I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 947 Big Needle Bee VS Giant Dragon

Rudolph, who spat out blood, felt much more relaxed.

"When...could it be the time of the impact?" Rudolph's eyes changed, and the others were also shocked.

Longte also recalled the memory of the poisonous dragon.

"No, if it is really a poisonous dragon, it will be troublesome. Although the defense and power of the poisonous dragon are weaker, the power of the poison is more terrifying, and if it touches other creatures, it can kill other creatures at any time. Poison, or even control the toxin to hide in other organisms, and then erupt at any time, or even spread, there have been records of poisonous dragons poisoning a town by this means."

"No wonder the power of this giant dragon is weaker." Rudolph said.

Fino drew out his long sword with a serious face.

"True fighters don't back down...Rudoluff and I stall for time, everyone fights and retreats!"

Regarding the fact that the poison he had poisoned was lifted, the giant dragon did not express anything, but his smile did not diminish.

One of the dragon's paws was held in a false grip.

"Brave? You are really lucky. You are not the first batch of humans to find me, but you are definitely the most valuable people I have ever killed. I will kill you here today. Don't worry, all the brave and the brave team Human skulls will become my precious collection."

The poisonous mist slowly drifted out from the dragon's mouth.

It's not that the brave has no record of dying halfway, and the dragon also wants to be the existence that kills the brave once.

The members of the Brave Squad were not afraid, but gripped their weapons tightly.

"We've heard this kind of trash talk a lot, but I will never let you succeed, let alone hurt my partner!" Fino said loudly.

Bailiyuan looked at Fino and raised his eyebrows. Through the power of his heart, he felt that Fino seemed to be shining.

This is the glory of humanity!

Holiness from the soul!

"No wonder he was selected as a brave man." Baili Yuan thought to himself, "But could this be a sign of a seed explosion?"

"Hehehe, brave man, you know, you are quite unfortunate, why do you resist? The people of the Dark Legion are all over the world, and the power they control is beyond your imagination. No matter where you go, you will face A more terrifying enemy, might as well die obediently in my hands."

"So what? Even if I am an enemy of the whole world, I will still bring my partners to smash your conspiracy and darkness!" Fino said.

"Haha, no matter what you say, I will take your lives today!" the giant dragon roared, and poisonous mist spewed out from its mouth.

"Ready to fight!" Rudolf shouted.

No one chooses to escape alone at this time.

Even if the world is against him, he will fight side by side with him. This is a companion.

At this time, Baili Yuan's expression changed, he frowned, finally smiled, and then walked out of the brave team, surprising the rest of the brave team.

"Yuanen, what are you doing?" Longte shouted.

Baili Yuan waved his hand, and then stuck the Thorn Dragon Spear in his hand on the ground.

However, the giant dragon focused its attention on the Thorn Dragon Spear, and exclaimed, "It's an artifact! The shape of the gun...is the Thorn Dragon Spear! No wonder I can feel the dragon's breath on you!"

Artifact? !

The others naturally knew what the artifact was, so their eyes changed again and again when they looked at Baili Yuan's back.

You carry an artifact spear and tell us you're a summoner...wait, but he actually summoned "Warcraft".

Bailiyuan was not surprised that the dragon could recognize the Thorn Dragon Spear, but the breath of the giant dragon was not only from the Thorn Dragon Spear, Baili Yuan also had the contract of two giant dragons on his body.

The giant dragon looked at Baili Yuan greedily.

Who wouldn't want an artifact?

"The strength of this giant dragon is half-legendary, but the power of the poison system is not so easy to deal with..." Bailiyuan said to himself.

Although everyone's strength is not bad, it is very difficult to win if there is no good means to face the poisonous fog. Although Priest Wright has means to target poison skills, he is obviously not a specialist.

"However, it is not without a solution. To deal with poisonous enemies, you must either have restraint, or...they are also poisonous!"

Daddy said, use magic to defeat magic!

"Leave this game to me, one of my partners is very interested in this giant dragon!"

Baili Yuan held his hand, the light lit up, and the figure of the big needle bee appeared beside Baili Yuan.

It was the big needle bee who contacted Bailiyuan just now, that's why Bailiyuan decided to come out.

The Big Needle Bee's level has not yet reached level 80, but it is over 70. It is just right to face the half-step legendary dragon.

Bailiyuan naturally understood why the big needle bee came out.

She wants to use this poisonous giant dragon to break through that barrier and reach a higher level!

However, with the size of the big needle bee, it can be regarded as a small bug in the face of this poisonous dragon.

But the big needle bee is not afraid.

"Be careful! I trust you!" Baili Yuan said.

The big needle bee nodded, and then flew into the air.

"Yuanen, this..." The others came to Baili Yuan's side, hesitating to speak.

They don't understand why Bailiyuan jumps out when there is a large group and needs to solo.

"Let's go up and help." Fino suggested.

Bailiyuan stopped them.

"Give it to the big needle bee, this is the big needle bee's choice, I owe you a favor this time."

"Don't be brave, we can help too." Longte said.

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"This is Big Needle Bee's decision."


Rudolph stopped Wright who wanted to continue talking.

Looking at Baili Yuan's eyes, Rudolufu felt Baili Yuan's thoughts.

"We are ready to fight at any time, and if there is an accident, we will take action." Rudolph said.

"Thank you." Baili Yuan nodded.

This was caused by Bailiyuan's unfamiliarity with them. Bailiyuan couldn't integrate into the team for the time being, and there was a barrier between him and the others.

While the few people were talking, the big needle bee and the giant dragon had already fought each other.

"Die, bug!"

The giant dragon spewed out a mouthful of poisonous mist.

The rock walls of the canyon seemed to be corroded when they touched the poisonous mist, making a squeaking sound.

However, the big needle wasp was not afraid, and the same poisonous mist was released from its body.

Poison fruit!

The poisonous mist of the big needle bee overwhelmed the poisonous mist of the dragon.

The disdainful dragon's eyes changed.

"My poisonous mist has been suppressed?"

"The poisonous mist of the big needle bee is much heavier than your poisonous mist!"

If you look carefully, you will find that the poisonous mist of the big needle bee is not purely gaseous, but contains liquid venom!

The Big Needle Bee suddenly moved, turned into an afterimage and charged into the poisonous mist, and under the cover of the poisonous mist, approached the giant dragon.

Poison attack!

"court death!"

The dragon felt the provocation of the big needle bee and roared angrily.

The figure of the big needle bee paused, feeling the air around her become tighter, and squeezed towards her.

"It's Long Wei!" Long Te explained.

"No!" Fino exclaimed.

Under everyone's gaze, the sharp nail of one of the giant dragon's claws directly pierced the body of the giant needle wasp.

Bailiyuan didn't panic.

"Hehe, die... what?"

The rest of the brave team also widened their eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, the body of the big needle bee turned into a lump of purple poisonous mud, and then it exploded, making the dragon's hands tremble, and the body kept retreating.

Poison Stand Bomb!

With the help of the poisonous fruit, the skill produced by fusing the double and the sludge bomb is very powerful.

And the body of the big needle bee...

The figure of the big needle bee appeared beside the dragon, and two poisonous needles mercilessly pierced one of the dragon's eyes.

Double needle!


The giant dragon let out a painful roar, and the dragon's blood spilled.

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