum are particularly important.

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

"Yuanen, it's not good, come back quickly, the dragon is about to recover, let's deal with it together!" shouted Rudolph in the distance.

However, Bailiyuan didn't reply.

Bailiyuan raised his head and looked at the giant dragon gradually recovering in the air.

Is it to comfort the big needle bee, and then do it yourself...

Baili Yuan gritted her teeth, knelt on the ground and raised the big needle bee in her arms.

"Big Needle Bee, I believe in you!"

The big needle bee's wings moved.

"Do you still remember the unicorn in the Viridian Forest who was kicked out of the group because of a different color? Although it is weak, it is unyielding. It has pride in its heart and believes that it can fly into the sky. Those who look down on her will always be hers." Transcendent, now that she is flying, is she going to fall?"

Bailiyuan stood up.

"Fly, Big Needle Bee, I will always stand behind you. If you fall, I will use my body to support you, and I will never let you fall to the ground! Whenever! Wherever!" Bailiyuan said loudly.

After Bailiyuan's words fell, the big needle bee's wings finally flapped again.


Big Needle Bee's physical strength began to recover.

"Look, that edge en and his summoned beast seem to be glowing!" Fino said suddenly.

Others have seen it, and sure enough, Baili Yuan's body is really glowing at this time, and this light is connected to the big needle bee!

"No, hurry up to support, the dragon is coming down!" Lena exclaimed.

At this time, the giant dragon had already swooped down on Big Needle Bee and Baili Yuan, as if wanting to kill them directly.

"I'll go!" Rudolph rushed towards Bailiyuan holding his shield.

At this moment, a beam of light bloomed from the bodies of Bailiyuan and Big Needle Bee, rushed into the sky, rushed out of the canyon, and dispersed the poisonous mist in the air.

The rushing dragon was ejected by the power of the beam of light, and Rudolf also hurriedly stopped, looking at the position of the beam of light together with the others in surprise.

In fact, Bailiyuan was also very surprised by the beam of light that bloomed. Just now he felt a power gushing out of his body and entered the body of the big needle bee, but this was the first time he felt this power.

At this time, the big needle bee in his hand slowly floated up, shrouded in the light of evolution, and its appearance changed.

"This is……"

Baili Yuan's eyes widened, and he realized what the power gushing out of his body was.

"Tie and transform!"

The Sixth Emblem's innate ability, tied to evolution.

Bailiyuan understood this ability.

When the bond between him and other creatures reaches a certain level, it can produce transformation and evolution beyond the limit, and it is two-way, it can be the transformation of the other party, or it can be the transformation of Bailiyuan!

Now, it's the Big Needle Bee that transforms!

The light faded.

The evolved Big Needle Bee appeared in front of everyone.

But at this time, although the big needle bee has evolved beyond the limit, it is not the original super-evolved appearance.

It looks like a human!

It's still Bailiyuan's favorite Yujie type.

"Why is it in human form?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

But no one explained it to him, and even Caroline couldn't analyze the reason for a while.

"However, at this moment, there is your power of light in the body of the big needle bee, and it seems to be perfectly integrated." Caroline said.

The big needle bee turned around, and it was only then that Bailiyuan saw the big needle bee clearly.

Tall figure, uneven, with yellow and black patterned light armor on his body, his exposed arms and legs seemed to be covered with a layer of purple tights, on his arms were a pair of stabbing gun-like weapons, under the stabbing gun was a pair of slender With thin hands, the bee tail on the butt disappeared and turned into a human butt. A purple-black spear was hung on his waist. Under the slender legs was a pair of purple-black high-heeled combat boots.

On the back is a pair of huge bee wings, and on the head is a helmet in the shape of a large needle wasp, which vaguely resembles the original appearance of a large needle wasp, covering the upper half of the face, revealing the lower mouth and white chin.

Baili Yuan opened his mouth wide and blinked his eyes.

"This isn't evolution anymore, is it? This is completely a magic transformation!"

The big needle bee was floating in the air looking down at Bailiyuan.

"Don't forget what you said."


Baili Yuan was startled, the big needle bee actually spoke?

The big needle bee didn't answer, the corners of its mouth curled up, it turned to face the dragon, raised one arm, and pointed the tip of the lance on the arm at the dragon.

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